The End Of Bk On Military Bases?

I can't believe some of you people out and out ignorance!
Come on... 3.3 million people make minimum wage... THE REST of the 79 million hourly workers average $24.06/hour...
The rest of the 79 million hourly wage people are AVERAGING $50,000 a year!

GEEZ wake up people and use the internet for once before you make such stupid idiotic statements!
The ONLY affect that raising minimum wage to $10 or more is more people being out of work! That simple.
The economics of having a robot sweep floors at a one time cost EQUAL to the yearly hourly rate certainly motivates businesses to hire more robots!!!
What makes you think that a $10 minimum wage will "end" McDonalds and Burger King on military bases?

It's a lose lose situation if the stay. They stay, and end up paying more for the labor, and they also get pointed out by the "living wage people" that, "see you can pay it there, why not pay it everywhere???"

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we can already say that.

San Francisco has a minimum wage of $10.15 an hour, and there's no shortage of McDonalds or Burger Kings here.

In other words, they can afford it - and if they close, then they are the ones depriving the troops of shitty, unhealthy food - not "Obama".
San Francisco is also the whitest city in the entire country. Blacks and Hispanics are nowhere to be seen on the streets.
The ONLY affect that raising minimum wage to $10 or more is more people being out of work! That simple.
The economics of having a robot sweep floors at a one time cost EQUAL to the yearly hourly rate certainly motivates businesses to hire more robots!!!

Military family members get those AAFES jobs

More money coming in to military families and fewer will need food stamps
You can prove that all those positions are filled only by family members of military personnel, of course?
Just kidding. We all know you're just making things carry on, though..
Most of those jobs are filled by dependents who will now make a better wage. Do we really need military families on food stamps?

Show the data that "most" of those jobs are filled by dependents. Show the data that if military dependents don't work at burger king, the family has to go on food stamps.

Just kidding...I know there isn't made it all up.

I have worked on military bases for 35 years. Never met one of those employees who were not a dependent. May be some, but not many

Hungry Heroes 25 Percent of Military Families Seek Food Aid - NBC News
Then boost the pay for the soldiers!!!!
God Dammit ,you're a dumbass
Well those soldiers you speak of could go to the chow hall for free, they do not even need to eat at bk! And the maintainers or shift workers get paid BAS if they cannot go to the chow hall ie missed meal report if, they don't get BAS; as well as cola cost of living allowance. And the ones not in the dorm have their own kitchen and could make or bring their own meal into work, better quality food at a cheaper price... If they go to bk or whatever, that is their own choice and with the pt restrictions physical training, eating at a fast food place will only get them booted out of the military for not being able to perform. Physical training is now more important then your job. Your logic is flawed.. Ha ha ha I laughed at your piss up a tree comment ...your pretty kewl!!!!
Why only $10/hr.....why not $100/hr???

Come on liberals tell us why the difference.....
Because $100 an hour is outrageous, $10 an hour isn't have no sense of proportionality... that's why it is so stupid you say $100 is outrageous!
You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 30% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an Average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.
If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.
Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.
This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.
Way to go you liberal economic idiots!!!
View attachment 32674 Income Statement mock.pdf
I realize how minimum wage has been stagnant for seven years and business had benefitted from a low cost workforce. Workers have not. They can't afford college, can't afford a car, can't afford to get started in life
$10 is a good start but we need to get to $15

RW bulletin. All wages have been stagnant for all of obamas term. Wages will remain stagnant until some certainty comes to the economy and the anti business mentality of govt disappears and until employees drift back into work mode instead of entitlement mode. The rest of your post is just plain false. I had a car that I paid for at 16 with a minimum wage job of 1.65 an hour.. I left college before they kicked me out and there was opportunity everywhere as there is today but you have to have motivation to follow up on opportunities, and you have to be willing to sacrifice to get somewhere. The old saw about paying your dues is trite but true, but the bulk of today's millenials do not want to pass go they just want to go straight to the penthouse, and people like you encourage that mindset by telling them how unfairly they are being treated when the millenials are the most coddled generation in history.

