The endless war neo-cons are coming out of the wood work

Rep Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) is on FOX News selling endless war like a champion.

He says not one casualty in the last 18 months.

He didn't mention anything about how much this is costing us here at home. Not one peep. Nothng of the systematic theft of our civil liberties in the name of defending our freedoms.

In fact he trivialized any disagreement with it, without even mentioning actual disagreements, predictably.

Kilmead never saw a war he didn't like, so he's cheerleading.

One big echo chamber.

Not one alternate voice of reason in the room during that skit.

Now they're selling the idea of health passes.

Scoundrels, al of em. Heh heh...
You won’t find an alternative or opposing voice to the war machine in the entire corporate media. They are all controlled. Is it any wonder Americans are uninformed?
You won’t find an alternative or opposing voice to the war machine in the entire corporate media. They are all controlled. Is it any wonder Americans are uninformed?
I already have my own view of it all, so not really looking for their view. I already know their view.

Was just sharing it because it's so darned predictable.

Seems to me the only reason to watch that nonsense is to see what angle they're selling next. But, again...we already know the drill.

Now they're laying on the 9/11 sob stories. Gosh, they're so opportunistic.

Probably gonna play a Toby Keith song or something next.

Now they're talking about the Afghan war protecting our freedoms here.

While they fondle our balls at the airport and add a hundred more pages to the Patriot Act. Paperz pleez in order to buy a coffee...
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I already have my own view of it all, so not really looking for their view. I already know their view.

Was just sharing it because it's so darned predictable.

Seems to me the only reason to watch that nonsense is to see what angle they're selling next. But, again...we already know the drill.

Now they're laying on the 9/11 sob stories. Gosh, they're so opportunistic.

Probably gonna play a Toby Keith song or something next.

Now they're talking about the Afghan war protecting our freedoms here.

While they fondle our balls at the airport and add a hundred more pages to the Patriot Act...
I don’t know how any American buys that bs from the MSM. It’s statist propaganda 24/7.
Same narrative, different day...

Who started the last war? Yeah, you can say it, as everyone knows - it was the Marxist POS 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner', Barry. He invaded Syria, and by the UN's definition of 'War Crime' - 'Invading a nation without the approval or request of the nation's President or Govt' - Barry crated one. And yes, that means Barry is a 'War Criminal'.

Snowflakes like you used to bitch about their being no reason why Bush invaded Iran, despite their being an argument for liberating a nation yearning for freedom and escape from a tyrannical, ruthless dictator. UYet, you say nothing when Barry REALLY had no legitimate reason to invade Syria - With Russia supporting Al-Assad for decades and having a base / troops in Syria to protect the Assad regime there was no way Barry had any legitimate chance of 'Liberating the Syrian People From Assad'....yet he sent US troops into Syria...and when he left office he left Americans in Syria to fight HIS war.

The only reason Barry had to invade Syria was because Assad HUMILIATED Barry, in front of the whole world....or, I should say, Barry humiliated himself in front of the whole world wqith his 'Red Line' disaster.

As you remember, Barry drew a red line in the sand, Assad crossed it, and Barry backed down in front of the whole world. Barry then tried to claim it was THE WHOLE WORLD'S RED LINE. They replied, 'Ummm....NO, it is NOT' and kept laughing.

Humiliating yourself and wanting avenge your reputation is no reason to sacrifice US troops.
Well, to be fair, we ran a statesman in 2008 and in 2012 who received more campaign donations from active duty military personnel than all other candidates from both establishment parties combined. Combined. Combined. Combined!

The media blacked him out, even going so far as to put other candidates pictures next to his name, and vice versa in the polling results, they even omitted him completely from polling that he won, and the RNC changed the convention rules arbitrarily to keep him out.

He was the gentleman who said bring em home and build more bases here. He's the gentleman who said we marched right in there, we can march right back out.

Except he had a plan. And he was competent to achieve it.

The electorate laughed at him. The RNC refused to allow him to speak at the convention, even though he had already won the right to speak, all in the name of ''party unity'', no less. And, as was mentioned, the media blacked him out.

We had to put 10,000 people in the Target Center down the road from the RNC convention on short notice so he could speak after the RNC changed the rules.

He spoke, of course. But that's beside the point. It's not like they could stop us anyway. Pft. Please.

And lemme tell ya, gipper, if you've never heard 10,000 people screaming end the Fed in synergy, it's a sound to behold. Oh yes indeed!

The electorate is the problem. It always has been. They get what they vote for.

