The endless war neo-cons are coming out of the wood work

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There are NO good options when you do stupid things. We put in place a new government. We spent billions training their army. They aren't interested. Same thing happened in Iraq.

We left, their army we spent so much training went home. There is nothing we can do. This mess was created back in 2002..
There are NO good options when you do stupid things. We put in place a new government. We spent billions training their army. They aren't interested. Same thing happened in Iraq.

We left, their army we spent so much training went home. There is nothing we can do. This mess was created back in 2002..
Blame America eh?

Biden just turned his back on our soldiers sacrifice. He’s a loser.
The Kurds are currently being crushed by the Iranians and Turks... try to pay attention.

Meh, not really. We won't be talking about this in a week. Most Americans realized this was a stupid war and are glad Biden pulled the plug.
1. Link that shows the Kurds being crushed. I call bullshit.

2. The Xiden fiasco will be a major issue from now thru the 2022 mid-terms and the 2024 election. Americans know incompetence when they see it.
Then again, the MSM and the hi-tech oligarchs can probably censor all discussion about AFG like it never existed.
Blame America eh?

Biden just turned his back on our soldiers sacrifice. He’s a loser.
Yes blame our government and military. Don’t you think after a 20 year occupation and $2trillion dollars our exit should have different consequences?

Who is responsible for this failure? Seems the military FAILED. Time to terminate the joint chiefs of staff, Secretary of War, and the Secretary of State…but alas we know no one will pay a price for this failure.
Well let them whine and complain because almost twenty years is enough and no we as a nation shouldn’t be there forever!
1. Link that shows the Kurds being crushed. I call bullshit.

2. The Xiden fiasco will be a major issue from now thru the 2022 mid-terms and the 2024 election. Americans know incompetence when they see it.
Then again, the MSM and the hi-tech oligarchs can probably censor all discussion about AFG like it never existed.

No one but partisan nutters care about Afghanistan and almost twenty years over there the country should have been ready to stand on it own and seeing it can not then they deserve to fall.
Yes blame our government and military. Don’t you think after a 20 year occupation and $2trillion dollars our exit should have different consequences?

Who is responsible for this failure? Seems the military FAILED. Time to terminate the joint chiefs of staff, Secretary of War, and the Secretary of State…but alas we know no one will pay a price for this failure.

Well, to be fair, we ran a statesman in 2008 and in 2012 who received more campaign donations from active duty military personnel than all other candidates from both establishment parties combined. Combined. Combined. Combined!

The media blacked him out, even going so far as to put other candidates pictures next to his name, and vice versa in the polling results, they even omitted him completely from polling that he won, and the RNC changed the convention rules arbitrarily to keep him out.

He was the gentleman who said bring em home and build more bases here. He's the gentleman who said we marched right in there, we can march right back out.

Except he had a plan. And he was competent to achieve it.

The electorate laughed at him. The RNC refused to allow him to speak at the convention, even though he had already won the right to speak, all in the name of ''party unity'', no less. And, as was mentioned, the media blacked him out.

We had to put 10,000 people in the Target Center down the road from the RNC convention on short notice so he could speak after the RNC changed the rules.

He spoke, of course. But that's beside the point. It's not like they could stop us anyway. Pft. Please.

And lemme tell ya, gipper, if you've never heard 10,000 people screaming end the Fed in synergy, it's a sound to behold. Oh yes indeed!

The electorate is the problem. It always has been. They get what they vote for.

And, of course, the politicians love them for it. The neo-cons in Washington at the upper levels of politics who occupy both theoretical sides of the party-of-one in particular.

There's a thread around here some place with a list of prospective 2024 condidates. Have you seen that mess? You should get a load of that one. It's pretty much a list of every central banking, war mongering neo-con in the book.
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The Right wants endless war.
The Right is not a political party. There are men and women who vote Democratic and Republican. In those two parties we have Progressive Socialists who control the Democrats and RINOS, and Neo Cons who neuter Republicans. There are voters who are Democrats and Republicans who have a lot in common.
Well, to be fair, we ran a statesman in 2008 and in 2012 who received more campaign donations from active duty military personnel than all other candidates from both establishment parties combined. Combined. Combined. Combined!

The media blacked him out, even going so far as to put other candidates picture next to his name in the polls, they even omitted him from polling that he won, and the RNC changed the rules arbitrarily to keep him out.

He was the gentleman who said bring em home and build more bases here. He's the gentleman who said we marched right in there, we can march right back out.

Except he had a plan. And he was competent to achieve it.

The electorate laughed at him. The RNC refused to allow him to speak at the convention even though he had already won the right to speak. And, as was mentioned, the media blacked him out.

We had to put 10,000 people in the Target Center down the road from the RNC convention on short notice so he could speak after the RNC changed the rules.

He spoke, of course. But that's beside the point.

And lemme tell ya, gipper, if you've never heard 10,000 people scraming end the Fed, it's a sound to behold.

The electorate is the problem. It always has been. They get what they vote for.

And, of course, the politicians love them for it. The neo-cons in Washington at the upper levels of politics who occupy both theoretical sides of the party-of-one in particular.

There's a thread around here soem place with a list of prospective 2024 condidates. Have you seen that mess? It's prety much every war mongering neo-con in the book.
The electorate is easily controlled by the corporate media, who is controlled by the ultra wealthy oligarchy. Expecting the electorate to fix this problem is akin to pissing into the wind. No people are more uninformed than the American people. Decades of propaganda and lies have made this possible.

Watch as the establishment twists this Afghanistan failure into a need for more war spending and more imperialism…and the American people will abide.
Rep Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) is on FOX News selling endless war like a champion.

He says not one casualty in the last 18 months.

He didn't mention anything about how much this is costing us here at home. Not one peep. Nothng of the systematic theft of our civil liberties in the name of defending our freedoms.

In fact he trivialized any disagreement with it, without even mentioning actual disagreements, predictably.

Kilmead never saw a war he didn't like, so he's cheerleading.

One big echo chamber.

Not one alternate voice of reason in the room during that skit.

Now they're selling the idea of health passes.

Scoundrels, al of em. Heh heh...
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Next up on FOX is some DHS guy.

They led to the break by asking "Could the US suffer another terrorist attack?...We'll find out next, after this break...."

They're puring it on thick. They even put on that 'oh noes' face.
Next up on FOX is some DHS guy.

They led to the break by asking "Could the US suffer another terrorist attack?...We'll find out next, after this break...."

They're puring it on thick. They even put on that 'oh noes' face.

Not to ever mention that nothing was stopping one before this. Do people really believe it would?
Oh, wait. They opened back up the show with "Fully vaccinated flight attendant dies of Covid''....then immediately put up an alert and shifted to "NIH Director: "unvaccinated are sitting ducks"

What the actual heck, man. lolol.

Okay, now the former acting DHDS secretary is on. He's selling endless war, predictably, A heritage Foundation 'visiting fellow'

Says the whole thing gives him pause because threats to the Homeland. Says he's really, really concerned.
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