The effects of man made pollution

Garbage in American is incinerated or buried in land fills...
...or thrown on the side of the road where it washes into the nearest stream and ultimately finds its way into the ocean.
So you're just facing up to the reality that we're killing this planet for profit? Right, got it.
Pretty much, although I wouldn't say "for profit", I would say more along the lines of "naked greed" and "creature comforts" .

The Chinese are actually aiming to reduce pollution.
Such as? All I've seen them do is sign treaties agreeing to do vague somethings in the far future, I've seen no indication that they're willing to expose themselves to any risk when it comes to becoming a full fledged member of the first world.

The US is a first world country, other countries will NOT do something unless the US and the first world takes the lead in reducing pollution. The US turning around to poor countries and telling them to reduce their pollution first is just typical of the selfishness that is part of US society. Unfortunately the Chinese are also as selfish as the US and in the future it's not going to get much better, their only saving grace is that they don't have democracy which means the govt tells the people what to do.
I can agree with that although I would say that it's not so simple as "govt tells people what to do", the Chinese Government has a very tight rope to walk with respect to raising the standard of living of it's citizens, in other words they fear the torches and pitchforks just as much as any other government does.

I didn't say I was saving the planet from mankind
That was more of general rant directed at the environmentalist poster boys, not you, sorry if sounded like it was directed toward you personally.

What I'm trying to say is that we need to make ourselves live more in harmony with the planet we're on.
That would be good but from my vantage point I can't see that we've figured out how to live in harmony with each other yet, so being harmony with the planet is way too much to expect at this point IMHO.

The Chinese are doing a lot. Apparently pollution is down, not much, but it's going down.

You go to XinJiang in the west, and there are loads of solar panel and wind farms. Nuclear is also increasing.



This small one, the red below is China.

Yes, China fears the pitchforks, however they control the press, very tightly, they use Japan and other such things in order to allow citizens a chance to vent their anger at things. It's easier for them, still a tightrope, however they have more chances at telling people what to think.

I didn't say we would live in harmony, just MORE in harmony with the planet, at least to the point where we're not changing it so we can't live on it.
So you're just facing up to the reality that we're killing this planet for profit? Right, got it.
Pretty much, although I wouldn't say "for profit", I would say more along the lines of "naked greed" and "creature comforts" .

The Chinese are actually aiming to reduce pollution.
Such as? All I've seen them do is sign treaties agreeing to do vague somethings in the far future, I've seen no indication that they're willing to expose themselves to any risk when it comes to becoming a full fledged member of the first world.

The US is a first world country, other countries will NOT do something unless the US and the first world takes the lead in reducing pollution. The US turning around to poor countries and telling them to reduce their pollution first is just typical of the selfishness that is part of US society. Unfortunately the Chinese are also as selfish as the US and in the future it's not going to get much better, their only saving grace is that they don't have democracy which means the govt tells the people what to do.
I can agree with that although I would say that it's not so simple as "govt tells people what to do", the Chinese Government has a very tight rope to walk with respect to raising the standard of living of it's citizens, in other words they fear the torches and pitchforks just as much as any other government does.

I didn't say I was saving the planet from mankind
That was more of general rant directed at the environmentalist poster boys, not you, sorry if sounded like it was directed toward you personally.

What I'm trying to say is that we need to make ourselves live more in harmony with the planet we're on.
That would be good but from my vantage point I can't see that we've figured out how to live in harmony with each other yet, so being harmony with the planet is way too much to expect at this point IMHO.

The Chinese are doing a lot. Apparently pollution is down, not much, but it's going down.

You go to XinJiang in the west, and there are loads of solar panel and wind farms. Nuclear is also increasing.



This small one, the red below is China.

Yes, China fears the pitchforks, however they control the press, very tightly, they use Japan and other such things in order to allow citizens a chance to vent their anger at things. It's easier for them, still a tightrope, however they have more chances at telling people what to think.

I didn't say we would live in harmony, just MORE in harmony with the planet, at least to the point where we're not changing it so we can't live on it.
Believe China??
It's a self correcting system, more or less, and it will self correct by killing of human beings. Is this your suggestion to life? Make as much money for yourself now so your grandchildren (or whoever they may be) can suffer seeing the world die around them?
Nope, I'm just facing the reality of human nature. A single human is capable of great of things but as soon as you get more than a handful of 'em together they become a wholly different organism, let's call it homo assholus and that creature exploits everything it can get it's paws on without regard to the super ego's opinions on the matter.

This is the definition of selfishness.
Tell that to the Chinese, Indians and the rest of the developing world, they want what the West has, they want hyper-consumerism, SUV's, McMansions, 1,000 acre shopping malls and all the rest of it and they represent more than half the worlds population, you think they're going to forgo all that just because we're suddenly enlightened and want to preach the gospel of "Yeah I know we did it but you're not allowed to" ? It's the height of arrogance and hypocrisy to think they're going to buy into that sermon, they're going to sign the worthless treaties we put in front of them and then flip us the bird when it comes time to put rubber to the road.