And, of course, the politicians love them for it. The neo-cons in Washington at the upper levels of politics who occupy both theoretical sides of the party-of-one in particular.

There's a thread around here some place with a list of prospective 2024 condidates. Have you seen that mess? You should get a load of that one. It's pretty much a list of every central banking, war mongering neo-con in the book.
Damn well said.
The Kurds are currently being crushed by the Iranians and Turks... try to pay attention.

Meh, not really. We won't be talking about this in a week. Most Americans realized this was a stupid war and are glad Biden pulled the plug.
But Bug out Joe voted to go there in the first place

Now all those people left behind will be killed, if they are lucky

I heard the Taliban is first hunting for all the 15 year old girls, if ya know what I mean.
Who started the last war? Yeah, you can say it, as everyone knows - it was the Marxist POS 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner', Barry. He invaded Syria, and by the UN's definition of 'War Crime' - 'Invading a nation without the approval or request of the nation's President or Govt' - Barry crated one. And yes, that means Barry is a 'War Criminal'.

Snowflakes like you used to bitch about their being no reason why Bush invaded Iran, despite their being an argument for liberating a nation yearning for freedom and escape from a tyrannical, ruthless dictator. UYet, you say nothing when Barry REALLY had no legitimate reason to invade Syria - With Russia supporting Al-Assad for decades and having a base / troops in Syria to protect the Assad regime there was no way Barry had any legitimate chance of 'Liberating the Syrian People From Assad'....yet he sent US troops into Syria...and when he left office he left Americans in Syria to fight HIS war.

The only reason Barry had to invade Syria was because Assad HUMILIATED Barry, in front of the whole world....or, I should say, Barry humiliated himself in front of the whole world wqith his 'Red Line' disaster.

As you remember, Barry drew a red line in the sand, Assad crossed it, and Barry backed down in front of the whole world. Barry then tried to claim it was THE WHOLE WORLD'S RED LINE. They replied, 'Ummm....NO, it is NOT' and kept laughing.

Humiliating yourself and wanting avenge your reputation is no reason to sacrifice US troops.

Dude, I wasn't even a member of this forum during either of those administrations. And even when I did join the board, I don't think I starting posting for around a year afterward.

So how on Earth would you have any idea whatsoever about my views on either Bush or Obama?

Be careful digging that hole, bro.

Because I have a heck of a lot to say about em both.

You're not talking to some red/blue or D/R mentality winger. There's not a nickel's worth of difference between either of em in this regard.

I'll kick em both in the nuts if you want me to. And hard, too.

Pft. Snowflake. You're just asking for a blizzard with that kind of talk. You're gonna need to bring a plow to get outta that storm if you really wanna start it.
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Dude, I wasn't even a member of ths forum during either of those wars.

So how on Earth would you have any idea whatsoever about my views on either Bush or Obama?

Be careful diggiing that hole, bro.

You're not talking to some red/blue or D/R mentality winger.

I'll kick em both in the nuts if you want me to. And hard, too.
Unfortunately too many Americans can’t think outside the two party duopoly. They’re stuck on stupid.
The Right wants endless war.

I get it. You use little meaningless throw away statements convenient to any situation you come across just so you can take a shot at the other side and are unable to back it up.

But the right, trump more specifically, had very publicly been setting a withdrawal date and had a plan to execute to leave Afghanistan long before Biden took over.

So you're 100% wrong.

Maybe if you thought things out more, tried to consider the other side more and so on you wouldn't be wrong so much. When all you want to see is vitrol through a new narrow window you're going to be wrong most of the time.

Come join us in the open minded section. It's awesome and we have cookies.
We were there because OBL was there with Al Qaeda, hiding in the Tora Bora mountains.
The AFGs let him escape, I know, hard to imagine. So we stayed there to be sure Al Qaeda didn't attack the US again.

Terrorists don't want to kill each other, that's the problem. Iran is terrorism and oil central. AFG is heroin and terrorism central. Somehow we're keeping the terrorists at bay somehow, but now that AFG is run by the Taliban, things will get a lot worse. Remember the guy who tried to blow up his plane by lighting his shoe?
The solution is simple and it is invented by the CIA...

US send in CIA to meet Taliban... Taliban are ruthless and fanatical thugs but they will deal.. Grease a few palms and get them a few nice toys...
Then explain there are two options
You rain fucking sheer hell in airstrikes, you will support the Taliban's enemies and give them Weapons, Special Forces, Air and Artillery Support..
Hand over OBL, curb the drugs and clean up your human rights

Afghans a pragmatic people even the Taliban... Taliban would do far more ruthless things in searching for OBL than US could condone...

