The Drinking Age Is Past Its Prime

The laws are an example of good Conservative progressivism: using big government to influence politics, society, culture, etc.

Our underage kids have access to cars and drive while texting, etc.

Nope, keep the limit.
you make some very good logical points. But i disagree. I don't think anyone under 21 should be allowed to vote, be allowed to serve in the military, have to pay adult prices at the movies, or be able to legally consume alcohol.



I'm not exactly sure what that emoticon means, but I take it you disagree. Why?

Do you think the 18 to 21 crowd in the United States have proven beyond all doubt that they are mature enough to handle all these things in a mature and responsible way?

How can they when we make outlaws out of them for merely having a beer?
The laws are an example of good Conservative progressivism: using big government to influence politics, society, culture, etc.

Our underage kids have access to cars and drive while texting, etc.

Nope, keep the limit.

What's the link between politics and 18 to 21 drinking?
You make some very good logical points. But I disagree. I don't think anyone under 21 should be allowed to vote, be allowed to serve in the military, have to pay adult prices at the movies, or be able to legally consume alcohol.

People mature at different rates. With many folks younger than 21 it would be no problem. With many it would be a big problem. Picking an arbitrary age and drawing the line there is not going to produce the best possible solution - but imho - it's better than the alternative.

Maybe we should make everyone be 26. If you aren't able to live without your parents insurance maybe you can't be trusted to drive, drink, join the military or anything else either.
They had states that did lower the drinking age and studies found in those states that it didn't work out too well, the states then reversed the law.
Not sure that an 18 year old (for most) haven't matured enough emotionally. Know, I didn't do well drinking when I was that young...I was downright stupid.

I'm not exactly sure what that emoticon means, but I take it you disagree. Why?

Do you think the 18 to 21 crowd in the United States have proven beyond all doubt that they are mature enough to handle all these things in a mature and responsible way?

How can they when we make outlaws out of them for merely having a beer?

How can they what? handle military service, drinking, voting, and paying adult prices at the movies maturely because we don't sell them beer? I think that's a stretch - how many kids are turned into "outlaws" (what exactly does that mean) for getting caught with a beer? Do they get jail time (or juvy time)? I haven't heard of that, not for a beer.
They had states that did lower the drinking age and studies found in those states that it didn't work out too well, the states then reversed the law.
Not sure that an 18 year old (for most) haven't matured enough emotionally. Know, I didn't do well drinking when I was that young...I was downright stupid.

OK - this is where someone quips - some things never change.

Ok, SORRY - SORRY - it was just a silly joke.
oppression only works for the oppressor.

for our own good we will loose all freedoms.

guns, drugs, alcohol, drinking age, gambling, etc, etc

So are you advocating lowering the drinking age?

Give it back to the states, who are supposed to be the ones setting laws for alcohol consumption, as per the 21st amendment.

The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.

The federal government got around this by tying a 21 year old drinking age to federal highway funds, which is an end run if I have ever seen one. A court should have found this unconstitutional but one cannot rely on the courts these days.
I've been making this argument for years. No other western nation has the kinds of restrictions on alcohol that we do, yet we're supposed to be the "freest" country in the world. The paranoia we have over 18 to 20 year olds consuming alcohol is a waste of billions of dollars a year in enforcement that frankly has failed. I don't know a single person who has not illegally consumed alcohol prior to their 21st birthday. Furthermore, the pressure it puts on business owners and people who serve alcohol as part of their job is burdensome and penalties oppressive. People need to take their heads out of their asses and realize that prohibition does not work. Teach responsibility instead. It's worked just fine in the rest of the world.

Camille Paglia: Alcohol Drinking Age of 21 Is Too High - TIME

I have to disagree, young people toady are more clueless and immature than ever. Pop culture keeps their heads down and they pay practically no attention to the world around them. Now our fine government has relieved them of financial responsibility for their health care till age 26, which will only contribute to further irresponsibility. As for enforcement, it always will be an issue regardless, that would be eliminated only if all restrictions were removed.
You make some very good logical points. But I disagree. I don't think anyone under 21 should be allowed to vote, be allowed to serve in the military, have to pay adult prices at the movies, or be able to legally consume alcohol.

People mature at different rates. With many folks younger than 21 it would be no problem. With many it would be a big problem. Picking an arbitrary age and drawing the line there is not going to produce the best possible solution - but imho - it's better than the alternative.

Maybe we should make everyone be 26. If you aren't able to live without your parents insurance maybe you can't be trusted to drive, drink, join the military or anything else either.

Really good point - we have all these arbitrary points in our lives when we are all of the sudden supposed to be "mature" and "self sufficient."

you are an adult at:
12 if you are going to a movie
16 if you want a driver's license
18 if you want to join the military
21 if you want to drink
26 to get kick off mom & dad's insurance

I guess maybe it can be argued that we are gradually increasing the responsibility and the expectations as we move along, but that would assume that joining the military requires less responsibility than kicking back a cold one.

I don't get it. But my knee-jerk is to say 21 for everything with the possible exception of driving because of the hardship that would create for mom & dad's taxi service.
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I'm not exactly sure what that emoticon means, but I take it you disagree. Why?

Do you think the 18 to 21 crowd in the United States have proven beyond all doubt that they are mature enough to handle all these things in a mature and responsible way?

