The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges

Open letter to Hillary Clinton from Juanita Brodderick

Explain this :
In 1997, Broaddrick signed an affidavit and gave a deposition in the Jones case, denying twice under oath that Clinton raped her. "These allegations are untrue and there is no truth to these rumors."

Coersion by the government. The Clinton's in particular.

Coercion by the Govt? a year later she is telling Starr he did rape her...which is it LOL she was coerced then or before ? ...get real...
OK so no matter what "Clinton raped Broderick" LOL...I guess until Jesus comes and solves the issue that Is what you gonna believe...I say "meh" to Broderick's claim of rape
Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year-old graduate of Lewis & Clark College when she landed the job at the WH. She, along with the President, were willing and consenting adults. The President's indiscretion had nothing to do with his wife; therefore, her choice to stay in the marriage was hers to make, and it did not in any way make her a second-class

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know
Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know

Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year-old graduate of Lewis & Clark College when she landed the job at the WH. She, along with the
President, were willing and consenting adults. The President's indiscretion had nothing to do with his wife; therefore, her
choice to stay in the marriage was hers to make, and it did not in any way make her a second-classcitizen. Do you consider
Eleanor Roosevelt to have been a second-class citizen.

It was the Duggers' responsibility to care for their daughters, but their priorities lay elsewhere, and they have proven
themselves to be hypocrites, and we have the right to call them on it.

Juanita Broderick was raped by Bill Clinton which was backed up by the nurse that treated her after the rape. Hillary Clinton paid people to cover it up. Clinton claims to be a Christian. Why the double standard?

Broderick accused Clinton of raping her (in her hotel room), but he was not convicted. Why?
Did Hillary pay the nurse to cover up the story?
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year-old graduate of Lewis & Clark College when she landed the job at the WH. She, along with the President, were willing and consenting adults. The President's indiscretion had nothing to do with his wife; therefore, her choice to stay in the marriage was hers to make, and it did not in any way make her a second-class

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know

Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year-old graduate of Lewis & Clark College when she landed the job at the WH. She, along with the
President, were willing and consenting adults. The President's indiscretion had nothing to do with his wife; therefore, her
choice to stay in the marriage was hers to make, and it did not in any way make her a second-classcitizen. Do you consider
Eleanor Roosevelt to have been a second-class citizen.

It was the Duggers' responsibility to care for their daughters, but their priorities lay elsewhere, and they have proven
themselves to be hypocrites, and we have the right to call them on it.

Juanita Broderick was raped by Bill Clinton which was backed up by the nurse that treated her after the rape. Hillary Clinton paid people to cover it up. Clinton claims to be a Christian. Why the double standard?

Broderick accused Clinton of raping her (in her hotel room), but he was not convicted. Why?
Did Hillary pay the nurse to cover up the story?

Did you read the article I posted or not?

In a later interview she stated she would have tried harder had the forensic science in 1978 been what it is today. But the government and public backlash is what kept her quiet .
Open letter to Hillary Clinton from Juanita Brodderick

Explain this :
In 1997, Broaddrick signed an affidavit and gave a deposition in the Jones case, denying twice under oath that Clinton raped her. "These allegations are untrue and there is no truth to these rumors."

Coersion by the government. The Clinton's in particular.

Coercion by the Govt? a year later she is telling Starr he did rape her...which is it LOL she was coerced then or before ? ...get real...
OK so no matter what "Clinton raped Broderick" LOL...I guess until Jesus comes and solves the issue that Is what you gonna believe...I say "meh" to Broderick's claim of rape

Of course you do. Party before anything. Like I said liberals are full of double standards. And can't possibly wrap their head around coersion by the powerful. Unless of course it suits their agenda.
How fleeting will be stats sudden moral clarity here concerning child sex offenders? Right now Obama is granting amnesty to known child sex offenders and libs applaud.

Well, they have to be certain kinds of sex offenders and only they can pick and choose which ones that is
hypocrites, because the Duggers are Religious.

Exactly. They overlook all sexual predators that hurt the gay agenda or the democrat party.

Until they start being honest... Their scandals of the week don't interest me.


I hate all sexual predators equally.

Unlike you RWs, I'll happily call them all out. Put them in front of a jury and let's find out what they've done.

In the past, various RWs here have defended child predators Ted Nugent and Phil Robertson and now, this little pervert. In the case of these three, all have openly admitted they are perverts and yet RWs defend them.

While thumping on their bibles.


Funny I havent seen any posts of yours against Obamas amnesty if memory serves you are a big booster of pedos walking around having a party


EXACTLY what do you mean that I am "a big booster of pedos walking around having a party"?
Christians sin too

True, but the entire Duggar family "legend" is a complete fucking lie. The buried his acts of child molestation in order to make sure they could make it to fame and fortune.

That sucks.
Let's take a look at what YOU the OP and idiot just did. You painted NINETEEN people for the actions of ONE. And YOU base YOUR broad brush idiot bigoted approach of "one guilty ALL guilty".

You do of course realize what you are saying is CLASSIC bigotry right? Granted you are a total retard but it IS rather apparent that you have done that.

So YOUR logic IS if ONE Duggar is guilty ALL are guilty. Do you have ANY idea of just how many layers of stupid that is? What's up with all this hate and bigotry you have?

Do you truly despise people so much in general that you NEED to do that? When a child of whatever age goes wrong you don't harm the family you retard.