Bit thing is this worked many times before...Get the locals doing this shit not the corn fed kid from Ohio...
Unfortunately too many Americans can’t think outside the two party duopoly. They’re stuck on stupid.

There's a part of me that understands.

People have to work two jobs just to make ends meet in this economy. It's been that way for thirty years, at least. Raising kids. Heck, people don't even have time to sit at the table and eat like we used to be able to do. Most people don't even know what's going on in their own families, sadly.

Most folks only get their news in snippets. It's all they have time for. And cable news entertainment capitalizes on it. They basically serve as a wing of the state department. And its not just certain cable news entertainment platforms, it's all of em.

I try very hard not to insult them. I get it to a large extent.

Places like this, it's a little different. People are a little bit more in tune with reporting, whether they buy into it or not.

Though I do pee on the consistently nasty, low-value, fly-by, one liner type wingers. They generally have nothing productive to offer and are really only interested in purposefully disrupting discussion. They get no mercy.
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When you have Muslims fighting against Muslims for control of these third world countries, it's pretty much guaranteed that the Muslims will win. No amount of money and training will ever change that. Sharia law will still persist - along with all the human rights violations that encompass Islamic beliefs.
God Bless all the American Soldiers and their families who have lost their lives and loved ones during this terrible war that should have never been.
Trey Gowdy (FXN) just whined about America "keeping its word"?! WTF??
Maybe he and Liz Cheney went to the same stupid "neocon-bullshit" schools?

I remember when Turkey told Trump to get US troops out of their way because they were going to make a 20-mile buffer by clearing out those pesky Kurds from its border.
Well all hell broke loose when Trump told the Army to get the fuck out of Turkey's way. The Army whined but did, and no US servicemen were injured or killed.
Then the whiners whined about "abandoning Kurdish allies" or some such nonsense, and Trump managed to patch things up with the Kurds by giving them Syrian oil fields, win-win.

My point is that "honor" or your "word" has a time and place, and some times reality needs to govern, we just can't keep throwing money and lives away.
I don't recall the US making ANY guarantees to AFG that we would stay there forever?
The neocons whining about "abandoning allies", or "no one will ever be our ally again", or "keeping our word", are simply wrong.
Money talks and bullshit walks. The US is a business, not a charity, and not a police force.
I agree with leaving AFG, but the way Xiden did it was stupid, and he needs to be embarrassed about how stupid and wrong his plan was.
The us is not a business.
The Kurds are just about the only people worth a crap over there.
This exactly what tRump was gonna do.
Well, to be fair, we ran a statesman in 2008 and in 2012 who received more campaign donations from active duty military personnel than all other candidates from both establishment parties combined. Combined. Combined. Combined!

The media blacked him out, even going so far as to put other candidates pictures next to his name, and vice versa in the polling results, they even omitted him completely from polling that he won, and the RNC changed the convention rules arbitrarily to keep him out.

He was the gentleman who said bring em home and build more bases here. He's the gentleman who said we marched right in there, we can march right back out.

Except he had a plan. And he was competent to achieve it.

The electorate laughed at him. The RNC refused to allow him to speak at the convention, even though he had already won the right to speak, all in the name of ''party unity'', no less. And, as was mentioned, the media blacked him out.

We had to put 10,000 people in the Target Center down the road from the RNC convention on short notice so he could speak after the RNC changed the rules.

He spoke, of course. But that's beside the point. It's not like they could stop us anyway. Pft. Please.

And lemme tell ya, gipper, if you've never heard 10,000 people screaming end the Fed in synergy, it's a sound to behold. Oh yes indeed!

The electorate is the problem. It always has been. They get what they vote for.

And, of course, the politicians love them for it. The neo-cons in Washington at the upper levels of politics who occupy both theoretical sides of the party-of-one in particular.

There's a thread around here some place with a list of prospective 2024 condidates. Have you seen that mess? You should get a load of that one. It's pretty much a list of every central banking, war mongering neo-con in the book.
If only he had been potus, instead of that worthless warmonger W.
He wasn't in the club..and you don't get to be POTUS unless you have a membership. Don't even try to present Trump as an outsider..that was all optics. When he did try to step out of line...they turned the media lose..and that..was that.
Yes blame our government and military. Don’t you think after a 20 year occupation and $2trillion dollars our exit should have different consequences?

Who is responsible for this failure? Seems the military FAILED. Time to terminate the joint chiefs of staff, Secretary of War, and the Secretary of State…but alas we know no one will pay a price for this failure.
Biden should pay the price. This is his failure.

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