The electoral college is a disaster for democracy

bottom line:

while the EC has some flaws, it remains the best compromise. Going to a pure PV or allocated EC votes will have the affect of disenfranchising some voters (as does the EC) But fewer are disenfranchised by the EC than the other options. The EC and PV have been consistent in almost every presidential election, and the EC is much less susceptible to fraud than the other methods.

AND, doing away with it would take ratification by congress and 38 states, that won't happen.

Nice discussion, but time to move on.

Once again --- I know you need this served up in tiny spoonfuls but you've managed to get one down --- it's not necessary to change the Constitution and entirely eliminate it, to repair what's broke.

-- Even if it would be more effective and shut out many variables to do it that way.

It's a nice discussion that comes up every four years, and four years hence will be with us yet again. The fact that it does recur every four years alone tells us something about the dissatisfaction with it. But there's no reason we should start over from square one every time.

The goodly thing about this thread -- titled by Donald Rump from a tweet four years ago --- is that 4200 sets of eyeballs (so far) have looked into the matter, just in this thread. That's getting the issue on the table. And obviously if it weren't a point of concern for this country this thread wouldn't still be going.
The EC is going nowhere, righty so.
A pure popular vote is mob rule...

And yet ---- you still can't explain why that would be.
Or why it's not "mob rule" when we elect a Governor.
Or a Senator.
Or a Congresscritter.
Or a mayor.
Or a city council.
Or a county commissioner.
Or a sheriff.
Or a judge.
Or a Commissioner of Paper Clips.

Or how a "mob rule" is even possible when everybody's got the same choices on the ballot.

But if you ever come up with an answer you be sure to run back here lickety-split.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.
Every candidate knows this going into the presidential election the EC determines who's president. Everyone learns that in grade school at least they should.
bottom line:

while the EC has some flaws, it remains the best compromise. Going to a pure PV or allocated EC votes will have the affect of disenfranchising some voters (as does the EC) But fewer are disenfranchised by the EC than the other options. The EC and PV have been consistent in almost every presidential election, and the EC is much less susceptible to fraud than the other methods.

AND, doing away with it would take ratification by congress and 38 states, that won't happen.

Nice discussion, but time to move on.

Once again --- I know you need this served up in tiny spoonfuls but you've managed to get one down --- it's not necessary to change the Constitution and entirely eliminate it, to repair what's broke.

-- Even if it would be more effective and shut out many variables to do it that way.

It's a nice discussion that comes up every four years, and four years hence will be with us yet again. The fact that it does recur every four years alone tells us something about the dissatisfaction with it. But there's no reason we should start over from square one every time.

The goodly thing about this thread -- titled by Donald Rump from a tweet four years ago --- is that 4200 sets of eyeballs (so far) have looked into the matter, just in this thread. That's getting the issue on the table. And obviously if it weren't a point of concern for this country this thread wouldn't still be going.
About half of the adults do not understand the electoral college at all. 43% don't know it's a constitutional requirement. Only 1 in 10 knew that the House of Representatives would select a president if the vote in the EC was tied. No wonder so many people are so upset when a candidate loses the popular vote and wins the presidency. They suffer from the illusion that the election is a democratic process.
Study: Americans Don't Know Much About History
This is a republic or at least supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy. Shit for brains LOL
Actually we are a Democratic Republic. Democracy is difficult to define because today it means more than a form of government. It means both the process we use to select our decision makers and the freedom that the people enjoy. We tell the world we are a democracy because our people enjoy more freedoms than most countries. We say we are a republic because we elect people to make the decision for us.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most definitely part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most diffenatly part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.

Whites would love a democracy.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most diffenatly part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.
He does not realize there are two Americas, rural and urban.
Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet and rightly so only inbred control freaks think it can.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most definitely part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.

I uh --- don't think you looked up what "coprophilia" means. Read it again.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most definitely part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.

I uh --- don't think you looked up what "coprophilia" means. Read it again.
You obviously practice it…
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most diffenatly part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.
He does not realize there are two Americas, rural and urban.
Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet and rightly so only inbred control freaks think it can.

"Two Americas, rural and urban"?? :lmao:

They don't have suburbs on your planet then?

Like it or not Gummo, an urban dweller constitutes one American; a suburban dweller constitutes one American, and a rural dweller constitutes one American. You'll notice a pattern there. You seem to think urban dwellers are somehow "less American", yes?

So what if Oliver Wendell Douglas moves out of Manhattan to Hooterville Kentucky? Does he by that act somehow become "more American"? Does he get extra votes? Did Jed Clampett become "less American" by moving from Tennessee to Beverly Hills?

What if a resident of Minneapolis moves to Fargo? It's still a city but it's a smaller one --- does that "count"? Does he at least get partial points? Or does the boo boo magically go away if Fargo is occupied by Republicans?