Finally, I love the way you use the WE to associate yourself with all the downtrodden and insinuate that those that oppose you are heartless and rapacious individualist capitalists and have never been through the same trials and tribulations of your sainted min wage workers, inotherwords diminishing the accomplishments of those who have worked their way to upward mobility. This is necessary on your side because to hold up people who have worked their way to success destroys your narrative of the stacked deck.

The true sport of liberals on USMB is to suggest how to spend other peoples money, Margaret Thatcher has explained to us how that works out and what it leads to
Why only $10/hr.....why not $100/hr???

Come on liberals tell us why the difference.....
Because $100 an hour is outrageous, $10 an hour isn't have no sense of proportionality... that's why it is so stupid you say $100 is outrageous!
You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 30% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an Average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.
If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.
Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.
This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.
Way to go you liberal economic idiots!!!
View attachment 32674 Income Statement mock.pdf
I realize how minimum wage has been stagnant for seven years and business had benefitted from a low cost workforce. Workers have not. They can't afford college, can't afford a car, can't afford to get started in life
$10 is a good start but we need to get to $15

RW bulletin. All wages have been stagnant for all of obamas term. Wages will remain stagnant until some certainty comes to the economy and the anti business mentality of govt disappears and until employees drift back into work mode instead of entitlement mode. The rest of your post is just plain false. I had a car that I paid for at 16 with a minimum wage job of 1.65 an hour.. I left college before they kicked me out and there was opportunity everywhere as there is today but you have to have motivation to follow up on opportunities, and you have to be willing to sacrifice to get somewhere. The old saw about paying your dues is trite but true, but the bulk of today's millenials do not want to pass go they just want to go straight to the penthouse, and people like you encourage that mindset by telling them how unfairly they are being treated when the millenials are the most coddled generation in history.

Finally, I love the way you use the WE to associate yourself with all the downtrodden and insinuate that those that oppose you are heartless and rapacious individualist capitalists and have never been through the same trials and tribulations of your sainted min wage workers, inotherwords diminishing the accomplishments of those who have worked their way to upward mobility. This is necessary on your side because to hold up people who have worked their way to success destroys your narrative of the stacked deck.

The true sport of liberals on USMB is to suggest how to spend other peoples money, Margaret Thatcher has explained to us how that works out and what it leads to
You are partially correct. Wages are stagnant because of instability in the workforce. Not instability regarding government policy, but instability in a worker being able to maintain his job or seek a better job. As long as workers are scared, they will accept low wages
I paid for college making $2.10 an hour. Minimum wage workers can't do that on today's wage. I could have bought a new car on six months wages, today's workers can't do that
Why only $10/hr.....why not $100/hr???

Come on liberals tell us why the difference.....
Because $100 an hour is outrageous, $10 an hour isn't have no sense of proportionality... that's why it is so stupid you say $100 is outrageous!
You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 30% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an Average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.
If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.
Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.
This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.
Way to go you liberal economic idiots!!!
View attachment 32674 Income Statement mock.pdf
I realize how minimum wage has been stagnant for seven years and business had benefitted from a low cost workforce. Workers have not. They can't afford college, can't afford a car, can't afford to get started in life
$10 is a good start but we need to get to $15

RW bulletin. All wages have been stagnant for all of obamas term. Wages will remain stagnant until some certainty comes to the economy and the anti business mentality of govt disappears and until employees drift back into work mode instead of entitlement mode. The rest of your post is just plain false. I had a car that I paid for at 16 with a minimum wage job of 1.65 an hour.. I left college before they kicked me out and there was opportunity everywhere as there is today but you have to have motivation to follow up on opportunities, and you have to be willing to sacrifice to get somewhere. The old saw about paying your dues is trite but true, but the bulk of today's millenials do not want to pass go they just want to go straight to the penthouse, and people like you encourage that mindset by telling them how unfairly they are being treated when the millenials are the most coddled generation in history.

Finally, I love the way you use the WE to associate yourself with all the downtrodden and insinuate that those that oppose you are heartless and rapacious individualist capitalists and have never been through the same trials and tribulations of your sainted min wage workers, inotherwords diminishing the accomplishments of those who have worked their way to upward mobility. This is necessary on your side because to hold up people who have worked their way to success destroys your narrative of the stacked deck.

