The Emmys. Barf.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Bunch of hollyweird people slapping each other on the back and rewarding themselves, then using the podium to bash POTUS while giving THEIR take on how THEY want things while they live in their protected mega mansions with body guards at their disposal. How quaint. Not.

They do one thing and one thing only. Entertain us by acting out stories. Giving their input on politics is not what they are paid for. STFU already.
This once, I will address you. I have you on ignore but since you responded..I will bless you with my own response.

They bitch he is the worst POTUS ever, although he didn't do diddly squat to get us in the mess we are in. The previous POTUS did that. Convenient lapse of memory, methinks.
They bitch he doesn't do this or that, won't do this or that, yet when he does do this or that or tries to do this or that, they bitch about it.
He is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. And when they run out of things to bitch about with him, they focus on his wife and son and daughter.
THAT is scummy behavior. Like it or not, millions voted him IN. Deal with it. Just like everyone had to deal with the previous POTUS. And the one before that. And the one before that. And the one before that. And so on and so forth.

Hollyweird people are scum. LET THEM IN! TAKE IN DACA! OPEN YOUR DOORS! BLM IS GREAT! Well, BLM wants whites to hand over their homes to them. See any celebs doing that? Well gosh and golly...why not?

Over at twitter, a shitload are whining that Nicole Kidman got a longer speech time but the first black dude to win an award was cut off.

I mean, really? Is there NOTHING they don't bitch about?

I didn't watch the Emmys. Nor do I watch the Grammy or the Academy Awards. They all make me sick.
Bunch of hollyweird people slapping each other on the back and rewarding themselves, then using the podium to bash POTUS while giving THEIR take on how THEY want things while they live in their protected mega mansions with body guards at their disposal. How quaint. Not.

They do one thing and one thing only. Entertain us by acting out stories. Giving their input on politics is not what they are paid for. STFU already.

Well...Honestly the best materiel for any entertainer is Donald....he's the dumbest president not only in the US but world wide. And why wouldn't they use him? it'll be dumb not to.

btw: He was an entetertainer too, he's part of hollywierd, and also part of the 1%.
Bunch of hollyweird people slapping each other on the back and rewarding themselves, then using the podium to bash POTUS while giving THEIR take on how THEY want things while they live in their protected mega mansions with body guards at their disposal. How quaint. Not.

They do one thing and one thing only. Entertain us by acting out stories. Giving their input on politics is not what they are paid for. STFU already.

Well...Honestly the best materiel for any entertainer is Donald....he's the dumbest president not only in the US but world wide. And why wouldn't they use him? it'll be dumb not to.

btw: He was an entetertainer too, he's part of hollywierd, and also part of the 1%.
MAteriAl. Not mETeriEl. Now who is dumb?
Never ceases to amaze me the finger pointer always has a flaw they don't see..only in others.
He is far from dumb. But, you are still blinded I guess. Maybe take the log out of your own eye first?
My intent is not to be rude. Just fed up with the bullshit and a tad short tempered tonight. Just a tad. My apologies for being snarky. :)
I never watch those shows, but from what I read about it everybody had some political statement to make. I don't care if Stephen Colbert makes Trump jokes. He made a career out of mocking Bill O' Reilly. Now Trump bashing is his thing. He's been successful at it. Whatever. But the rest of you aren't Stephen Colbert. Accept your award and shut the fuck up.
Its like this strawman:

You go to the library with your kid or even just for yourself cuz you can't read well any more. You sit in on a book reading by someone hired to entertain you with a story. You are relaxed, listening, deep in your own imagination of what characters look like to you in your head, the landscape just so, the weather just so, and there you a world of make believe or even a non fictional story...and the storytellers pauses and gives an opinion on each character SHE or HE is imagining that is completely contrary to what YOU are imagining. And this person is quite rude doing it. The heroine or hero to you, is pond scum to the reader.

Is this what this person supposed to be doing? Hell no. They are to READ and ONLY read. Same with actors. Act. And keep your yappers shut fercrissakes.
They're right....Not on everything but this president really is scum. Your standards of morality and right & wrong must be so much different then mine if you think otherwise.
. Seems you have no standards.
The EMMYs .... Somehow I manage to miss watching them every year. Hateful people that I don't care to watch nor support.
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Its like this strawman:

You go to the library with your kid or even just for yourself cuz you can't read well any more. You sit in on a book reading by someone hired to entertain you with a story. You are relaxed, listening, deep in your own imagination of what characters look like to you in your head, the landscape just so, the weather just so, and there you a world of make believe or even a non fictional story...and the storytellers pauses and gives an opinion on each character SHE or HE is imagining that is completely contrary to what YOU are imagining. And this person is quite rude doing it. The heroine or hero to you, is pond scum to the reader.

Is this what this person supposed to be doing? Hell no. They are to READ and ONLY read. Same with actors. Act. And keep your yappers shut fercrissakes.
Apples and oranges....the people behind any type of entertainment have a message behind their everyone is after Trump, because that's how they feel and that's what the majority feels. I honestly thing that no one should make fun of Trump he does it himself on daily basis.
Its like this strawman:

You go to the library with your kid or even just for yourself cuz you can't read well any more. You sit in on a book reading by someone hired to entertain you with a story. You are relaxed, listening, deep in your own imagination of what characters look like to you in your head, the landscape just so, the weather just so, and there you a world of make believe or even a non fictional story...and the storytellers pauses and gives an opinion on each character SHE or HE is imagining that is completely contrary to what YOU are imagining. And this person is quite rude doing it. The heroine or hero to you, is pond scum to the reader.

Is this what this person supposed to be doing? Hell no. They are to READ and ONLY read. Same with actors. Act. And keep your yappers shut fercrissakes.
Apples and oranges....the people behind any type of entertainment have a message behind their everyone is after Trump, because that's how they feel and that's what the majority feels. I honestly thing that no one should make fun of Trump he does it himself on daily basis.
Alas, the majority is what got him in as POTUS. Celebs have influence and are in the MSM as focal points. They need to take into consideration the millions that DO want POTUS to succeed..regardless of who that POTUS is. Instead of creating more controversy, they should think about what they say and act accordingly. Celebs are celebs because they act out stories, real or imagined. They are not celebs because they are the smartest people with exceptional hindsight. They are ENTERTAINERS. Period.
It is not apples and oranges. Unless you want to keep tunnel vision and not see the bigger picture.
Do you care what the Kardashians think? No? Why not? Because they are bimbos? Or does their opinion mean so much to anyone that their words and actions affect people with no mind of their own? Or does it depend on the celeb?

Point is...they need to take this "power" they think they have and work to bringing people together..not divide them more than they already are. Unfortunately, celebs think they are the queen and kinds of the universe. They are not. They are just people that tell stories.
Gracie, Hollywood vassals will whatever it takes to remain relevant, even if that means prostituting their ideals in order to curry favour from the installed narrative: extreme liberalism with a capital L. They have their orders, even if they secretly oppose them.
They do one thing and one thing only. Entertain us by acting out stories. Giving their input on politics is not what they are paid for. STFU already.

Award shows are a bore. Because they are in the public eye, they think they are credible for that alone. Ironic, we watched To Die For last night and her line was "you're nobody unless you're on TV" ... that's how they really think. Sad.

I don't take seriously any celebrities stance on politics; and those that do are complete and utter morons

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