The Earth Needs More CO2, Not Less

It is listed now as a pollutant. Not true but yep. The Libitards did that.
I don't know what a libtard is but CO2 is not a pollutant as Ive heard GOP reps say in committees. They are not well educated or very bright so what would you expect?
I don't know what a libtard is but CO2 is not a pollutant as Ive heard GOP reps say in committees. They are not well educated or very bright so what would you expect?
I’m sorry but there has been no GOP reps that claim CO2 is a pollutant. The GOP is pro coal and oil. The GOP doesn’t go for the climate change garbage. The Democrats are pro new renewable energy, anti-coal and oil and call CO2 a pollutant. You are an obvious libertard.
I’m sorry but there has been no GOP reps that claim CO2 is a pollutant. The GOP is pro coal and oil. The GOP doesn’t go for the climate change garbage. The Democrats are pro new renewable energy, anti-coal and oil and call CO2 a pollutant. You are an obvious libertard.
What's garbage about Climate Change. I've never heard a Democrat call CO2 a pollutant, maybe inadvertently but it's not. Your guys are anti science about mist things which is what you'd expect from poorly educated stupid people.
What's garbage about Climate Change. I've never heard a Democrat call CO2 a pollutant, maybe inadvertently but it's not. Your guys are anti science about mist things which is what you'd expect from poorly educated stupid people.
Probably because they have never done any research in climate science. Is co2 a pollutant ? Bet your ass it is. Nearly every gas is in more extreme amounts, certain locations and in conjunction with other substances or conditions. If that’s too advanced for pea brain deniers, gtf out of the way and stop posting the same old babble. As soon as you call co2 a greenhouse gas and a contributor to AGW, you’ve defined it as a pollutant.
To deny any GW is stupidity
At this point the GW train is a giant cash cow to those in power ..but this trend is real
The Earth's surface used to be so fucking hot that it was molten. It is just plain stupid to deny that there is a global cooling trend.
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The Earth's surface used to be so fucking hot that it was molten. It is just plain stupid to deny that there is a global cooling trend.
And Man was not around. If it gets that hot again, everyone will be gone. That’s the idea behind a situation deniers seem to know nothing about
What's garbage about Climate Change. I've never heard a Democrat call CO2 a pollutant, maybe inadvertently but it's not. Your guys are anti science about mist things which is what you'd expect from poorly educated stupid people.
You are a dunce. All your climate change scientists call it a pollutant. All your politicians call it a pollutant. Not the GOP. And that is because the Scientists who claim it’s the cause for rising temperatures are getting paid big money grants to do it. Remember the false “hockey stick.” All Democrats. At least own your crap.
You are a dunce. All your climate change scientists call it a pollutant.
No they don't. If you disagree, let's see some links (plural).
All your politicians call it a pollutant.
Some. Not many. Not "All". And they're fucking politicians. Who cares what they call it?
Not the GOP.
And that is because the Scientists who claim it’s the cause for rising temperatures are getting paid big money grants to do it.
Do you think it's mandatory to call it a pollutant to claim it's a greenhouse gas? Why not just call it a greenhouse gas... like they do.
Remember the false “hockey stick.” All Democrats. At least own your crap.
I remember the hockey stick. It was never false. Your side lied about it. Your side lies about scientists. Your side lies about science. Your side lies about the scientific method. Why don't you own YOUR crap.
No they don't. If you disagree, let's see some links (plural).

Some. Not many. Not "All". And they're fucking politicians. Who cares what they call it?


Do you think it's mandatory to call it a pollutant to claim it's a greenhouse gas? Why not just call it a greenhouse gas... like they do.

I remember the hockey stick. It was never false. Your side lied about it. Your side lies about scientists. Your side lies about science. Your side lies about the scientific method. Why don't you own YOUR crap.
The last statement says it all. Yes, it was always false. It was proved to be a lie. But at last, it's always been the Democrat who pushed population control. Then they called it Global Warming. Now they call it Climate Change. All based on forcing CO2 to be a pollutant. Democrats Designed the Climate Law to Be a Game Changer. Here’s How.
because the Scientists who claim it’s the cause for rising temperatures are getting paid big money grants to do it.
Fk imbecile. Scientists are paid to find FACTS. Not made up shit. You’re confused. With anti factual Fix News now looking at a 2 billion dollar suit, after paying 200 millions for fkin* lying. I suppose medical scientist are paid to let you die if cancer too. Foolish
Fk imbecile. Scientists are paid to find FACTS. Not made up shit. You’re confused. With anti factual Fix News now looking at a 2 billion dollar suit, after paying 200 millions for fkin* lying. I suppose medical scientist are paid to let you die if cancer too. Foolish
No, scientists work for corporations who seek grant money from the secular Democrat led government who promotes population control (Global Warming, Climate Change). As far as people still dying from cancer, remember back in the 1960's when the scientists said they were within 10 years of a cure for cancer? I do. What happened? Big money in chemo happened. It would be nice if all scientists were honest and not just trying to keep their lucrative jobs. But, they aren't. They are like everyone else, in it for the money. If not, we would have a cure for cancer.
No, scientists work for corporations who seek grant money from the secular Democrat led government who promotes population control (Global Warming, Climate Change)
Don’t be stupid. That’s the most ignorant post. You cannot name one major corporation that employs climate scientists in the entire world that are deniers. Name one ! Just one.
DEMOCRATS control the world now ?
G o ahead, name a denier major corporation…name one.
ANY any who employ scientist ….any illitertate.

