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The Election Ain't Over Folks

BREAKING: Real Clear Politics Pulls Pennsylvania Call for Biden — WITHDRAWS ELECTORAL VOTES!
Published November 9, 2020 at 6:10pm

Real Clear Politics on Monday pulled their call for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania.
Joe Biden came from a 700,000 vote deficit on Election night and with the help of OVER ONE MILLION NEW VOTES overtook President Donald Trump by Friday!

Media sites can't withdraw EC votes.
They can't award them either.
Why do you accept these claims of fraud, without any proof, over and over and over and over again?

What makes you believe the internet stories, all of them, put before you, without ever seeing the actual evidence of fraud?

a whole lot more to look into here.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.
Not yet.
Every concern that was predicted about this mail-in thing has happened. Too circumstantial to ignore. If you truly believe in election integrity you would welcome the scrutiny.
But not if you have an agenda.
Scrutiny, on legitimate concerns is a good thing...

On speculation, rumors, spin, propaganda etc is simply trying g to steal an election.

This was set up, by this president, MONTHS IN ADVANCE..... seeding all of these phony fraudulent accusations, is what we see clearly..... ever since this president realized he was going to lose.... long before the first vote cast! :eek:

Telling republican legislatures to not allow the counting of absentee votes before election day in places like Pennsylvania, which was a MUST WIN state for Trump to get to 270, to calling Philadelphia corrupt at his PA rallies, to telling his voters to vote in person.... all a set up months in advance so he could say he won, on election night, before a single absentee vote was counted..... his cries to not count the vote, his using his crooked mega donor who he installed in the post master General spot, to pull out mail sorting machines from all the big cities heavy in democratic voters to slow the receit of MAIL so the ballots sent and votes received from those areas wouldn't make it to the election offices in time....

Just pure, unadulterated corruption.

Like clockwork, you Trumpists fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!
Backwards. Democrats planned on having late arrival ballots as a safeguard. That is exactly what happened.
Post marked BEFORE Election day was over,

BECAUSE it was recognized by the court that Trump's crony donor he put in as Post Master General intentionly had taken steps to remove mail counting processors from big cities, and mail boxes from big cities, that slowed the US Mail service delivery of ballots by days.... the President was abusing his power to slow the postal delivery of ballots, so that the President could disenfranchise the democratic voters encouraged to use mail in ballots for corona virus safety measures.
Bullshit! DeMSM propaganda.
There is serious question about the actual postmarks on those ballots.
Fake news....

There is not major concerns about the post marks, that is made up....

Any that can't be read, can be set aside for all I care.... MOST ALL are post MARKED with a date....

AND Pennsylvania only had a few thousand ballots received after election day, which have been set aside and not counted in the vote tally yet.... Biden still won the State by tens of thousands.
Only a few thousand after Election Day but hundreds of thousands counted after Election Day.
There has never been a presidential election within the last 150 years in which all vote were counted during election day. In modern presidential elections it takes about a week of counting to get to 99%.
But none have had ballots collected this much after Election Day.
As long a voting does not extend beyond election day, it doesn't matter how long it takes as long the state law if followed.
But the question is the validity of those that don’t show up until after Election Day. That was unique this time around and what made it conspicuous was that the late votes almost exclusively broke for Biden.
Anyone who wants to win or lose fairly would demand an investigation.
Anomalies, coincident, rumors, and lack of safe guards does not prove ballots are invalid. The only way to disqualify ballots is to look at each individual ballot and audit trails and determine exactly what made it invalid and that takes real proof. Trump is loosing by 45,000 votes in PA. Good Luck.
Trump is up by almost 9 percentage points when they allegedly stopped counting ballots in Pennsylvania and miraculously all these mail ballots with no access for poll watchers to scrutinize closes the gap and then surpasses it and leftards want us to say "Move along folks, nothing to see here!"

It's even worse in Michigan where they had to be more discrete about the alleged mail-in voter ballots that were not vetted or allowed to be inspected and most curious is the case of ballots being dropped off at 4 AM to be tabulated. A whistleblower that said ballots that didn't make the November 3rd deadline were post-marked as such from the 4th of November on.....

You are an idiot if you believe that this entire fiasco isn't worthy of further scrutiny. Dead people voting? Unvetted mail-n ballots tabulated with no signature required? What little that is left of this "republic" is hanging by a small strand of thread. One has to be utterly obtuse or intentionally blinded by partisan hate to say with a straight face that all these anomalies are just a coincidence.

There is no spin that can be put on this because half of the voting public will never accept Pedo Joe as being legit.

"It Defies Logic": Scientist Finds Telltale Signs Of Election Fraud After Analyzing Mail-In Ballot Data

A most interesting thread popped up on Twitter Sunday from a data scientist who wishes to remain anonymous, regarding mail-in ballot data which strongly suggests fraud occurred in the wee hours of election night, when several swing states inexplicably stopped reporting vote counts while President Trump maintained a healthy lead over Joe Biden.

Using time series data 'scraped' from the New York Times website, the data - comparing several states (swing and non-swing) - clearly illustrates what fraud does and does not look like, and how several anomalies in swing states left 'fingerprints of fraud' as Biden pulled ahead of President Trump.

This is based on their proprietary "Edison" data source which would ordinarily be impossible to access for people outside the press. The CSV is available here. And the script to generate it is here. I suggest that everyone back up both of these files, bc this is an extremely important data source, and we cant risk anyone taking it down.

