The end of Sarah Palin

Yes, I guess Sarah really is that big a failure if you need to change the subject. :doubt:

what do you gauge her being a failure on?

as long as you're going to accuse others of changing the subject to obama?

palin didnt get elected; obama did.

is palin a failure because she didnt get elected?

lol it's so hard trying to decipher a liberal mind-phuking herself!

by what measure is Palin a failure? and if she is a failure what to make of the guy who DID win and has record welfare and food stamps on his watch? they guy who cant stop blaming his failures on others and who's lemming crowd of supporters does the same?

Mostly? Her failure to run when she had the best chance of winning. Taking money from all her backers, which she is probably doing to this day - and not running for them.
I know you're trying ... to get a point across ... ? But it's all - whiny. And still not about Sarah Palin.


the thread title is "the end of sarah palin''
since i havent seen her going anywhere; and she is still enough of a pain in the side of the Left to have them soiling their panties over her; that makes the whole thread nonsense

THUS YOU telling me i'm not making a point means less than nothing to me

go cry now

You are a very odd duck.

She is none of the things you describe. She is a joke. She uses you lot, takes your money, doesn't run - and you still admire and respect her.

You really oughtta be embarrassed.
"she is an Obama-era novelty politician-and not much else".

Yep, gotta agree with that assessment. Palin single-handedly handed the presidency to Obama, for that, thank you Sarah Palin. History will record as such.

The end of Sarah Palin - The Week

After this weekend, it's probably safe to say that Sarah Palin is done. Like Jesse Ventura or Ross Perot, she may show up every once in a while to hurl red meat or use stunt cameos to remind us a little of her awkward charms. But recent events seem to confirm that she is an Obama-era novelty politician — and not much else.

Unlike the idiots who uphold and protect muslim terrorists. Total bull as usual from libtards.

So I take it you're of the opinion Jesus would support torture?

You're not a Christian, you're a Christianist. Christians follow Christ, and you don't. You follow your own brand new politically correct religion of hate.
I know you're trying ... to get a point across ... ? But it's all - whiny. And still not about Sarah Palin.


the thread title is "the end of sarah palin''
since i havent seen her going anywhere; and she is still enough of a pain in the side of the Left to have them soiling their panties over her; that makes the whole thread nonsense

THUS YOU telling me i'm not making a point means less than nothing to me

go cry now

The end of Sarah Palin's political clout is the gist of the article. Sarah Palin was never really a pain in the side of the left. On the contrary, Palin has always amused us, still does.

the thread title is "the end of sarah palin''
since i havent seen her going anywhere; and she is still enough of a pain in the side of the Left to have them soiling their panties over her; that makes the whole thread nonsense

THUS YOU telling me i'm not making a point means less than nothing to me

go cry now

You are a very odd duck.

She is none of the things you describe. She is a joke. She uses you lot, takes your money, doesn't run - and you still admire and respect her.

You really oughtta be embarrassed.

From the Party of Obama & Biden....LOL

the thread title is "the end of sarah palin''
since i havent seen her going anywhere; and she is still enough of a pain in the side of the Left to have them soiling their panties over her; that makes the whole thread nonsense

THUS YOU telling me i'm not making a point means less than nothing to me

go cry now

The end of Sarah Palin's political clout is the gist of the article. Sarah Palin was never really a pain in the side of the left. On the contrary, Palin has always amused us, still does.

so if she was never a pain as you say (hard to belive given all the soiled panties on the Left over her) than she cant have had any clout in your eyes anyway. You cant have ended something you say didnt exist in the first place.

so like i said the whole thread is a joke; and you are then guilty of obsessing on somebody you are out of the other side of your mouth trying to dismiss

you're a mental case
the thread title is "the end of sarah palin''
since i havent seen her going anywhere; and she is still enough of a pain in the side of the Left to have them soiling their panties over her; that makes the whole thread nonsense

THUS YOU telling me i'm not making a point means less than nothing to me

go cry now

The end of Sarah Palin's political clout is the gist of the article. Sarah Palin was never really a pain in the side of the left. On the contrary, Palin has always amused us, still does.

so if she was never a pain as you say (hard to belive given all the soiled panties on the Left over her) than she cant have had any clout in your eyes anyway. You cant have ended something you say didnt exist in the first place.

so like i said the whole thread is a joke; and you are then guilty of obsessing on somebody you are out of the other side of your mouth trying to dismiss

you're a mental case

Pot, kettle, etc.

Sarah has never been a major player. She had a chance, in 2012, but she took the money and ran. She's not a has-been, she's a never-was.
Did she die? Then she doesn't have an end (To be fair, she wouldn't have an end even if she died, it would just be an end to her mortal existence).

Unless you find a way to shut her up or kill her, I don't think she is going anywhere.

the thread title is "the end of sarah palin''
since i havent seen her going anywhere; and she is still enough of a pain in the side of the Left to have them soiling their panties over her; that makes the whole thread nonsense

THUS YOU telling me i'm not making a point means less than nothing to me

go cry now

You are a very odd duck.

