
what does your sign have to do with this?

The Republican leadership, after holding millions of unemployed Americans hostage in exchange for a payout, accuse a "sitting president" of being a terrorist. That's all. Not much.
You have proof the Republican leadership paid for that sign?

What am I saying? Of course you don't.
Newsflash: politicians use whatever leverage they have in the legislative process.

How shocking.

Like holding millions of Americans hostage to get a few extra bucks for billionaires. I'm guessing you approve?
Democrats held disaster victims hostage because they didn't want to drop funding for luxury electric cars.

But you approve of that.
85% of the Bush tax cuts benefit the Non-Rich, you sad little moron.

That's a bullshit lie and you know it.

Wrong, you pathetic dweeb. I don't post made up crap like you do.

Bush tax cuts: $544.3 billion. The package would extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone for two years.

The bulk of that cost -- $463 billion -- is for the extension of cuts for families making less than $250,000, including two years of relief for 2010 and 2011 for the middle class from the Alternative Minimum Tax.

The rest -- $81.5 billion -- is attributable to the extension of cuts that apply to the highest income families.

The cost of extending all the tax cuts over 10 years would have been $3.7 trillion....

Bush tax cut deal and surprise stimulus - what they cost - Dec. 7, 2010

$463B/$544B = 85% of the tax cuts going to those who make less than The Rich (those mythical Millionaire-Billionaires who magically can afford private jets on an income of $250K)
And reality once again kicks rderp's ass.
That's a bullshit lie and you know it.

Wrong, you pathetic dweeb. I don't post made up crap like you do.

Bush tax cuts: $544.3 billion. The package would extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone for two years.

The bulk of that cost -- $463 billion -- is for the extension of cuts for families making less than $250,000, including two years of relief for 2010 and 2011 for the middle class from the Alternative Minimum Tax.

The rest -- $81.5 billion -- is attributable to the extension of cuts that apply to the highest income families.

The cost of extending all the tax cuts over 10 years would have been $3.7 trillion....

Bush tax cut deal and surprise stimulus - what they cost - Dec. 7, 2010

$463B/$544B = 85% of the tax cuts going to those who make less than The Rich (those mythical Millionaire-Billionaires who magically can afford private jets on an income of $250K)
And reality once again kicks rderp's ass.

Rod Serling wrote scripts based on what you consider "reality".
Newsflash: politicians use whatever leverage they have in the legislative process.

How shocking.

Like holding millions of Americans hostage to get a few extra bucks for billionaires. I'm guessing you approve?
Democrats held disaster victims hostage because they didn't want to drop funding for luxury electric cars.

But you approve of that.

I provided links. Where's yours? Oops, sorry, I forgot, Right wingers usually don't provide links. And when they do, they usually say the "opposite". Which is why they usually don't provide links.
Terrorism is not simply about using violence to get what you want, as many in this thread incorrectly believe. It can be the use of fear or intimidation as well, and that's what the GOP did in December and the TPers did recently.

In December, the GOP said they would pass nothing, nothing at all, until they got their extension of tax rates for the upper incomes. This meant no unemployment money and possible employee lay offs. How do you think those employees and unemployed felt? They felt terrified! Their means for supporting their families was under attack. Obama and the Democrats were quoted multiple times saying they extended the rates for upper incomes because they couldn't allow that much damage to be done to the middle and lower classes and the unemployed. That's terrorism.

Recently, the Tea Party said they would not vote in favour to raise the debt ceiling without severe cuts to spending. Not raising the ceiling would have resulted in default which would have made the recent financial crisis look like picnic. The TP threatened ruining the economy and the country in order to get what they wanted. That's terrorism.

Again, Biden was right. "Google" is just trying to be overly dramatic.

Holding millions of Americans hostage is a terrorist act. Reported by American Christians. Many of those held hostage were Republicans. The sad fact is many of these people have no jobs due to Republican economic policies of helping companies move millions of American jobs overseas for campaign contributions. And still the Republican base denies the FACTS. It must be a "white" thing. What else could it be?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -
You're quoting a Christian publication?

You really need to make up your mind. Assuming you have one left.

Just because most Republicans are liars doesn't mean most Christians are liars. Contrary to what Republicans believe, Christianity isn't a "Republican Religion".
Holding millions of Americans hostage is a terrorist act. Reported by American Christians. Many of those held hostage were Republicans. The sad fact is many of these people have no jobs due to Republican economic policies of helping companies move millions of American jobs overseas for campaign contributions. And still the Republican base denies the FACTS. It must be a "white" thing. What else could it be?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -
You're quoting a Christian publication?

You really need to make up your mind. Assuming you have one left.