What we are looking at will be time series analysis and you will see that it is extremely difficult to create convincing synthetic times series data. By looking at the times series logs of the ballot counting process for the entire country, we can very easily spot fraud.

As we can see on this log-log plot, for many of the counting progress updates, we see an almost constant ratio of #Biden to #Trump. It's such a regular pattern that we can actually fit a linear regression model to it with near-perfect accuracy, barring some outliers. How could this be possible? Is this a telltale sign of fraud? Surprisingly, as it will be shown, the answer is no! This is actually expected behavior. Also, we can use this weird pattern in the ballot counting to spot fraud!

Here is the same pattern for Florida
. We see this linear pattern again.


And again all over the country. What appears to be happening is that points on the straight line are actually mail in votes. The reason they're so homogeneous across with respect to the ratio of #Biden vs #Trump votes is that they get randomly shuffled in the mail like a deck of cards. Since the ballots are randomly mixed together during transport, spanning areas occupied by multiple voting demographics, we can expect the ratio of mail-in #Biden ballots to mail-in #Trump ballots will remain relatively constant over time and across different reporting updates.

Lets dig a little deeper into this:

Here is a plot of the same Florida voting data, but this time it's the ratio of #Biden to #Trump ballots, versus time. What we see is that the initial ballot reportings are very noisy and "random".

The initial reporting represents in-person voting. These vote reports have such large variation bc in-person voting happens across different geographic areas that have different political alignments. We can see this same pattern of noisy in-person voting, followed by homogeneous mail-in reporting in almost all cases. What we see in almost all examples across the country is that the ratio of mail-in Dem to Rep ballots is very consistent across time, but with the notable drift from Dem to slightly more Rep.....

This slight drift from D to R mail-ins occurs again and again, and is likely due to outlying rural areas having more R votes. These outlying areas take longer to ship their ballots to the polling centers.

Now we're getting into the really good stuff. When we see mail-in ballot counting where there isn't relatively stable ratios of D and R ballots that slightly drift R, we have an anomaly! Anomalies themselves are not necessarily fraud, but they can help us spot fraud more easily.

Now let's look at some anomalies:

This is the Wisconsin vote counting history log. Again, on the Y axis we have the ratio of D to R ballots in reporting batch, and on the X axis we have reporting time. Around 4am there, there is a marked shift in the ratio of D to R mail-in ballots. Based on other posts in this thread, this should not happen. This is an anomaly, and while anomalies are not always fraud, often they may point to fraud.



By 4am the D to R ratio was all thrown out of whack. That is because these ballots were not sampled from the real Wisconsin voter population, and they were not randomized in the mail sorting system with the other ballots. They inherently have a different D to R signature than the rest of the ballots quite possibly bc additional ballots were added to the batch, either through backdating or ballot manufacturing or software tampering. This of this being kind of analogous to carbon-14 dating, but for ballot batch authenticity.

Lets look at another anomaly (Pennsylvania):

Here is Pennsylvania's vote counting history. For the first part of the vote counting process, we see the same pattern for mail-in ballots that we've seen in every other state in the country, which is relatively stable D to R ratio that gradually drifts R as more ballots. But then as counting continues, the D to R ratio in mail-in ballots inexplicably begin "increasing". Again, this should not happen, and it is observed almost nowhere else in the country, because all of the ballots are randomly shuffled in the mail system and should be homogeneous during counting. The only exceptions to this are other suspect states that also have anomalies.


Again, this is evidence of ballot backdating, manufacturing of software tampering.

Lets look at another anomaly:

In Georgia we see pretty much the same story as Pennsylvania: increasing fractions of mail-in D ballots over time even though it defies logic and we see this pattern no where else in the country.



What, in simple terms, does this do?
And, where is the gosh DARN evidence, of this wrong doing that you claim??
This tech is so hard to understand unless you are familiar with the software of databases and blockchain systems.

But I will try because I love you as a fellow American, platonically.

I tried to explain it in this post, and there is a marketing document on blockchain databases here.

Essentially, a blockchain is built in such a way that it stores its own encryption key and all the others before it as well.

View attachment 413977

A database that is built on blockchain tech is not all in one place, it is distributed in all of its individual blocks that represent a piece of information for the whole database.

This prevents duplication or counterfeit blocks because it lacks the history of the previous blocks that normally would be encrypted in it as well and following blocks will exclude the counterfeits.

There, in this case would be one block per ballot sent out, which would also likely include the person's PI that would identify who the ballot is for.

So if a ballot would fail a signature comparison would be handled in the hand recount, but whether the ballot itself is authentic is contained in the block of information that is encrypted and part of the blockchain.

So all these ballots that are fraudulent will be easily proven so by simply looking it up on the blockchain. The White House people are claiming that hundreds of thousands of these ballots are not in the blockchain.

That is the best I can do, and i hope it helps.
So if you can't dazzle us with brilliance, you will baffle us with bullshit. The fact is there are are already safeguards built in every ballot, the weight of the paper and the ink and matching signature. Further, the federal government did not watermark ballots in this election. The Department of Homeland Security and the CISA do not design, print, or audit ballots. These are managed by state and local election officials.

