The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges

As has often been pointed out, its not that they're sinners. Its that they preach their holier-than-thou, bible-thumping, family-values crap. They set themselves up Moral Authorities and tell the rest of us how we should live.

They are hypocrites and they lie.

Just like you do.
Exactly they pretend not to see the difference that is why I told that dude to get bent...
None of these Right wingers are going to get preachy or pedantic with me...I am the kind of liberal
that is built to last ...
mess with me
I put my foot up your ass
more concern is being shown for the molester than the victims

Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
more concern is being shown for the molester than the victims

Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know
Actually Stephanie, Monica WAS young enough to be his daughter, but Monica was 22 when she met Bill Clinton and 25/26 years old when she testified before Kenneth star....Chelsea was 15 when Monica was 22.

And I have read nothing from any of the links on this other than what was in the op, and just from says that the son was a juvenile himself when he did these acts...14 or 15 so there is no way he was a pedophile.... a pedophile would be an adult having sex with a child below the age of puberty, This boy was a CHILD himself, BELOW the age of accountability when it comes to sexual consent, so I differ with the op and others like Luddley on this....though I will admit, I do not know the details on who he sexually abused and how old the sisters were when he abused them...and what the 'abuse' actually I said, haven't read the down and dirty on it yet....

And even though others seem to be worked up about not reporting their own son to the Police... I don't know what parent would do that, without at least trying to correct their child themselves first, which it seems the parents did...(though some of the people they chose to council him aren't peachy clean themselves) and I am presuming if the parents tried to correct their son of his wrong doings and incest, then they also tried to comfort their daughters in this mess as well....

I don't know what the police would or could do with a boy 14 having sex before the age of consent... he's not old enough to make the decision to have sex himself, according to the law, at that age, he is not fully mentally capable of giving his own consent....
Homosexuality's a 'moral failing?' What dya call if every Christian woman had 19 kids? World's greatly overpopulated with only 7 billion people. If each Christian woman had 19 kids, say about 1 billion of those, there'd be over 25 billion people on the planet. Ya, that's really moral.

If they are self reliant what do you care if they want 19 kids?

On the face of it, I agree but pimping out her vagina and their litter of thumpers is pretty disgusting.

Not any more so than any of the other reality shows out there.

Others are whores so its okay that they are?

Isnt that usually the lefts defense in all things?


YOU said it.

Its YOUR defense of this indefensible situation.

Instead of trying to put it off on libs, stand up straight and have the courage to take responsibility for your own words.
Subject changes are the petty tactics of the far right reactionary as well as any lefty. Why? Both camps place ideology and gain before right doing and morality..
Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year-old graduate of Lewis & Clark College when she landed the job at the WH. She, along with the President, were willing and consenting adults. The President's indiscretion had nothing to do with his wife; therefore, her choice to stay in the marriage was hers to make, and it did not in any way make her a second-class

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know
Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know

Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year-old graduate of Lewis & Clark College when she landed the job at the WH. She, along with the
President, were willing and consenting adults. The President's indiscretion had nothing to do with his wife; therefore, her
choice to stay in the marriage was hers to make, and it did not in any way make her a second-classcitizen. Do you consider
Eleanor Roosevelt to have been a second-class citizen.

It was the Duggers' responsibility to care for their daughters, but their priorities lay elsewhere, and they have proven
themselves to be hypocrites, and we have the right to call them on it.

Juanita Broderick was raped by Bill Clinton which was backed up by the nurse that treated her after the rape. Hillary Clinton paid people to cover it up. Clinton claims to be a Christian. Why the double standard?
You have the spectacle of the crazy snake handling nut bag Christian Mike Huckabee playing guitar with Ted "I crapped in my pants" Nuggent who is a pedophile and defending incest in the Dugger family but criticizing Beyonce...get fking real wing nuts
The thing that I feel deserves criticism of the parents, is that they have too many kids to be able to watch them properly, and make certain they are NOT getting in to these kind of things...or to recognize that their son had a problem.
If they are self reliant what do you care if they want 19 kids?

On the face of it, I agree but pimping out her vagina and their litter of thumpers is pretty disgusting.

Not any more so than any of the other reality shows out there.

Others are whores so its okay that they are?

Isnt that usually the lefts defense in all things?


YOU said it.

Its YOUR defense of this indefensible situation.

Instead of trying to put it off on libs, stand up straight and have the courage to take responsibility for your own words.

I defended nothing. I responded to people questioning why this show was ever on the air. Why is any reality show on the air? Because it had an audience.
How fleeting will be stats sudden moral clarity here concerning child sex offenders? Right now Obama is granting amnesty to known child sex offenders and libs applaud.

Well, they have to be certain kinds of sex offenders and only they can pick and choose which ones that is
hypocrites, because the Duggers are Religious.

Exactly. They overlook all sexual predators that hurt the gay agenda or the democrat party.

Until they start being honest... Their scandals of the week don't interest me.


I hate all sexual predators equally.

Unlike you RWs, I'll happily call them all out. Put them in front of a jury and let's find out what they've done.

In the past, various RWs here have defended child predators Ted Nugent and Phil Robertson and now, this little pervert. In the case of these three, all have openly admitted they are perverts and yet RWs defend them.

While thumping on their bibles.


Funny I havent seen any posts of yours against Obamas amnesty if memory serves you are a big booster of pedos walking around having a party
Juanita Broderick was raped by Bill Clinton which was backed up by the nurse that treated her after the rape. Hillary Clinton paid people to cover it up. Clinton claims to be a Christian. Why the double standard?
Yeah sure that is what Benghazi was all about...LOL too much

You don't read much do you?
I read this ...hope its helpful
Within one year of the alleged rape, Broaddrick attended a fund-raiser for Clinton and accepted appointment by him to a state advisory board. Why did she still want to support a man who raped her?

Couldn't answer that one could you? LOL
Broaddrick claims Clinton kissed her so hard he left her lip visibly black and blue, and she covered up by telling people she'd had an accident. But her first husband, Gary Hickey, says he remembers no such injury when she returned from Little Rock, nor such a story.

* One year later, Broaddrick filed divorce papers against Hickey, claiming he struck her on the mouth. Was that the only time?

Couldn't answer that one could you? LOL
Broaddrick claims Clinton kissed her so hard he left her lip visibly black and blue, and she covered up by telling people she'd had an accident. But her first husband, Gary Hickey, says he remembers no such injury when she returned from Little Rock, nor such a story.

* One year later, Broaddrick filed divorce papers against Hickey, claiming he struck her on the mouth. Was that the only time?

Open letter to Hillary Clinton from Juanita Broaddrick


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