Really…Are you saying democrats control the world ?
You can’t name one accredited University , one govt. or any military IN THE WORLD who are deniers…. Democrats ? The only republicans who deny climate change are the stupid Repugnants and MAGAs…..and white nationalists .
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As far as people still dying from cancer, remember back in the 1960's when the scientists said they were within 10 years of a cure for cancer?
A cure for cancer ? Hilariously infantile.
That shows you how illiterate you are. There are a plethora of different cancers, many HAVE BEEN CURED. No sane person thinks one revelation will cure all cancers. What illiteracy.
Don’t be stupid. That’s the most ignorant post. You cannot name one major corporation that employs climate scientists in the entire world that are deniers. Name one ! Just one.
DEMOCRATS control the world now ?
G o ahead, name a denier major corporation…name one.
ANY any who employ scientist ….any illitertate.

Really…Are you saying democrats control the world ?
You can’t name one accredited University , one govt. or any military IN THE WORLD who are deniers…. Democrats ? The only republicans who deny climate change are the stupid Repugnants and MAGAs…..and white nationalists .
There are tons of scientists and politicians on record against the idea humans are the main cause of global warming. The question isn't about the climate changes. That's just stupid. The climate always changes from second to second. The debate is about why the temperature of the earth is rising, if it really is. It's been know that those who put the temperature monitors around the world and seas have moved them further to the equator when they weren't registering an increase in temperatures. Anyway, you can google a bunch more articles on the subject. Some pro but obviously slanted.
The earth stopped greening more from CO2 fertilization back in the 1990s.

I understand that denier cult losers here had no hope of knowing that, because their masters didn't want them to know. However, the normal people know. The real world, as it always does, flatly contradicts denier stupidity.

CO2 is just _one_ limiting factor in plant growth. Once plants get all they need -- as they do now -- the other limiting factors come into play. This is basic stuff, but most deniers fail at it.
Probably because they have never done any research in climate science. Is co2 a pollutant ? Bet your ass it is. Nearly every gas is in more extreme amounts, certain locations and in conjunction with other substances or conditions. If that’s too advanced for pea brain deniers, gtf out of the way and stop posting the same old babble. As soon as you call co2 a greenhouse gas and a contributor to AGW, you’ve defined it as a pollutant.

What are you personally doing to fight "climate change"?
There are tons of scientists and politicians on record against the idea humans are the main cause of global warming.

Are you weighing them now ?
The question isn't about the climate changes. That's just stupid. The climate always changes from second to second.
Oh, thats still stupid, for the umpteenth time, it’s rate change idiot.
The debate is about why the temperature of the earth is rising, if it really is. It's been know that those who put the temperature monitors around the world and seas have moved them further to the equator when they weren't registering an increase in temperatures. Anyway, you can google a bunch more articles on the subject. Some pro but obviously slanted.
But you can’t name one related corporation, country, university or military who are stupid deniers.
Oh, you can come up with a few idiots.
Name one country. Name one university, not a guy in a trailer park.
The earth stopped greening more from CO2 fertilization back in the 1990s.

I understand that denier cult losers here had no hope of knowing that, because their masters didn't want them to know. However, the normal people know. The real world, as it always does, flatly contradicts denier stupidity.

CO2 is just _one_ limiting factor in plant growth. Once plants get all they need -- as they do now -- the other limiting factors come into play. This is basic stuff, but most deniers fail at it.

What are you personally doing to fight "climate change"?
the dirt in the ground isn't atmosphere, I asked you how two CO2 molecules in the atmosphere
Why do you keep babbling nonsense about just _two_ CO2 molecules? There are kajillions (to use the technical term) of CO2 molecules around in the atmosphere. What's the point of limiting your physics ignorance to just two molecules?

Sure, if you have just two molecules, it's extremely unlikely that one will radiate into the other. However, since you'll never see just two molecules, that doesn't matter. It's a deflection and red herring on your part.

Also, an individual molecule of CO2 doesn't have a temperature. An individual molecule of anything doesn't have a temperature. Temperature is a statistical quality of a very large number of molecules. That's physics, and you fail hard at it.
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