The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges

Is there evidence the son's behaviour persisted beyond the parents' disciplinary intervention 10 years ago?

Weeeeeee! It's all good. He stopped fingering little girls. It's all good.
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

more concern is being shown for the molester than the victims

Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
more concern is being shown for the molester than the victims

Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

Is there evidence the son's behaviour persisted beyond the parents' disciplinary intervention 10 years ago?

Weeeeeee! It's all good. He stopped fingering little girls. It's all good.
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
Imitation is the best flattery...thanks wing nut...:asshole:

Wow, looks like I whipped your sorry ass pretty bad. Poor baby.
Looks to me like declaring victory is your best option wing nut what a stupid asshole LOL... smegma breath

Little baby crying again.

I have no issues dude, you are the one that fell apart. You are the one judging others, not me.
It's too bad they never cared about the domestic terrorist like Ayers and Holder Obama hung out with. We not be in this mess we are in today.

They are so predictable. they'll latch onto anything because they don't have anything else.

Vote out this progressive/democrat party in 2016 folks. get this kind of CRAP out of lives and our government
It's too bad they never cared about the domestic terrorist like Ayers and Holder Obama hung out with. We not be in this mess we are in today.

They are so predictable. they'll latch onto anything because they don't have anything else.

Vote out this progressive/democrat party in 2016 folks. get this kind of CRAP out of lives and our government
You still do not understand that this is not a specifically left-right issue and quite apparently you are cool with sexual abuse of minors as long as a "Christian" is doing it.


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Is there evidence the son's behaviour persisted beyond the parents' disciplinary intervention 10 years ago?

Weeeeeee! It's all good. He stopped fingering little girls. It's all good.
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Yes. That just breaks my heart.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

Is there evidence the son's behaviour persisted beyond the parents' disciplinary intervention 10 years ago?

Weeeeeee! It's all good. He stopped fingering little girls. It's all good.
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.
i wonder who the duggers will blame for the killing of the golden goose...the son or the victims....
as for the actions of the parents....i would do the same to protect my child...i would protect him from the law counseling privately ...the one major thing i would not do.....sign up for a reality tv show

did they not know it would come out ....

and one has to just shake one's head at the fact the leo who counseled him is now serving time for child porn
Is anyone really surprised that the wingnuts are out in force defending a child molester?

I'm not.
i wonder who the duggers will blame for the killing of the golden goose...the son or the victims....
as for the actions of the parents....i would do the same to protect my child...i would protect him from the law counseling privately ...the one major thing i would not do.....sign up for a reality tv show

did they not know it would come out ....

and one has to just shake one's head at the fact the leo who counseled him is now serving time for child porn

The whole story is questionable, why come on TV as a super clean large family with this skeleton. Add pervert LEO as a mentor and counselors, you begin to wonder how screwed up Josh Duggar maybe.
Weeeeeee! It's all good. He stopped fingering little girls. It's all good.
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

Weeeeeee! It's all good. He stopped fingering little girls. It's all good.
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Weeeeeee! It's all good. He stopped fingering little girls. It's all good.
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Apparently, the parents didn't give a flying fuck about the young girls who were sexually abused. It was far more important for the Duggars to obtain fame and fortune than to protect their own daughters.

This is truly disgusting.
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

Weeeeeee! It's all good. He stopped fingering little girls. It's all good.
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Just suppose that Josh Duggar had been attending public school and his 25 year-old, very attractive female teacher, succumbed to his flirting and fondled his genitals in a secluded parking lot, do you think the Duggars would have dealt with the molestation legally? Would Josh have been scarred? Should the teacher have been labeled a monster?
You're probably thinking, well, the teacher was the adult and she should have known better. Could the same be said about Jim Bob and Michelle?
They told their friend, a highway patrolman, about the molestation(s) and then the crimes were erased in order that Josh would not be stigmatized, and after all, Jim Bob held a powerful public office, and that could have caused him embarrassment to the point of losing his job and his reputation as a devout Christian.
What if one of the little girls had been your daughter, how would you feel? Would you think Josh was a monster?
Would you want your little girl to be reconciled to the person who abused her?
It seems in the above scenario that Josh acted irresponsibly, and was somehow miraculously cured from his impulses to rape little girls, so all is well. Do you really believe all is well?
I have no issues dude, you are the one that fell apart. You are the one judging others, not me.

