The Electoral College is as outdated as the 2nd Amendment

The EC isn’t so much ‘outdated’ as it’s not being used as intended by the Framers.

It was the Framers’ original intent that the Electors vote in accordance with their conscience, not how their state voted.
Republic means ultimate power (theoretically) rests with the people, and democracy refers to how the leaders are chosen. There's no conflict between the expressions.

And we are not a democracy

Then don't vote.

And that means what?

It means if you don't want to participate in our representative democracy, don't vote.

It means you cant comprehend we are not a democracy if we were gays wouldn't be allowed to get married
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
Just get the states to apportion the electors by percentages.
No, what you don't see is a few very large population centers are much easier to bribe and control than an entire country. And what does someone who lives in Los Angeles necessarily know about the life of farmers throughout the midwest or North Dakota. Someone like Hillary or Warren in office could do an amazing amount of damage in a short period of time.... thank god for the EC

Look, there have only been FIVE presidents who didn't also win the popular vote - so your point is moot. Meaning that 40 presidents also won the popular vote.

Well, I KNOW that had Hillary won the electoral college instead of Trump we would not be having this conversation. Had Trump lost, I would have accepted it as would have most all who voted for Trump.WHY is it that whenever Democrats lose they have to start talking about changing the rules? I mean, they changed the whistle blower rules to help get rid of Trump, and they changed Impeachment rules as well..... all to suit their needs.
Now doubt, should Democrats win a presidency, they will also attempt to stack the supreme court..... because, again, they always need to change things when they lose.
And now, its getting rid of the E.C. because they lost. Why dont they just try appealing to the needs of the country? Hillary hardly tried at all and Trump out campaigned her while she could barely stand on her own two feet.

BS. If this happened to Trump, he would still be challenging the results and all the anti Hillary people would demand congress get rid of the EC. And as republicans were the majority until 2018, the EC would have been abolished. Trump didn't out campaign anyone if he lost the popular vote. Republicans support Trump because he is stacking the courts. Why do you republicans lie so fucking much?

Nobody changed any rules to get Trump. The motherfucker violated the law as well as broke his oath of office. Republicans don't get to live by a different set of rules and you need to quit believing what a person who has lied over 13,000 times tells you.

Stacking the supreme court? No he hasn't. There are still only 9 Supreme court judges. The Democrats are the ones who were talking about increasing the number to make up for the fact that Trump nominated judges. And no doubt from what I've seen from the Democrats they would certainly do that.

Trump out campaigned Hillary. Her ass was lazy and she didnt make as many road trips. FACT. It cost her in the rust belt. She could have won. Trump violated nothing , other than the opinions of some people. Some people who have been trying to impeach him from the very day he was elected, because they are Washington Elites who want to keep the status quo.
At least Clinton was not impeached until his second term. Whats going on now is bullshit and unheard of. Hillary is a whiney bitch who needs someone to blame for why she lost... all she needs to do is look in the mirror.
Court-packing, Democrats’ nuclear option for the Supreme Court, explained

2020 Dems warm to expanding Supreme Court

As I said, Democrats are all about changing the rules to suit their needs.

Trump is stacking all the courts with right wing judges. That's why democrats are suggesting changes. And I guess denying a president to appoint a justice because liberals would be the majority is OK. Trump lost the popular vote so he didn't out campaign anyone. Clinton should never have been impeached, unless you consider him getting a blow job while working was against company standards. By the same company standards trying to stop and obstruct an investigation is a fireable offense on any job in this country.

What you just posted is what pisses me off about republicans. You're dishonest. Trump has violated laws. Over 900 prosecuting attorneys from both parties didn't sign a letter talking about how Trump obstructed justice because he violated their opinions.

Trump is stacking all the courts with right wing judges.

Suck it whiner!
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
Washington redskin,
Without the electoral college small population states have no say in presidential elections… Fact
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
Just get the states to apportion the electors by percentages.

Just get the states to apportion the electors by percentages.

That is a great idea.
Let's try it out on California, New York and Illinois first.
In 20 years or so, we can think about expanding your plan.
So much fail in this thread. Gosh.

See attachments. Particularly 38. 'An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic."

Also attached are 40. The Federated System of Republics in America / Principle 5, Limited Government / 15. Principle 6, Decentralized Government / 25. Principle 11, Taxes: Limited to Safeguard Liberty.

These will (should anyway) prepare anyone who takes the time to read them for any further/subsequent discussion on the topic elsewhere, should the topic arise.

These are my personal files. They're clean.

The correct term, btw, is 'Compound Republic'...See Federalist #51...for starters....


  • 38. An Important Distinction Democracy versus Republic.pdf
    314 KB · Views: 41
  • 15. Principle Six.pdf
    289.2 KB · Views: 45
  • 13. Principle Five.pdf
    353.9 KB · Views: 54
  • 25. Principle Eleven.pdf
    320.1 KB · Views: 36
  • 40. The Federated System of Republics in America.pdf
    219.1 KB · Views: 38
Last edited:
First: Who the fuck resurrected this old POS thread?

Second: Why?

Third: The thread is just as irrelevant now as it was three years ago because neither the Electoral College nor the Second Amendment are outdated.
Presidents should be elected based on national popular votes - not electoral votes based on acreage and just rubber-stamped by partisans!

Popular vote - not acres!


In each state, whichever party garners a majority of popular votes, regardless of how narrow the margin, wins all the electoral votes. By forcing residents in each state ultimately to vote as a block, the system is supposed to ensure that small states' interests are not drowned out by those of larger states.

U.S. Electoral Vote Map
Just get the states to apportion the electors by percentages.

Just get the states to apportion the electors by percentages.

That is a great idea.
Let's try it out on California, New York and Illinois first.
In 20 years or so, we can think about expanding your plan.
If it happened in MN, Trump would have gotten half the state adding 5 more electoral votes. Instead all went to Hillary who only won state by 70K voters.
Creep should be careful what he asks for.
First: Who the fuck resurrected this old POS thread?

Second: Why?

Third: The thread is just as irrelevant now as it was three years ago because neither the Electoral College nor the Second Amendment are outdated.
More than likely self bumped by the troll Lackota.
First: Who the fuck resurrected this old POS thread?

Second: Why?

Third: The thread is just as irrelevant now as it was three years ago because neither the Electoral College nor the Second Amendment are outdated.
It doesn't seems like the concerns that prompted the design of the electoral college have changed. How is it outdated?
None of you complained about the Electoral College until you couldn't win it.
I've always thought it a device to prevent too much democracy.

It is exactly that. A device to prevent logistically ignorant voters in massive cities from having carte blanche to impose poorly thought out restrictions on the regions that grow their food. And thank God or the Universe or my lucky f'in stars for that. California doesn't need to be replicated at the national level.
None of you complained about the Electoral College until you couldn't win it.
I've always thought it a device to prevent too much democracy.

It is exactly that. A device to prevent logistically ignorant voters in massive cities from having carte blanche to impose poorly thought out restrictions on the regions that grow their food.
A pure popular vote popular vote in presidential elections = mob rule

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