The Elderly Praying Great, Great Grandma, was just found guilty in a DC courtroom for just walking around the capitol on Jan 6

And Progs are saying that Trump wants revenge. It makes you wonder why. Progs dole it out and cry the loudest when it is even suggested to be returned. Trump most likely will put out an olive branch on election night. Every one of the people involved on Jan. 6 needs to be released from prison.
She broke the law. Can someone break into your home legally? You ok with that you dumb piece of shit?
Just remember "blue hat" komrade that you traitors, AntiFa and the like, will also soon be taught a lesson to remember.
I'd suggest you return to your commie homeland, such as Soviet Russia or CCP China while you can.
Your fascists type aren't needed or wanted in the USA.
You arent going to do anything, traitor.
Go fuck yourself communist CLOWN!!!!!
I stand by every single post I posit here.
Go swim to Panama already! :fu:

Are you triggered SeaSlug????

Why don't you try fact checking before posting. You might not look so stupid and gullible if you did.
Just remember "blue hat" komrasocide that you traitors, AntiFa and the like, will also soon be taught a lesson to remember.
I'd suggest you return to your commie homeland, such as Soviet Russia or CCP China while you can.
Your fascists type aren't needed or wanted in the USA.

Fascism is a right wing political movement, Stryder. Soviets and Communists cannot be fascists.

Call those who believe in a social democracy "soviets" or "communists" makes you look laughably stupid and gullible.

I suggest you take a Politics 101 course before you make yourself look more ridiculous and stupid.,
Yeah...those were misdemeanors that were proven in court.


More hogwash.

Now you're just being stupid.

Lets see, she was arrested, was tried, and convicted. It's been 4 years; hardly a railroad job.

You're full of shit.
No where near as much shit as you Leftist traitors!
Fascism is a right wing political movement, Stryder. Soviets and Communists cannot be fascists.

Call those who believe in a social democracy "soviets" or "communists" makes you look laughably stupid and gullible.

I suggest you take a Politics 101 course before you make yourself look more ridiculous and stupid.,
I'd suggest you take an English 101, not taught by a Leftist propagandist.

Fascism is a method or technique of political repression in current language usage, favored mostly by Leftists and pseudo-Liberals. Comes in many flavors and applications.

"social democracy" is a polite way of saying 'what is yours is mine', i.e. another form of using government to steal from the productive to give to the useless, non-productive parasites such as yourself. "soviets" and "communists" are just two of many examples by which such tyranny/fascism can be known/described.

If seeking "laughably stupid and gullible" try looking in a mirror, komrade.
How about not breaking and entering into a closed Federal building, traitor?
Doors wide open, scores of others also entering, walking through, ... no signs posted against trespass, no officials barring entry, ...
i.e. not "breaking and entering".
Clear case of "our" Federal Guv'mint now rules and owns US rather than the other way around, which was intent of Founders.
She broke the law. Can someone break into your home legally? You ok with that you dumb piece of shit?
Public building owned by the taxpayers. Owners have a legal right of entry.
Obviously not OK with dumb piece of shit fascists such as yourself.
You are in the wrong country.
The country you support and endorse would be Soviet Russia, CCP China, or similar nation of one political party tyranny.
Doors wide open,
Oh my god. The police standing behind barricades were decorations and landscaping out at the street level.

There’s only one entrance that let’s visitors in on a normal day and you stand in line and go through a magnetometer and your backpacks and purses and packages would be inspected. If you ran past the checkpoint, you could’ve been shot in the back right there
And rightly fucking so.

They let DUMB-Ashley Babbitt live about a half hour longer than they should’ve.
Fascism is a right wing political movement, Stryder. Soviets and Communists cannot be fascists.

Call those who believe in a social democracy "soviets" or "communists" makes you look laughably stupid and gullible.

I suggest you take a Politics 101 course before you make yourself look more ridiculous and stupid.,
You mean be reindoctrinated ….
Public building owned by the taxpayers. Owners have a legal right of entry.
Obviously not OK with dumb piece of shit fascists such as yourself.
You are in the wrong country.
The country you support and endorse would be Soviet Russia, CCP China, or similar nation of one political party tyranny.
Yeah, that's as legally sound as declaring yourself a sovereign citizen and not paying taxes. :laugh:
Fascism is a right wing political movement .... Soviets and Communists cannot be fascists.
What a naïve thing to say. I suggest you take a politics course (or just ponder the definition of "Fascism" itself) before you make yourself look more ridiculous and stupid. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Kim Il What's-His-name, Pol Pot, the Shah of Iran, Nicolae Ceaușescu, and the American Military-Industrial Complex are all Fascists. Fascism is the antithesis of Democracy. And no, I'm not talking about self-proclaimed titles such as The Democratic Peoples Republic of Whatever .....
Public building owned by the taxpayers. Owners have a legal right of entry.

That myth don't wanna die, does it?
The US Capitol is a 'restricted space'.
Entry is by approved admission.

Now think of the Gem Room at the Smithsonian, the Los Alamos nuclear lab, the Oval Office, the vault at Fort Knox.
All of them are owned by the US taxpayer.

True that, but......
................but just try walking into any of them without permission.

Let the forum know of your experience with that poster Stryder.

I'd suggest you take an English 101, not taught by a Leftist propagandist.

Fascism is a method or technique of political repression in current language usage, favored mostly by Leftists and pseudo-Liberals. Comes in many flavors and applications.

"social democracy" is a polite way of saying 'what is yours is mine', i.e. another form of using government to steal from the productive to give to the useless, non-productive parasites such as yourself. "soviets" and "communists" are just two of many examples by which such tyranny/fascism can be known/described.

If seeking "laughably stupid and gullible" try looking in a mirror, komrade.

What a naïve thing to say. I suggest you take a politics course (or just ponder the definition of "Fascism" itself) before you make yourself look more ridiculous and stupid. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Kim Il What's-His-name, Pol Pot, the Shah of Iran, Nicolae Ceaușescu, and the American Military-Industrial Complex are all Fascists. Fascism is the antithesis of Democracy. And no, I'm not talking about self-proclaimed titles such as The Democratic Peoples Republic of Whatever .....

You have no idea what you're talking about.

noun: POLITICS (also Fascism)
a political system based on a very powerful leader, state control, and being extremely proud of country and race, and in which political opposition is not allowed



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