She is none of the things you describe. She is a joke. She uses you lot, takes your money, doesn't run - and you still admire and respect her.

You really oughtta be embarrassed.

minority unemployment is higher under obama than it EVER was under Bush

you call RECORD WELFAR AND FOOD STAMPS "forward progress"

you have no business labeling anybody an odd duck or commenting on who is being abused and used

you're a joke
"she is an Obama-era novelty politician-and not much else".

Yep, gotta agree with that assessment. Palin single-handedly handed the presidency to Obama, for that, thank you Sarah Palin. History will record as such.

The end of Sarah Palin - The Week

After this weekend, it's probably safe to say that Sarah Palin is done. Like Jesse Ventura or Ross Perot, she may show up every once in a while to hurl red meat or use stunt cameos to remind us a little of her awkward charms. But recent events seem to confirm that she is an Obama-era novelty politician — and not much else.

All but done, yet you commies waste so much ink on the subject, I think it's just wishful thinking.
the rich are getting richer; the poor and Middle Class are getting poorer under obama; not Palin

corporations are making RECORD PROFITS under the people who sympathized with the Occupy crowd; not under Republicans; not under Palin

and you idiots have the gall to try to ridicule others that they are being used or have been used?

Excellent OP.

Rub her face in the dirt for degrading the GOP mainstream.
Did she die? Then she doesn't have an end (To be fair, she wouldn't have an end even if she died, it would just be an end to her mortal existence).

Unless you find a way to shut her up or kill her, I don't think she is going anywhere.

Did she shoot herself in the foot repeatedly, thereby rendering herself irrelevant? She doesn't need to be dead to cease to matter.
She will always be around, as long as their are individuals that believe her Carnival like barking. As you know, there is a sucker born every minute.
When she was running for the VP on the republican ticket and was asked a question she was not allowed to prepare for, she had little if nothing to say.

I think she will always be around because the left loves to make fun of her and the right loves to defend her. She may not be able to draw big crowds anymore, but I think people will not stop talking about her - good and bad - for quite a while yet.
Yes, I guess Sarah really is that big a failure if you need to change the subject. :doubt:

what do you gauge her being a failure on?

as long as you're going to accuse others of changing the subject to obama?

palin didnt get elected; obama did.

is palin a failure because she didnt get elected?

lol it's so hard trying to decipher a liberal mind-phuking herself!

by what measure is Palin a failure? and if she is a failure what to make of the guy who DID win and has record welfare and food stamps on his watch? they guy who cant stop blaming his failures on others and who's lemming crowd of supporters does the same?

Mostly? Her failure to run when she had the best chance of winning. Taking money from all her backers, which she is probably doing to this day - and not running for them.

a left-wing moron crying over somebody else's potential loss of money?

seriously you answered the question just as i thought you would; buy making a fool of yourself with a pile of steaming nothing. you're simply a clown
the thread title is "the end of sarah palin''
since i havent seen her going anywhere; and she is still enough of a pain in the side of the Left to have them soiling their panties over her; that makes the whole thread nonsense

THUS YOU telling me i'm not making a point means less than nothing to me

go cry now

The end of Sarah Palin's political clout is the gist of the article. Sarah Palin was never really a pain in the side of the left. On the contrary, Palin has always amused us, still does.

so if she was never a pain as you say (hard to belive given all the soiled panties on the Left over her) than she cant have had any clout in your eyes anyway. You cant have ended something you say didnt exist in the first place.

so like i said the whole thread is a joke; and you are then guilty of obsessing on somebody you are out of the other side of your mouth trying to dismiss

you're a mental case

Palin's clout was never really a threat to Democrats. Palin's actual political clout is with the Tea Party Republicans and she used that clout to beat (over the head) the main stream conservatives into submission for a while there. You obviously are a useful tool.
Did she die? Then she doesn't have an end (To be fair, she wouldn't have an end even if she died, it would just be an end to her mortal existence).

Unless you find a way to shut her up or kill her, I don't think she is going anywhere.

Did she shoot herself in the foot repeatedly, thereby rendering herself irrelevant? She doesn't need to be dead to cease to matter.

just how many posts are you going to make about somebody you insist is irrelevant?

The end of Sarah Palin's political clout is the gist of the article. Sarah Palin was never really a pain in the side of the left. On the contrary, Palin has always amused us, still does.

so if she was never a pain as you say (hard to belive given all the soiled panties on the Left over her) than she cant have had any clout in your eyes anyway. You cant have ended something you say didnt exist in the first place.

so like i said the whole thread is a joke; and you are then guilty of obsessing on somebody you are out of the other side of your mouth trying to dismiss

you're a mental case

Palin's clout was never really a threat to Democrats. Palin's actual political clout is with the Tea Party Republicans and she used that clout to beat (over the head) the main stream conservatives into submission for a while there. You obviously are a useful tool.

again; you're the kind of idiot that calls record welfare and food stamps "forward progress?

talk about a useful tool.

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