The educational system requires an overhaul

You really are quite laughable.

I find your responses quite hilarious too.

If I am expected to work 3 additional hours after school and attend sporting events in the evening and on weekends, yes, I expect to get paid. Most people do.

Then I expect a full years work for a full years pay.

You get paid a set amount there should be no summer break.

There is no budget for my classroom. That is the point! Anything I need, I provide for my students out of my own pocket, from paper, to pencils, to tissues!

That's your problem. Take it up with your school board about the principal and/or superintendent for mismanaging the budget.

There's no reason a teacher should not have a limited budget allotment for yearly classroom supplies that they can order after being scrutinized by a higher authority... How much do you think? $250? $500? $1000? More?

Those foreign nationals were NOT doing the job. Do you have a serious reading comprehension problem? Did you miss the part where I stated that most of the students failed? If they cannot speak English, hwy were they hired?

If a student can't read, write, or count, when they 'supposedly' graduate high school today and there wasn't a foreign national to blame what difference does it make?


If you really want to learn, try asking serious questions and I will give you serious answers. Right now, I believe you are simply being contrary and arguing for the sake of argument and you don't even believe what you are posting.

For some things you might be correct with this statement. However there is a glimmering of truthfulness to some of my presentation also. It's for you to decide where I'm being contrary, where I'm being dead serious, and where a little bit of both is being incorporated.

However you'd best remember that I'm ex-military and have little sympathy for the bureaucracy and politics I'm seeing in the educational system. They waste money and leave our kids undereducated.





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There is something about the public sector that almost always results in huge inefficiencies.

The reason is simple: The public sector doesn't have to try to be efficient.

The public sector gains customers by government threat of a gun, rather than winning them in a free market. And, for a public sector organization, nothing gets them more money than failing. Look at all the idiots who look at how bad the public schools do and conclude they need more money (it doesn't help that most of those PoS are clueless as to how much money the public schools already get).
You really are quite laughable.

I find your responses quite hilarious too.

If I am expected to work 3 additional hours after school and attend sporting events in the evening and on weekends, yes, I expect to get paid. Most people do.

Then I expect a full years work for a full years pay.

You get paid a set amount there should be no summer break.

There is no budget for my classroom. That is the point! Anything I need, I provide for my students out of my own pocket, from paper, to pencils, to tissues!

That's your problem. Take it up with your school board about the principal and/or superintendent for mismanaging the budget.

There's no reason a teacher should not have a limited budget allotment for yearly classroom supplies that they can order after being scrutinized by a higher authority... How much do you think? $250? $500? $1000? More?

Those foreign nationals were NOT doing the job. Do you have a serious reading comprehension problem? Did you miss the part where I stated that most of the students failed? If they cannot speak English, hwy were they hired?

If a student can't read, write, or count, when they 'supposedly' graduate high school today and there wasn't a foreign national to blame what difference does it make?


If you really want to learn, try asking serious questions and I will give you serious answers. Right now, I believe you are simply being contrary and arguing for the sake of argument and you don't even believe what you are posting.

For some things you might be correct with this statement. However there is a glimmering of truthfulness to some of my presentation also. It's for you to decide where I'm being contrary, where I'm being dead serious, and where a little bit of both is being incorporated.

However you'd best remember that I'm ex-military and have little sympathy for the bureaucracy and politics I'm seeing in the educational system. They waste money and leave our kids undereducated.

View attachment 148278



I am ex-military also. Being a teacher is NOT like being in the military. It is a lot harder!
I am ex-military also. Being a teacher is NOT like being in the military. It is a lot harder!

Spare us the sanctimonious bullsh1t.

Being a teacher isn't hard (being an effective teacher is hard, but that doesn't apply to you). How hard is a job when all you have to do is show up to work (teachers have the highest absentee rate of any profession, not counting summers) without being productive (20% illiteracy rate of HS graduates). How hard is a job when about the only way to get fired is to commit pedophilia with a student (ephebophilia)?

The things the teachers complain about are mostly the teachers' own fault (via their support of the teachers' unions and Democrats), like the difficulty of disciplining students.

Well, maybe teaching is hard for you... But not because teaching itself in a public school is hard.
I am ex-military also. Being a teacher is NOT like being in the military. It is a lot harder!

Spare us the sanctimonious bullsh1t.

