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The Election Ain't Over Folks

There is nothing wrong with Trump not accepting election results and entering lawsuits. However, there is a lot wrong with a sitting president declaring our elections as fraudulent without substantiation. In short, Trump should have simply said he's taking it to court and allowed the courts to make the decision.

There is nothing stopping Trump from allowing Biden access to key Dept personnel, office space and funding while he pursues legal claims.

Other than being a douche
No matter how hard the leftists here will declare it to be so, until the Court actions are over the election isn't over. Bush V Gore wasn't resolved for 38 days IIRC. This is going to drag on for probably longer. Keep your hats on.
We do not have a tie, in one state, With only 500 vote difference.

Trump overwhelmingly LOST the popular and electoral college vote.

Trump has no path of getting to 270 electors, none, zip, zero chance.

Biden crossed the 270 already, HE WON.....

My God....are you really this stupid or just a Communist hack ?

There is nothing wrong with Trump not accepting election results and entering lawsuits. However, there is a lot wrong with a sitting president declaring our elections as fraudulent without substantiation. In short, Trump should have simply said he's taking it to court and allowed the courts to make the decision.

There is nothing stopping Trump from allowing Biden access to key Dept personnel, office space and funding while he pursues legal claims.

Other than being a douche
Well, there is THE Law, but, you commie Satan worshiping children of Hell don't care about that. Look what you did with this fraudulent election that was ONLY fraudulent because of your actions.

Right douchewater drinker?
We have a deranged, wannabe dictator president, going through a complete mental breakdown!!!!

And America's safety is at risk...!!! :eek:
Trump wants to stay in the oval office, until he dies a natural death, so he will never have to face the Criminal charges, awaiting him, on the outside.
BREAKING: U.S. DOJ Elections Crime Branch Director Richard Pilger has resigned i
>> "Details: "Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications… I must regretfully resign from my role as Director of the Election Crimes Branch," Pilger said in an email, per the NYT."

- Hmmm. wonder what he objected to??

My guess is that he anticipated pressure from Trump and allies to conclude dishonestly that Biden won through fraud, and wanted to avoid that pressure.
He resigned because AG Barr broke a DOJ regulation that has been there for 40 plus years....

The DOJ can not announce or be involved with any election fraud accusations until AFTER the vote counts are completed, so not to appear like the DOJ was being used to influence the outcome of an election...

With threats that BARR was going to be the next man fired via tweet, like our Secretary of Defence Esper, Barr sent a letter to all DOj offices that they could get involved if need be, BEFORE the election counts are completed.

A VIOLATION of protocol, and very PUTIN-ESQUE.
Putin could take lessons from this cancer in our WH
Bush V Gore wasn't resolved for 38 days...
Desperate comparisons to a razor-thin, disputed vote count in a single state have been handily dismissed by Republican and Democratic voting experts aplenty, yet desperadoes will mindlessly persist in flailing about for rationales, however feeble. Florida's problem was not about allegations, unfounded or otherwise, of sinister hijinks.

Since the conspiracy alleged is widespread, coordinated by several states, and by election officials of both political parties (perverting votes to screw Trump and insure that Republicans maintain Senate control and increase House representation,) let us expose a scenario for the caper that precisely targets the egomaniacal, paranoidal lardass whilst sparing his GOP congressional enablers:

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Lapsed Trumper Extraordinaire Cesar "False Flag" Sayoc, repentant for his prior Trumpery degeneracy, masterminded the operation from prison, sending out engraved invitations to carefully selected secretaries-of-state and election officials in various jurisdictions, both Democratic and Republican, to clandestinely make their way to a New Jersey compound yard where they were sworn to secrecy on a dark rainy night, huddled in a superspreader klatch over pedophile pizza in the back of the Trumpmobile, and calculated how many votes they needed to pervert to help Republicans in the Senate and House, and screw the Lardass. They, in turn, swore all their poll workers to secrecy, so universally unassailable that even Trump's Naughty Vote Czar cannot break a single malefactor.

Wow. What a conspiracy!

Of course, anyone can postulate alternative scenarios with even wilder abandon and, no doubt, will.
Trump is a wrecking ball. Are you really shocked? I agree He should not have said that. What ingratiates him to so many also vilifies him to just as many if not more.

Yes, Trump is a wrecking ball.

235,000 Dead
10 million sick
165,000 businesses lost.
65 million jobs lost or laid off
6 Trillion in new debt.
Alliances ruined
defeat in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq
Cities in flames with riots.

Trump has definitely wrecked a lot of stuff. Now we need someone to rebuild it.
Due to CHINA...even the most ardent of Leftists don't blame Trump for this. Well logical ones. You just post this stuff to troll. Way to be unifying....LOL
We have a deranged, wannabe dictator president, going through a complete mental breakdown!!!!

And America's safety is at risk...!!! :eek:

You are nuts. Trump is fine. The Dems have sold us out to the chinese. Hopefully the Courts will do their jobs.
BREAKING: U.S. DOJ Elections Crime Branch Director Richard Pilger has resigned i
>> "Details: "Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications… I must regretfully resign from my role as Director of the Election Crimes Branch," Pilger said in an email, per the NYT."

