The endless war neo-cons are coming out of the wood work

Funny that all the conservatives who turned into a Hippy Drum Circle last year when Trump Sold Out the Kurds are suddenly all war hawks when Biden decides that Afghanistan isn't worth another 20 years of war.
How did Trump sell out the Kurds? That is bullshit. The Kurds got nice oil fields for their trouble, win-win.

Its not that Xiden pulled out of AFG, its that his withdrawal plan was so fucking stupid. It makes leaving VN look organized.
Same narrative, different day...

I suppose 20 years isn't enough for this woman. Notice her likes to comments ratio? That's usually a sign that her comment isn't too popular...

You can be critical of the way in which the withdrawal occurred, the unpreparedness, poor intel and lack of courage of the Afghan security, however, you had better place blame on those in positions of power for the prior 20 years.
Funny that all the conservatives who turned into a Hippy Drum Circle last year when Trump Sold Out the Kurds are suddenly all war hawks when Biden decides that Afghanistan isn't worth another 20 years of war.

"All the conservatives" = bullshit

The Zionist neocons, the "republicans for Biden" are all big spending big government Zionist 911 traitors, and there is absolutely nothing conservative about them.

Pro Israel Christians with iq under 5 still are too stupid to see through 911

The pre 1998 GOP, fiscally conservative and patriotic to america....

apparently to you are not "conservative...."

1. Since when does a "moral right to rule" (whatever that means) mean you will keep your word? Trump kept most of his promises, but he lies like a rug.
There are moral rulers, and immoral rulers, some are smart, and some are dumb, but they ALL LIE. No one I can think of has a "moral right to rule". They got to be a ruler by subterfuge, or over-promising voters, or by birthright, or by a powerful corrupt political organization. No one has a "moral right to rule"

2. Honor and politicians don't belong together. I can't think of any honorable politicians. Pols always poll lower than dog shit.

3. The solution to terrorism is killing terrorists, not surrounding them with a propped-up "democracy" hoping that they control the terrorists.
What is "honorable" about letting other countries fend for themselves? Guatamala, Honduras, Cuba, NK, Somalia, and Yemen come to mind,
Like I said in another don't hang your own people out to dry... and you don't leave the folks who helped you when you asked for help behind to almost certain death.
Funny that all the conservatives who turned into a Hippy Drum Circle last year when Trump Sold Out the Kurds are suddenly all war hawks when Biden decides that Afghanistan isn't worth another 20 years of war.

What conservative ever supported the ridiculous, senseless Afghanistan invasion when Afghan leaders said from day one, Obama Bin Laden Hussaine was not there? "Neocons" are generally zionist "liberals" would use the US military to fulfill their Kabbaistic objectives. All mid-east intervention by the West was and is a Kabbalistic, PNAC operation.
What did we promise? To makes Afghanistan the 51st state? We installed a new government. We spent billions training their army. It seems they aren't interested.
Well Afghanistan is super complicated

You had a country of Muslims who hated America that fought a US army led by a party that hates America. Sure, you want to continue to hate America if you are with the Taliban, but at the same time, the people you are fighting are led by a party that hates America as well. So in a way, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I know of a hand full of Taliban soldiers undergoing therapy for these conflicting emotions.
Well Afghanistan is super complicated

You had a country of Muslims who hated America that fought a US army led by a party that hates America. Sure, you want to continue to hate America if you are with the Taliban, but at the same time, the people you are fighting are led by a party that hates America as well. So in a way, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I know of a hand full of Taliban soldiers undergoing therapy for these conflicting emotions.

Stay home and no one hates us.
Stay home and no one hates us.

Hate is the bread and butter of human existence. Mankind has a thirst for killing, or had you not noticed?

Put another way, it's just playing king of the hill. Whoever is on the hill is the target as everyone else wants to be there.

Wars never end and hate never ends. And if the Islamic extremists become king of the hill, the same will happen to them.

It's all for fun really..

Hate is the bread and butter of human existence. Mankind has a thirst for killing, or had you not noticed?

Put another way, it's just playing king of the hill. Whoever is on the hill is the target as everyone else wants to be there.

Wars never end and hate never ends. And if the Islamic extremists become king of the hill, the same will happen to them.

It's all for fun really..

I didn't say they wouldn't hate. I said they would have no need to hate us.
How did Trump sell out the Kurds? That is bullshit. The Kurds got nice oil fields for their trouble, win-win.

The Kurds are currently being crushed by the Iranians and Turks... try to pay attention.

Its not that Xiden pulled out of AFG, its that his withdrawal plan was so fucking stupid. It makes leaving VN look organized.

Meh, not really. We won't be talking about this in a week. Most Americans realized this was a stupid war and are glad Biden pulled the plug.

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