Being a teacher isn't hard (being an effective teacher is hard, but that doesn't apply to you). How hard is a job when all you have to do is show up to work (teachers have the highest absentee rate of any profession, not counting summers) without being productive (20% illiteracy rate of HS graduates). How hard is a job when about the only way to get fired is to commit pedophilia with a student (ephebophilia)?

The things the teachers complain about are mostly the teachers' own fault (via their support of the teachers' unions and Democrats), like the difficulty of disciplining students.

Well, maybe teaching is hard for you... But not because teaching itself in a public school is hard.

How do you know? How long have you been working as a public school teacher?
When you overhaul a machine usually the best you get is the original performance.

We need a redesign! But that would be a serious potential threat to all of the people in the current system.
I am ex-military also. Being a teacher is NOT like being in the military. It is a lot harder!

Spare us the sanctimonious bullsh1t.

Being a teacher isn't hard (being an effective teacher is hard, but that doesn't apply to you). How hard is a job when all you have to do is show up to work (teachers have the highest absentee rate of any profession, not counting summers) without being productive (20% illiteracy rate of HS graduates). How hard is a job when about the only way to get fired is to commit pedophilia with a student (ephebophilia)?

The things the teachers complain about are mostly the teachers' own fault (via their support of the teachers' unions and Democrats), like the difficulty of disciplining students.

Well, maybe teaching is hard for you... But not because teaching itself in a public school is hard.

Most people could not last through lunch. You'd be curled up in the fetal position and sucking your thumb 15 minutes into the first class. I know your kind.
View attachment 147941

The educational system needs to overhauled, downsized, and have it's funding reduced.

Some steps to accomplish this are:

1. The Department Of Education needs to be downsized and the DOE politurk's positions eliminated.
2. Regulations at all levels need to be reviewed and groomed.
3. Funding at the local, state, and federal, levels need to be reduced.
4. Outsourcing to private industry should be considered.
>>>>>NOTE: It doesn't take a brick and mortar building to educate children in.
5. Educational requirements for educators should be reduced.
>>>>>NOTE: It doesn't take a four year degree to teach children (grades 1-4) basic reading, writing and arithmetic a high school grad can do that. An associates should be good for grades 5-8 and a bachelor's for high school. All these educators should have set wages. If you have a degree higher than those then you should be seeking a different job because you're overeducated for the position you're holding or seeking.
6. If the child has reached high school and is not inclined towards academics then classes for educating them in a skilled profession should be available.



Here's what I'm dealing with this year:

-For one of my preps (11th grade English) I was given 48 textbooks for the 82 students I teach (those extra students still have no textbooks after a month into the school year, with no timeline in site of when/if they'll receive them).

-The printer in my room hasn't worked for 2 years now

-My ELMO (overhead projector) has been broken for over a year now after a summer school teacher broken it (I'm able to project images from my computer on the screen, but not papers).

-I'm being paid a stipend of $1,000 for coaching a minimum of 90hours (assuming parents all pick up their kids on time). That's $11/hour....but that doesn't factor in driving to/from meets which I don't get paid for my gas. By the time it's all said and done I end up breaking even for my coaching. Luckily the parents and players I have are all awesome and make the experience worthy of my time, and is one of my favorite parts of my job.

-Despite me ordering new uniforms for my team at the end of last season, we still don't have them at the school (11 months later-literally).

-I have 32 desks in my classroom...two of my classes have more than 32 students enrolled. I will not be receiving the additional desks that I need for kids.

You're going to honestly tell me that there's too much funding going into the schools? Bullshit. The problem isn't the amount of money-it's how the money is spent.

I know what I signed up and you'll never see me whining about how much I make-the above is simply a list of facts...that aren't unique to me and nothing out of the ordinary.

First off, I worked for a school district for 6 years, your claims are dubious at best. (why don't you ride on the bus with the kids to meets? As and example), But there is a distinction between primary K-12 and higher education. Higher education is utterly out of control, charging students $200,000 for liberal arts educations that will not even secure them a job. Schools don't have to compete because the federal government is picking up the tab. Colleges and universities don't have to EARN the money they take in, they are just massive welfare queens with administrators pulling down 7 figure salaries and calling themselves "non-profit."

