The end of Sarah Palin

The liberal fixation on tearing down successful women might be fixed with proper, albeit prolonged, therapy. But this is a dry year and I'm not sure we can get enough water to drown 'em all.
Granted Palin is a republican so she is universally disliked by the left but the attacks on her specifically are not rational. Why do lefties hate her so much? It's possible that left wing metrosexual males are afraid of attractive articulate women. It's also possible that left wing males wish for spouses who will go along with any and every adulterous adventure as long as the pay check is large enough. Palin is everything sane liberal women and feminists told their daughters that they could become back in the 70's. She was a typical hockey mom who went up against the city political machine and became mayor and later she became governor. Do they hate her because she balanced a family and chose to give birth to a Downs Syndrome baby rather than abort? Nothing makes sense on the left these days.
you dont make hundreds of posts that somebody is irrelevant and it is the "end of" her.
when somebody points out how stupid you look trying to dismiss somebody you claim was never relevant to begin with by saying it is "the end of Palin"; you cant say "well she meant a lot to the right". she still does (mean a lot) to many on the right. she cant have come to an "end" if she was never relevant. if she was never relevant to you; but only to the right; than she isnt coming to an end because you cant dictate or be the judge of how popular she is to her own people.....

you left-wingers and the mind-phuk you put yourselves through are truly amazing!


idiots and hypocrites
Palin is a novelty?

lmao! what do you call the idiot in the White House that still has his lemmings making excuses for his failures in Year 6?

Your President and better Barrack Obama was elected TWICE by the American people, why did governor quitter leave during her one term in office?
I hope she goes away and the status quo that her and Ted Nugent worship gets replaced by a real conservative voice thats void of Huckabe, Hanity and Limbaugh. I want change in the right. Not just cosmetic fads that excite the electorate then show up and go along with the leadership.
"she is an Obama-era novelty politician-and not much else".

Yep, gotta agree with that assessment. Palin single-handedly handed the presidency to Obama, for that, thank you Sarah Palin. History will record as such.

The end of Sarah Palin - The Week

After this weekend, it's probably safe to say that Sarah Palin is done. Like Jesse Ventura or Ross Perot, she may show up every once in a while to hurl red meat or use stunt cameos to remind us a little of her awkward charms. But recent events seem to confirm that she is an Obama-era novelty politician — and not much else.


And who picked her? Was it not Mr. Maverick neo-ancient of days who hates the Tea Party?

It all makes sense now, doesn't it?
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"she is an Obama-era novelty politician-and not much else".

Yep, gotta agree with that assessment. Palin single-handedly handed the presidency to Obama, for that, thank you Sarah Palin. History will record as such.

The end of Sarah Palin - The Week

After this weekend, it's probably safe to say that Sarah Palin is done. Like Jesse Ventura or Ross Perot, she may show up every once in a while to hurl red meat or use stunt cameos to remind us a little of her awkward charms. But recent events seem to confirm that she is an Obama-era novelty politician — and not much else.
Libtards are still scared of her because she is better then the idiot in office now. The op is a total bullshit lie.
Some people are not very bright but they are smart enough to keep their mouths closed so as not to show their ignorance to the world. Other people are not very smart and they cannot wait to broadcast their ignorance to the world. You are a perfect example of someone in the second group.
Given the turn liberal hatred for successful women has taken.....and that so much of it seems to have sprung from vice presidential's beginning to seem a request for Secret Service protection would not be out of order.

After all, consider the political inclinations of the perps in several recent bits of unpleasantness.
Granted Palin is a republican so she is universally disliked by the left but the attacks on her specifically are not rational. Why do lefties hate her so much? It's possible that left wing metrosexual males are afraid of attractive articulate women. It's also possible that left wing males wish for spouses who will go along with any and every adulterous adventure as long as the pay check is large enough. Palin is everything sane liberal women and feminists told their daughters that they could become back in the 70's. She was a typical hockey mom who went up against the city political machine and became mayor and later she became governor. Do they hate her because she balanced a family and chose to give birth to a Downs Syndrome baby rather than abort? Nothing makes sense on the left these days.

No, Hillary Clinton is everything sane liberal women and feminists tell their daughters that they could become and a fine example Hillary has actually become. From 1st Lady to Senator of New York to Secretary of State. And Hillary's not done yet. Hillary Clinton's accomplishments are a fine example to girls, young women and women in general worldwide.