Declaring victory again...woooo hoo what an asshole what a mighty white dude...hey how about you open a can of "go fk yourself" copied my post and declared victory ...mighty white
The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Statistik: is there evidence that the parents tolerated the behaviour?

They spoke with their son, and when his behaviour persisted, they disciplined him, forgave him, and reconciled him to his sisters ten years ago. Beyond that, there's no evidence the problem persisted. All of this happened well before they were famous.

On what basis are you claiming they didn't care about their daughters?

Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

The issue is whether the parents addressed the issue in an appropriate manner, and all the evidence we have points to 'yes'.

If you dispute that, perhaps you should articulate how a different course of action would have led to a better outcome.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Just suppose that Josh Duggar had been attending public school and his 25 year-old, very attractive female teacher, succumbed to his flirting and fondled his genitals in a secluded parking lot, do you think the Duggars would have dealt with the molestation legally? Would Josh have been scarred? Should the teacher have been labeled a monster?
You're probably thinking, well, the teacher was the adult and she should have known better. Could the same be said about Jim Bob and Michelle?
They told their friend, a highway patrolman, about the molestation(s) and then the crimes were erased in order that Josh would not be stigmatized, and after all, Jim Bob held a powerful public office, and that could have caused him embarrassment to the point of losing his job and his reputation as a devout Christian.
What if one of the little girls had been your daughter, how would you feel? Would you think Josh was a monster?
Would you want your little girl to be reconciled to the person who abused her?
It seems in the above scenario that Josh acted irresponsibly, and was somehow miraculously cured from his impulses to rape little girls, so all is well. Do you really believe all is well?

Cured or not? Not sure, he was 14, were the girls the older ones or the younger ones. The older ones could be written off as experimentation. However I don't know the whole story. The question would be where does his sexual stimulation now begin. 18 year olds or younger? We don't know without knowing what his sexual stimulus point is.

I would never let young girls around him, ever.
They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Just suppose that Josh Duggar had been attending public school and his 25 year-old, very attractive female teacher, succumbed to his flirting and fondled his genitals in a secluded parking lot, do you think the Duggars would have dealt with the molestation legally? Would Josh have been scarred? Should the teacher have been labeled a monster?
You're probably thinking, well, the teacher was the adult and she should have known better. Could the same be said about Jim Bob and Michelle?
They told their friend, a highway patrolman, about the molestation(s) and then the crimes were erased in order that Josh would not be stigmatized, and after all, Jim Bob held a powerful public office, and that could have caused him embarrassment to the point of losing his job and his reputation as a devout Christian.
What if one of the little girls had been your daughter, how would you feel? Would you think Josh was a monster?
Would you want your little girl to be reconciled to the person who abused her?
It seems in the above scenario that Josh acted irresponsibly, and was somehow miraculously cured from his impulses to rape little girls, so all is well. Do you really believe all is well?

Cured or not? Not sure, he was 14, were the girls the older ones or the younger ones. The older ones could be written off as experimentation. However I don't know the whole story. The question would be where does his sexual stimulation now begin. 18 year olds or younger? We don't know without knowing what his sexual stimulus point is.

I would never let young girls around him, ever.

Are you always so cavalier in way of thinking? A molestation victim, young or old, can never be written off as an experiment. I personally do not know when a male's sexual stimulation begins, but I've heard there are ways to sate it other than rape.
They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

They did not address it in an appropriate manner.

They decided to open up their family to public scrutiny....and they PREACHED THE GOSPEL while lining their pockets..........while hiding this information from the public.

Not appropriate.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Jim Bob could not afford to risk his powerful public position in Arkansas; there
Is it love when a father chooses his powerful public position over his daughters?
Who knows what goes on inside the Josh Dugger home? His wife is a second-class citizen; therefore, she would never disclose her husband's misdeeds.
Blind speculation.

And the answer is painfully obvious: NO, they did not.

They did not report it to the authorities for more than one year.

Instead, they sent their son to a quack who himself is now in prison for a 56 year sentence for child porn. Super!!!

It is just one fuck-up after another, but since they're the "King's Kids" and stupid shit like that, then it's ok.

They claimed that they sent him to counseling. That was a lie.