Partisan hacks ---- such cat toys.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most definitely part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.

I uh --- don't think you looked up what "coprophilia" means. Read it again.

I know what it means Pogo.
He still has the right to say that democracy is full of human waste.
Our founders thought the same, thats why they gave us a Constitutional Republic.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most diffenatly part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.
He does not realize there are two Americas, rural and urban.
Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet and rightly so only inbred control freaks think it can.

"Two Americas, rural and urban"?? :lmao:

They don't have suburbs on your planet then?

Like it or not Gummo, an urban dweller constitutes one American; a suburban dweller constitutes one American, and a rural dweller constitutes one American. You'll notice a pattern there. You seem to think urban dwellers are somehow "less American", yes?

So what if Oliver Wendell Douglas moves out of Manhattan to Hooterville Kentucky? Does he by that act somehow become "more American"? Does he get extra votes?

What if a resident of Minneapolis moves to Fargo? It's still a city but it's a smaller one --- does that "count"? Does he at least get partial points? Or does the boo boo magically go away if Fargo is occupied by Republicans?

Partisan hacks ---- such cat toys.
No, getting along is way overrated and just is not going to happen. Urbanism is addicted to the nanny state… Fact
Rodney King-ism is no way to live... :lmao:
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most definitely part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.

I uh --- don't think you looked up what "coprophilia" means. Read it again.

I know what it means Pogo.
He still has the right to say that democracy is full of human waste.
Our founders thought the same, thats why they gave us a Constitutional Republic.

I never said or implied he doesn't have the "right to say" anything Peach.
I simply noted the obsession that drives his metaphor. He's used it at least ten times in this thread. And it speaks eloquently in psychological terms.

And feel free to quote me any reference to coprophilia in the Constitution.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most diffenatly part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.
He does not realize there are two Americas, rural and urban.
Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet and rightly so only inbred control freaks think it can.

"Two Americas, rural and urban"?? :lmao:

They don't have suburbs on your planet then?

Like it or not Gummo, an urban dweller constitutes one American; a suburban dweller constitutes one American, and a rural dweller constitutes one American. You'll notice a pattern there. You seem to think urban dwellers are somehow "less American", yes?

So what if Oliver Wendell Douglas moves out of Manhattan to Hooterville Kentucky? Does he by that act somehow become "more American"? Does he get extra votes?

What if a resident of Minneapolis moves to Fargo? It's still a city but it's a smaller one --- does that "count"? Does he at least get partial points? Or does the boo boo magically go away if Fargo is occupied by Republicans?

Partisan hacks ---- such cat toys.
No, getting along is way overrated and just is not going to happen. Urbanism is addicted to the nanny state… Fact
Rodney King-ism is no way to live... :lmao:

See what I mean Peach? This is even more eloquent.
This is the republic at least it's supposed to be, not a shit eating democracy.

You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most definitely part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.

I uh --- don't think you looked up what "coprophilia" means. Read it again.

I know what it means Pogo.
He still has the right to say that democracy is full of human waste.
Our founders thought the same, thats why they gave us a Constitutional Republic.

I never said or implied he doesn't have the "right to say" anything Peach.
I simply noted the obsession that drives his metaphor. He's used it at least ten times in this thread. And it speaks eloquently in psychological terms.

And feel free to quote me any reference to coprophilia in the Constitution.

The word was thought not wrtten down.
And I never said you did.
Yes he does have a dirty mouth.There are some people like him everywhere in this world who have dirty mouths.
I stop talking to them when they direct those words at me.
The minuite they bully and swear the conversation is over.
You seem to have an obsession with coprophilia.

While I'm sure it's an endless source of amusement in one's idle hours for those so inclined --- it's not the topic here. If you don't have anything to add .... then you don't have anything to add.

It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most diffenatly part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.
He does not realize there are two Americas, rural and urban.
Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet and rightly so only inbred control freaks think it can.

"Two Americas, rural and urban"?? :lmao:

They don't have suburbs on your planet then?

Like it or not Gummo, an urban dweller constitutes one American; a suburban dweller constitutes one American, and a rural dweller constitutes one American. You'll notice a pattern there. You seem to think urban dwellers are somehow "less American", yes?

So what if Oliver Wendell Douglas moves out of Manhattan to Hooterville Kentucky? Does he by that act somehow become "more American"? Does he get extra votes?

What if a resident of Minneapolis moves to Fargo? It's still a city but it's a smaller one --- does that "count"? Does he at least get partial points? Or does the boo boo magically go away if Fargo is occupied by Republicans?

Partisan hacks ---- such cat toys.
No, getting along is way overrated and just is not going to happen. Urbanism is addicted to the nanny state… Fact
Rodney King-ism is no way to live... :lmao:

See what I mean Peach? This is even more eloquent.