Putting that aside take a long hard look at the current trajectory of global civilization, do you really think that the environment is tops on the priorities list? If you do consider what a "clean" environment is going to be worth when we're in Dark Ages V2.0, it's about priorities, civilization first, habitat second.

So preach the gospel if it makes you feel better, heck go out and pitch in on the clean up efforts if you're ambitious (I have myself and it was a good experience) but don't fool yourself into thinking that you're "saving the planet" from mankind, the planet doesn't need us to save it, we need to focus on saving ourselves from ourselves.

So you're just facing up to the reality that we're killing this planet for profit? Right, got it.

The Chinese are actually aiming to reduce pollution. The US is a first world country, other countries will NOT do something unless the US and the first world takes the lead in reducing pollution. The US turning around to poor countries and telling them to reduce their pollution first is just typical of the selfishness that is part of US society. Unfortunately the Chinese are also as selfish as the US and in the future it's not going to get much better, their only saving grace is that they don't have democracy which means the govt tells the people what to do.

I didn't say I was saving the planet from mankind. What I'm trying to say is that we need to make ourselves live more in harmony with the planet we're on.
Cry me a river, red pill or blue pill??
Control your own lives, ours are none of your concern...

Your selfishness controls my life.
So you're just facing up to the reality that we're killing this planet for profit? Right, got it.
Pretty much, although I wouldn't say "for profit", I would say more along the lines of "naked greed" and "creature comforts" .

The Chinese are actually aiming to reduce pollution.
Such as? All I've seen them do is sign treaties agreeing to do vague somethings in the far future, I've seen no indication that they're willing to expose themselves to any risk when it comes to becoming a full fledged member of the first world.

The US is a first world country, other countries will NOT do something unless the US and the first world takes the lead in reducing pollution. The US turning around to poor countries and telling them to reduce their pollution first is just typical of the selfishness that is part of US society. Unfortunately the Chinese are also as selfish as the US and in the future it's not going to get much better, their only saving grace is that they don't have democracy which means the govt tells the people what to do.
I can agree with that although I would say that it's not so simple as "govt tells people what to do", the Chinese Government has a very tight rope to walk with respect to raising the standard of living of it's citizens, in other words they fear the torches and pitchforks just as much as any other government does.

I didn't say I was saving the planet from mankind
That was more of general rant directed at the environmentalist poster boys, not you, sorry if sounded like it was directed toward you personally.

What I'm trying to say is that we need to make ourselves live more in harmony with the planet we're on.
That would be good but from my vantage point I can't see that we've figured out how to live in harmony with each other yet, so being harmony with the planet is way too much to expect at this point IMHO.

The Chinese are doing a lot. Apparently pollution is down, not much, but it's going down.

You go to XinJiang in the west, and there are loads of solar panel and wind farms. Nuclear is also increasing.



This small one, the red below is China.

Yes, China fears the pitchforks, however they control the press, very tightly, they use Japan and other such things in order to allow citizens a chance to vent their anger at things. It's easier for them, still a tightrope, however they have more chances at telling people what to think.

I didn't say we would live in harmony, just MORE in harmony with the planet, at least to the point where we're not changing it so we can't live on it.
Believe China??

You're going to have to do better than two words if you want me to understand what the hell you're going on about.
It's a self correcting system, more or less, and it will self correct by killing of human beings. Is this your suggestion to life? Make as much money for yourself now so your grandchildren (or whoever they may be) can suffer seeing the world die around them?
Nope, I'm just facing the reality of human nature. A single human is capable of great of things but as soon as you get more than a handful of 'em together they become a wholly different organism, let's call it homo assholus and that creature exploits everything it can get it's paws on without regard to the super ego's opinions on the matter.

This is the definition of selfishness.
Tell that to the Chinese, Indians and the rest of the developing world, they want what the West has, they want hyper-consumerism, SUV's, McMansions, 1,000 acre shopping malls and all the rest of it and they represent more than half the worlds population, you think they're going to forgo all that just because we're suddenly enlightened and want to preach the gospel of "Yeah I know we did it but you're not allowed to" ? It's the height of arrogance and hypocrisy to think they're going to buy into that sermon, they're going to sign the worthless treaties we put in front of them and then flip us the bird when it comes time to put rubber to the road.

Putting that aside take a long hard look at the current trajectory of global civilization, do you really think that the environment is tops on the priorities list? If you do consider what a "clean" environment is going to be worth when we're in Dark Ages V2.0, it's about priorities, civilization first, habitat second.

So preach the gospel if it makes you feel better, heck go out and pitch in on the clean up efforts if you're ambitious (I have myself and it was a good experience) but don't fool yourself into thinking that you're "saving the planet" from mankind, the planet doesn't need us to save it, we need to focus on saving ourselves from ourselves.

