The Earth Needs More CO2, Not Less

well if they could climb it what side would that be? You ain't fking very intelligent are you?
You going to climb over after them dufus. Cause the agents aren’t dumbo. Maybe they just unlock a door. You’re hilariously stupid. So which side will they wait for these illegals on ? Then what, drive around and hope the illegals will wait fir them, or let the 8 year olds climb back over.
You going to climb over after them dufus. Cause the agents aren’t dumbo. Maybe they just unlock a door. You’re hilariously stupid. So which side will they wait for these illegals on ? Then what, drive around and hope the illegals will wait fir them, or let the 8 year olds climb back over.
oh so the illegals wouldn't be climbing over, another lie by you, then there's no one to pick up in the US.
Do the experiment yourself. Take temperature of the air on a hot day and compare it to the ground temperature. You need to take the temperature of the ground a few inches below the surface.

I planted grass seed two weeks ago and nothing has sprouted even though the air temperature is warm enough, the ground is still too cold for seed to sprout. It will take several more weeks for the air to warm the ground enough for seed to germinate.
the dirt in the ground isn't atmosphere, I asked you how two CO2 molecules in the atmosphere can warm the surface, not below the surface. You got you some issues like other warmers in here. Two CO2 molecules cool off and do not get warmer, because physics says so. Still not following the science huh?
that all illegals have been processed!!!! You made the statement right? prove it.
That’s a vague statement; bubba. If they are processed they get visas, and are they illegal? Think that through and get back to us.
without social security numbers? so they won't pay taxes?
That’s the businesses responsibility . They are the ones obligated to withhold your taxes….you did work at sometime right ?
the dirt in the ground isn't atmosphere, I asked you how two CO2 molecules in the atmosphere can warm the surface, not below the surface. You got you some issues like other warmers in here. Two CO2 molecules cool off and do not get warmer, because physics says so. Still not following the science huh?
You’ve been informed. You’re trolling dufus.
That’s a vague statement; bubba. If they are processed they get visas, and are they illegal? Think that through and get back to us.
As long as they complete asylum court they can become legal. Not until. But, the numbers of processed aren't the total of illegals, the statistics show more than half are never captured and processed. Why do you enjoy lying so much?

Just one report. You think they will increase our CO2?

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