BREAKING: Real Clear Politics Pulls Pennsylvania Call for Biden — WITHDRAWS ELECTORAL VOTES!
Published November 9, 2020 at 6:10pm

Real Clear Politics on Monday pulled their call for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania.
Joe Biden came from a 700,000 vote deficit on Election night and with the help of OVER ONE MILLION NEW VOTES overtook President Donald Trump by Friday!

Media sites can't withdraw EC votes.
They can't award them either.
What, in simple terms, does this do?
And, where is the gosh DARN evidence, of this wrong doing that you claim??
This tech is so hard to understand unless you are familiar with the software of databases and blockchain systems.

But I will try because I love you as a fellow American, platonically.

I tried to explain it in this post, and there is a marketing document on blockchain databases here.

Essentially, a blockchain is built in such a way that it stores its own encryption key and all the others before it as well.

View attachment 413977

A database that is built on blockchain tech is not all in one place, it is distributed in all of its individual blocks that represent a piece of information for the whole database.

This prevents duplication or counterfeit blocks because it lacks the history of the previous blocks that normally would be encrypted in it as well and following blocks will exclude the counterfeits.

There, in this case would be one block per ballot sent out, which would also likely include the person's PI that would identify who the ballot is for.

So if a ballot would fail a signature comparison would be handled in the hand recount, but whether the ballot itself is authentic is contained in the block of information that is encrypted and part of the blockchain.

So all these ballots that are fraudulent will be easily proven so by simply looking it up on the blockchain. The White House people are claiming that hundreds of thousands of these ballots are not in the blockchain.

That is the best I can do, and i hope it helps.
So if you can't dazzle us with brilliance, you will baffle us with bullshit. The fact is there are are already safeguards built in every ballot, the weight of the paper and the ink and matching signature. Further, the federal government did not watermark ballots in this election. The Department of Homeland Security and the CISA do not design, print, or audit ballots. These are managed by state and local election officials.
Those alleged safeguards were ignored when poll watchers were denied access to view and scrutinize ballots. The only one trying to "baffle with bullshit" is you.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.
Not yet.
Every concern that was predicted about this mail-in thing has happened. Too circumstantial to ignore. If you truly believe in election integrity you would welcome the scrutiny.
But not if you have an agenda.
Scrutiny, on legitimate concerns is a good thing...

On speculation, rumors, spin, propaganda etc is simply trying g to steal an election.

This was set up, by this president, MONTHS IN ADVANCE..... seeding all of these phony fraudulent accusations, is what we see clearly..... ever since this president realized he was going to lose.... long before the first vote cast! :eek:

Telling republican legislatures to not allow the counting of absentee votes before election day in places like Pennsylvania, which was a MUST WIN state for Trump to get to 270, to calling Philadelphia corrupt at his PA rallies, to telling his voters to vote in person.... all a set up months in advance so he could say he won, on election night, before a single absentee vote was counted..... his cries to not count the vote, his using his crooked mega donor who he installed in the post master General spot, to pull out mail sorting machines from all the big cities heavy in democratic voters to slow the receit of MAIL so the ballots sent and votes received from those areas wouldn't make it to the election offices in time....

Just pure, unadulterated corruption.

Like clockwork, you Trumpists fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!
Backwards. Democrats planned on having late arrival ballots as a safeguard. That is exactly what happened.
Post marked BEFORE Election day was over,

BECAUSE it was recognized by the court that Trump's crony donor he put in as Post Master General intentionly had taken steps to remove mail counting processors from big cities, and mail boxes from big cities, that slowed the US Mail service delivery of ballots by days.... the President was abusing his power to slow the postal delivery of ballots, so that the President could disenfranchise the democratic voters encouraged to use mail in ballots for corona virus safety measures.
Bullshit! DeMSM propaganda.
There is serious question about the actual postmarks on those ballots.
Fake news....

There is not major concerns about the post marks, that is made up....

Any that can't be read, can be set aside for all I care.... MOST ALL are post MARKED with a date....

AND Pennsylvania only had a few thousand ballots received after election day, which have been set aside and not counted in the vote tally yet.... Biden still won the State by tens of thousands.
Only a few thousand after Election Day but hundreds of thousands counted after Election Day.
Of course they were not counted in Pennsylvania until after election day Rosh....

They had to follow Penn election Law....which states Absentee ballots can not begin their counting, until election day....

The democrats in Penn legislature wrote a bill to change this election law that would have permitted the counting of absentee ballots before election day, like Florida and a few other states have in their election law, but the Republican legislators REFUSED to pass it.

Trump and repubs DID NOT WANT THE ABSENTEE BALLOTS, to be counted UNTIL AFTER election day.... So he could claim he won on election night and disenfranchise all voters who voted absentee ballot, as they were encouraged by government, to do....

You are being snowed by this fraudster in the oval office, imho.
The votes themselves were not showing up until after Election Day. This is in conflict with election rules. PA made up ad hoc changes that are in violation of election rules. This chaos was predicted and challenged months ago.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.
Not yet.
Every concern that was predicted about this mail-in thing has happened. Too circumstantial to ignore. If you truly believe in election integrity you would welcome the scrutiny.
But not if you have an agenda.
Scrutiny, on legitimate concerns is a good thing...

On speculation, rumors, spin, propaganda etc is simply trying g to steal an election.

