The End Of Bk On Military Bases?


Obama screws the troops – again. :blowup:

No more BK or Pizza Hut or Mickey D's on military bases! How's that gonna help troop morale?

One more thought. How many of those concessions hire military dependents?

Labor Department officials have rejected requests to exempt fast food concessions on military bases from regulations that will raise the minimum wage to $10.10 for all workers on federal construction and service contracts.

The rule is scheduled to be published Oct. 7, implementing an executive order that will take effect in January for all new and renegotiated contracts. It applies to other contracts on military bases as well, such as contracts in clubs

Read more @ No wage-hike exemption for on-base restaurants Military Times

Why lie? BK wasn't banned from military bases. They are free to pay the prevailing minimum wage , and guess what? They WILL pay it.
What makes you think that a $10 minimum wage will "end" McDonalds and Burger King on military bases?

It's a lose lose situation if the stay. They stay, and end up paying more for the labor, and they also get pointed out by the "living wage people" that, "see you can pay it there, why not pay it everywhere???"

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we can already say that.

San Francisco has a minimum wage of $10.15 an hour, and there's no shortage of McDonalds or Burger Kings here.

In other words, they can afford it - and if they close, then they are the ones depriving the troops of shitty, unhealthy food - not "Obama".
Easy because the prices went up but few noticed because everything in SFO is so fucking expensive.
Try this shit in Topeka, KS and the price increases to offset the additional labor cost would be felt strongly by the consumer.
Your lack of understanding of business and finances is typical of your side.
"Just pay them"....As though the money to do so just falls from the sky.
What a shame corporations such as McDonald's and Burger King are so unprofitable.
Umm, the stores are not owned by the parent company. They are franchises. Owned by small business people. The franchises are very costly. The contract states the franchisee must purchase from the company's vendors. Prices are fixed. So as the owner is paying off the loan for the franchise, they are also paying for supplies and of course utilities, insurance and labor.
Come on....Get with the program.

Prices aren't fixed, franchises are free to charge whatever they want.

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