The End Of Bk On Military Bases?

Certainly got an active thread going, didn't I?

Amazing to read the expected replies based on political beliefs. Some are clearly scripted. Guess which. :)
Frankly.... if these FF nitwits make $2/hour they are overpaid. Anyway, who cares.. I haven't eaten that crap in years. Look in any McDonalds or BK.... it's a "who's who" of minimum wage people working and dining there.

Who cares.
Certainly got an active thread going, didn't I?

Amazing to read the expected replies based on political beliefs. Some are clearly scripted. Guess which. :)
yours clearly was.
you turned a contract agreement between fast food joints and the federal government into a personal attack by the president against the military.

it's as if you had rush limbaugh or sean hannity writing for you.
Military family members get those AAFES jobs

More money coming in to military families and fewer will need food stamps
You can prove that all those positions are filled only by family members of military personnel, of course?
Just kidding. We all know you're just making things carry on, though..
Most of those jobs are filled by dependents who will now make a better wage. Do we really need military families on food stamps?
"dependents"... on food stamps? Does not make any sense.
you have to have a household income below certain level.
"dependent" at age 16 to 19 won't be spending minimum wage on "food"... especially working at place where get discount for food.
See people like you think EVERYONE that is on minimum wage is a "head of household"!
Again the FACTS are:
According to: :
1) 797,000 people (25.7%) between 16 to 19 years old work at minimum wage of the total of
2) 3.3 million people that work at minimum wage or 1.1% of Americans

So when you speak of military families on "food stamps" in the same breath as "dependents" you are grossly confused.
Think about it. What you said makes no sense especially in light of the above statistics from the government!
Military family members get those AAFES jobs

More money coming in to military families and fewer will need food stamps
You can prove that all those positions are filled only by family members of military personnel, of course?
Just kidding. We all know you're just making things carry on, though..
Most of those jobs are filled by dependents who will now make a better wage. Do we really need military families on food stamps?
"dependents"... on food stamps? Does not make any sense.
you have to have a household income below certain level.
"dependent" at age 16 to 19 won't be spending minimum wage on "food"... especially working at place where get discount for food.
See people like you think EVERYONE that is on minimum wage is a "head of household"!
Again the FACTS are:
According to: :
1) 797,000 people (25.7%) between 16 to 19 years old work at minimum wage of the total of
2) 3.3 million people that work at minimum wage or 1.1% of Americans

So when you speak of military families on "food stamps" in the same breath as "dependents" you are grossly confused.
Think about it. What you said makes no sense especially in light of the above statistics from the government!
Keep in mind that dependents are also spouses

Hungry Heroes 25 Percent of Military Families Seek Food Aid - NBC News
labor costs for fast food restaurants are somewhere south of 30% (generally. What Is Normal for a Restaurant s Labor Cost Percentage Business Entrepreneurship -
which means that for a $5 fast food purchase, $1.50 is payroll. If the minimum wage goes from $7.25 to $10.10 (the largest jump it could) labor costs would increase by about 40%. A 40% increase of $1.50 brings the labor total to $2.10. What that means is the $5 purchase from earlier will now cost $5.60.

Here's the takeaway - if you can't afford to spend $5.60 on fast food, you can't afford to spend $5 either.
Military family members get those AAFES jobs

More money coming in to military families and fewer will need food stamps
You can prove that all those positions are filled only by family members of military personnel, of course?
Just kidding. We all know you're just making things carry on, though..
Most of those jobs are filled by dependents who will now make a better wage. Do we really need military families on food stamps?
"dependents"... on food stamps? Does not make any sense.
you have to have a household income below certain level.
"dependent" at age 16 to 19 won't be spending minimum wage on "food"... especially working at place where get discount for food.
See people like you think EVERYONE that is on minimum wage is a "head of household"!
Again the FACTS are:
According to: :
1) 797,000 people (25.7%) between 16 to 19 years old work at minimum wage of the total of
2) 3.3 million people that work at minimum wage or 1.1% of Americans

So when you speak of military families on "food stamps" in the same breath as "dependents" you are grossly confused.
Think about it. What you said makes no sense especially in light of the above statistics from the government!
Keep in mind that dependents are also spouses

Hungry Heroes 25 Percent of Military Families Seek Food Aid - NBC News

From your above anecdotal, single issue, one off RARE NOT the rule but the exception do you understand?
People like you love to take this single isolated rare,anecdotal stories... YES 25% But what about the other 75%???
Do you understand you and others have fallen hook line and sinker for the stupid single story... sad anecdote but nevertheless IT IS not the rule...
Yet people like you take these exceptions and make it sound like it happens ALL THE TIME...EVERYONE is ON FOOD STAMPS!!!
Yetters have been living paycheck-to-paycheck for many years as they work to get rid of debt accumulated over everyday expenses like car repairs and gas and the costs of caring for an autistic son. They often visit food pantries to keep their kitchen stocked.

