The Donald Trump Lie-Tracker

Oh ok, so Obama's lies aren't as BIG as Trumps, right? He's still lying through his teeth, but since he's Obama, his lies are ok.
I never said anything about Obama's lies, nor did I say anything he has said is okay. I invite you to start an Obama lie thread, but that doesn't have quite the same interest to me since he's no longer POTUS.

I just want to make sure that's where you stand.
My stance is the president should be called out on blatantly obvious lies, and I find it interesting that a thread where the topic is Donald Trump's lies attracts his followers to try to change the subject to someone who is no longer the president.

I'm just wanting to see the thread you made about Obama and his blatant lies during his 8 years as president since you seem to pretend like you're so interested in bringing attention to lies the president states. I shouldn't have to make a thread about Obama's lies since you seem to be so worried about presidential lies, I expected you to have made one. What? You didn't?????

So go ahead and show me your Obama lies thread. Thanks.
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"In one year GITMO will be closed" – Barack Hussein Obama
IMO his worst lie was the whopper on healthcare, where nobody will have to change plans or doctors.

But then again, this is a thread about Trump the CURRENT president not someone who is no longer one.
I'm just wanting to see the thread you made about Obama and his blatant lies during his 8 years as president since you seem to pretend like you're so interested in bringing attention to lies the president states.
Obama isn't president, so no I'm not really interested in Obama anymore since this is a thread in the CURRENT EVENTS section and Trump is our current president. He is the one representing our country right now.

So go ahead and show me your Obama lies thread. Thanks.
I find it quite telling that in a thread about Trump (our current president) you are fixated on Obama instead. If you want to make a thread about lies a previous thread started help yourself I think it would be interesting. Maybe the history or politics forum might be more appropriate, but your call.
I'm not fixated on Obama, I'm fixated on presidential lies. Since Trump has only been president for a matter of weeks, and Obama 8 years and you seem to really care about presidential lies, I expected you to have made a thread about Obamas lies.

So go ahead and show me that thread or admit you don't give a damn about Obama's lies, you want to make Trump look bad.
I'm not fixated on Obama, I'm fixated on presidential lies. Since Trump has only been president for a matter of weeks, and Obama 8 years and you seem to really care about presidential lies, I expected you to have made a thread about Obamas lies.
I care about lies being told by the president, and this is the current events forum so that would be the current president. See the thread title? It has the word "Trump" in it. Yet here you are winding back towards Obama.

So go ahead and show me that thread or admit you don't give a damn about Obama's lies, you want to make Trump look bad.
What thread, I never said there I made a thread about Obama, I'm in the current events forum here and Trump is the current president. There is no requirement that anything negative about a politician be balanced out by a negative thread about another one who doesn't hold office anymore, well except with people who strangely believe attacking Obama is an appropriate response to a list of lies Trump has been telling.

I haven't talked much about Obama on here (again, he isn't president) but all I can offer you is me arguing with others about the lies he told on health care:
We Have a President Who Actually Works

If you'd like my input on other Obama lies go start a thread about it. Send me a link I'll give my opinion.
I'm not fixated on Obama, I'm fixated on presidential lies.
Given your professed interest on this subject, it is strange that you've failed to offer any comment on the Trump lies listed in this thread. Instead you've just been screeching about my posting history lacking threads in a current events forum about someone who isn't currently president.
Gotcha. You don't give a rats ass about presidents lying, just about Trump.

Ok, that's all I needed to know. Thanks.
All presidents lie, the ones he said were silly shit like I never voted for the Iraq war or supported it or whatever? Really? Talk about living in the past. The iraq war was in 2003. So if we can reference a lie Trump said for something in 2003 we can reference 8 years of Obama lies from 2008 to 2016, right?
Gotcha. You don't give a rats ass about presidents lying, just about Trump.
Your conclusion is poor and comes about because you're clearly a Trump apologist.

I am interested in the CURRENT president who represents our country today, posted in the CURRENT events forum. You are the one who came to a thread about Trump crying about unequal coverage for Obama, who isn't the president.
It really is pathetic how easy it is to get the brainwashed trump cultist to come out and foolishly attempt to defend him on a topic like his pathological serial lying. They are the only people in the world that believe anything he says.
First you have to show us a lie that he's told. You just disagreeing with him on policy is not a lie
All presidents lie, the ones he said were silly shit like I never voted for the Iraq war or supported it or whatever? Really? Talk about living in the past. The iraq war was in 2003. So if we can reference a lie Trump said for something in 2003 we can reference 8 years of Obama lies from 2008 to 2016, right?
I didn't post anything about what Trump said in 2003 about the Iraq war, you did. Hilarious you're referring to something I never said as "we can reference" in your continued desperate and pathetic attempts at distraction.
All presidents lie, the ones he said were silly shit like I never voted for the Iraq war or supported it or whatever? Really? Talk about living in the past. The iraq war was in 2003. So if we can reference a lie Trump said for something in 2003 we can reference 8 years of Obama lies from 2008 to 2016, right?
I didn't post anything about what Trump said in 2003 about the Iraq war, you did. Hilarious you're referring to something I never said as "we can reference" in your continued desperate and pathetic attempts at distraction.

