Like holding millions of Americans hostage to get a few extra bucks for billionaires. I'm guessing you approve?

85% of the Bush tax cuts benefit the Non-Rich, you sad little moron.

That's a bullshit lie and you know it.

Wrong, you pathetic dweeb. I don't post made up crap like you do.

Bush tax cuts: $544.3 billion. The package would extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone for two years.

The bulk of that cost -- $463 billion -- is for the extension of cuts for families making less than $250,000, including two years of relief for 2010 and 2011 for the middle class from the Alternative Minimum Tax.

The rest -- $81.5 billion -- is attributable to the extension of cuts that apply to the highest income families.

The cost of extending all the tax cuts over 10 years would have been $3.7 trillion....

Bush tax cut deal and surprise stimulus - what they cost - Dec. 7, 2010

$463B/$544B = 85% of the tax cuts going to those who make less than The Rich (those mythical Millionaire-Billionaires who magically can afford private jets on an income of $250K)
This is how the right lies about Bush Tax cuts and who benefited. They point to percentages. If you make 40 grand a year and get a 20% raise, you would get 48 grand. A big raise.

If you make 200,000 grand a year and get a 5% raise, you get 10 grand raise. So while the lower income had four times the percentage, the higher income got thousands more.

And they didn't even need it. Thanks Republicans. You got us good.
It makes me laugh when the left defend violent rhetoric. You can bet your last dime that, had it been a right winger that had said those words, the left would be screaming like little banshees about terrorist and extremists and talking about hate speech. Funny when blatant partisans lose their credibility.
About time.

Republicans have been at war against the middle class, teachers, blacks, gays, Hispanics, the Unemployed and like cannibals, they went after their most loyal followers, the elderly. I'm thinking the GOP leadership realized they don't need human people anymore after discovering corporations are ALSO people.

Go play in traffic... :thup:


85% of the Bush tax cuts benefit the Non-Rich, you sad little moron.

That's a bullshit lie and you know it.

Wrong, you pathetic dweeb. I don't post made up crap like you do.

Bush tax cuts: $544.3 billion. The package would extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone for two years.

The bulk of that cost -- $463 billion -- is for the extension of cuts for families making less than $250,000, including two years of relief for 2010 and 2011 for the middle class from the Alternative Minimum Tax.

The rest -- $81.5 billion -- is attributable to the extension of cuts that apply to the highest income families.

The cost of extending all the tax cuts over 10 years would have been $3.7 trillion....

Bush tax cut deal and surprise stimulus - what they cost - Dec. 7, 2010

$463B/$544B = 85% of the tax cuts going to those who make less than The Rich (those mythical Millionaire-Billionaires who magically can afford private jets on an income of $250K)

Taxpayers making more than $1 million a year get an average cut of nearly $113,000 this year. Such huge cuts at the top tend to pull up the numerical average that the President is fond of citing.

A more meaningful number is the median -- or mid-point. The Tax Policy Center calculates the median cut received for income earned in 2003 is $470.

That means half of all individuals and families get less than that, and half get more. Here We Go Again: Bush Exaggerates Tax Cuts
Like holding millions of Americans hostage to get a few extra bucks for billionaires. I'm guessing you approve?

you are just stupid. :eusa_hand:

And you are dumb ass name calling bitch. Quit drooling into your bowl of pablum and think for yourself fool.

You should TALK about thinking for ones self. You post nothing but how Republicans are EVIL and Democrats are the Savior Saints in the country. You also just parrot DNC talking points and post from left wing websites as IF they are the TRUTH. so you want to see a FOOL, turn around a look in a mirror. You are what I refer to as a. Useful tool. FOOL
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About time.

Republicans have been at war against the middle class, teachers, blacks, gays, Hispanics, the Unemployed and like cannibals, they went after their most loyal followers, the elderly. I'm thinking the GOP leadership realized they don't need human people anymore after discovering corporations are ALSO people.

Go play in traffic... :thup:



Truth hurts. I don't understand why right wingers get so upset with what their leadership is doing? They voted them into office.
That's a bullshit lie and you know it.