This was set up, by this president, MONTHS IN ADVANCE..... seeding all of these phony fraudulent accusations, is what we see clearly..... ever since this president realized he was going to lose.... long before the first vote cast! :eek:

Telling republican legislatures to not allow the counting of absentee votes before election day in places like Pennsylvania, which was a MUST WIN state for Trump to get to 270, to calling Philadelphia corrupt at his PA rallies, to telling his voters to vote in person.... all a set up months in advance so he could say he won, on election night, before a single absentee vote was counted..... his cries to not count the vote, his using his crooked mega donor who he installed in the post master General spot, to pull out mail sorting machines from all the big cities heavy in democratic voters to slow the receit of MAIL so the ballots sent and votes received from those areas wouldn't make it to the election offices in time....

Just pure, unadulterated corruption.

Like clockwork, you Trumpists fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!
Backwards. Democrats planned on having late arrival ballots as a safeguard. That is exactly what happened.
Post marked BEFORE Election day was over,

BECAUSE it was recognized by the court that Trump's crony donor he put in as Post Master General intentionly had taken steps to remove mail counting processors from big cities, and mail boxes from big cities, that slowed the US Mail service delivery of ballots by days.... the President was abusing his power to slow the postal delivery of ballots, so that the President could disenfranchise the democratic voters encouraged to use mail in ballots for corona virus safety measures.
Bullshit! DeMSM propaganda.
There is serious question about the actual postmarks on those ballots.
Fake news....

There is not major concerns about the post marks, that is made up....

Any that can't be read, can be set aside for all I care.... MOST ALL are post MARKED with a date....

AND Pennsylvania only had a few thousand ballots received after election day, which have been set aside and not counted in the vote tally yet.... Biden still won the State by tens of thousands.
Only a few thousand after Election Day but hundreds of thousands counted after Election Day.
There has never been a presidential election within the last 150 years in which all vote were counted during election day. In modern presidential elections it takes about a week of counting to get to 99%.
But none have had ballots collected this much after Election Day.
As long a voting does not extend beyond election day, it doesn't matter how long it takes as long the state law if followed.
But the question is the validity of those that don’t show up until after Election Day. That was unique this time around and what made it conspicuous was that the late votes almost exclusively broke for Biden.
Anyone who wants to win or lose fairly would demand an investigation.
Anomalies, coincident, rumors, and lack of safe guards does not prove ballots are invalid. The only way to disqualify ballots is to look at each individual ballot and audit trails and determine exactly what made it invalid and that takes real proof. Trump is loosing by 45,000 votes in PA. Good Luck.

Without disqualifying 45,000 Biden votes in PA, Trump lawyers would have to disqualify enough Biden votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada to to put Trump in the lead which would be about 63,000 votes as it now stand.
Apparently there are enough questionable votes and procedures for that to happen.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.
Not yet.
Every concern that was predicted about this mail-in thing has happened. Too circumstantial to ignore. If you truly believe in election integrity you would welcome the scrutiny.
But not if you have an agenda.
Scrutiny, on legitimate concerns is a good thing...

On speculation, rumors, spin, propaganda etc is simply trying g to steal an election.

This was set up, by this president, MONTHS IN ADVANCE..... seeding all of these phony fraudulent accusations, is what we see clearly..... ever since this president realized he was going to lose.... long before the first vote cast! :eek:

Telling republican legislatures to not allow the counting of absentee votes before election day in places like Pennsylvania, which was a MUST WIN state for Trump to get to 270, to calling Philadelphia corrupt at his PA rallies, to telling his voters to vote in person.... all a set up months in advance so he could say he won, on election night, before a single absentee vote was counted..... his cries to not count the vote, his using his crooked mega donor who he installed in the post master General spot, to pull out mail sorting machines from all the big cities heavy in democratic voters to slow the receit of MAIL so the ballots sent and votes received from those areas wouldn't make it to the election offices in time....

Just pure, unadulterated corruption.

Like clockwork, you Trumpists fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!
Backwards. Democrats planned on having late arrival ballots as a safeguard. That is exactly what happened.
Post marked BEFORE Election day was over,

BECAUSE it was recognized by the court that Trump's crony donor he put in as Post Master General intentionly had taken steps to remove mail counting processors from big cities, and mail boxes from big cities, that slowed the US Mail service delivery of ballots by days.... the President was abusing his power to slow the postal delivery of ballots, so that the President could disenfranchise the democratic voters encouraged to use mail in ballots for corona virus safety measures.
Bullshit! DeMSM propaganda.
There is serious question about the actual postmarks on those ballots.
Fake news....

There is not major concerns about the post marks, that is made up....

Any that can't be read, can be set aside for all I care.... MOST ALL are post MARKED with a date....

AND Pennsylvania only had a few thousand ballots received after election day, which have been set aside and not counted in the vote tally yet.... Biden still won the State by tens of thousands.
Only a few thousand after Election Day but hundreds of thousands counted after Election Day.
There has never been a presidential election within the last 150 years in which all vote were counted during election day. In modern presidential elections it takes about a week of counting to get to 99%.
But none have had ballots collected this much after Election Day.
As long a voting does not extend beyond election day, it doesn't matter how long it takes as long the state law if followed.
But the question is the validity of those that don’t show up until after Election Day. That was unique this time around and what made it conspicuous was that the late votes almost exclusively broke for Biden.
Anyone who wants to win or lose fairly would demand an investigation.
Anomalies, coincident, rumors, and lack of safe guards does not prove ballots are invalid. The only way to disqualify ballots is to look at each individual ballot and audit trails and determine exactly what made it invalid and that takes real proof. Trump is loosing by 45,000 votes in PA. Good Luck.