The true sport of liberals on USMB is to suggest how to spend other peoples money, Margaret Thatcher has explained to us how that works out and what it leads to
You are partially correct. Wages are stagnant because of instability in the workforce. Not instability regarding government policy, but instability in a worker being able to maintain his job or seek a better job. As long as workers are scared, they will accept low wages
I paid for college making $2.10 an hour. Minimum wage workers can't do that on today's wage. I could have bought a new car on six months wages, today's workers can't do that

AND YOU FORGET... there are less then 3.5 million people of which 900,000 are between 16 and 19 years old working at entry level jobs!
Back when you were making $2.10 there were more people at minimum wage.
Today the Average hourly worker is paid $24 per hour.
Please deal with FACTS not "guesses" about Minimum wage workers...FACTS first!
These 900,000 are the ones that will suffer with a $10.80 minimum wage AS THE CBO states not me!

averagehourlywage in USA as of 2014-10-08 at 9.02.58 PM.png

Number of minimum wage earners
howmanyworkat minimumwage.png
Because $100 an hour is outrageous, $10 an hour isn't have no sense of proportionality... that's why it is so stupid you say $100 is outrageous!
You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 30% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an Average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.
If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.
Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.
This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.
Way to go you liberal economic idiots!!!
View attachment 32674 Income Statement mock.pdf
I realize how minimum wage has been stagnant for seven years and business had benefitted from a low cost workforce. Workers have not. They can't afford college, can't afford a car, can't afford to get started in life
$10 is a good start but we need to get to $15

RW bulletin. All wages have been stagnant for all of obamas term. Wages will remain stagnant until some certainty comes to the economy and the anti business mentality of govt disappears and until employees drift back into work mode instead of entitlement mode. The rest of your post is just plain false. I had a car that I paid for at 16 with a minimum wage job of 1.65 an hour.. I left college before they kicked me out and there was opportunity everywhere as there is today but you have to have motivation to follow up on opportunities, and you have to be willing to sacrifice to get somewhere. The old saw about paying your dues is trite but true, but the bulk of today's millenials do not want to pass go they just want to go straight to the penthouse, and people like you encourage that mindset by telling them how unfairly they are being treated when the millenials are the most coddled generation in history.

Finally, I love the way you use the WE to associate yourself with all the downtrodden and insinuate that those that oppose you are heartless and rapacious individualist capitalists and have never been through the same trials and tribulations of your sainted min wage workers, inotherwords diminishing the accomplishments of those who have worked their way to upward mobility. This is necessary on your side because to hold up people who have worked their way to success destroys your narrative of the stacked deck.

The true sport of liberals on USMB is to suggest how to spend other peoples money, Margaret Thatcher has explained to us how that works out and what it leads to
You are partially correct. Wages are stagnant because of instability in the workforce. Not instability regarding government policy, but instability in a worker being able to maintain his job or seek a better job. As long as workers are scared, they will accept low wages
I paid for college making $2.10 an hour. Minimum wage workers can't do that on today's wage. I could have bought a new car on six months wages, today's workers can't do that

AND YOU FORGET... there are less then 3.5 million people of which 900,000 are between 16 and 19 years old working at entry level jobs!
Back when you were making $2.10 there were more people at minimum wage.
Today the Average hourly worker is paid $24 per hour.
Please deal with FACTS not "guesses" about Minimum wage workers...FACTS first!
These 900,000 are the ones that will suffer with a $10.80 minimum wage AS THE CBO states not me!