The also claim that all of the victims also went into counseling. I will bet good money that that is also a big, fat lie. And I also bet good money that within months from now, more victims will be coming forth. A lot more.
Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Just suppose that Josh Duggar had been attending public school and his 25 year-old, very attractive female teacher, succumbed to his flirting and fondled his genitals in a secluded parking lot, do you think the Duggars would have dealt with the molestation legally? Would Josh have been scarred? Should the teacher have been labeled a monster?
You're probably thinking, well, the teacher was the adult and she should have known better. Could the same be said about Jim Bob and Michelle?
They told their friend, a highway patrolman, about the molestation(s) and then the crimes were erased in order that Josh would not be stigmatized, and after all, Jim Bob held a powerful public office, and that could have caused him embarrassment to the point of losing his job and his reputation as a devout Christian.
What if one of the little girls had been your daughter, how would you feel? Would you think Josh was a monster?
Would you want your little girl to be reconciled to the person who abused her?
It seems in the above scenario that Josh acted irresponsibly, and was somehow miraculously cured from his impulses to rape little girls, so all is well. Do you really believe all is well?

Cured or not? Not sure, he was 14, were the girls the older ones or the younger ones. The older ones could be written off as experimentation. However I don't know the whole story. The question would be where does his sexual stimulation now begin. 18 year olds or younger? We don't know without knowing what his sexual stimulus point is.

I would never let young girls around him, ever.

Are you always so cavalier in way of thinking? A molestation victim, young or old, can never be written off as an experiment. I personally do not know when a male's sexual stimulation begins, but I've heard there are ways to sate it other than rape. We know he molested 5 little girls and he and his self-righteous parents thought he got away with it, but it seems he didn't.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Blind speculation.

Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Blind speculation.

Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Just suppose that Josh Duggar had been attending public school and his 25 year-old, very attractive female teacher, succumbed to his flirting and fondled his genitals in a secluded parking lot, do you think the Duggars would have dealt with the molestation legally? Would Josh have been scarred? Should the teacher have been labeled a monster?
You're probably thinking, well, the teacher was the adult and she should have known better. Could the same be said about Jim Bob and Michelle?
They told their friend, a highway patrolman, about the molestation(s) and then the crimes were erased in order that Josh would not be stigmatized, and after all, Jim Bob held a powerful public office, and that could have caused him embarrassment to the point of losing his job and his reputation as a devout Christian.
What if one of the little girls had been your daughter, how would you feel? Would you think Josh was a monster?
Would you want your little girl to be reconciled to the person who abused her?
It seems in the above scenario that Josh acted irresponsibly, and was somehow miraculously cured from his impulses to rape little girls, so all is well. Do you really believe all is well?

Cured or not? Not sure, he was 14, were the girls the older ones or the younger ones. The older ones could be written off as experimentation. However I don't know the whole story. The question would be where does his sexual stimulation now begin. 18 year olds or younger? We don't know without knowing what his sexual stimulus point is.

I would never let young girls around him, ever.

Are you always so cavalier in way of thinking? A molestation victim, young or old, can never be written off as an experiment. I personally do not know when a male's sexual stimulation begins, but I've heard there are ways to sate it other than rape.
One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Blind speculation.

Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

One cannot reasonably argue that bringing public attention to the problem would have resulted in a better outcome for any of the parties involved.

Blind speculation.

Again, nothing but baseless speculation.

Perhaps you're right, but presently there's no evidence the problem persisted beyond ten years ago.

Until such evidence is forthcoming, you've got nothing but castles in the sky.

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Just suppose that Josh Duggar had been attending public school and his 25 year-old, very attractive female teacher, succumbed to his flirting and fondled his genitals in a secluded parking lot, do you think the Duggars would have dealt with the molestation legally? Would Josh have been scarred? Should the teacher have been labeled a monster?
You're probably thinking, well, the teacher was the adult and she should have known better. Could the same be said about Jim Bob and Michelle?
They told their friend, a highway patrolman, about the molestation(s) and then the crimes were erased in order that Josh would not be stigmatized, and after all, Jim Bob held a powerful public office, and that could have caused him embarrassment to the point of losing his job and his reputation as a devout Christian.
What if one of the little girls had been your daughter, how would you feel? Would you think Josh was a monster?
Would you want your little girl to be reconciled to the person who abused her?
It seems in the above scenario that Josh acted irresponsibly, and was somehow miraculously cured from his impulses to rape little girls, so all is well. Do you really believe all is well?

