Zone1 The End of God’s Love The Great Separation

Life had to come from somewhere. Something far more intelligent than all men combined. Life doesn't come from death, so life had to come from life. For every cause, there was and is an effect. And every effect had a cause. But there can only be ONE First Cause. The First Cause could not have been caused, otherwise, it would not be the First Cause. Therefore, the First Cause is eternal. So life is eternal and the First Cause is a living and intelligent being, for the intricacies and functions of the Universe could not have been formed by a lack of intelligence, by happenstance, or by mistake.
The question of the origin of the universe has nothing to do with what we were discussing. Not trying to challenge your faith but it would be good for you to understand why some people reject religion. Do you still believe in Santa Claus? Why not? Over a period of time you saw too many signs that the Santa story was fiction. That's how it is with religion.
The question of the origin of the universe has nothing to do with what we were discussing. Not trying to challenge your faith but it would be good for you to understand why some people reject religion. Do you still believe in Santa Claus? Why not? Over a period of time you saw too many signs that the Santa story was fiction. That's how it is with religion.
Sorry, but I believe you're wrong. The question of the origin of the Universe has everything to do with the conversation. I believe that the mind and life that created the universe is God. Everything else follows. My beliefs are based on both science and faith. Some things are tangible and visible, while other things are felt or sensed without being seen.
As of May 1st the Great Tribulation has begun, meaning watch Congress fall apart
the dow Jones today.

The question is: who's "enlightened perspective" is the best? Karl Marx? Mahatma Gandi? Mohammed? Jim Jones? George Soros? Klaus Schwab? AOC? Yours? Mine? For every 100 million people, there are 100 million perspectives. Mankind's ideas and perspectives sway with the wind. Here today, gone tomorrow. But God's Word is timeless and changes not.
Everyone's perspective changes over time.

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