Wrong, you pathetic dweeb. I don't post made up crap like you do.

Bush tax cuts: $544.3 billion. The package would extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone for two years.

The bulk of that cost -- $463 billion -- is for the extension of cuts for families making less than $250,000, including two years of relief for 2010 and 2011 for the middle class from the Alternative Minimum Tax.

The rest -- $81.5 billion -- is attributable to the extension of cuts that apply to the highest income families.

The cost of extending all the tax cuts over 10 years would have been $3.7 trillion....

Bush tax cut deal and surprise stimulus - what they cost - Dec. 7, 2010

$463B/$544B = 85% of the tax cuts going to those who make less than The Rich (those mythical Millionaire-Billionaires who magically can afford private jets on an income of $250K)

Taxpayers making more than $1 million a year get an average cut of nearly $113,000 this year. Such huge cuts at the top tend to pull up the numerical average that the President is fond of citing.

A more meaningful number is the median -- or mid-point. The Tax Policy Center calculates the median cut received for income earned in 2003 is $470.

That means half of all individuals and families get less than that, and half get more. Here We Go Again: Bush Exaggerates Tax Cuts

Bush wasn't President in December 2010, bub.
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you are just stupid. :eusa_hand:

And you are dumb ass name calling bitch. Quit drooling into your bowl of pablum and think for yourself fool.

You should TALK about thinking for ones self. You post nothing but how Republicans are EVIL and Democrats are the Savior Saints in the country. You also just parrot DNC talking points and post from left wing websites as IF they are the TRUTH. so you want to see a FOOL, turn around a look in a mirror. You are what I refer to a. Useful tool. FOOL

See what I mean. If you could prove me wrong, you would, but you can't.

Start here:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

That's just recent history. What part is wrong?
Wrong, you pathetic dweeb. I don't post made up crap like you do.

Bush tax cuts: $544.3 billion. The package would extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone for two years.

The bulk of that cost -- $463 billion -- is for the extension of cuts for families making less than $250,000, including two years of relief for 2010 and 2011 for the middle class from the Alternative Minimum Tax.

The rest -- $81.5 billion -- is attributable to the extension of cuts that apply to the highest income families.

The cost of extending all the tax cuts over 10 years would have been $3.7 trillion....

Bush tax cut deal and surprise stimulus - what they cost - Dec. 7, 2010

$463B/$544B = 85% of the tax cuts going to those who make less than The Rich (those mythical Millionaire-Billionaires who magically can afford private jets on an income of $250K)

Taxpayers making more than $1 million a year get an average cut of nearly $113,000 this year. Such huge cuts at the top tend to pull up the numerical average that the President is fond of citing.

A more meaningful number is the median -- or mid-point. The Tax Policy Center calculates the median cut received for income earned in 2003 is $470.

That means half of all individuals and families get less than that, and half get more. Here We Go Again: Bush Exaggerates Tax Cuts

Bush wasn't President in December 2010, bub.

Ummm, why do you think they call it "Extending the Bush Tax cuts"?

You know that the GOP held millions of Americans hostage, refusing to extend unemployment benefits unless Obama agreed to this tax extension, right? It wasn't that long ago. Not nearly enough time to "rewrite history".

Worse, many of those were unemployed because they were victimized by Republican economic policies. Why do you think Bush was panicking at the end of his second term. He knew what he was delivering to Obama and was throwing money around trying to make things "better" until it could safely be blamed on Obama.
Moron. The source I used was from December 2010.

You posted a "rebuttal" source from 2004.

Do the math.
Taxpayers making more than $1 million a year get an average cut of nearly $113,000 this year. Such huge cuts at the top tend to pull up the numerical average that the President is fond of citing.

A more meaningful number is the median -- or mid-point. The Tax Policy Center calculates the median cut received for income earned in 2003 is $470.

That means half of all individuals and families get less than that, and half get more. Here We Go Again: Bush Exaggerates Tax Cuts

Bush wasn't President in December 2010, bub.

Ummm, why do you think they call it "Extending the Bush Tax cuts"?