View attachment 32752

Number of minimum wage earners
View attachment 32753
Minimum wage sets the base for low wage scale jobs. Increasing minimum wage also pressures other low wages to increase. Our problem is not the number of Americans making minimum wage, but those working full time and require government help to raise their families have no sense of proportionality... that's why it is so stupid you say $100 is outrageous!
You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 30% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an Average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.
If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.
Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.
This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.
Way to go you liberal economic idiots!!!
View attachment 32674 Income Statement mock.pdf
I realize how minimum wage has been stagnant for seven years and business had benefitted from a low cost workforce. Workers have not. They can't afford college, can't afford a car, can't afford to get started in life
$10 is a good start but we need to get to $15

RW bulletin. All wages have been stagnant for all of obamas term. Wages will remain stagnant until some certainty comes to the economy and the anti business mentality of govt disappears and until employees drift back into work mode instead of entitlement mode. The rest of your post is just plain false. I had a car that I paid for at 16 with a minimum wage job of 1.65 an hour.. I left college before they kicked me out and there was opportunity everywhere as there is today but you have to have motivation to follow up on opportunities, and you have to be willing to sacrifice to get somewhere. The old saw about paying your dues is trite but true, but the bulk of today's millenials do not want to pass go they just want to go straight to the penthouse, and people like you encourage that mindset by telling them how unfairly they are being treated when the millenials are the most coddled generation in history.

Finally, I love the way you use the WE to associate yourself with all the downtrodden and insinuate that those that oppose you are heartless and rapacious individualist capitalists and have never been through the same trials and tribulations of your sainted min wage workers, inotherwords diminishing the accomplishments of those who have worked their way to upward mobility. This is necessary on your side because to hold up people who have worked their way to success destroys your narrative of the stacked deck.

The true sport of liberals on USMB is to suggest how to spend other peoples money, Margaret Thatcher has explained to us how that works out and what it leads to
You are partially correct. Wages are stagnant because of instability in the workforce. Not instability regarding government policy, but instability in a worker being able to maintain his job or seek a better job. As long as workers are scared, they will accept low wages
I paid for college making $2.10 an hour. Minimum wage workers can't do that on today's wage. I could have bought a new car on six months wages, today's workers can't do that

AND YOU FORGET... there are less then 3.5 million people of which 900,000 are between 16 and 19 years old working at entry level jobs!
Back when you were making $2.10 there were more people at minimum wage.
Today the Average hourly worker is paid $24 per hour.
Please deal with FACTS not "guesses" about Minimum wage workers...FACTS first!
These 900,000 are the ones that will suffer with a $10.80 minimum wage AS THE CBO states not me!

View attachment 32752

Number of minimum wage earners
View attachment 32753
Minimum wage sets the base for low wage scale jobs. Increasing minimum wage also pressures other low wages to increase. Our problem is not the number of Americans making minimum wage, but those working full time and require government help to raise their families

So NOW the real objective comes out!
Then say that the IDEA is to INCREASE the average wage from $24/hour to something else BECAUSE YOU are right!
It would piss me off having a 16 year old entry level low skill making the same wage as I did!
So guess what? If as most Americans are NOW DOING... scaling back on their efforts and when they do their value declines. Production goes down
and now they become unemployed!

Adding then to the CBO projected 500,000 that become unemployed what ever "upward" pressure on other hourly wages will result in economic
slow down NOT growth!

But that won't work. Because the 40% increase of minimum wage totally erases the profits any business that with these minimum wage workers.
Again you don't show any facts but here is a fact:

You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 50% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.

If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.

Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.

This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.

Fastfoodincome statement2014-10-08 .png

There is NO way this McDonalds stays in business if the net income of $153,900 is totally wiped out by the increase of crew payroll by $212,000.
Instead of a profit.. a $58,000 loss!
Won't stay in business. Close. Now then where will those "crew payroll" workers go?
I realize how minimum wage has been stagnant for seven years and business had benefitted from a low cost workforce. Workers have not. They can't afford college, can't afford a car, can't afford to get started in life
$10 is a good start but we need to get to $15

RW bulletin. All wages have been stagnant for all of obamas term. Wages will remain stagnant until some certainty comes to the economy and the anti business mentality of govt disappears and until employees drift back into work mode instead of entitlement mode. The rest of your post is just plain false. I had a car that I paid for at 16 with a minimum wage job of 1.65 an hour.. I left college before they kicked me out and there was opportunity everywhere as there is today but you have to have motivation to follow up on opportunities, and you have to be willing to sacrifice to get somewhere. The old saw about paying your dues is trite but true, but the bulk of today's millenials do not want to pass go they just want to go straight to the penthouse, and people like you encourage that mindset by telling them how unfairly they are being treated when the millenials are the most coddled generation in history.