I teach a sophomore level economics course as a working professional, because the institution I work for ONLY hires working professionals in the field to facilitate courses - one of the most legitimate institutions of higher learning in the nation. I've got to tell you, I routinely get students who cannot compose a coherent sentence. None of them have any idea what the business cycle is, what fiat currency is, how the federal reserve and fractional banking works. The K-12 education never even touches on how our economy works. I have a Ph.D. in supply chain management and work as a lean/continuous improvement manager in my day job, hence I offer real world knowledge from actual business transactions. Most universities have deadbeat Marxists who have never even held a job outside of academia, yet are somehow going to impart knowledge of economics?

Want to fix this mess?
  • End non-profit status for colleges and universities, it is utter bullshit. Non-profit :lol: Penn State brings in billions in profits from their football program alone.
  • End federal aid to colleges and universities
  • End guaranteed student loans, schools will have to learn to provide an education that students can actually afford, or cease to exist.
When you overhaul a machine usually the best you get is the original performance.


Dumbest thing I've ever heard.


We need a redesign! But that would be a serious potential threat to all of the people in the current system.

Yes, we need to look at what worked so well for so long and merge those elements with our technological prowess.
Want to fix this mess?
  • End non-profit status for colleges and universities, it is utter bullshit. Non-profit :lol: Penn State brings in billions in profits from their football program alone.
  • End federal aid to colleges and universities
  • End guaranteed student loans, schools will have to learn to provide an education that students can actually afford, or cease to exist.

Economics 101: Subsidizing something makes it more expensive while at the same time causing devaluation.
View attachment 147941

The educational system needs to overhauled, downsized, and have it's funding reduced.

Some steps to accomplish this are:

1. The Department Of Education needs to be downsized and the DOE politurk's positions eliminated.
2. Regulations at all levels need to be reviewed and groomed.
3. Funding at the local, state, and federal, levels need to be reduced.
4. Outsourcing to private industry should be considered.
>>>>>NOTE: It doesn't take a brick and mortar building to educate children in.
5. Educational requirements for educators should be reduced.
>>>>>NOTE: It doesn't take a four year degree to teach children (grades 1-4) basic reading, writing and arithmetic a high school grad can do that. An associates should be good for grades 5-8 and a bachelor's for high school. All these educators should have set wages. If you have a degree higher than those then you should be seeking a different job because you're overeducated for the position you're holding or seeking.
6. If the child has reached high school and is not inclined towards academics then classes for educating them in a skilled profession should be available.


You say you worked for a school district


Here's what I'm dealing with this year:

-For one of my preps (11th grade English) I was given 48 textbooks for the 82 students I teach (those extra students still have no textbooks after a month into the school year, with no timeline in site of when/if they'll receive them).

-The printer in my room hasn't worked for 2 years now

-My ELMO (overhead projector) has been broken for over a year now after a summer school teacher broken it (I'm able to project images from my computer on the screen, but not papers).

-I'm being paid a stipend of $1,000 for coaching a minimum of 90hours (assuming parents all pick up their kids on time). That's $11/hour....but that doesn't factor in driving to/from meets which I don't get paid for my gas. By the time it's all said and done I end up breaking even for my coaching. Luckily the parents and players I have are all awesome and make the experience worthy of my time, and is one of my favorite parts of my job.

-Despite me ordering new uniforms for my team at the end of last season, we still don't have them at the school (11 months later-literally).

-I have 32 desks in my classroom...two of my classes have more than 32 students enrolled. I will not be receiving the additional desks that I need for kids.

You're going to honestly tell me that there's too much funding going into the schools? Bullshit. The problem isn't the amount of money-it's how the money is spent.

I know what I signed up and you'll never see me whining about how much I make-the above is simply a list of facts...that aren't unique to me and nothing out of the ordinary.

First off, I worked for a school district for 6 years, your claims are dubious at best. (why don't you ride on the bus with the kids to meets? As and example), But there is a distinction between primary K-12 and higher education. Higher education is utterly out of control, charging students $200,000 for liberal arts educations that will not even secure them a job. Schools don't have to compete because the federal government is picking up the tab. Colleges and universities don't have to EARN the money they take in, they are just massive welfare queens with administrators pulling down 7 figure salaries and calling themselves "non-profit."

I teach a sophomore level economics course as a working professional, because the institution I work for ONLY hires working professionals in the field to facilitate courses - one of the most legitimate institutions of higher learning in the nation. I've got to tell you, I routinely get students who cannot compose a coherent sentence. None of them have any idea what the business cycle is, what fiat currency is, how the federal reserve and fractional banking works. The K-12 education never even touches on how our economy works. I have a Ph.D. in supply chain management and work as a lean/continuous improvement manager in my day job, hence I offer real world knowledge from actual business transactions. Most universities have deadbeat Marxists who have never even held a job outside of academia, yet are somehow going to impart knowledge of economics?

