The End of the Christian Right

Nope, not a mainstream baptist at all. a far wack conservative evangelicafascist.
I guess once again you are hampered by your limited understanding of the language.
You can't even use words, much less terms, correctly. You are very, very dim. Home schooled obviously.
You can't even use words, much less terms, correctly. You are very, very dim. Home schooled obviously.

You've never addressed any of my posts, only deflected with bullshit. The founding fathers would have been 'right wing religious whackos' under your definition of the term today. You would have never tolerated their views, their letters, or their actions. So, you can spout your opinion on how governement and religion should or shouldn't be mixed, but you can't use the founding fathers and their writings or actions to back up your opinions that they weren't christian or that they didn't allow religious symbolism in the halls of government. Their actions and words don't agree with you.
[The founding fathers would have been 'right wing religious whackos' under your definition of the term today.

Jefferson certainly wouldn't have. Nor would Franklin. There is really very little one can say about "the founding fathers" that applies to all of them.
Santa Fe ISD (twice) is the clearest example that organized religion and state sponsorship cannot be mixed.

When the Mormon and Catholic wanted to pray over the PA like the evangelical kids, the school officials said no, at the insistence of the evangelical parents and their churches.

That is an outright lie, fakey jake.

Guess what happened, far right evangelical knot heads?

What happened is the ACLU attacked and revoked the right of religious expression, trampling their first amendment rights - much to your delight.
The founding fathers did not want religion controlled by the government.

Nor did they want religion prohibited by government, though that is precisely what we have now, thanks to you dirty fucks of the left.

Nothing indicates they desired institutional religion to control or influence government.

Any who are knotheads over this issue need to read and ponder the 6th Article and 1st Amendment of the Constitution.

No one claimed that the founders wanted religion to have "institutional control," you disingenuous troll.
I'm still waiting for JS to support his oft repeated claim..that the founding fathers were "afraid" of religion.
I am still waiting for Uncensored and koshergirl to stop acting like fascists.
More prevarication.

So where's the evidence that the founding fathers were afraid of religion and wanted it controlled?
Neither of you are conservatives. One is a neo-corporatist fascist and the other is a far right religio-fascist.

You guys are what you are: far, far out of the mainstream.
Neither of you are conservatives. One is a neo-corporatist fascist and the other is a far right religio-fascist.

You guys are what you are: far, far out of the mainstream.

Your support of mainstream big gov't candidates makes you extreme to me.

Looking at our debt crisis, pathetic economy, failure in everything gov't touches including healthcare, how someone could so gleefully support Obama and Romney really makes someone scratch their head.

I'm not defending kosher or uncensored, but I don't think a bigot like yourself has room to talk.
Neither of you are conservatives.

Right, real conservative wear Che T-Shirts and spout Fidel Castro, like you do...

One is a neo-corporatist fascist and the other is a far right religio-fascist.

Actually fakey jake, you're just retarded.

You guys are what you are: far, far out of the mainstream.

Of course, you're the 99%


How'd that Occupy protest go for you, sparky?
Uncensored, your argumentation is silly.

You are not mainstream, you don't understand the American narrative, and you offer no concrete solutions for the problems that face us.

You ally with flakes like koshergirl.

You are what you are: a pitiful excuse.
This describes how you and koshergirl think.

[ame=]The Partisans - Rick Santorum - Gifts From God - YouTube[/ame]

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