Finally, I love the way you use the WE to associate yourself with all the downtrodden and insinuate that those that oppose you are heartless and rapacious individualist capitalists and have never been through the same trials and tribulations of your sainted min wage workers, inotherwords diminishing the accomplishments of those who have worked their way to upward mobility. This is necessary on your side because to hold up people who have worked their way to success destroys your narrative of the stacked deck.

The true sport of liberals on USMB is to suggest how to spend other peoples money, Margaret Thatcher has explained to us how that works out and what it leads to
You are partially correct. Wages are stagnant because of instability in the workforce. Not instability regarding government policy, but instability in a worker being able to maintain his job or seek a better job. As long as workers are scared, they will accept low wages
I paid for college making $2.10 an hour. Minimum wage workers can't do that on today's wage. I could have bought a new car on six months wages, today's workers can't do that

AND YOU FORGET... there are less then 3.5 million people of which 900,000 are between 16 and 19 years old working at entry level jobs!
Back when you were making $2.10 there were more people at minimum wage.
Today the Average hourly worker is paid $24 per hour.
Please deal with FACTS not "guesses" about Minimum wage workers...FACTS first!
These 900,000 are the ones that will suffer with a $10.80 minimum wage AS THE CBO states not me!

View attachment 32752

Number of minimum wage earners
View attachment 32753
Minimum wage sets the base for low wage scale jobs. Increasing minimum wage also pressures other low wages to increase. Our problem is not the number of Americans making minimum wage, but those working full time and require government help to raise their families

So NOW the real objective comes out!
Then say that the IDEA is to INCREASE the average wage from $24/hour to something else BECAUSE YOU are right!
It would piss me off having a 16 year old entry level low skill making the same wage as I did!
So guess what? If as most Americans are NOW DOING... scaling back on their efforts and when they do their value declines. Production goes down
and now they become unemployed!

Adding then to the CBO projected 500,000 that become unemployed what ever "upward" pressure on other hourly wages will result in economic
slow down NOT growth!

But that won't work. Because the 40% increase of minimum wage totally erases the profits any business that with these minimum wage workers.
Again you don't show any facts but here is a fact:

You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 50% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.

If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.

Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.

This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.

View attachment 32754

There is NO way this McDonalds stays in business if the net income of $153,900 is totally wiped out by the increase of crew payroll by $212,000.
Instead of a profit.. a $58,000 loss!
Won't stay in business. Close. Now then where will those "crew payroll" workers go?
I am not worried about McDonald's going out of business every time the minimum wage is raised
I really find it very hard to understand how simple income/expense breakdown like the below is so hard to comprehend.
I've modified the above chart to include increase in "Crew Payroll" due to raising minimum wage to $10.10.
Increasing to minimum creates 2.9% LOSS.
RW bulletin. All wages have been stagnant for all of obamas term. Wages will remain stagnant until some certainty comes to the economy and the anti business mentality of govt disappears and until employees drift back into work mode instead of entitlement mode. The rest of your post is just plain false. I had a car that I paid for at 16 with a minimum wage job of 1.65 an hour.. I left college before they kicked me out and there was opportunity everywhere as there is today but you have to have motivation to follow up on opportunities, and you have to be willing to sacrifice to get somewhere. The old saw about paying your dues is trite but true, but the bulk of today's millenials do not want to pass go they just want to go straight to the penthouse, and people like you encourage that mindset by telling them how unfairly they are being treated when the millenials are the most coddled generation in history.

Finally, I love the way you use the WE to associate yourself with all the downtrodden and insinuate that those that oppose you are heartless and rapacious individualist capitalists and have never been through the same trials and tribulations of your sainted min wage workers, inotherwords diminishing the accomplishments of those who have worked their way to upward mobility. This is necessary on your side because to hold up people who have worked their way to success destroys your narrative of the stacked deck.