So you're just facing up to the reality that we're killing this planet for profit? Right, got it.

The Chinese are actually aiming to reduce pollution. The US is a first world country, other countries will NOT do something unless the US and the first world takes the lead in reducing pollution. The US turning around to poor countries and telling them to reduce their pollution first is just typical of the selfishness that is part of US society. Unfortunately the Chinese are also as selfish as the US and in the future it's not going to get much better, their only saving grace is that they don't have democracy which means the govt tells the people what to do.

I didn't say I was saving the planet from mankind. What I'm trying to say is that we need to make ourselves live more in harmony with the planet we're on.
Cry me a river, red pill or blue pill??
Control your own lives, ours are none of your concern...

Your selfishness controls my life.
...if you're dilusional
So you're just facing up to the reality that we're killing this planet for profit? Right, got it.
Pretty much, although I wouldn't say "for profit", I would say more along the lines of "naked greed" and "creature comforts" .

The Chinese are actually aiming to reduce pollution.
Such as? All I've seen them do is sign treaties agreeing to do vague somethings in the far future, I've seen no indication that they're willing to expose themselves to any risk when it comes to becoming a full fledged member of the first world.

The US is a first world country, other countries will NOT do something unless the US and the first world takes the lead in reducing pollution. The US turning around to poor countries and telling them to reduce their pollution first is just typical of the selfishness that is part of US society. Unfortunately the Chinese are also as selfish as the US and in the future it's not going to get much better, their only saving grace is that they don't have democracy which means the govt tells the people what to do.
I can agree with that although I would say that it's not so simple as "govt tells people what to do", the Chinese Government has a very tight rope to walk with respect to raising the standard of living of it's citizens, in other words they fear the torches and pitchforks just as much as any other government does.

I didn't say I was saving the planet from mankind
That was more of general rant directed at the environmentalist poster boys, not you, sorry if sounded like it was directed toward you personally.

What I'm trying to say is that we need to make ourselves live more in harmony with the planet we're on.
That would be good but from my vantage point I can't see that we've figured out how to live in harmony with each other yet, so being harmony with the planet is way too much to expect at this point IMHO.

The Chinese are doing a lot. Apparently pollution is down, not much, but it's going down.

You go to XinJiang in the west, and there are loads of solar panel and wind farms. Nuclear is also increasing.



This small one, the red below is China.

Yes, China fears the pitchforks, however they control the press, very tightly, they use Japan and other such things in order to allow citizens a chance to vent their anger at things. It's easier for them, still a tightrope, however they have more chances at telling people what to think.

I didn't say we would live in harmony, just MORE in harmony with the planet, at least to the point where we're not changing it so we can't live on it.
Believe China??

You're going to have to do better than two words if you want me to understand what the hell you're going on about.
So you're just facing up to the reality that we're killing this planet for profit? Right, got it.
Pretty much, although I wouldn't say "for profit", I would say more along the lines of "naked greed" and "creature comforts" .

The Chinese are actually aiming to reduce pollution.
Such as? All I've seen them do is sign treaties agreeing to do vague somethings in the far future, I've seen no indication that they're willing to expose themselves to any risk when it comes to becoming a full fledged member of the first world.

The US is a first world country, other countries will NOT do something unless the US and the first world takes the lead in reducing pollution. The US turning around to poor countries and telling them to reduce their pollution first is just typical of the selfishness that is part of US society. Unfortunately the Chinese are also as selfish as the US and in the future it's not going to get much better, their only saving grace is that they don't have democracy which means the govt tells the people what to do.
I can agree with that although I would say that it's not so simple as "govt tells people what to do", the Chinese Government has a very tight rope to walk with respect to raising the standard of living of it's citizens, in other words they fear the torches and pitchforks just as much as any other government does.

I didn't say I was saving the planet from mankind
That was more of general rant directed at the environmentalist poster boys, not you, sorry if sounded like it was directed toward you personally.

What I'm trying to say is that we need to make ourselves live more in harmony with the planet we're on.
That would be good but from my vantage point I can't see that we've figured out how to live in harmony with each other yet, so being harmony with the planet is way too much to expect at this point IMHO.

The Chinese are doing a lot. Apparently pollution is down, not much, but it's going down.

You go to XinJiang in the west, and there are loads of solar panel and wind farms. Nuclear is also increasing.



This small one, the red below is China.

Yes, China fears the pitchforks, however they control the press, very tightly, they use Japan and other such things in order to allow citizens a chance to vent their anger at things. It's easier for them, still a tightrope, however they have more chances at telling people what to think.

I didn't say we would live in harmony, just MORE in harmony with the planet, at least to the point where we're not changing it so we can't live on it.
Believe China??

You're going to have to do better than two words if you want me to understand what the hell you're going on about.

Now one word.

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