Without disqualifying 45,000 Biden votes in PA, Trump lawyers would have to disqualify enough Biden votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada to to put Trump in the lead which would be about 63,000 votes as it now stand.
Millions of ballots for Joe Biden while America sleeps with NO DOWN BALLOT VOTES, not even on local tax measures dumped in to the system simultaneously in 6 states after a weird counting stoppage which has NEVER happened in AMERICA, says you are wrong.

Real Clear Politics took Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania from Biden, so he does not have 270

"It Defies Logic": Scientist Finds Telltale Signs Of Election Fraud After Analyzing Mail-In Ballot Data

A most interesting thread popped up on Twitter Sunday from a data scientist who wishes to remain anonymous, regarding mail-in ballot data which strongly suggests fraud occurred in the wee hours of election night, when several swing states inexplicably stopped reporting vote counts while President Trump maintained a healthy lead over Joe Biden.

Using time series data 'scraped' from the New York Times website, the data - comparing several states (swing and non-swing) - clearly illustrates what fraud does and does not look like, and how several anomalies in swing states left 'fingerprints of fraud' as Biden pulled ahead of President Trump.

This is based on their proprietary "Edison" data source which would ordinarily be impossible to access for people outside the press. The CSV is available here. And the script to generate it is here. I suggest that everyone back up both of these files, bc this is an extremely important data source, and we cant risk anyone taking it down.

What we are looking at will be time series analysis and you will see that it is extremely difficult to create convincing synthetic times series data. By looking at the times series logs of the ballot counting process for the entire country, we can very easily spot fraud.

As we can see on this log-log plot, for many of the counting progress updates, we see an almost constant ratio of #Biden to #Trump. It's such a regular pattern that we can actually fit a linear regression model to it with near-perfect accuracy, barring some outliers. How could this be possible? Is this a telltale sign of fraud? Surprisingly, as it will be shown, the answer is no! This is actually expected behavior. Also, we can use this weird pattern in the ballot counting to spot fraud!

Here is the same pattern for Florida
. We see this linear pattern again.

View attachment 413996

And again all over the country. What appears to be happening is that points on the straight line are actually mail in votes. The reason they're so homogeneous across with respect to the ratio of #Biden vs #Trump votes is that they get randomly shuffled in the mail like a deck of cards. Since the ballots are randomly mixed together during transport, spanning areas occupied by multiple voting demographics, we can expect the ratio of mail-in #Biden ballots to mail-in #Trump ballots will remain relatively constant over time and across different reporting updates.

Lets dig a little deeper into this:

Here is a plot of the same Florida voting data, but this time it's the ratio of #Biden to #Trump ballots, versus time. What we see is that the initial ballot reportings are very noisy and "random".

The initial reporting represents in-person voting. These vote reports have such large variation bc in-person voting happens across different geographic areas that have different political alignments. We can see this same pattern of noisy in-person voting, followed by homogeneous mail-in reporting in almost all cases. What we see in almost all examples across the country is that the ratio of mail-in Dem to Rep ballots is very consistent across time, but with the notable drift from Dem to slightly more Rep.....

This slight drift from D to R mail-ins occurs again and again, and is likely due to outlying rural areas having more R votes. These outlying areas take longer to ship their ballots to the polling centers.

Now we're getting into the really good stuff. When we see mail-in ballot counting where there isn't relatively stable ratios of D and R ballots that slightly drift R, we have an anomaly! Anomalies themselves are not necessarily fraud, but they can help us spot fraud more easily.

Now let's look at some anomalies:

This is the Wisconsin vote counting history log. Again, on the Y axis we have the ratio of D to R ballots in reporting batch, and on the X axis we have reporting time. Around 4am there, there is a marked shift in the ratio of D to R mail-in ballots. Based on other posts in this thread, this should not happen. This is an anomaly, and while anomalies are not always fraud, often they may point to fraud.

View attachment 413997

View attachment 413998

By 4am the D to R ratio was all thrown out of whack. That is because these ballots were not sampled from the real Wisconsin voter population, and they were not randomized in the mail sorting system with the other ballots. They inherently have a different D to R signature than the rest of the ballots quite possibly bc additional ballots were added to the batch, either through backdating or ballot manufacturing or software tampering. This of this being kind of analogous to carbon-14 dating, but for ballot batch authenticity.

Lets look at another anomaly (Pennsylvania):

Here is Pennsylvania's vote counting history. For the first part of the vote counting process, we see the same pattern for mail-in ballots that we've seen in every other state in the country, which is relatively stable D to R ratio that gradually drifts R as more ballots. But then as counting continues, the D to R ratio in mail-in ballots inexplicably begin "increasing". Again, this should not happen, and it is observed almost nowhere else in the country, because all of the ballots are randomly shuffled in the mail system and should be homogeneous during counting. The only exceptions to this are other suspect states that also have anomalies.

View attachment 413999

Again, this is evidence of ballot backdating, manufacturing of software tampering.

Lets look at another anomaly:

In Georgia we see pretty much the same story as Pennsylvania: increasing fractions of mail-in D ballots over time even though it defies logic and we see this pattern no where else in the country.

