The Donald's Overseas Winning Streak Continues: Now at The Vatican! Watch it LIVE on FOX


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
I say FOX because I assume the other cable networks are whining about the fake Russia meddling hoax 24/7. :p
I say FOX because I assume the other cable networks are whining about the fake Russia meddling hoax 24/7. :p

I love it when "winning streak" and "success" are that the President manages to get through a whole day without making himself look like a stupid idiot.
If one calls "winning" traveling abroad and, in effect, playing "Santa Claus" in Saudi Arabia, nevermind that the deals have been under negotiation for years, yep, he's winning.

What did he actually accomplish in Israel? Best I can tell, he took (had taken of him) what amounts to a ton of "souvenir photographs" of him at several iconic places, attended several parties, and agreed to expanding (in terms of materiel delivered) the arms transfer arrangement that already exists between the U.S. and Israel, the last of which was "in the works" before he left the U.S. and certainly benefit from his going playing "Santa Claus" with it.
  • Did he reduce the ambiguity with which he earlier spoke of the one or two-state solution? No.
  • Did he so much as mention "settlements?" No.
  • Did he mention any plan having to do with Palestinian refugees? No.
In short, Trump went abroad -- thus far to two nations -- and didn't f*ck-up anything. Millions of tourists do that daily. But if you want to set the president's bar that low, I guess it could be called "winning." In any case, it's not my idea of "winning."
If one calls "winning" traveling abroad and, in effect, playing "Santa Claus" in Saudi Arabia, nevermind that the deals have been under negotiation for years, yep, he's winning.

What did he actually accomplish in Israel? Best I can tell, he took (had taken of him) what amounts to a ton of "souvenir photographs" of him at several iconic places, attended several parties, and agreed to expanding (in terms of materiel delivered) the arms transfer arrangement that already exists between the U.S. and Israel, the last of which was "in the works" before he left the U.S. and certainly benefit from his going playing "Santa Claus" with it.
  • Did he reduce the ambiguity with which he earlier spoke of the one or two-state solution? No.
  • Did he so much as mention "settlements?" No.
  • Did he mention any plan having to do with Palestinian refugees? No.
In short, Trump went abroad -- thus far to two nations -- and didn't f*ck-up anything. Millions of tourists do that daily. But if you want to set the president's bar that low, I guess it could be called "winning." In any case, it's not my idea of "winning."

This guy watches CNN - and in all likelihood nothing else.
Strange that the "pope" never learned English. By the way, instead of the "pope" apologizing for the qu33rs of the cloth molesting children, he tells The Donald about "climate change" not realizing The Donald has not made America great again since currently all the factories are in Mexico or in Asia. :p

Pope asks Trump to be peacemaker, gives him environmental letter

Strange that the "pope" never learned English.

You tell me, does he speak better English than you speak Italian, German, French and Portuguese, which are the four languages in which he is fluent, in addition to his native Spanish?

Where Pope Francis Learned to Speak English

I can speak enough Mandarin, French, Japanese and Spanish to handle a variety of functional and "low level" social interactions, but I speak only English well enough and have a large enough vocabulary that I'd conduct business without a translator present. I suspect the Pope's English is comparable to my halting facility with all the other languages I poorly speak.

As for the Trumps:
  • Melania Trump: English, Slovene, Serbian, French and German.
  • Ivana Trump: at least English, Czech and Russian
  • Donald, Jr: English, Czech and French
  • Ivanka Trump: English and French
  • Arabella Kushner: English and Mandarin
  • Eric Trump: English and French
  • Marla Maples: English
  • Tiffany Trump: English and French
  • Baron Trump: English and Slovene
  • Donald Trump: English
What other POTUSes were multilingual? Since Herbert Hoover, purportedly only Bill Clinton.

I'm surprised that Kennedy didn't get noted for he graduated from Choate in the 1930s and I know for a fact that Choate and I know for a fact that back then one had to take four years of either Ancient Greek or Latin - most often chosen was Latin because, frankly, almost nobody wills to be held accountable for learning grammar rules that are more complicated than are modern English's (LOL). Ditto the two Bushes and FDR who went to Andover and Groton, respectively. Also, I'd have thought Trump would speak Latin or Greek as well seeing as he went to NYMA. Perhaps the article implicitly meant modern languages.

I suppose the expectation that Latin and Greek be learned at high school fell by the wayside as the "democratization" of enrollment at the elite institutions to which school like Groton, St. Paul's and so on "feed" students. Those institutions of higher learning can't very well require/expect such a thing if they must admit students who come from backgrounds that didn't require them to have studied one or the other.

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