The true sport of liberals on USMB is to suggest how to spend other peoples money, Margaret Thatcher has explained to us how that works out and what it leads to
You are partially correct. Wages are stagnant because of instability in the workforce. Not instability regarding government policy, but instability in a worker being able to maintain his job or seek a better job. As long as workers are scared, they will accept low wages
I paid for college making $2.10 an hour. Minimum wage workers can't do that on today's wage. I could have bought a new car on six months wages, today's workers can't do that

AND YOU FORGET... there are less then 3.5 million people of which 900,000 are between 16 and 19 years old working at entry level jobs!
Back when you were making $2.10 there were more people at minimum wage.
Today the Average hourly worker is paid $24 per hour.
Please deal with FACTS not "guesses" about Minimum wage workers...FACTS first!
These 900,000 are the ones that will suffer with a $10.80 minimum wage AS THE CBO states not me!

View attachment 32752

Number of minimum wage earners
View attachment 32753
Minimum wage sets the base for low wage scale jobs. Increasing minimum wage also pressures other low wages to increase. Our problem is not the number of Americans making minimum wage, but those working full time and require government help to raise their families

So NOW the real objective comes out!
Then say that the IDEA is to INCREASE the average wage from $24/hour to something else BECAUSE YOU are right!
It would piss me off having a 16 year old entry level low skill making the same wage as I did!
So guess what? If as most Americans are NOW DOING... scaling back on their efforts and when they do their value declines. Production goes down
and now they become unemployed!

Adding then to the CBO projected 500,000 that become unemployed what ever "upward" pressure on other hourly wages will result in economic
slow down NOT growth!

But that won't work. Because the 40% increase of minimum wage totally erases the profits any business that with these minimum wage workers.
Again you don't show any facts but here is a fact:

You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 50% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.

If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.

Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.

This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.

View attachment 32754

There is NO way this McDonalds stays in business if the net income of $153,900 is totally wiped out by the increase of crew payroll by $212,000.
Instead of a profit.. a $58,000 loss!
Won't stay in business. Close. Now then where will those "crew payroll" workers go?
I am not worried about McDonald's going out of business every time the minimum wage is raised

Of course not! And that's the ignorance of people like you and Obama that are continually destroying our economic well being with totally ignorant
agenda... Obama wants to destroy 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion in taxes.
Wants to bankrupt utilities again costing coal mining jobs in the process.
As far as McDonald's going out of business may not... BUT it damn well insures these 16 to 19 years olds are the targets for unemployment because
rather then absorbing or passing on McDonalds will let them go and move more towards customer self service and robots.
And that is the shame of ignorance by people like you. It's not the money as much as it is the job experience these 16 to 19 years would be receiving.
They are entry level. They have to be taught to be on time and be on the job! This is such a fundamental training that McDonalds and other low skill
entry level jobs provide and going to "trade" schools and high schools don't necessarily teach the direct correlation to no show pay!
But supposedly "compassionate" people like you being ignorant of these fundamental business FACTS think you are helping.
YOU ARE HELPING to increase unemployment and more damaging the skills and fundamentals these entry level jobs provide!
Obviously you never worked at something like this as I did and millions more that begin our careers with some basic job requirements that jobs like
McDonalds offers. With these jobs increasingly diminishing so goes the necessary fundamentals of "no show... no pay"!!! Every EVERY employer fundamentally wants to be able to count on the employee being on the job and on time. A basic requirement of MOST for profit entities that depend on employees productivity.
You are partially correct. Wages are stagnant because of instability in the workforce. Not instability regarding government policy, but instability in a worker being able to maintain his job or seek a better job. As long as workers are scared, they will accept low wages
I paid for college making $2.10 an hour. Minimum wage workers can't do that on today's wage. I could have bought a new car on six months wages, today's workers can't do that

AND YOU FORGET... there are less then 3.5 million people of which 900,000 are between 16 and 19 years old working at entry level jobs!
Back when you were making $2.10 there were more people at minimum wage.
Today the Average hourly worker is paid $24 per hour.
Please deal with FACTS not "guesses" about Minimum wage workers...FACTS first!
These 900,000 are the ones that will suffer with a $10.80 minimum wage AS THE CBO states not me!