Has any age group demonstrated they can handle things in a mature and responsible way? If this were the barometer for our rights we wouldn't have any.
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Of course you can argue its people's responsibility not to drink and drive but remember that the next time so vodka fueled 19 year old runs into your wife's car and kills her.

What about when a 29 year old does it?
The idea was to keep alcohol away from teens, where the majority of teen car fatalities involved alcohol. As much as I would oppose the policy, it worked. When the drinking age went up to 21 the death rate from alcohol-related traffic fatalities in the under 21 crowd went down.

Of course you can argue its people's responsibility not to drink and drive but remember that the next time so vodka fueled 19 year old runs into your wife's car and kills her.

By the 'saving lives' standard, it can be argued that gun control laws work too. IMO, that alone is wildly insufficient to conclude that it's sound policy.
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Really loving all the "small government" being espoused by the conservatives in this thread. Entirely predictable since they don't actually believe in it.
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You make some very good logical points. But I disagree. I don't think anyone under 21 should be allowed to vote, be allowed to serve in the military, have to pay adult prices at the movies, or be able to legally consume alcohol.

People mature at different rates. With many folks younger than 21 it would be no problem. With many it would be a big problem. Picking an arbitrary age and drawing the line there is not going to produce the best possible solution - but imho - it's better than the alternative.

Maybe we should make everyone be 26. If you aren't able to live without your parents insurance maybe you can't be trusted to drive, drink, join the military or anything else either.

Really good point - we have all these arbitrary points in our lives when we are all of the sudden supposed to be "mature" and "self sufficient."

you are an adult at:
12 if you are going to a movie
16 if you want a driver's license
18 if you want to join the military
21 if you want to drink
26 to get kick off mom & dad's insurance

I guess maybe it can be argued that we are gradually increasing the responsibility and the expectations as we move along, but that would assume that joining the military requires less responsibility than kicking back a cold one.

I don't get it. But my knee-jerk is to say 21 for everything with the possible exception of driving because of the hardship that would create for mom & dad's taxi service.

It's what we get when we turn over parenting responsibilities to government. They don't know you or your kid so hey attempt to find some arbitrary median age.

I was driving good enough for farm work at 12. By 14 I was driving into town to pick stuff up. Other kids can't seem to get the hang of it...well, ever in some cases. There are some horrible 40 year old drivers with decades of experience.

The drinking age for me was 18, it was fine. My brother? 21 because Colorado changed the law on a whim. So I was ok to drink at 18 and he wasn't just because the law makers decided.

Just plain stupid.
I've been making this argument for years. No other western nation has the kinds of restrictions on alcohol that we do, yet we're supposed to be the "freest" country in the world. The paranoia we have over 18 to 20 year olds consuming alcohol is a waste of billions of dollars a year in enforcement that frankly has failed. I don't know a single person who has not illegally consumed alcohol prior to their 21st birthday. Furthermore, the pressure it puts on business owners and people who serve alcohol as part of their job is burdensome and penalties oppressive. People need to take their heads out of their asses and realize that prohibition does not work. Teach responsibility instead. It's worked just fine in the rest of the world.

Camille Paglia: Alcohol Drinking Age of 21 Is Too High - TIME

Our government knows what's best for me and will allow me to drink alcohol at the appropriate time.
Really loving all the "small government" being espoused by the conservatives in this thread. Entirely predictable since they don't actually believe in it.

That is really lame, there is a place for government, this happens to be one of them, we have a big enough problem with 21+ drinking drivers, there's no need to add millions of 18+ to the mix. Actually I should say millions of 16+ because the ones 18 will provide alcohol to their younger friends, just like 21 year olds do now.
Maybe we should make everyone be 26. If you aren't able to live without your parents insurance maybe you can't be trusted to drive, drink, join the military or anything else either.

Really good point - we have all these arbitrary points in our lives when we are all of the sudden supposed to be "mature" and "self sufficient."

you are an adult at:
12 if you are going to a movie
16 if you want a driver's license
18 if you want to join the military
21 if you want to drink
26 to get kick off mom & dad's insurance

I guess maybe it can be argued that we are gradually increasing the responsibility and the expectations as we move along, but that would assume that joining the military requires less responsibility than kicking back a cold one.

I don't get it. But my knee-jerk is to say 21 for everything with the possible exception of driving because of the hardship that would create for mom & dad's taxi service.

It's what we get when we turn over parenting responsibilities to government. They don't know you or your kid so hey attempt to find some arbitrary median age.

I was driving good enough for farm work at 12. By 14 I was driving into town to pick stuff up. Other kids can't seem to get the hang of it...well, ever in some cases. There are some horrible 40 year old drivers with decades of experience.

The drinking age for me was 18, it was fine. My brother? 21 because Colorado changed the law on a whim. So I was ok to drink at 18 and he wasn't just because the law makers decided.

Just plain stupid.

Really great points. What do you think some workable alternatives would be?
Obama and his gang think that a person is too stupid to look after his/her own health care and need to be covered under the parents' health plan. This gang probably thinks that a person should live under the parents' roof as well at least until the age of 26.

Since Democrats and especially Obama are infallible and wise beyond the understanding of ordinary people, and they think - nay, they KNOW - that a person is not capable to exist independently under the age of 26, why not make 26 the legal drinking age?

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