The end of Sarah Palin

If the left didn't have Sarah Palin, they might actually have to recognize that Vladimir Putin is kicking obama's ass all over eastern Europe up to the space station.

To the right, Sarah Palin can always be used to put a fire under liberal butt. It's like Pavlov's dogs, the left will always start barking and pawing at the gate.
Did she die? Then she doesn't have an end (To be fair, she wouldn't have an end even if she died, it would just be an end to her mortal existence).

Unless you find a way to shut her up or kill her, I don't think she is going anywhere.

Did she shoot herself in the foot repeatedly, thereby rendering herself irrelevant? She doesn't need to be dead to cease to matter.

She clearly still matters enough for you guys to talk about her and for others to advocate for her.

Obama shot himself in the foot more times than I can count, he hasnt ceased to matter.

Rdean should be completely irrelevant according to your standards, and yet he still has people who listen and agree with him.

Also, just because someone "doesn't matter" at one point doesn't mean they won't later. Just because someone says something stupid one time doesnt invalidate everything else they say.
the "MAKE THEM PAY!!" CROWD OF far-Left losers slithered away when their idiotic Occupy movement failed. now the same hard-core lefty morons are cheering the record corporate profits under obama; the ones that "1%" are making a killing off of; they are the ONLY one getting ahead in the obama years.
Now the "47%" are the ones suffering under RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS; and record dependency on the government.

obama oversaw the largest gain of Republicans in the House in 70 years

and you left-wing idiots have the gall to want to try to ridicule others for allegedly being used?

Give some evidence of what she has done in any manner other than to get elected.
That is not anything to say she has accomplished of any national inspiration.
All she seems to know is to make more money for Sarah.
Give some evidence of what she has done in any manner other than to get elected.
That is not anything to say she has accomplished of any national inspiration.

is English your first language?

anyway; she gives the Left hell; that is worth the price of admission itself.
if she was ACTUALLY irrelevant you wouldnt be wasting your time here right?
Give some evidence of what she has done in any manner other than to get elected.
That is not anything to say she has accomplished of any national inspiration.
All she seems to know is to make more money for Sarah.

And that was her mission. I must admit, she has done very well. A pretty face and empty words have given her a handsome bank account.
the thread title is "the end of sarah palin''
since i havent seen her going anywhere; and she is still enough of a pain in the side of the Left to have them soiling their panties over her; that makes the whole thread nonsense

THUS YOU telling me i'm not making a point means less than nothing to me

go cry now

You are a very odd duck.

She is none of the things you describe. She is a joke. She uses you lot, takes your money, doesn't run - and you still admire and respect her.

You really oughtta be embarrassed.

From the Party of Obama & Biden....LOL

You mean the current President and Vice President? Correct.
If the left didn't have Sarah Palin, they might actually have to recognize that Vladimir Putin is kicking obama's ass all over eastern Europe up to the space station.

To the right, Sarah Palin can always be used to put a fire under liberal butt. It's like Pavlov's dogs, the left will always start barking and pawing at the gate.

Putin is Adolph Hitler reincarnated. Hitler annexed part of Czechoslovakia under the guise of protecting German citizens... and he didn't stop there.

Palin is done... stick a knife in her.
You are a very odd duck.

She is none of the things you describe. She is a joke. She uses you lot, takes your money, doesn't run - and you still admire and respect her.

You really oughtta be embarrassed.

From the Party of Obama & Biden....LOL

You mean the current President and Vice President? Correct.

are they really?

when does their watch start?
when will they be responsible for anything happening on their watch?
If the left didn't have Sarah Palin, they might actually have to recognize that Vladimir Putin is kicking obama's ass all over eastern Europe up to the space station.

To the right, Sarah Palin can always be used to put a fire under liberal butt. It's like Pavlov's dogs, the left will always start barking and pawing at the gate.

Putin is Adolph Hitler reincarnated. Hitler annexed part of Czechoslovakia under the guise of protecting German citizens... and he didn't stop there.

Palin is done... stick a knife in her.

Well obviously she isnt done giving silly left-wing losers who use absurd Hitler analogies nightmares
Many Christians are now disgusted with Palin, after she equated waterboarding to baptism.

The Christianists who back Palin, however, think such blasphemy is great. After all, almost all Palin fans support torture enthusiastically. That's how you know they're Christianists as opposed to actual Christians.

I agree with Sarah on almost all issues, but those comments showed she is more full of her own self-importantcy than she is worried about the state of our nation.

She's not the stupid flaky freak the left wants to make her out to be, but her comments on the waterboarding bordered on retarded. She was preaching to a small choir, but it was being recorded. Tremendously reckless.
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the more obama fails; the more the whole world from russia to africa recognizes what a weak failure he is; the more the loser Left will rant about Palin, or the Tea Part; or anything and everything but to admit the Progrewssive agenda has failed; that the Left is and has been in charge for years

idiots and hypocrites

Obama is a failure from a proud American's point of view but a great success from a cowardly Socialist's point of view. The sissy queens on the left find his feminine style inspiring.
"she is an Obama-era novelty politician-and not much else".

What I admire the most about Sarah Palin is the class she's constantly portrayed in the face of endless liberal hate and blatant sexism in your view no mere woman has the right to defy you or you will destroy them.

BTW, it didn't work, she isn't going anywhere.

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