Well what can you say other than he is a boblyne. :)
It has everything to do with it Pogo and is most diffenatly part of the topic.
Get rid of the Electoral College and we will no longer be a Consitutional Republic.
He does not realize there are two Americas, rural and urban.
Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet and rightly so only inbred control freaks think it can.

"Two Americas, rural and urban"?? :lmao:

They don't have suburbs on your planet then?

Like it or not Gummo, an urban dweller constitutes one American; a suburban dweller constitutes one American, and a rural dweller constitutes one American. You'll notice a pattern there. You seem to think urban dwellers are somehow "less American", yes?

So what if Oliver Wendell Douglas moves out of Manhattan to Hooterville Kentucky? Does he by that act somehow become "more American"? Does he get extra votes?

What if a resident of Minneapolis moves to Fargo? It's still a city but it's a smaller one --- does that "count"? Does he at least get partial points? Or does the boo boo magically go away if Fargo is occupied by Republicans?

Partisan hacks ---- such cat toys.
No, getting along is way overrated and just is not going to happen. Urbanism is addicted to the nanny state… Fact
Rodney King-ism is no way to live... :lmao:

See what I mean Peach? This is even more eloquent.

Well what can you say other than he is a boblyne. :)

:dunno: I don't even know what that is. Does it have something to do with sewing machines?

I like the looks of it though. Something about the YN combination gives a certain class, in a sorta Welsh way.
He does not realize there are two Americas, rural and urban.
Collectivism has never worked in the history of the planet and rightly so only inbred control freaks think it can.

"Two Americas, rural and urban"?? :lmao:

They don't have suburbs on your planet then?

Like it or not Gummo, an urban dweller constitutes one American; a suburban dweller constitutes one American, and a rural dweller constitutes one American. You'll notice a pattern there. You seem to think urban dwellers are somehow "less American", yes?

So what if Oliver Wendell Douglas moves out of Manhattan to Hooterville Kentucky? Does he by that act somehow become "more American"? Does he get extra votes?

What if a resident of Minneapolis moves to Fargo? It's still a city but it's a smaller one --- does that "count"? Does he at least get partial points? Or does the boo boo magically go away if Fargo is occupied by Republicans?

Partisan hacks ---- such cat toys.
No, getting along is way overrated and just is not going to happen. Urbanism is addicted to the nanny state… Fact
Rodney King-ism is no way to live... :lmao:

See what I mean Peach? This is even more eloquent.

Well what can you say other than he is a boblyne. :)

:dunno: I don't even know what that is. Does it have something to do with sewing machines?

I like the looks of it though. Something about the YN combination gives a certain class, in a sorta Welsh way.

Its a 17th century word for fool.
"Two Americas, rural and urban"?? :lmao:

They don't have suburbs on your planet then?

Like it or not Gummo, an urban dweller constitutes one American; a suburban dweller constitutes one American, and a rural dweller constitutes one American. You'll notice a pattern there. You seem to think urban dwellers are somehow "less American", yes?

So what if Oliver Wendell Douglas moves out of Manhattan to Hooterville Kentucky? Does he by that act somehow become "more American"? Does he get extra votes?

What if a resident of Minneapolis moves to Fargo? It's still a city but it's a smaller one --- does that "count"? Does he at least get partial points? Or does the boo boo magically go away if Fargo is occupied by Republicans?

Partisan hacks ---- such cat toys.
No, getting along is way overrated and just is not going to happen. Urbanism is addicted to the nanny state… Fact
Rodney King-ism is no way to live... :lmao:

See what I mean Peach? This is even more eloquent.

Well what can you say other than he is a boblyne. :)

:dunno: I don't even know what that is. Does it have something to do with sewing machines?

I like the looks of it though. Something about the YN combination gives a certain class, in a sorta Welsh way.

Its a 17th century word for fool.

Reeeallly. .... :eusa_think: OK now I love the word.

Do you speake olde Englisshe? I've got a word that old in my profile, or one fashioned from it: Agresticia, derived from the word agrestic, recently "retired" by the OED --- which ironically means "rustic".
No, getting along is way overrated and just is not going to happen. Urbanism is addicted to the nanny state… Fact
Rodney King-ism is no way to live... :lmao:

See what I mean Peach? This is even more eloquent.

Well what can you say other than he is a boblyne. :)

:dunno: I don't even know what that is. Does it have something to do with sewing machines?

I like the looks of it though. Something about the YN combination gives a certain class, in a sorta Welsh way.

Its a 17th century word for fool.

Reeeallly. .... :eusa_think: OK now I love the word.

Do you speake olde Englisshe? I've got a word that old in my profile, or one fashioned from it: Agresticia, derived from the word agrestic, recently "retired" by the OED --- which ironically means "rustic".

I'm heavily into the 17th, from it's history, to the clothing and the language and including the dulcimer. :)
Now, I think I have proved I know my english very well including old English. Eh? :lmao:

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