View attachment 32752

Number of minimum wage earners
View attachment 32753
Minimum wage sets the base for low wage scale jobs. Increasing minimum wage also pressures other low wages to increase. Our problem is not the number of Americans making minimum wage, but those working full time and require government help to raise their families

So NOW the real objective comes out!
Then say that the IDEA is to INCREASE the average wage from $24/hour to something else BECAUSE YOU are right!
It would piss me off having a 16 year old entry level low skill making the same wage as I did!
So guess what? If as most Americans are NOW DOING... scaling back on their efforts and when they do their value declines. Production goes down
and now they become unemployed!

Adding then to the CBO projected 500,000 that become unemployed what ever "upward" pressure on other hourly wages will result in economic
slow down NOT growth!

But that won't work. Because the 40% increase of minimum wage totally erases the profits any business that with these minimum wage workers.
Again you don't show any facts but here is a fact:

You have NO concept of business operating expenses obviously.
When you increase minimum wage nearly 50% what do you think that means to operating expenses?
Attached is the income statement for an average McDonald's restaurant.
Note Crew Payroll takes 20% of net sales.

If Crew payroll increases from $7.25 to $10.10 minimum wage that is an increase of 39%.

Using the typical crew payroll would increase from $540,000 to $752,275.
This would be an increase of $212,275.

This would reduce the store's operating income from $153,900 net income to a loss of $58,375. THAT IS A LOSS. That means NO federal/state/local taxes.
That means the store would NOT be able to pay some of the bills.
That's what happens liberals when costs go up more then the revenue comes in.
So are you willing to increase the costs of eating at this McDonalds or any restaurant like McDonalds FACED with a 39% increase in operating expenses?
NOW do you understand how totally economically insane raising the minimum wage for less 3.3 million people of which 1 million are under age 19?
The ONLY way McDonald's and other restaurants faced with this can survive is to let go some of their minimum wage people and replace with
more self service and robots.

View attachment 32754

There is NO way this McDonalds stays in business if the net income of $153,900 is totally wiped out by the increase of crew payroll by $212,000.
Instead of a profit.. a $58,000 loss!
Won't stay in business. Close. Now then where will those "crew payroll" workers go?
I am not worried about McDonald's going out of business every time the minimum wage is raised

Of course not! And that's the ignorance of people like you and Obama that are continually destroying our economic well being with totally ignorant
agenda... Obama wants to destroy 1,300 companies that pay $100 billion in taxes.
Wants to bankrupt utilities again costing coal mining jobs in the process.
As far as McDonald's going out of business may not... BUT it damn well insures these 16 to 19 years olds are the targets for unemployment because
rather then absorbing or passing on McDonalds will let them go and move more towards customer self service and robots.
And that is the shame of ignorance by people like you. It's not the money as much as it is the job experience these 16 to 19 years would be receiving.
They are entry level. They have to be taught to be on time and be on the job! This is such a fundamental training that McDonalds and other low skill
entry level jobs provide and going to "trade" schools and high schools don't necessarily teach the direct correlation to no show pay!
But supposedly "compassionate" people like you being ignorant of these fundamental business FACTS think you are helping.
YOU ARE HELPING to increase unemployment and more damaging the skills and fundamentals these entry level jobs provide!
Obviously you never worked at something like this as I did and millions more that begin our careers with some basic job requirements that jobs like
McDonalds offers. With these jobs increasingly diminishing so goes the necessary fundamentals of "no show... no pay"!!! Every EVERY employer fundamentally wants to be able to count on the employee being on the job and on time. A basic requirement of MOST for profit entities that depend on employees productivity.
Cry me a river

McDonalds has not seen a minimum wage increase in seven years. During that period, they have profited off a low paid workforce. What does McDonald's do when their food costs increase, or energy, or taxes, or what networks charge for advertising?
Yet, it is only wage increases that causes conservatives to become outraged
Another important point that gets overlooked is that many union jobs are tied to min wage. If min wage goes up so do those high paying union jobs and the dues that unions tithe to the Democratic Party. So what you basically have are businesses that are forced to contribute more to dem coffers through govt mandates further disenfranchising conservative voters. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together.
How about we look at the nutritional value of the garbage being served to our troops. Start tracking weight, cholesterol, and general health. Then raise minimum wages so the prices go up. See which group's health improves and which suffers.

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