You know that the GOP held millions of Americans hostage, refusing to extend unemployment benefits unless Obama agreed to this tax extension, right? It wasn't that long ago. Not nearly enough time to "rewrite history".

Worse, many of those were unemployed because they were victimized by Republican economic policies. Why do you think Bush was panicking at the end of his second term. He knew what he was delivering to Obama and was throwing money around trying to make things "better" until it could safely be blamed on Obama.
So it will never be "obama's war" even though he started 2 of them while continued 2 others by this logic? Syria and Libya are Bush's fault too?
Moron. The source I used was from December 2010.

You posted a "rebuttal" source from 2004.

Do the math.

So from 2004 until 2010 the tax cut "changed"?

And you call me the moron? Hilarious.

Now that I think about it, there was a huge change. It added way more to the deficit and the wealthiest Americans got millions.

And from what you write, you have to be at the bottom. Why do you defend something that never benefited you?
That's a bullshit lie and you know it.

:lol: Coming from Mr 6%, this is deliciously ironic.
You don't understand, The Gallium Parrot does not believe that the upper 60% of taxpayers The ones who pay 99% of the tax burden do not deserve to have their taxes lowered so the lower 40% can profit from 'doing their taxes'.

Why do you care? You're not rich. You just got back from Burger King with two "Buck Whoppers". You know they don't use real meat, right?
:lol: Coming from Mr 6%, this is deliciously ironic.
You don't understand, The Gallium Parrot does not believe that the upper 60% of taxpayers The ones who pay 99% of the tax burden do not deserve to have their taxes lowered so the lower 40% can profit from 'doing their taxes'.

Why do you care? You're not rich. You just got back from Burger King with two "Buck Whoppers". You know they don't use real meat, right?
I'm sorry, I don't work at your night job. Your job working with heat lamps and deep friers, Hairnet has caused you to hallucinate... more than usual.

The point is, of course, that if someone does not care to treat others the same way they wish to be treated, vis a vis taking from someone else because it does not take to me, is the surest sign that they lack intrinsic ethics and morality.

Because I am not one of them, I should have no care? That's precisely the desire of the nazi supporting public in 1930's germany. You're not a jew, or a trade unionist, or a catholic, or a homosexual or a gypsy... you should not care what happens to them! But the day YOU end up on the list to not be cared about, should your fate tear at the heartstrings of others who are not one of you?

What a selfish, pathetic, small minded little prick you are, Hairnet. You have the ethics of a tapeworm and the manners of a dung beetle.

"Fuck you, gimme yo' money." was not a founding principle of this nation, nor good neighborly attitudes to have. May you finally be blessed with receiving the life you wished on others who disagreed with you, and may it come quickly.

oh... and I'll have a small fry with that. Watching my girlish figure you know. :rolleyes:
How have the GOP and TEA party supporters "acted like terrorists"?

Terrorism is not simply about using violence to get what you want, as many in this thread incorrectly believe. It can be the use of fear or intimidation as well, and that's what the GOP did in December and the TPers did recently.

In December, the GOP said they would pass nothing, nothing at all, until they got their extension of tax rates for the upper incomes. This meant no unemployment money and possible employee lay offs. How do you think those employees and unemployed felt? They felt terrified! Their means for supporting their families was under attack. Obama and the Democrats were quoted multiple times saying they extended the rates for upper incomes because they couldn't allow that much damage to be done to the middle and lower classes and the unemployed. That's terrorism.

Recently, the Tea Party said they would not vote in favour to raise the debt ceiling without severe cuts to spending. Not raising the ceiling would have resulted in default which would have made the recent financial crisis look like picnic. The TP threatened ruining the economy and the country in order to get what they wanted. That's terrorism.

Again, Biden was right. "Google" is just trying to be overly dramatic.

Holding millions of Americans hostage is a terrorist act. Reported by American Christians. Many of those held hostage were Republicans. The sad fact is many of these people have no jobs due to Republican economic policies of helping companies move millions of American jobs overseas for campaign contributions. And still the Republican base denies the FACTS. It must be a "white" thing. What else could it be?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -
You're quoting a Christian publication?

You really need to make up your mind. Assuming you have one left.

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