The end of Sarah Palin

You hate Hillary because she's a real successful and accomplished women don't you?

You have a point given that you obviously consider "success" and "accomplishment" in her getting innocent Americans killed and then "successfully" (at least temporarily so) covering up the real causes with party-serving twaddle.

Paul Shanklin nailed it.......but I'm not gonna link it'll just echo through your head for days and days.

My, how you use dead Americans to quench your politically-correct r-wing agenda. Tsk, tsk... shame on you! :eusa_liar:
yes what a conservative!! LOL

Margaret Thatcher to Sarah Palin: don't bother dropping by
Allies of former prime minister regard darling of Tea Party movement as a frivolous figure unworthy of an audience

"Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts." said a Thatcher aid.

Margaret Thatcher to Sarah Palin: don't bother dropping by | Politics |

Sarah Palin snub by Margaret Thatcher aides infuriates US rightwing
Rush Limbaugh joins supporters accusing Thatcher's circle of disgracing former PM with 'Palin is nuts' comment :lol::lol::lol:

Sarah Palin snub by Margaret Thatcher aides infuriates US rightwing | World news | The Guardian

"by thatcher aide....."

lol you're such an idiot

typical loser tactic. by that measure obamacare IS a TRAINWRECK because one of the Dems WHO WROTE IT called it that

try again
If you cannot understand the question then don't answer the question
But I see you have not given any viable answer to the question.
So it seems quite evident that all sarah is about is making money off of people who
listen to her hyperbole .

Give some evidence of what she has done in any manner other than to get elected.
That is not anything to say she has accomplished of any national inspiration.

is English your first language?

anyway; she gives the Left hell; that is worth the price of admission itself.
if she was ACTUALLY irrelevant you wouldnt be wasting your time here right?
You hate Hillary because she's a real successful and accomplished women don't you?

You have a point given that you obviously consider "success" and "accomplishment" in her getting innocent Americans killed and then "successfully" (at least temporarily so) covering up the real causes with party-serving twaddle.

Paul Shanklin nailed it.......but I'm not gonna link it'll just echo through your head for days and days.

My, how you use dead Americans to quench your politically-correct r-wing agenda. Tsk, tsk... shame on you! :eusa_liar:

you get Americans killed because of a political agenda; (the people at Benghazi asked for more security and obama refused it)


and LIE IN FRONT OF ALL OF AMERICA about it on Sunday morning talk shows


WHO should be ashamed leftard?
fascism already came to America left-wing dimwit; wrapped in the banner of "change" carrying a politically-correct speech code book; foaming at mouth at anybody who dares leave the liberal plantation; woman or minority especially

AHA! You're playing the race-card I see. Typical dittohead exposed.


sorry loser; i know you dont have the balls to admit this; but obama is "Black" and a failure. He's not a failure BECAUSE he's Black; but that doesnt stop left-wing cowards deep in denial from cowering behind their race politics

thats what they can't deal with. obama was supposed to be a transformational figure, bigger than life, able to change the world------------but it turned out that he was an incompetent, petulant, marxist who is incapable of filling the shoes of even the fool named Jimmy Carter.
If you cannot understand the question then don't answer the question
But I see you have not given any viable answer to the question.
So it seems quite evident that all sarah is about is making money off of people who
listen to her hyperbole .

Give some evidence of what she has done in any manner other than to get elected.
That is not anything to say she has accomplished of any national inspiration.

is English your first language?

anyway; she gives the Left hell; that is worth the price of admission itself.
if she was ACTUALLY irrelevant you wouldnt be wasting your time here right?

if you cant ask a coherent question maybe you shouldnt be posting?
guno, kicrocks, and martin bashir want to take a dump in Palin's mouth; all while circle-jerking each other..........but they arent obsessed with Palin or anything.


idiots and hypocrites
Its very amusing to watch the libs foam at the mouth over Sarah Palin. They are just scared shitless of any female who does not tow the dem/lib/lesbian line and who does not look like whoopi or Rosie O'donnell.

to dems all women should be fat, lebian, stupid, and repeat dem talking points 24/7. Or they could be like pelosi---------dumb as a garlic clove and full of botox.
Comprehension? Is that a short-coming of your learning curve?
Perhaps it is more vocabulary might not be a strong point of yours.
Either way, still no real answer to the question.
It is well understood the type of poster you are.

If you cannot understand the question then don't answer the question
But I see you have not given any viable answer to the question.
So it seems quite evident that all sarah is about is making money off of people who
listen to her hyperbole .

is English your first language?

anyway; she gives the Left hell; that is worth the price of admission itself.
if she was ACTUALLY irrelevant you wouldnt be wasting your time here right?

if you cant ask a coherent question maybe you shouldnt be posting?
Comprehension? Is that a short-coming of your learning curve?
Perhaps it is more vocabulary might not be a strong point of yours.
Either way, still no real answer to the question.
It is well understood the type of poster you are.

If you cannot understand the question then don't answer the question
But I see you have not given any viable answer to the question.
So it seems quite evident that all sarah is about is making money off of people who
listen to her hyperbole .

if you cant ask a coherent question maybe you shouldnt be posting?

ask a stupid question...................................

you know the rest
fascism already came to America left-wing dimwit; wrapped in the banner of "change" carrying a politically-correct speech code book; foaming at mouth at anybody who dares leave the liberal plantation; woman or minority especially

AHA! You're playing the race-card I see. Typical dittohead exposed.

try again leftard; the Left cant survive without playing the race card.

own your intolerance idiot

You're the one who played the racist plantation-card of which you dittoheads are so fond of. Cheap, racist shots like that are why you tea-baggers lost the last 2 POTUS elections. Keep it up and you will make it 3 in a row easily.
self-absorbed lib fools amuse me!!

especially hypocritical ones!

hyperbole? really?
the Left cant survive without it.

how revealing though; you cant stand palin because she throws your bombs back at you.

left-wingers have always been crybabies who demand to dictate the parameters of every debate

idiots and hypocrites
yeah yeah, it's the end for everyone with you saintly judges of all people on the left

If just saying something makes it the end, Obama should of been gone a long time, along with Dirty Harry Reid, blah blah blah

now pull you diapers up we all know you're not REALLY offended that easily...but the whine is shrill sometimes
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AHA! You're playing the race-card I see. Typical dittohead exposed.

try again leftard; the Left cant survive without playing the race card.

own your intolerance idiot

You're the one who played the racist plantation-card of which you dittoheads are so fond of. Cheap, racist shots like that are why you tea-baggers lost the last 2 POTUS elections. Keep it up and you will make it 3 in a row easily.

good one stupid; if we're losing so much you would at least think you could take responsibility for the things happening on your watch?

when does it even start?

ur a JOKE

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