View attachment 414000

View attachment 414001

View attachment 414002
That will not prove that a single ballot is invalid. You need real proof before you can disqualify a ballot. That comes from looking at the ballot and audit trails of ballot processing.
Why do you accept these claims of fraud, without any proof, over and over and over and over again?

What makes you believe the internet stories, all of them, put before you, without ever seeing the actual evidence of fraud?

a whole lot more to look into here.

Absolutely, which is why Trump is trying to stall as long as possible.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.
Not yet.
Every concern that was predicted about this mail-in thing has happened. Too circumstantial to ignore. If you truly believe in election integrity you would welcome the scrutiny.
But not if you have an agenda.
Scrutiny, on legitimate concerns is a good thing...

On speculation, rumors, spin, propaganda etc is simply trying g to steal an election.

This was set up, by this president, MONTHS IN ADVANCE..... seeding all of these phony fraudulent accusations, is what we see clearly..... ever since this president realized he was going to lose.... long before the first vote cast! :eek:

Telling republican legislatures to not allow the counting of absentee votes before election day in places like Pennsylvania, which was a MUST WIN state for Trump to get to 270, to calling Philadelphia corrupt at his PA rallies, to telling his voters to vote in person.... all a set up months in advance so he could say he won, on election night, before a single absentee vote was counted..... his cries to not count the vote, his using his crooked mega donor who he installed in the post master General spot, to pull out mail sorting machines from all the big cities heavy in democratic voters to slow the receit of MAIL so the ballots sent and votes received from those areas wouldn't make it to the election offices in time....

Just pure, unadulterated corruption.

Like clockwork, you Trumpists fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!
Backwards. Democrats planned on having late arrival ballots as a safeguard. That is exactly what happened.
Post marked BEFORE Election day was over,

BECAUSE it was recognized by the court that Trump's crony donor he put in as Post Master General intentionly had taken steps to remove mail counting processors from big cities, and mail boxes from big cities, that slowed the US Mail service delivery of ballots by days.... the President was abusing his power to slow the postal delivery of ballots, so that the President could disenfranchise the democratic voters encouraged to use mail in ballots for corona virus safety measures.
Bullshit! DeMSM propaganda.
There is serious question about the actual postmarks on those ballots.
Fake news....

There is not major concerns about the post marks, that is made up....

Any that can't be read, can be set aside for all I care.... MOST ALL are post MARKED with a date....

AND Pennsylvania only had a few thousand ballots received after election day, which have been set aside and not counted in the vote tally yet.... Biden still won the State by tens of thousands.
Only a few thousand after Election Day but hundreds of thousands counted after Election Day.
There has never been a presidential election within the last 150 years in which all vote were counted during election day. In modern presidential elections it takes about a week of counting to get to 99%.
But none have had ballots collected this much after Election Day.
As long a voting does not extend beyond election day, it doesn't matter how long it takes as long the state law if followed.
But the question is the validity of those that don’t show up until after Election Day. That was unique this time around and what made it conspicuous was that the late votes almost exclusively broke for Biden.
Anyone who wants to win or lose fairly would demand an investigation.
Anomalies, coincident, rumors, and lack of safe guards does not prove ballots are invalid. The only way to disqualify ballots is to look at each individual ballot and audit trails and determine exactly what made it invalid and that takes real proof. Trump is loosing by 45,000 votes in PA. Good Luck.

Without disqualifying 45,000 Biden votes in PA, Trump lawyers would have to disqualify enough Biden votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada to to put Trump in the lead which would be about 63,000 votes as it now stand.
Apparently there are enough questionable votes and procedures for that to happen.
Nope, you can't disqualify a ballot until you proved in court that it is invalid. Questionable does not count, nor lack of safeguards, nor coincidences. It take real evidence, something you have not shown nor have any Trump lawsuits. When you disqualify a ballot, you are potentially taking away a person right to vote. The courts take this seriously.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.
Not yet.
Every concern that was predicted about this mail-in thing has happened. Too circumstantial to ignore. If you truly believe in election integrity you would welcome the scrutiny.
But not if you have an agenda.
Scrutiny, on legitimate concerns is a good thing...

On speculation, rumors, spin, propaganda etc is simply trying g to steal an election.

This was set up, by this president, MONTHS IN ADVANCE..... seeding all of these phony fraudulent accusations, is what we see clearly..... ever since this president realized he was going to lose.... long before the first vote cast! :eek:

Telling republican legislatures to not allow the counting of absentee votes before election day in places like Pennsylvania, which was a MUST WIN state for Trump to get to 270, to calling Philadelphia corrupt at his PA rallies, to telling his voters to vote in person.... all a set up months in advance so he could say he won, on election night, before a single absentee vote was counted..... his cries to not count the vote, his using his crooked mega donor who he installed in the post master General spot, to pull out mail sorting machines from all the big cities heavy in democratic voters to slow the receit of MAIL so the ballots sent and votes received from those areas wouldn't make it to the election offices in time....

Just pure, unadulterated corruption.

