The Donald Trump Lie-Tracker

It really is pathetic how easy it is to get the brainwashed trump cultist to come out and foolishly attempt to defend him on a topic like his pathological serial lying. They are the only people in the world that believe anything he says.
First you have to show us a lie that he's told. You just disagreeing with him on policy is not a lie

Here ya go. Over 100 of them here just for starters.
Ya, but you have to use huge graphics and take up lots of page space to make it look like the quantity of lies are comparative. And still, you are not denying trump is a liar, you are deflecting away from that fact by accusing others of being liars also. Even if they are, that still leaves trump as a prolific liar.
The rebuttal was valid in the way it was presented. So don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.
Anyone remember the time that Trump said he had to duck sniper fire at an airport in Bosnia when in reality that never happened?

Usually when people lie they have a reason to lie. They have something to gain or perhaps tell a little white lie to avoid hurting somebody's feelings. But is this example Trump had absolutely nothing to gain by telling the lie. He just lied for no apparent reason.

The only people who do that are pathological compulsive liars. It's a mental disorder that is rarely treated because the people afflicted cannot admit to themselves that they have a mental illness.
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