Want to fix this mess?
  • End non-profit status for colleges and universities, it is utter bullshit. Non-profit :lol: Penn State brings in billions in profits from their football program alone.
  • End federal aid to colleges and universities
  • End guaranteed student loans, schools will have to learn to provide an education that students can actually afford, or cease to exist.

You say you "worked for a school district". It obviously was not as a teacher. That is like the locker room towel boy saying he worked for the New England Patriots.

Could you possibly be a bigger, pompous windbag?

I don't know if that is possible.
You really are quite laughable.

I find your responses quite hilarious too.

If I am expected to work 3 additional hours after school and attend sporting events in the evening and on weekends, yes, I expect to get paid. Most people do.

Then I expect a full years work for a full years pay.

You get paid a set amount there should be no summer break.

There is no budget for my classroom. That is the point! Anything I need, I provide for my students out of my own pocket, from paper, to pencils, to tissues!

That's your problem. Take it up with your school board about the principal and/or superintendent for mismanaging the budget.

There's no reason a teacher should not have a limited budget allotment for yearly classroom supplies that they can order after being scrutinized by a higher authority... How much do you think? $250? $500? $1000? More?

Those foreign nationals were NOT doing the job. Do you have a serious reading comprehension problem? Did you miss the part where I stated that most of the students failed? If they cannot speak English, hwy were they hired?

If a student can't read, write, or count, when they 'supposedly' graduate high school today and there wasn't a foreign national to blame what difference does it make?


If you really want to learn, try asking serious questions and I will give you serious answers. Right now, I believe you are simply being contrary and arguing for the sake of argument and you don't even believe what you are posting.

For some things you might be correct with this statement. However there is a glimmering of truthfulness to some of my presentation also. It's for you to decide where I'm being contrary, where I'm being dead serious, and where a little bit of both is being incorporated.

However you'd best remember that I'm ex-military and have little sympathy for the bureaucracy and politics I'm seeing in the educational system. They waste money and leave our kids undereducated.

View attachment 148278



I am ex-military also. Being a teacher is NOT like being in the military. It is a lot harder!


I'm sure for a person such as yourself you would view it that way. If you're having difficulties getting your work done we can put you in a three section duty roster and you can bunk in the school when on duty. Or you can just kiss your spouse good bye and bunk at the school when it's in session and consider yourself on deployment or maneuvers. Will that give you time to catch up on all that hard work?


People just love to spout ignorant shit when it comes to education.
You really are quite laughable.

I find your responses quite hilarious too.

If I am expected to work 3 additional hours after school and attend sporting events in the evening and on weekends, yes, I expect to get paid. Most people do.

Then I expect a full years work for a full years pay.

You get paid a set amount there should be no summer break.

There is no budget for my classroom. That is the point! Anything I need, I provide for my students out of my own pocket, from paper, to pencils, to tissues!

That's your problem. Take it up with your school board about the principal and/or superintendent for mismanaging the budget.

There's no reason a teacher should not have a limited budget allotment for yearly classroom supplies that they can order after being scrutinized by a higher authority... How much do you think? $250? $500? $1000? More?

Those foreign nationals were NOT doing the job. Do you have a serious reading comprehension problem? Did you miss the part where I stated that most of the students failed? If they cannot speak English, hwy were they hired?

If a student can't read, write, or count, when they 'supposedly' graduate high school today and there wasn't a foreign national to blame what difference does it make?


If you really want to learn, try asking serious questions and I will give you serious answers. Right now, I believe you are simply being contrary and arguing for the sake of argument and you don't even believe what you are posting.

For some things you might be correct with this statement. However there is a glimmering of truthfulness to some of my presentation also. It's for you to decide where I'm being contrary, where I'm being dead serious, and where a little bit of both is being incorporated.

However you'd best remember that I'm ex-military and have little sympathy for the bureaucracy and politics I'm seeing in the educational system. They waste money and leave our kids undereducated.

View attachment 148278



I am ex-military also. Being a teacher is NOT like being in the military. It is a lot harder!


I'm sure for a person such as yourself you would view it that way. If you're having difficulties getting your work done we can put you in a three section duty roster and you can bunk in the school when on duty. Or you can just kiss your spouse good bye and bunk at the school when it's in session and consider yourself on deployment or maneuvers. Will that give you time to catch up on all that hard work?