Like clockwork, you Trumpists fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!
Backwards. Democrats planned on having late arrival ballots as a safeguard. That is exactly what happened.
Post marked BEFORE Election day was over,

BECAUSE it was recognized by the court that Trump's crony donor he put in as Post Master General intentionly had taken steps to remove mail counting processors from big cities, and mail boxes from big cities, that slowed the US Mail service delivery of ballots by days.... the President was abusing his power to slow the postal delivery of ballots, so that the President could disenfranchise the democratic voters encouraged to use mail in ballots for corona virus safety measures.
Bullshit! DeMSM propaganda.
There is serious question about the actual postmarks on those ballots.
Fake news....

There is not major concerns about the post marks, that is made up....

Any that can't be read, can be set aside for all I care.... MOST ALL are post MARKED with a date....

AND Pennsylvania only had a few thousand ballots received after election day, which have been set aside and not counted in the vote tally yet.... Biden still won the State by tens of thousands.
Only a few thousand after Election Day but hundreds of thousands counted after Election Day.
There has never been a presidential election within the last 150 years in which all vote were counted during election day. In modern presidential elections it takes about a week of counting to get to 99%.
But none have had ballots collected this much after Election Day.
As long a voting does not extend beyond election day, it doesn't matter how long it takes as long the state law if followed.
But the question is the validity of those that don’t show up until after Election Day. That was unique this time around and what made it conspicuous was that the late votes almost exclusively broke for Biden.
Anyone who wants to win or lose fairly would demand an investigation.
Anomalies, coincident, rumors, and lack of safe guards does not prove ballots are invalid. The only way to disqualify ballots is to look at each individual ballot and audit trails and determine exactly what made it invalid and that takes real proof. Trump is loosing by 45,000 votes in PA. Good Luck.

Without disqualifying 45,000 Biden votes in PA, Trump lawyers would have to disqualify enough Biden votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada to to put Trump in the lead which would be about 63,000 votes as it now stand.
Apparently there are enough questionable votes and procedures for that to happen.
Nope, you can't disqualify a ballot until you proved in court that it is invalid. Questionable does not count, nor lack of safeguards, nor coincidences. It take real evidence, something you have not shown nor have any Trump lawsuits. When you disqualify a ballot, you are potentially taking away a person right to vote. The courts take this seriously.
Right. That’s what the call is for. Investigation and a court ruling.
If trump had come from behind after Election Day and ostensibly won 6 swing states, democrats would be rioting. And you know it!
I would demand an investigation into that scenario, too.
Who would have ever guessed that an American president would have joined the communist in declaring our elections are fraudulent but it appears the Russia media has taken up his cause proclaiming US elections are neither free nor fair.
Hope y'all have money to donate to him, because he will need it, for the cost of all of the recounts....which gets charged to the candidate requesting them....unless maybe if it is in the range of a State automatic recount?

Trump does not want a recount. He knows he will still lose.

He wants the clock reset to Election Night with him in the lead. He wants every vote tabulated after Election Day to be voided
Well that is just bat shit crazy! Millions and millions and millions of Americans would be disenfranchised of their vote, the only participation we have, in our democracy/ Democratic Republic :eek:

Looks to me like he wants to delay, delay, delay, so that somehow the Congress will have to choose our President.... something the news has reported on as a plan of Fuer Trump's for months.....

That appears to be Trumps plan all along. That is why in speech after speech he told followers to vote in person.

He wanted to leave Election Night with the lead. He declared victory on Election Night. Republicans in Pennsylvania State House blocked attempts to count mail in votes early. Now, Trump wants votes tabulated after Election Day thrown out.

His ace in the hole is he thinks he owns the courts and they will do his bidding.

I think he will be disappointed
From your mouth to God's ears!!!!!

The courts should continue to disappoint him....mainly because he hasn't been able to produce any fraud, that would change the results of him losing...

but I have no problem with recounts etc.... an awful lot of citizens have been bamboozled in to believing his lies and unverified fraud, and they need to see the recounts to make them believe the truth... that Donald is just making shit up.
Along with looking into any irregularities (such as checking the legality of votes, deciding whether to count any precincts which broke the law by excluding poll watchers or pulling other illegal shit, and doing COMPLETE RECOUNTS of ANY precincts or states which used the Dominion system (which has already been caught flipping votes))!!!

If you can show us that Biden won without using fraud, I'm perfectly willing to admit that he has met your standards, proven his innocence, and I will accept him as President...
Just the opposite. The election was fair and square. YOUR SIDE has to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fraud, that surmounted the results of the election. Accusations, and speculations, and partisan manufactured propaganda....just don't cut it, in the United States of America....we are not Russia, or China, or North Korea.... here, we the voters choose our President, the President does NOT choose the voters....and THAT is what this Despot and his followers are trying to do.... YOU creating these bull crap accusations without proof, is what is attempted FRAUD on the American people and their right to choose their leaders and representatives....YOUR ILK, are the ones TRYING TO STEAL AN ELECTION, from the American voter, the American people....and weaken our democracy.
Not yet.
Every concern that was predicted about this mail-in thing has happened. Too circumstantial to ignore. If you truly believe in election integrity you would welcome the scrutiny.
But not if you have an agenda.
Scrutiny, on legitimate concerns is a good thing...

On speculation, rumors, spin, propaganda etc is simply trying g to steal an election.