Cured or not? Not sure, he was 14, were the girls the older ones or the younger ones. The older ones could be written off as experimentation. However I don't know the whole story. The question would be where does his sexual stimulation now begin. 18 year olds or younger? We don't know without knowing what his sexual stimulus point is.

I would never let young girls around him, ever.

Are you always so cavalier in way of thinking? A molestation victim, young or old, can never be written off as an experiment. I personally do not know when a male's sexual stimulation begins, but I've heard there are ways to sate it other than rape. We know he molested 5 little girls and he and his self-righteous parents thought he got away with it, but it seems he didn't.

Nice twist of the words, the ages of the kids is relevant. In his status as a molester on kids in the future. A 14 year old with a 13 is a lot different than a 30 year old with 13 year old. I am not minimizing the victims at all, even consensual sex at that age is wrong and leads to issues in the future.

The difference is how he will view sex in the future and what his turn on are.

He was wrong, I have stated that over and over, he is wrong. I have stated over and over that the parents are in more contempt as far as I am concerned, they had an obligation to the families of the victims, to their own children, to Josh. They also neglected their responsibility to the community.
A stunning and very alarming report has emerged involving the Duggar family.

According to a recently uncovered police report,
Josh Duggar, one of the many stars of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting, allegedly molested five girls — some of whom, were reportedly his sisters — starting in 2002. He was around 14 at the time...

So a 14 year old, a minor, was experimenting sexually with other minors around his age. And the father went to the police with the information and put his son through that and counselling too. Family ashamed, hesitant as to what to do/how to handle this boy's surging hormones and the girls who engaged with him too.. What a shocker. Newsflash, 14 year old boy can't control himself, gets in trouble with father/police. Has to go to counselling.

This is a smear story, of course. One wonders who it was who dug into the boy's juvenile record. Aren't those supposed to be sealed? I wonder who could be behind dethroning someone fighting for traditional marriage?

This will destroy the otherwise wholesome show "19 Kids and Counting" in more than just killing it on TLC, it will sully Christianity forever in the minds of millions of viewers. And this of course was the ultimate goal.

Christians aren't perfect people. In fact, they come to the church and cling to it because they know precisely that they aren't perfect and wish to improve their lives day by day under the watchful eye of God. You might have heard sermons referring to everyone as "a sinner"? That's because that's the premise that the entire religion works off of.

Meanwhile yesterday was "Harvey Milk Day" in California where millions of school kids were forced to idolize a serial pervert who, aging into his 40s, was preying on young teen boys on drugs, runaways, one after the other in a fixed and untreated, unapologetic, even boastful sexuality that's celebrated by LGBTs (the wolf pack that took down Josh Duggar) "across the nation and the world"..

If I was the family, I'd sue the Oprah Winfrey enterprise that "broke the story" (agreed to smear the Duggar boy/traditional marriage movement by association) for destroying Josh Duggar's reputation for what he did when he was a juvenile. I wonder what Oprah did as a juvenile and how would she react if it was used to completely destroy her financial enterprise?

Yep, I think she'd be suing ASAP.
Last edited:
Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Just suppose that Josh Duggar had been attending public school and his 25 year-old, very attractive female teacher, succumbed to his flirting and fondled his genitals in a secluded parking lot, do you think the Duggars would have dealt with the molestation legally? Would Josh have been scarred? Should the teacher have been labeled a monster?
You're probably thinking, well, the teacher was the adult and she should have known better. Could the same be said about Jim Bob and Michelle?
They told their friend, a highway patrolman, about the molestation(s) and then the crimes were erased in order that Josh would not be stigmatized, and after all, Jim Bob held a powerful public office, and that could have caused him embarrassment to the point of losing his job and his reputation as a devout Christian.
What if one of the little girls had been your daughter, how would you feel? Would you think Josh was a monster?
Would you want your little girl to be reconciled to the person who abused her?
It seems in the above scenario that Josh acted irresponsibly, and was somehow miraculously cured from his impulses to rape little girls, so all is well. Do you really believe all is well?

Cured or not? Not sure, he was 14, were the girls the older ones or the younger ones. The older ones could be written off as experimentation. However I don't know the whole story. The question would be where does his sexual stimulation now begin. 18 year olds or younger? We don't know without knowing what his sexual stimulus point is.

