Now, I have no clue where you stand; I guess you are just another "Not In My Backyard"
No white can honestly say they're happy to see a bunch of blacks moving into their neighborhood. Even the most liberal among us would be lying if they said it. I think you know that.
If it's a middle class family and they move in to your neighborhood, no one cares. 2, fine. 3, sure why not. But if you start to see 4, 5 and 6 moving in, you might consider putting your house up on the market for sale before it's too late. Because all your fellow whites are moving out of that community.
In my neighborhood or area it's different. If we didn't have the low income apartments very few blacks would move in. They wouldn't want to pay the higher taxes and they hate having to cut their lawns. So eventually they move out because it's expensive to have a house in the burbs. Plus they live among mostly whites who ignore them. That happens in my condo community. I've befriended a few blacks who moved in and they say no one ever talks to them. To be honest, she's a little too ghetto for me so I don't want anything to do with her either. If she had a different personality I'd probably feel differently. So it's not that she's black. It's that she's ghetto.
And do I mind that my neighbors kid dates black guys? No. Why would I give a fuck? Until one of her boyfriends breaks into one of our condos. Then I become racist as fuck. He just set back black people 60 years. LOL
Or the 14 year old black kid who was acting like gang bangers in Detroit act only here in metro detroit. OMG there goes the neighborhood.
I was at Kroger one day. I'm the nicest guy you would ever meet believe it or not. Always have a smile on my face. Until you piss me off. So i was trying to squeeze by a black guy who was taking up the entire isle. I made eye contact with his girlfriend so she knew I was trying to be polite but he didn't see me coming. He was being all animated and backed up into me and I grabbed him and said "woah excuse me". Smiled and started walking away. He said, "hey yo homey you can't do that". I wanted to turn around and have that conversation but a couple things. He might have a gun. Or his girl will tape it and it'll go viral. So I just walked away and didn't even look back at him. Boy I wanted to fuck him up. I can't do what bitch? That's what I wanted to say.