Military stores – like exchanges and commissaries – provide savings to troops, he said. (On Monday, the Pentagon issued a new statement on the survey, saying: "The Department of Defense disagrees with the methodology that Feeding America used to calculate the estimated percentage of military households served by its food assistance programs.")

Why doesn't she go to the commissary???? They save 30% on groceries,etc...

American military commissaries sell groceries and household goods to active-duty, Guard, Reserve, and retired service members and their families at an average savings of more than 30 percent when compared to prices at local civilian supermarkets.
Commissaries constitute one of the top benefits for today’s military and are an important inducement to recruitment and retention of skilled personnel, while simultaneously holding down taxpayer costs.
"...they also get tax-free allowances for housing, food and clothing, many families said they were still struggling to get by.

In interviews with veterans and active duty families, many told NBC they had various schemes for trying to stretch their dollars or raise extra cash: recycling, couponing, visiting multiple food pantries and homeless shelters for emergency food like milk for their children, buying groceries from dollar stores, delaying payment of utility bills, and signing up for food stamps and WIC – the nutrition program for women, infants and children. - Commissary History

You know, SO f..king what if they visit food pantries! SO WHAT if they use coupons! GEEZ don't most Americans have to do the same thing???
OH and big f...king WOO.... they buy groceries from dollar stores... SO do I!!! BIG DEAL!!

Before food stamps my family dad /mom 3 other kids didn't know we were so poor.
We hunted for squirrels. Raised rabbits. Gardened 4 different neighbor gardens... yet not one dime of food stamps. Mom didn't work. Dad paid
less then $200/week.
YES this was 60 plus years ago! NO question. BUT that's because FAMILIES worked together even though we were poor.
We did gleaning of fields..(look up the word!) And we didn't think we were poor and we weren't!

Again I am so SICK and tired of people like you taking these RARE ,exceptional...happens less then 25% of the time having to use coupons!
Wow. "Buy from the dollar stores'! SAD!!! Come on people like you LOVE these exceptional stories and make them the RULE!
THEY AREN"T! You understand!!
Yetters have been living paycheck-to-paycheck for many years as they work to get rid of debt accumulated over everyday expenses like car repairs and gas and the costs of caring for an autistic son. They often visit food pantries to keep their kitchen stocked.

Military stores – like exchanges and commissaries – provide savings to troops, he said. (On Monday, the Pentagon issued a new statement on the survey, saying: "The Department of Defense disagrees with the methodology that Feeding America used to calculate the estimated percentage of military households served by its food assistance programs.")

Why doesn't she go to the commissary???? They save 30% on groceries,etc...

American military commissaries sell groceries and household goods to active-duty, Guard, Reserve, and retired service members and their families at an average savings of more than 30 percent when compared to prices at local civilian supermarkets.
Commissaries constitute one of the top benefits for today’s military and are an important inducement to recruitment and retention of skilled personnel, while simultaneously holding down taxpayer costs.
"...they also get tax-free allowances for housing, food and clothing, many families said they were still struggling to get by.

In interviews with veterans and active duty families, many told NBC they had various schemes for trying to stretch their dollars or raise extra cash: recycling, couponing, visiting multiple food pantries and homeless shelters for emergency food like milk for their children, buying groceries from dollar stores, delaying payment of utility bills, and signing up for food stamps and WIC – the nutrition program for women, infants and children. - Commissary History
Yetters have been living paycheck-to-paycheck for many years as they work to get rid of debt accumulated over everyday expenses like car repairs and gas and the costs of caring for an autistic son. They often visit food pantries to keep their kitchen stocked.

Military stores – like exchanges and commissaries – provide savings to troops, he said. (On Monday, the Pentagon issued a new statement on the survey, saying: "The Department of Defense disagrees with the methodology that Feeding America used to calculate the estimated percentage of military households served by its food assistance programs.")

Why doesn't she go to the commissary???? They save 30% on groceries,etc...