I would never let young girls around him, ever.

Are you always so cavalier in way of thinking? A molestation victim, young or old, can never be written off as an experiment. I personally do not know when a male's sexual stimulation begins, but I've heard there are ways to sate it other than rape.
Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Uhm, no.

No evidence that the underage victims of deliberate sexual abuse ever received counseling, nor was this ever dealt with legally, as should have been done.

The parents even admit this.

Which part of "admit" do you not understand?

Or does the well-being of females mean nothing to you?
There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary. This thread is a shining example of why.

It may surprise you to know that 'counseling' for sexual abuse and $0.99 will buy you a $0.99 cup of coffee. The only facts of significance are i) the parents stopped the molestation, and ii) the sisters were ultimately reconciled to their brother.

Moreover, you're ignoring what it is I'm actually asking: what evidence do you have that the parents' disciplinary action ten years ago didn't solve the problem? I'm assuming that ongoing abuse is the basis for your "parents are monster" claims. If you're claiming they're monsters simply because they didn't involve the police and public, you're out of your mind. The public is an insane mob. Half the people in this thread would hang the parents, boil the son alive, and convince the daughters they were better off dead if they could.

"There's no benefit to dealing with it legally. It would stigmatize the son, stigmatize the daughters, disgrace the family. No
sensible parents would involve the police and the raging public unless absolutely necessary."

Just suppose that Josh Duggar had been attending public school and his 25 year-old, very attractive female teacher, succumbed to his flirting and fondled his genitals in a secluded parking lot, do you think the Duggars would have dealt with the molestation legally? Would Josh have been scarred? Should the teacher have been labeled a monster?
You're probably thinking, well, the teacher was the adult and she should have known better. Could the same be said about Jim Bob and Michelle?
They told their friend, a highway patrolman, about the molestation(s) and then the crimes were erased in order that Josh would not be stigmatized, and after all, Jim Bob held a powerful public office, and that could have caused him embarrassment to the point of losing his job and his reputation as a devout Christian.
What if one of the little girls had been your daughter, how would you feel? Would you think Josh was a monster?
Would you want your little girl to be reconciled to the person who abused her?
It seems in the above scenario that Josh acted irresponsibly, and was somehow miraculously cured from his impulses to rape little girls, so all is well. Do you really believe all is well?

Cured or not? Not sure, he was 14, were the girls the older ones or the younger ones. The older ones could be written off as experimentation. However I don't know the whole story. The question would be where does his sexual stimulation now begin. 18 year olds or younger? We don't know without knowing what his sexual stimulus point is.

I would never let young girls around him, ever.

Are you always so cavalier in way of thinking? A molestation victim, young or old, can never be written off as an experiment. I personally do not know when a male's sexual stimulation begins, but I've heard there are ways to sate it other than rape. We know he molested 5 little girls and he and his self-righteous parents thought he got away with it, but it seems he didn't.

Nice twist of the words, the ages of the kids is relevant. In his status as a molester on kids in the future. A 14 year old with a 13 is a lot different than a 30 year old with 13 year old. I am not minimizing the victims at all, even consensual sex at that age is wrong and leads to issues in the future.

The difference is how he will view sex in the future and what his turn on are.

He was wrong, I have stated that over and over, he is wrong. I have stated over and over that the parents are in more contempt as far as I am concerned, they had an obligation to the families of the victims, to their own children, to Josh. They also neglected their responsibility to the community.

Who really cares how Josh will view sex today and tomorrow, much less what his turn-ons are.
i wonder who the duggers will blame for the killing of the golden goose...the son or the victims....
as for the actions of the parents....i would do the same to protect my child...i would protect him from the law counseling privately ...the one major thing i would not do.....sign up for a reality tv show

did they not know it would come out ....

and one has to just shake one's head at the fact the leo who counseled him is now serving time for child porn

The whole story is questionable, why come on TV as a super clean large family with this skeleton. Add pervert LEO as a mentor and counselors, you begin to wonder how screwed up Josh Duggar maybe.

I haven't seen any Christians claim that they are perfect. An important part of Christianity is repentance and forgiveness.
Who really cares how Josh will view sex today and tomorrow, much less what his turn-ons are.

I would think many would, especially LEO, but I guess protecting future victims isn't your goal, just bashing a family. Got it. Thanks guy.

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