You are truly one disgusting human being.

I think the above is a good post to save for future reference when this poster paints Democrats/liberals with a broad brush.
Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year-old graduate of Lewis & Clark College when she landed the job at the WH. She, along with the President, were willing and consenting adults. The President's indiscretion had nothing to do with his wife; therefore, her choice to stay in the marriage was hers to make, and it did not in any way make her a second-class

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know
Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know

Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year-old graduate of Lewis & Clark College when she landed the job at the WH. She, along with the
President, were willing and consenting adults. The President's indiscretion had nothing to do with his wife; therefore, her
choice to stay in the marriage was hers to make, and it did not in any way make her a second-classcitizen. Do you consider
Eleanor Roosevelt to have been a second-class citizen.

It was the Duggers' responsibility to care for their daughters, but their priorities lay elsewhere, and they have proven
themselves to be hypocrites, and we have the right to call them on it.

Juanita Broderick was raped by Bill Clinton which was backed up by the nurse that treated her after the rape. Hillary Clinton paid people to cover it up. Clinton claims to be a Christian. Why the double standard?

Broderick accused Clinton of raping her (in her hotel room), but he was not convicted. Why?
Did Hillary pay the nurse to cover up the story?

Did you read the article I posted or not?

In a later interview she stated she would have tried harder had the forensic science in 1978 been what it is today. But the government and public backlash is what kept her quiet .

Didn't the nurse feel a responsibility to report the rape, and wouldn't her first-hand knowledge of the rape served as credible evidence?
Open letter to Hillary Clinton from Juanita Brodderick

Explain this :
In 1997, Broaddrick signed an affidavit and gave a deposition in the Jones case, denying twice under oath that Clinton raped her. "These allegations are untrue and there is no truth to these rumors."

Coersion by the government. The Clinton's in particular.

Coercion by the Govt? a year later she is telling Starr he did rape her...which is it LOL she was coerced then or before ? ...get real...
OK so no matter what "Clinton raped Broderick" LOL...I guess until Jesus comes and solves the issue that Is what you gonna believe...I say "meh" to Broderick's claim of rape

Of course you do. Party before anything. Like I said liberals are full of double standards. And can't possibly wrap their head around coersion by the powerful. Unless of course it suits their agenda.

Do you always lump people into categories?

The show has not been officially cancelled at this time

This is the fifth show on TLC to have run into trouble after a member of the cast was found to have molested or sexual assaulted a child

Read more: Duggar family s 19 Kids and Counting taken off air amid Josh molestation claims Daily Mail Online
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Money talks. Bet it won't be cancelled.

I have never watched or heard of this family. I think the bunch of them need counseling.
Of course you do. Party before anything. Like I said liberals are full of double standards. And can't possibly wrap their head around coersion by the powerful. Unless of course it suits their agenda.

LOL which group of powerful people were coercing her

a) Clinton
B) Starr

Look you hijacked the thread to "Clinton raped" you made stupid categorical claims with no links no nothing and you got your ass handed to you keep repeating Broderick was raped but there us simply no proof of that and she has sworn she was not raped whatever

Imitation is the best flattery...thanks wing nut...:asshole:

Wow, looks like I whipped your sorry ass pretty bad. Poor baby.[/QUOTE]
Looks to me like declaring victory is your best option wing nut what a stupid asshole LOL... smegma breath
Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year-old graduate of Lewis & Clark College when she landed the job at the WH. She, along with the President, were willing and consenting adults. The President's indiscretion had nothing to do with his wife; therefore, her choice to stay in the marriage was hers to make, and it did not in any way make her a second-class

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know
Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.

It didn't bother you people when billy boy Clinton used his position of power over a young woman the same age as his daughter, while he screwed Gawd knows how many women under his wife's nose making her a Second class citizen. You small people have some nerve passing judgment on others you don't even know

Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year-old graduate of Lewis & Clark College when she landed the job at the WH. She, along with the
President, were willing and consenting adults. The President's indiscretion had nothing to do with his wife; therefore, her
choice to stay in the marriage was hers to make, and it did not in any way make her a second-classcitizen. Do you consider
Eleanor Roosevelt to have been a second-class citizen.

It was the Duggers' responsibility to care for their daughters, but their priorities lay elsewhere, and they have proven
themselves to be hypocrites, and we have the right to call them on it.

Juanita Broderick was raped by Bill Clinton which was backed up by the nurse that treated her after the rape. Hillary Clinton paid people to cover it up. Clinton claims to be a Christian. Why the double standard?
There was no nurse that treated her....(her room mate at the conference she was at was a Nurse friend of hers....) there was no rape kit, no reporting of the rape at all... she did not even tell the man she was dating at the time, who she later married....she has changed her story SEVERAL times.... which is what makes her accusations, very problematic......

Doesn't mean it is not true...I am not saying that....just means it is impossible to prove, especially since she did not report it and denied it initially then years later 'came out'....
Is there evidence the son's behaviour persisted beyond the parents' disciplinary intervention 10 years ago?

Weeeeeee! It's all good. He stopped fingering little girls. It's all good.
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

more concern is being shown for the molester than the victims

Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
more concern is being shown for the molester than the victims

Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

Is there evidence the son's behaviour persisted beyond the parents' disciplinary intervention 10 years ago?

Weeeeeee! It's all good. He stopped fingering little girls. It's all good.
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

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