American military commissaries sell groceries and household goods to active-duty, Guard, Reserve, and retired service members and their families at an average savings of more than 30 percent when compared to prices at local civilian supermarkets.
Commissaries constitute one of the top benefits for today’s military and are an important inducement to recruitment and retention of skilled personnel, while simultaneously holding down taxpayer costs.
"...they also get tax-free allowances for housing, food and clothing, many families said they were still struggling to get by.

In interviews with veterans and active duty families, many told NBC they had various schemes for trying to stretch their dollars or raise extra cash: recycling, couponing, visiting multiple food pantries and homeless shelters for emergency food like milk for their children, buying groceries from dollar stores, delaying payment of utility bills, and signing up for food stamps and WIC – the nutrition program for women, infants and children. - Commissary History

This single anecdotal case also points out something important:
and the costs of caring for an autistic son

Government Financial Resources
A number of governmental financial resources may be available for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. These resources include Medicaid Home and Community Based Waivers, Social Security Income, and Social Security Disability Insurance.

Click here to read more about government financial resources.

Private or Non-Profit Organizations
Some organizations provide scholarships, family grants, and other types of funding specifically to individuals with autism to help pay for autism-related expenses. Although the numbers of these types of programs are limited, if you are willing to research and explore opportunities, you may be surprised by what you find. The Autism Family Services team recently updated two resource lists to help you find support and individual grants.

Families in Need
This list is located in the Family Services Resource Library and provides national opportunities

Family Grant Opportunities
This list is a category located in the Family Services Resource Guide and contains local and state-specific resources in your area. Click on your state, and search under the category "Family Grant Opportunities."

Click here to read tips from J-Jaye Hurley, a member of the Autism Speaks Autism Response Team and the mother of a son with autism, on Applying for Financial Aid for your Family Member with Autism - See more at: Financial Assistance Families and Adults Community Connections Autism Speaks
Financial Assistance Families and Adults Community Connections Autism Speaks
If we transferred the 50 percent rise in food stamp enrollment of the last six years to military families who are paid less than fast food workers, then our military families would not need food assistance and our priorities would return to something closer to normal.
Why only $10/hr.....why not $100/hr???

Come on liberals tell us why the difference.....
Because $100 an hour is outrageous, $10 an hour isn't have no sense of proportionality... that's why it is so stupid you say $100 is outrageous!
You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 30% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an Average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.
If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.
Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.
This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.
Way to go you liberal economic idiots!!!
Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 6.36.08 PM.png Income Statement mock.pdf
Why only $10/hr.....why not $100/hr???

Come on liberals tell us why the difference.....
Because $100 an hour is outrageous, $10 an hour isn't have no sense of proportionality... that's why it is so stupid you say $100 is outrageous!
You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 30% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an Average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.
If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.
Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.
This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.
Way to go you liberal economic idiots!!!
View attachment 32674 Income Statement mock.pdf
I realize how minimum wage has been stagnant for seven years and business had benefitted from a low cost workforce. Workers have not. They can't afford college, can't afford a car, can't afford to get started in life
$10 is a good start but we need to get to $15
The purpose is to get more people dependent on government. Military is already government so they are on the back burner.

Actually it is to get people less reliant on government and more reliant on their employers
Why only $10/hr.....why not $100/hr???

Come on liberals tell us why the difference.....
Because $100 an hour is outrageous, $10 an hour isn't have no sense of proportionality... that's why it is so stupid you say $100 is outrageous!
You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 30% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an Average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.
If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.
Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.
This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.
Way to go you liberal economic idiots!!!
View attachment 32674 Income Statement mock.pdf
I realize how minimum wage has been stagnant for seven years and business had benefitted from a low cost workforce. Workers have not. They can't afford college, can't afford a car, can't afford to get started in life
$10 is a good start but we need to get to $15

WHAT WORKERS???? FACTS are there are less then 3.3 million people at minimum wage and nearly 1 million are 16 to 19 years old!
WHAT WORKERS??? Did you know that the AVERAGE hourly salary in the USA is NOW: $50,044 a year?
Can you do simple math: $24.06 per hour times 2,080 hours (2 weeks paid vacation!!) equals $50,044 per year PLUS benefits
LOOK at the facts and NOT some willy nilly guess as you've done!

FACTS geez why are you people GUESSING when you have at your fingertips THE FACTS!!
Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 9.02.58 PM.png

Table B-3. Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector seasonally adjusted

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