Just because most Republicans are liars doesn't mean most Christians are liars. Contrary to what Republicans believe, Christianity isn't a "Republican Religion".
It sure as shit isn't a liberal religion either.
About time.

Republicans have been at war against the middle class, teachers, blacks, gays, Hispanics, the Unemployed and like cannibals, they went after their most loyal followers, the elderly. I'm thinking the GOP leadership realized they don't need human people anymore after discovering corporations are ALSO people.

The biggest partisan hack shows up.
Wrong, you pathetic dweeb. I don't post made up crap like you do.

Bush tax cuts: $544.3 billion. The package would extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone for two years.

The bulk of that cost -- $463 billion -- is for the extension of cuts for families making less than $250,000, including two years of relief for 2010 and 2011 for the middle class from the Alternative Minimum Tax.

The rest -- $81.5 billion -- is attributable to the extension of cuts that apply to the highest income families.

The cost of extending all the tax cuts over 10 years would have been $3.7 trillion....

Bush tax cut deal and surprise stimulus - what they cost - Dec. 7, 2010

$463B/$544B = 85% of the tax cuts going to those who make less than The Rich (those mythical Millionaire-Billionaires who magically can afford private jets on an income of $250K)
And reality once again kicks rderp's ass.

Rod Serling wrote scripts based on what you consider "reality".
And yet, oddly, that specious claim does not prove that your idiocy about the tax cuts is correct.

Like holding millions of Americans hostage to get a few extra bucks for billionaires. I'm guessing you approve?
Democrats held disaster victims hostage because they didn't want to drop funding for luxury electric cars.

But you approve of that.

I provided links. Where's yours? Oops, sorry, I forgot, Right wingers usually don't provide links. And when they do, they usually say the "opposite". Which is why they usually don't provide links.
Aren't you tired of getting your ass kicked by reality? You must enjoy it.
Holding millions of Americans hostage is a terrorist act. Reported by American Christians. Many of those held hostage were Republicans. The sad fact is many of these people have no jobs due to Republican economic policies of helping companies move millions of American jobs overseas for campaign contributions. And still the Republican base denies the FACTS. It must be a "white" thing. What else could it be?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -
You're quoting a Christian publication?

You really need to make up your mind. Assuming you have one left.

Just because most Republicans are liars doesn't mean most Christians are liars. Contrary to what Republicans believe, Christianity isn't a "Republican Religion".
Did you hurt yourself spinning like that?

We all know you hate Christians. You don't trust anything they say.

Well, it's not like you have any actual principles, after all. You're just a mindless sheep, dutifully bleating what you're told to bleat.
This is how the right lies about Bush Tax cuts and who benefited. They point to percentages. If you make 40 grand a year and get a 20% raise, you would get 48 grand. A big raise.

If you make 200,000 grand a year and get a 5% raise, you get 10 grand raise. So while the lower income had four times the percentage, the higher income got thousands more.

And they didn't even need it. Thanks Republicans. You got us good.
Love how Palin incited violence with a bulls eye on a picture but the left doesn't think call for an all out war and taking people out is anything.

Bullseyes on districts... A DEMOCRAT put one on Hayworth's (R) FACE!...

Liberals like rdean and ravi are simply Dishonest hacks. :thup:


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You're quoting a Christian publication?

You really need to make up your mind. Assuming you have one left.

Just because most Republicans are liars doesn't mean most Christians are liars. Contrary to what Republicans believe, Christianity isn't a "Republican Religion".
It sure as shit isn't a liberal religion either.

Seeing that being a Liberal is a political stance, rather than a religious one, this is a pretty stupid statement.
And what have we discovered?


Exactly as I suspected, yesterday, and noted on this very thread.
The riots and civil unrest we witnessed in Europe was a prelude to what is coming in America.
We're nothing more than trained cattle with a false sense of security and a lot of excuses. As long as our systems and Pavlovian responses to Americas magnetic appeal to authority exist, there isn't going to be anything close to the riots in Europe. We're a doomed generation, and no talking head, or partizan rhetoric is going to change that.
Scared white conservatives quaking in their boots, as usual.

Oh, I'm armed and not afraid.

No shit, Salt needs to go to a shooting range and see just how many people with carry permits are there practicing with their weapons, he could quiz them on their political beliefs. You fucks want a war Salty, you are way out gunned and out financed, come down to Texas a spout your bullshit asshole, see how many scares white men you find...... be sure and give the old guys with their shirts out of their pants your racist crap.:razz:
And after all the rhetoric of cooling down the rhetoric after the Gifford shooting, the left says to take those "sons of bitches out". And do we hear any one condemning this on the left? Not a fucking word. I guess only the right is supposed to speak in rainbows and flowers......

I can only say..........................Bring it........................

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