The end-all be-all USMB Obama Birth Poll

What do you believe?

  • Have not done much research, but believe he was born in Hawaii.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • I have done research, and it points to him being born in Hawaii.

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • I believe he was born in Hawaii, but there are holes in Obama's story.

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • I don't believe he was born in Hawaii, but don't really care, just vote him out in 2012 please.

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • I believe he is not US-born, and all his executive orders should be immediately voided.

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters
Guess what folks!

It doesn't matter where Obama was born.


His mother was a U.S. citizen, so he was born a U.S. citizen no matter where he was born.

The whole discussion is idiotic!

Not true.

Under the current law (8 USC §1401) if a person born outside the United States to one parent who is a United States Citizen and one who is an alien, the citizen parent must have been a citizen for 5 years prior to the birth, 2 of which must be after reaching the age of 14.

At the time of Obama's birth, the applicable section of the United States Code was written under the Immigration and Nationalization Act of 1952 (Section 301). At the time the requirement was to have been a citizen for 10 years, 5 of which had to be after the age of 14. Stanley Dunham was born November 29, 1942, Barrack Obama was born August 4, 1961. Stanley Dunham couldn't pass citizenship to an offspring born outside US territory until her 19th birthday which was on November 29, 1961. Obama was born 3-months shy of that mark. So if his birth had been outside the territory or the United States, no he wouldn't have been a citizen at birth.

Not making a claim either way on where Obama was born. Just pointing out a factual error in the law.

United States Code: Title 8,1401. Nationals and citizens of United States at birth | LII / Legal Information Institute
1952 Immigration and Nationality Act Title3 Chapter1


You, sir, are right...and when you're're right.

That's interesting but I don't think you are explaining it properly. What was, was. What is, is. If the requirements NOW say one thing then Obama is a citizen because of his mother's matter what the law or rule was in the past.

That's incorrect, the status of citizenship is determined at the time of birth, subsequent changes in the law do not normally change the past.

Now the fact that Obama was probably born in Hawaii and the 14th Amendment hasn't changed in the last 50-years makes that a moot point.

The fact remains that according to Federal Law at the time (Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, section 301) a child born to a married woman overseas where she is a citizen and he is not could not pass derivative citizenship to her child before her 19th birthday. That child would have to be naturalized as a citizen after birth.

Pretty much the same law exists today (8 USC 1401) except the age was effectively lowered to 16 instead of 19.

The federal government changing which date is required on a form does not change the pre-existing law.

Not sure that you are correct, still. The lead in to the law says basically these people are citizens, with nothing referencing previous laws. If you have case law to back yourself up I would like to see it.
Did Trump release this? I hope so. This has just been released and it has then Senator Obama campaigning for mass murderer cousin, Raila Odinga when Obama is caught on camera in Kenya saying " I am so proud to come back home'. This is not good at all as this tape is fixing to explode all over the net. This just confirms what his wife meant when she said she visited Baracks home country.

Listen to Obama in his own words:

[ame=]YouTube - Obama In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home[/ame]
Why is it the right so hate any black person whos proud of their heritage?

When Irish Americans visit Ireland they say the same tyupe of stuff.
Why is it the right so hate any black person whos proud of their heritage?

When Irish Americans visit Ireland they say the same tyupe of stuff.
Stop making excuses for him. His grandmother in Kenya said she was there when he was born and another time she said the U.S. President was passed through her hands.
Why is it the right so hate any black person whos proud of their heritage?

When Irish Americans visit Ireland they say the same tyupe of stuff.

Really? You've been there and heard every American of Irish ancestry say this since the dawn of America?

Must be nice to have that kind of free time, and longevity.

Why is it the right so hate any black person whos proud of their heritage?

When Irish Americans visit Ireland they say the same tyupe of stuff.

Really? You've been there and heard every American of Irish ancestry say this since the dawn of America?

Must be nice to have that kind of free time, and longevity.


I said it when I came to England and went to my great great grandfather's home town in Yorkshire....must mean I was secretly born there.

John Bingham, the author of the 14th Amendment to the constitution said this:

“Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

Which country did Obama's father owe allegiance too? That's right, Great Britian.

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