Now, as for Sarah Palin? She's done!
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Who cares? She holds no office, has no power, has no financial backing. But, yet you dems and libs are scared shitless of her--------why else do you feel the need to start threads about her every day?

What is it about attractive conservative women that scares you libs to badly? Could it be that she makes you fools realize that all women are not liberal idiots like Pelosi, Clinton, and Behar?
I hope she goes away and the status quo that her and Ted Nugent worship gets replaced by a real conservative voice thats void of Huckabe, Hanity and Limbaugh. I want change in the right. Not just cosmetic fads that excite the electorate then show up and go along with the leadership.

Hope she stays around! She is the gift that keeps on giving!!
Granted Palin is a republican so she is universally disliked by the left but the attacks on her specifically are not rational. Why do lefties hate her so much? It's possible that left wing metrosexual males are afraid of attractive articulate women. It's also possible that left wing males wish for spouses who will go along with any and every adulterous adventure as long as the pay check is large enough. Palin is everything sane liberal women and feminists told their daughters that they could become back in the 70's. She was a typical hockey mom who went up against the city political machine and became mayor and later she became governor. Do they hate her because she balanced a family and chose to give birth to a Downs Syndrome baby rather than abort? Nothing makes sense on the left these days.

No, Hillary Clinton is everything sane liberal women and feminists tell their daughters that they could become and a fine example Hillary has actually become. From 1st Lady to Senator of New York to Secretary of State. And Hillary's not done yet. Hillary Clinton's accomplishments are a fine example to girls, young women and women in general worldwide.

Now, as for Sarah Palin? She's done!

Hillary is a closet lesbian, a liar, and a woman who let her husband shit on her--------is that the example you want for your daughters?
Granted Palin is a republican so she is universally disliked by the left but the attacks on her specifically are not rational. Why do lefties hate her so much? It's possible that left wing metrosexual males are afraid of attractive articulate women. It's also possible that left wing males wish for spouses who will go along with any and every adulterous adventure as long as the pay check is large enough. Palin is everything sane liberal women and feminists told their daughters that they could become back in the 70's. She was a typical hockey mom who went up against the city political machine and became mayor and later she became governor. Do they hate her because she balanced a family and chose to give birth to a Downs Syndrome baby rather than abort? Nothing makes sense on the left these days.

No, Hillary Clinton is everything sane liberal women and feminists tell their daughters that they could become and a fine example Hillary has actually become. From 1st Lady to Senator of New York to Secretary of State. And Hillary's not done yet. Hillary Clinton's accomplishments are a fine example to girls, young women and women in general worldwide.

Now, as for Sarah Palin? She's done!

you dolt; attaining an office doesnt count. bush obtained the presidency twice. He was also Governor of one of the biggest states. by your measure he's a success; but i'm sure you wont admit the flaw in your logic or admit he is a success.
you're a clown; your posts dont hold up to the slightest bit of scrutiny. you have one standard for yourself and one for everybody else

you're a clown
Who cares? She holds no office, has no power, has no financial backing. But, yet you dems and libs are scared shitless of her--------why else do you feel the need to start threads about her every day?

What is it about attractive conservative women that scares you libs to badly? Could it be that she makes you fools realize that all women are not liberal idiots like Pelosi, Clinton, and Behar?
They're threatened...because she's correct and she speaks her mind.
Who cares? She holds no office, has no power, has no financial backing. But, yet you dems and libs are scared shitless of her--------why else do you feel the need to start threads about her every day?

What is it about attractive conservative women that scares you libs to badly? Could it be that she makes you fools realize that all women are not liberal idiots like Pelosi, Clinton, and Behar?
They're threatened...because she's correct and she speaks her mind.

true, as in many other things, the truth is the enemy of liberalism.
Who cares? She holds no office, has no power, has no financial backing. But, yet you dems and libs are scared shitless of her--------why else do you feel the need to start threads about her every day?

What is it about attractive conservative women that scares you libs to badly? Could it be that she makes you fools realize that all women are not liberal idiots like Pelosi, Clinton, and Behar?

Yes we are really scared of the wasilla hillbilly!!! She has such intellect !! :cuckoo:
I hope she goes away and the status quo that her and Ted Nugent worship gets replaced by a real conservative voice thats void of Huckabe, Hanity and Limbaugh. I want change in the right. Not just cosmetic fads that excite the electorate then show up and go along with the leadership.

Hope she stays around! She is the gift that keeps on giving!!

And THAT is why she won't disappear too soon.

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