- Hmmm. wonder what he objected to??

My guess is that he anticipated pressure from Trump and allies to conclude dishonestly that Biden won through fraud, and wanted to avoid that pressure.
He resigned because AG Barr broke a DOJ regulation that has been there for 40 plus years....

The DOJ can not announce or be involved with any election fraud accusations until AFTER the vote counts are completed, so not to appear like the DOJ was being used to influence the outcome of an election...

With threats that BARR was going to be the next man fired via tweet, like our Secretary of Defence Esper, Barr sent a letter to all DOj offices that they could get involved if need be, BEFORE the election counts are completed.

A VIOLATION of protocol, and very PUTIN-ESQUE.
Putin could take lessons from this cancer in our WH
Maybe Putin does? You really cannot judge, traitor.


You can only lose if you choose surrender
A dastardly conspiracy by over 75 million voters to make Trump go away and leave them alone is not thwarted by irrational denial.

Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 9.30.08 AM.png

"Don't think that I didn't notice that all the same nefarious masterminds
that screwed ME in so many jurisdictions

faked votes to keep YOU in charge of the Senate!
could find yourself on Bam Bam Bannon's 'Behead' List!"
Azog Israeli spy IT'S OVER
Team of international observers says they saw no evidence of systematic fraud in U.S. elections

A team of 28 international observers from the Organization of American States (OAS) issued a preliminary report in which they praised last week’s elections while criticizing baseless allegations of systematic fraud, the Wall Street Journal reports,
Driving the news: The OAS team, invited by the Trump administration, was deployed in battleground states and says it did not witness any irregularities that would suggest an intervention in the elections. It also notes that attempts ‘stop the count,’ in battleground states "were clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials.”
  • President Trump is refusing to concede the race to President-elect Joe Biden, and continues to make baseless claims about widespread voter fraud.
  • "It is critical however, that candidates act responsibly by presenting and arguing legitimate claims before the courts, not unsubstantiated or harmful speculation in the public media," the report said.
Details: The team of observers monitored the election from Oct. 23 to Nov. 7.
  • “On Election Day, the members of the Mission were present at polling places in Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan and the District of Columbia, and observed the process from the opening of the polling centers through to the close of polls and the deposit of voting materials with the appropriate local authorities,'' the report said.
  • "Members of the Mission also visited tabulations centers to observe the tallying of result. In the jurisdictions that it observed, the Mission found that the day progressed in a peaceful manner.”

Team of international observers says they saw no evidence of systematic fraud in U.S. elections


You can only lose if you choose surrender
A dastardly conspiracy by over 75 million voters (and a handful of Elitist Tyrants) to make Trump go away and leave them alone is not thwarted by irrational denial.

View attachment 414188
"Don't think that I didn't notice that all the same nefarious masterminds
that screwed ME in so many jurisdictions

faked votes to keep YOU in charge of the Senate!
could find yourself on Bam Bam Bannon's 'Behead' List!"

A dastardly conspiracy by over 75 million voters to make Trump go away via illegal ballot harvesting and conspiracy to pervert the election system and leave them alone is not thwarted by irrational denial either
For Azog and the rest of republican suckers
We asked nine legal experts about Trump's latest lawsuit challenging election results in Pennsylvania. Their verdict: Dead on arrival.
The Trump con is on.... They're just reeling in the last of the sucker bets before he capitulates.
There is nothing wrong with debating the outcome of an election but as I said, there is lot wrong with a US president making unsubstantiated declarations that our electoral system is fraudulent.
It's irrelevant. Look at how this plays out. It goes in one of two ways: Either (a) this Hail Mary actually has legs and is real and Trump wins, or (b) it gets tossed out with the trash. If it gets tossed out, the Trumpsters will default to "it was the Deep State, Trump won, he's the victim, commies commies". And that will fire them up for 2024.

You have to admit, the architects of the alternate universe have all the bases covered. This is what happens when you have an entire, separate, closed circuit reality hitting on all cylinders and feeding on itself. It has reached a point at which it doesn't need to be connected to the rest of the planet. It's actually pretty impressive to observe, as destructive as it is.
No, I don't see what Trump is doing is irrelevant. Free and fair elections are a cornerstone of our democracy. Destroy the faith in our electoral system and the rest will come tumbling down. There are many countries in the world that are struggling to provide free and fair democratic elections. Opponents in Russia are already spreading Trump's message.
No matter how hard the leftists here will declare it to be so, until the Court actions are over the election isn't over. Bush V Gore wasn't resolved for 38 days IIRC. This is going to drag on for probably longer. Keep your hats on.
We do not have a tie, in one state, With only 500 vote difference.

Trump overwhelmingly LOST the popular and electoral college vote.

Trump has no path of getting to 270 electors, none, zip, zero chance.

Biden crossed the 270 already, HE WON.....
His lawsuits are just complete nonsense. None show systemic voter fraud and none have any hope of reversing the results in any state in question. This is just Trump refusing to take responsibility for his failure. Just like coronavirus, he has to blame something or someone for his failures. Trump just plain lacks the courage to man up and take responsibility for losing the election.

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