The End is Nigh: Admitting Defeat


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Over the past month we have watched in horror as Obamacare was supposed to be seamlessly rolled out. But instead what the American public got was a disaster, for some 1.5 million of them it meant losing their coverage. President Obama ran on and got elected twice for pushing Obamacare, but as we can see, even he knew that his promise of "if you like your plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was not true.

I propose that the end is nigh for Obama's presidency. His own party is beginning to turn against him, the media is beginning to smell blood in the water and the American people are beginning to feel the pain. I see this uniting both parties against him in the near future, and even the American people themselves to an extent.

Playing politics with healthcare will only get you so far before people start waking up to the ruse they are being subjected to. The only recourse for those who foisted this law onto the American people is to admit defeat.
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Obamacare is a Bovine piece of XXXXXXX

But that's just my opinion on the matter.

Nice swirly things on the web site though.
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Well he couldn't even keep the TWO PROMISES that made me VOTE for Obama:

1) Patriot Act is not repealed (it's actually WORSE now)

2) GITMO is still operational.

You didn't understand that he was a Lying Sack yet did ya...........

I listened to his TRANSFORMING AMERICA BS speeches, and he is attempting to do those things.

Slight problem. He has to violate the law now to get his way now. He can't pass squat in Congress. TOO BAD.

Anybody got a tissue.
Over the past month we have watched in horror as Obamacare was supposed to be seamlessly rolled out. But instead what the American public got was a disaster, for some 1.5 million of them it meant losing their coverage. President Obama ran on and got elected twice for pushing Obamacare, but as we can see, even he knew that his promise of "if you like your plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was not true.

I propose that the end is nigh for Obama's presidency. His own party is beginning to turn against him, the media is beginning to smell blood in the water and the American people are beginning to feel the pain. I see this uniting both parties against him in the near future, and even the American people themselves to an extent.

Playing politics with healthcare will only get you so far before people start waking up to the ruse they are being subjected to. The only recourse for those who foisted this law onto the American people is to admit defeat.

His next autobiography on his achievements as President will be pretty, pretty thin.

Over the past month we have watched in horror as Obamacare was supposed to be seamlessly rolled out. But instead what the American public got was a disaster, for some 1.5 million of them it meant losing their coverage. President Obama ran on and got elected twice for pushing Obamacare, but as we can see, even he knew that his promise of "if you like your plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was not true.

I propose that the end is nigh for Obama's presidency. His own party is beginning to turn against him, the media is beginning to smell blood in the water and the American people are beginning to feel the pain. I see this uniting both parties against him in the near future, and even the American people themselves to an extent.

Playing politics with healthcare will only get you so far before people start waking up to the ruse they are being subjected to. The only recourse for those who foisted this law onto the American people is to admit defeat.

His next autobiography on his achievements as President will be pretty, pretty thin.


Thinner than a macbook air. :lol:
obamacare is working.

That means that we have some percentage of the public that is certifiably insane. Not only is obamacare not working, but it's been delayed six weeks by royal decree. Which means, in the coming six weeks, people will continue to lose their health care in anticipation of obamacare, and there won't be any obamacare.
You're hung up on the website issues.
But currently, you don't have lifetime maximums, your kids can stay on til they're 26, and you can't be rejected based on PEC's.

It's been working for sometime. Sorry.
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Oh, it's about Obamacare...I thought you were talking about your latest employment application to Taco Bell.

Obamacare is already're welcome.

no it isn't.

and won't in a foreseeable future.

and you are welcome :D

You're hung up on the website issues.
But currently, you don't have lifetime maximums, your kids can stay on til they're 26, and you can't be rejected based on PEC's.

It's been working for sometime. Sorry.

Sorry, 1,492,000 people across 5 states beg to differ.


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Over the past month we have watched in horror as Obamacare was supposed to be seamlessly rolled out. But instead what the American public got was a disaster, for some 1.5 million of them it meant losing their coverage. President Obama ran on and got elected twice for pushing Obamacare, but as we can see, even he knew that his promise of "if you like your plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was not true.

I propose that the end is nigh for Obama's presidency. His own party is beginning to turn against him, the media is beginning to smell blood in the water and the American people are beginning to feel the pain. I see this uniting both parties against him in the near future, and even the American people themselves to an extent.

Playing politics with healthcare will only get you so far before people start waking up to the ruse they are being subjected to. The only recourse for those who foisted this law onto the American people is to admit defeat.