You are nothing but a fucking troll.

No one should bother with conversing with you.
View attachment 147941

The educational system needs to overhauled, downsized, and have it's funding reduced.

Some steps to accomplish this are:

1. The Department Of Education needs to be downsized and the DOE politurk's positions eliminated.
2. Regulations at all levels need to be reviewed and groomed.
3. Funding at the local, state, and federal, levels need to be reduced.
4. Outsourcing to private industry should be considered.
>>>>>NOTE: It doesn't take a brick and mortar building to educate children in.
5. Educational requirements for educators should be reduced.
>>>>>NOTE: It doesn't take a four year degree to teach children (grades 1-4) basic reading, writing and arithmetic a high school grad can do that. An associates should be good for grades 5-8 and a bachelor's for high school. All these educators should have set wages. If you have a degree higher than those then you should be seeking a different job because you're overeducated for the position you're holding or seeking.
6. If the child has reached high school and is not inclined towards academics then classes for educating them in a skilled profession should be available.



6.2 million unfilled jobs:

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Majority of Republicans think college is bad for America:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

87% of lost manufacturing jobs automated:

Mexico stealing factory jobs? Blame automation instead

Putting ignorant and delusional Republicans in charge of our educational system is like putting obese diabetic children in charge of a candy store. The only thing that will come of it is terrible disaster.
View attachment 147941

The educational system needs to overhauled, downsized, and have it's funding reduced.

Some steps to accomplish this are:

1. The Department Of Education needs to be downsized and the DOE politurk's positions eliminated.
2. Regulations at all levels need to be reviewed and groomed.
3. Funding at the local, state, and federal, levels need to be reduced.
4. Outsourcing to private industry should be considered.
>>>>>NOTE: It doesn't take a brick and mortar building to educate children in.
5. Educational requirements for educators should be reduced.
>>>>>NOTE: It doesn't take a four year degree to teach children (grades 1-4) basic reading, writing and arithmetic a high school grad can do that. An associates should be good for grades 5-8 and a bachelor's for high school. All these educators should have set wages. If you have a degree higher than those then you should be seeking a different job because you're overeducated for the position you're holding or seeking.
6. If the child has reached high school and is not inclined towards academics then classes for educating them in a skilled profession should be available.



I take issue with point 5.

Just because somebody is educated doesn't mean they need to be constrained in their job choices.

In many cases, the kids would end up winning by having someone "overeducated" for their position.
Want to fix this mess?
  • End non-profit status for colleges and universities, it is utter bullshit. Non-profit :lol: Penn State brings in billions in profits from their football program alone.
  • End federal aid to colleges and universities
  • End guaranteed student loans, schools will have to learn to provide an education that students can actually afford, or cease to exist.

Economics 101: Subsidizing something makes it more expensive while at the same time causing devaluation.
See what I mean?
View attachment 147941

The educational system needs to overhauled, downsized, and have it's funding reduced.

Some steps to accomplish this are:

1. The Department Of Education needs to be downsized and the DOE politurk's positions eliminated.
2. Regulations at all levels need to be reviewed and groomed.
3. Funding at the local, state, and federal, levels need to be reduced.
4. Outsourcing to private industry should be considered.
>>>>>NOTE: It doesn't take a brick and mortar building to educate children in.
5. Educational requirements for educators should be reduced.
>>>>>NOTE: It doesn't take a four year degree to teach children (grades 1-4) basic reading, writing and arithmetic a high school grad can do that. An associates should be good for grades 5-8 and a bachelor's for high school. All these educators should have set wages. If you have a degree higher than those then you should be seeking a different job because you're overeducated for the position you're holding or seeking.
6. If the child has reached high school and is not inclined towards academics then classes for educating them in a skilled profession should be available.



6.2 million unfilled jobs:

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Majority of Republicans think college is bad for America:

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

87% of lost manufacturing jobs automated:

Mexico stealing factory jobs? Blame automation instead

Putting ignorant and delusional Republicans in charge of our educational system is like putting obese diabetic children in charge of a candy store. The only thing that will come of it is terrible disaster.

Republicans are just reacting the libtard synagogues that many universities have become. Republicans don't object to professional jobs skills and "classical liberal arts" education, but to the cowardly leftist politics of many school officials.

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