This was set up, by this president, MONTHS IN ADVANCE..... seeding all of these phony fraudulent accusations, is what we see clearly..... ever since this president realized he was going to lose.... long before the first vote cast! :eek:

Telling republican legislatures to not allow the counting of absentee votes before election day in places like Pennsylvania, which was a MUST WIN state for Trump to get to 270, to calling Philadelphia corrupt at his PA rallies, to telling his voters to vote in person.... all a set up months in advance so he could say he won, on election night, before a single absentee vote was counted..... his cries to not count the vote, his using his crooked mega donor who he installed in the post master General spot, to pull out mail sorting machines from all the big cities heavy in democratic voters to slow the receit of MAIL so the ballots sent and votes received from those areas wouldn't make it to the election offices in time....

Just pure, unadulterated corruption.

Like clockwork, you Trumpists fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!
Backwards. Democrats planned on having late arrival ballots as a safeguard. That is exactly what happened.
Post marked BEFORE Election day was over,

BECAUSE it was recognized by the court that Trump's crony donor he put in as Post Master General intentionly had taken steps to remove mail counting processors from big cities, and mail boxes from big cities, that slowed the US Mail service delivery of ballots by days.... the President was abusing his power to slow the postal delivery of ballots, so that the President could disenfranchise the democratic voters encouraged to use mail in ballots for corona virus safety measures.
Bullshit! DeMSM propaganda.
There is serious question about the actual postmarks on those ballots.
Fake news....

There is not major concerns about the post marks, that is made up....

Any that can't be read, can be set aside for all I care.... MOST ALL are post MARKED with a date....

AND Pennsylvania only had a few thousand ballots received after election day, which have been set aside and not counted in the vote tally yet.... Biden still won the State by tens of thousands.
Only a few thousand after Election Day but hundreds of thousands counted after Election Day.
There has never been a presidential election within the last 150 years in which all vote were counted during election day. In modern presidential elections it takes about a week of counting to get to 99%.
But none have had ballots collected this much after Election Day.
As long a voting does not extend beyond election day, it doesn't matter how long it takes as long the state law if followed.
But the question is the validity of those that don’t show up until after Election Day. That was unique this time around and what made it conspicuous was that the late votes almost exclusively broke for Biden.
Anyone who wants to win or lose fairly would demand an investigation.
Anomalies, coincident, rumors, and lack of safe guards does not prove ballots are invalid. The only way to disqualify ballots is to look at each individual ballot and audit trails and determine exactly what made it invalid and that takes real proof. Trump is loosing by 45,000 votes in PA. Good Luck.

Without disqualifying 45,000 Biden votes in PA, Trump lawyers would have to disqualify enough Biden votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada to to put Trump in the lead which would be about 63,000 votes as it now stand.
Apparently there are enough questionable votes and procedures for that to happen.
Nope, you can't disqualify a ballot until you proved in court that it is invalid. Questionable does not count, nor lack of safeguards, nor coincidences. It take real evidence, something you have not shown nor have any Trump lawsuits. When you disqualify a ballot, you are potentially taking away a person right to vote. The courts take this seriously.
Right. That’s what the call is for. Investigation and a court ruling.
If trump had come from behind after Election Day and ostensibly won 6 swing states, democrats would be rioting. And you know it!
I would demand an investigation into that scenario, too.
There is nothing wrong with Trump not accepting election results and entering lawsuits. However, there is a lot wrong with a sitting president declaring our elections as fraudulent without substantiation. In short, Trump should have simply said he's taking it to court and allowed the courts to make the decision. Words have power, particularly when they are coming from the president. Trump's attacks on our electoral system will live long after he has left office and will be used in propaganda to discredit democratic elections around the world as well as the US.
Right. That’s what the call is for. Investigation and a court ruling.
If trump had come from behind after Election Day and ostensibly won 6 swing states, democrats would be rioting. And you know it!
I would demand an investigation into that scenario, too.
With hand recounts coming in AZ, GA and WI, this thing will right itself outside of the court system.

PA will probably get at least a partial recount in Philladelphia, and maybe in MI in Detroit from court orders.

The federalis will accompany these recounts with armed agents accompanying them.
The fact that this is a debate shows a massive flaw in our election system no matter what Mr. Flopper says.
There is nothing wrong with debating the outcome of an election but as I said, there is lot wrong with a US president making unsubstantiated declarations that our electoral system is fraudulent.
The fact that this is a debate shows a massive flaw in our election system no matter what Mr. Flopper says.
There is nothing wrong with debating the outcome of an election but as I said, there is lot wrong with a US president making unsubstantiated declarations that our electoral system is fraudulent.
Trump is a wrecking ball. Are you really shocked? I agree He should not have said that. What ingratiates him to so many also vilifies him to just as many if not more.
Right. That’s what the call is for. Investigation and a court ruling.
If trump had come from behind after Election Day and ostensibly won 6 swing states, democrats would be rioting. And you know it!
I would demand an investigation into that scenario, too.
With hand recounts coming in AZ, GA and WI, this thing will right itself outside of the court system.

PA will probably get at least a partial recount in Philladelphia, and maybe in MI in Detroit from court orders.

The federalis will accompany these recounts with armed agents accompanying them.
Recounts are usually done by machine, however it is up to each county. Since machine count error rates are typically 10 to 40 errors per million, they rarely effect an election, certainly not when there is 45,000 ballot difference between the candidates. Machine counts are far more accurate than hand counts. Prior to every election,, election offices run thousands of test ballots with every type anomaly imaginable through the processing.
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