Didn't everyone know that most, if not all people would lose their coverage? They need 14 million people, minimum, to lose their coverage and be forced into the exchange, just to be able to keep obamacare barely afloat.
no it isn't.

and won't in a foreseeable future.

and you are welcome :D

You're hung up on the website issues.
But currently, you don't have lifetime maximums, your kids can stay on til they're 26, and you can't be rejected based on PEC's.

It's been working for sometime. Sorry.

Sorry, 1,492,000 people across 5 states beg to differ.


They can beg all they wish; they're still wrong. If you had a job, you'd understand.
Is the OP going to put any dates on his prediction? Short of that, his crystal ball may as well be his left nut.

May I suggest Janiary, 2016 as the abrupt end of the Obama Presidency?
You're hung up on the website issues.
But currently, you don't have lifetime maximums, your kids can stay on til they're 26, and you can't be rejected based on PEC's.

It's been working for sometime. Sorry.

Sorry, 1,492,000 people across 5 states beg to differ.


They can beg all they wish; they're still wrong. If you had a job, you'd understand.

Hung up on the web problems. LOL

Let's not look at the millions losing their coverage.
Let's not look at all the Part Time Jobs.
Let's not look at the millions getting higher bills on their insurance.

Yeah. That's right. Don't mention the DARK SIDE OF OBAMACARE. I've got news for you. THe people don't like the dang thing. It was put in during a Temp Super Majority, and you will not hold power for long. If the tide shifts to a super majority the other away around you could see the ACA in a trash bin.

Should have actually negotiated on a law both sides could live with. As for now, you OWN IT, and will pay a price for it.

As you will OWN THE UP COMING Stock crash. Helicopter Bermeke slinging cash at the Markets to keep it afloat. Better hope they hold it together until after the elections, but I doubt it will last that long.
Over the past month we have watched in horror as Obamacare was supposed to be seamlessly rolled out. But instead what the American public got was a disaster, for some 1.5 million of them it meant losing their coverage. President Obama ran on and got elected twice for pushing Obamacare, but as we can see, even he knew that his promise of "if you like your plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was not true.

I propose that the end is nigh for Obama's presidency. His own party is beginning to turn against him, the media is beginning to smell blood in the water and the American people are beginning to feel the pain. I see this uniting both parties against him in the near future, and even the American people themselves to an extent.

Playing politics with healthcare will only get you so far before people start waking up to the ruse they are being subjected to. The only recourse for those who foisted this law onto the American people is to admit defeat.

Watch Megyn Kelly hand Ezikiel Emanuel his lunch.
Emanuel offers up all kinds of excuses. he evades most of Kelly's questions.
He goes on to blame all others except the federal government. "That's those companies making business decisions"....Then Emanuel doubles down on the maternity care mandate, completely ignoring the fact that even senior citizens must carry the coverage..
And of course Emanuel just HAD to play the "GOP never offered a plan" card...
Tense: Megyn Kelly Takes on Obamacare Architect Over Law?s Ongoing Issues, Obama?s Broken Promises | Video |
Sorry, 1,492,000 people across 5 states beg to differ.


They can beg all they wish; they're still wrong. If you had a job, you'd understand.

Hung up on the web problems. LOL

Let's not look at the millions losing their coverage.
Let's not look at all the Part Time Jobs.
Let's not look at the millions getting higher bills on their insurance.

Yeah. That's right. Don't mention the DARK SIDE OF OBAMACARE. I've got news for you. THe people don't like the dang thing. It was put in during a Temp Super Majority, and you will not hold power for long. If the tide shifts to a super majority the other away around you could see the ACA in a trash bin.

Should have actually negotiated on a law both sides could live with. As for now, you OWN IT, and will pay a price for it.

As you will OWN THE UP COMING Stock crash. Helicopter Bermeke slinging cash at the Markets to keep it afloat. Better hope they hold it together until after the elections, but I doubt it will last that long.

The people had the chance to vote Obama out of office in 2012...
What happened?

As for the ACA going to the trash bin; doubtful. What you're seeing is people/companies transitioning from old policies to new policies that qualify under the ACA--meet the minimum requirements. If the GOP wishes to come in and start slashing coverage, allowing insurance companies to refuse you due to PECs, return to lifetime caps, and suspend the 26 y/o rule; feel free I suppose but it'll be incredibly unpopular.

Did you see the overwhelming lack of support the GOP had for their stunt last month to shut down the government over this? Let me guess...skewed polling right?

Been there, heard that, don't buy it.

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