The effects of man made pollution

Science for people who simply don't want to think too much.
I'm not believing what the green lobby is sell'n... You can if you want, leave the rest of out of it.
actually that so-called scientific community is roughly 50/50 on man made climate change. The 50% that support it are doing their studies on government funded grants and contracts--------------do ya think the govt might have told them what results they expected in exchange for their money? get over the "peer reviewed" bullshit. That is a meaningless bullshit talking point.
It isn't even close to 50-50. Where do you think the people who deny AGW are getting their money? Do you think energy companies give a shit about peer review? They just want their people to go out and muddy the waters. At least the proponents do research. The deniers just sling mud.

Once again you are full of liberal bullshit and lies. There is a consensus that the climate is changing, There is no consensus that the acts of humans are causing it.

The climate of our planet was changing hundreds of millions of years before man arrived and it will be changing hundreds of millions of years after man is gone. Its only pompous fools who think man has, or could have, anything to do with it.
water vapor is a greenhouse gas, clearly the most prevalent one. Should be ban clouds? its amazing how ignorant some of you are. If you are really concerned about CO2, stop exhaling.
Can't really argue the science so you have to fall back on "quit breathing"?!?! Guess what? More CO2, more heat, more water vapor. Chew on that for a while and study the science, instead of just parroting whatever you heard someone else say.


Has still to provide the peer review paper to back up his research... This is the crap these guys get up to...

Redfish, have you any science behind your grand theories?

Its been posted many times, I cannot be held responsible for your inability to read and comprehend.

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