I never said that YOU said that. But it wasn't me that brought it up. You might want to actually read the thread. That quote came from this post:

The Donald Trump Lie-Tracker

I didn't bring it up, I referenced it saying if we go back that far, lets go back to Obama then.

But no, the murder rate isn't the highest it's been in 47 years. Whats good is despite record gun ownership, the murder rate is actually very low. Thank you gun owners!!!! Guns don't kill, they save, we need more guns!!
I never said that YOU said that. But it wasn't me that brought it up. You might want to actually read the thread. Those quote came from this post
Ah so you are confronting me about what someone else said. I don't care what someone else said as I don't share your bizarre obsession with user's posting histories over the actual subject of the thread. That would be Donald Trump (our current president) for the synapse challenged, this being the current events forum.
Well, in the current events section, they are referencing things he said 15 years ago. So which is it, current events, or just Trump?

It appears that for you, if its about Obama, its not current so its not valid. But about trump, no problems going back 15 years. When conservatives would bring up Obama's lies during his presidency liberals on this forum would talk about Bush's lies and he hadn't been president for 7 years. Obama was president just 3 months ago, and yet you're saying that's not current.

You ask me about my opinion of the lies he's told, and I reference one stated in this very thread and you say "So you're bringing up quotes that I didn't say." What the fuck dude? You ask me about the fucking quotes and I state them and you say you didn't say them so why bring up.

Just admit you're a fucking liberal and move on. Jeez, it's not that hard.
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Well, in the current events section, they are referencing things he said 15 years ago. So which is it, current events, or just Trump? It appears that for you, if its about Obama, its not current so its not valid. But about trump, no problems going back 15 years.
Nope. You're saying "for you" while knowing full well I've not said commented on anything Trump said 15 years ago. You introduced that into our conversation as a strawman, and following through with the strawman fallacy playbook are now attributing it to me so you can attack it.

Pretty feeble dude you should be embarrassed. Anyone trying that might as well tattoo "I can't hold my own in this debate" on their forehead

Just admit you're a fucking liberal who sucks Obama cum dick and move on. Jeez, it's not that hard.
Ahhh now you're really showing what we knew all along. You're here as a typical braindead partisan hack who's mission is to defend Donald Trump regardless of what he says/does. "Fucking liberal" hah hah you poor shallow minded little fleeb.

LOL He made a pie chart !! LOLOLOL

WTF dude? How do I debate you? Huh?

You're saying "for you" while knowing full well I've not said commented on anything Trump said 15 years ago.

No, you said why don't you comment on the actual subject of the thread. So I did, I directly referenced ONE OF THE FUCKING QUOTES FROM THE FUCKING THREAD AND COMMENTED ON IT. You didn't like it, so you crawfish away saying "I didn't say that." I don't give a fuck who said it, you want me to comment on the fucking thread I did.

You don't like it so fuck off. I'm done with your stupid liberal ass.
WTF dude? How do I debate you? Huh?
Apparently by focusing on what someone else said instead of me, and showing your true shallow-minded partisan behavior by calling people fucking liberals because they dare to have a thread critical of a president that you support.

No, you said why don't you comment on the actual subject of the thread. So I did, I directly referenced ONE OF THE FUCKING QUOTES FROM THE FUCKING THREAD AND COMMENTED ON IT. You didn't like it, so you crawfish away saying "I didn't say that." I don't give a fuck who said it, you want me to comment on the fucking thread I did.
Negative. You keep using that comment with posts directed at me, when I didn't make it. Tactic commonly seen by simpletons who can't hold their own.

You don't like it so fuck off. I'm done with your stupid liberal ass.
I'm not a liberal, but it is common to see low intelligence people with strong political leanings make the kneejerk conclusion that anyone who is critical of someone on their political side must belong to the opposing political side. Don't worry, people on the left do it too so you're not the only partisan dumbfuck.
Gallup: "Trump's approval rating is 35%."

Reality: "But only 50% vote. That means his approval with voters is 70%!"

Win where it matters.

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