The elites who are strangling this country to death are fighting with all they have to destroy Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The elites, the billionaires and millionaires who really control everything in this country, are strangling this country with free trade treaties and immigration policies that have knocked millions of middle-class Americans out of the work force.

Trump got elected on a promise to break this stranglehold, and put the American people back in control.

The elites, through their control of both parties, the media, the intelligence agencies, and the law enforcement agencies, are fighting for their lives to destroy Trump as quickly as possible before he can enact his agenda to "drain the swamp" of elite influence.

The entire Russia collusion scandal is an invention of the elites to weaken Trump, and harry him, and prevent him from appointing his people and getting his agenda enacted.

What we, the American people can do to fight for Trump is BOYCOTT the media, WRITE and CALL to Congress, and ATTEND TRUMP RALLIES to show our support.

What we, members of this forum can do is FIGHT THE LIES.

I am part of this fight, asking the anti-Trump puppets of the elite to show ANY EVIDENCE that Trump or his people did anything illegal during the election.

So far, after SEVEN THREADS, I have been presented with NOTHING, NO PROOF WHATSOEVER.

Trump and his people are INNOCENT OF ALL WRONGDOING and we, the American people need to FIGHT FOR HIM because arrayed against him are the elites: Soros, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, Buffet, Gates, and all their BILLIONS OF DOLLARS which they use to control Congress, the media, and the federal agencies including the CIA and the FBI.

Trump is one of those elites.
He has the same kind of money, and moves among them, but he sees their evil and moved against them when he ran for President.

The billionaires and millionaires consider Trump a "class traitor" it is all more personal for them because he went to their parties, attended their Bar Mitzvahs, and then betrayed them.
An ordinary man, who didn't have Trump's money, could not withstand this kind of all-out assault.

That is why the Bush's failed, that is why Dole, McCain and Romney were failures.
Americans, especially white Americans, got too uppity, demanding a living wage for a hard day's work.

The elites decided they could do better if they outsourced the work to non-whites living overseas, or imported non-whites to undercut white American workers and take their jobs.

Of course, our own homegrown blacks suffered even more than whites, being replaced by Hispanics.

My brother, who works at Facebook, reports that he is the only white American in his unit. The rest are H1-B workers, imported from abroad.

This was no accident.

The elites wanted a cheaper workforce, and with the help of both the Republican and Democratic parties, that's what they got.

Americans, white and black, were just put on food stamps, unemployment, disability, welfare, to buy them off.

But Trump said, finally, "Enough is enough."

That's why the elites hate him.

He wants Americans working again.

If you would have followed the link provided it was to a March 12, 2016 post (#144) stating:

Under the conspiracy theory topic a couple of weeks ago I predicted they'll trump up election violation charges to get Trump impeached. I was thinking of how Gov. Evan Mecham was handled here in Arizona back in '88. He best watch his back.
Europe is doing the exact same thing with the European Union, shipping in immigrants from third-world countries, and putting Europeans out of a job.
Trump is one of those elites.
He has the same kind of money, and moves among them, but he sees their evil and moved against them when he ran for President.

The billionaires and millionaires consider Trump a "class traitor" it is all more personal for them because he went to their parties, attended their Bar Mitzvahs, and then betrayed them.
You actually think that trump is not one of them? He has to suck ass also to get where he wants..
There would not be an all out attack on President Trump if he was "one of them". That makes no sense whatsoever. He is being attacked because he threatens the power structure that exists between career Republocrats and the billionaires who own them.
Thank God for the elites!

The only other option is the rubes.
The elites think you are a nobody unless you have at least a few billion dollars in the bank.

They support Planned Parenthood and zero population growth programs because they think there are too many of us "little people."
There would not be an all out attack on President Trump if he was "one of them". That makes no sense whatsoever. He is being attacked because he threatens the power structure that exists between career Republocrats and the billionaires who own them.
That is correct. The reason Trump is dangerous to the elite is because he has socialized with them, talked to them at their charity galas, and he knows how truly evil they are and how much they hate the middle-class and all it stands for.
Thank God for the elites!

The only other option is the rubes.
The elites think you are a nobody unless you have at least a few billion dollars in the bank.

They support Planned Parenthood and zero population growth programs because they think there are too many of us "little people."

I know that you have to demonize others to explain failures.

There are two types: elites and rubes. Which one are you?

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