The endless war neo-cons are coming out of the wood work

Bullshit. There are no Kurd casualties or genocide mentioned in your link. The Kurds were pushed out of Turkey and out of a 20-mile buffer zone that Turkey wanted to keep the pesky squatters out of Turkey. The US had an unarmed 50-man spotter group in the area that Trump moved away from the Turk's invasion. There was no other option without risking US lives.
Trump offered US protection to the Kurds near the oil fields that US armor was protecting. The Turks moved the Kurds, the Kurds are better-off near the oil fields.

Your article also said that after WW1 the Kurds were promised a homeland, which never happened, until Trump.
The us is not a business.
The Kurds are just about the only people worth a crap over there.
This exactly what tRump was gonna do.
1. The US has limited resources, it needs to manage costs/benefits like a business.
2. The Kurds are squatters that just piss off everyone whose country they are squatting in. Saddam even gassed them like vermin.
3. The Turks wanted them out of Turkey and sent their army to push the Kurds out, not to slaughter them.
4. Trump did what he could, he had US armor protecting oil fields and asked the Kurds to relocate there so the US armor could protect them.
Biden should pay the price. This is his failure.
Ridiculous! This is OUR failure..all of us. Every thinking being in this country knew this was coming years ago..and yet...they played kick-the-can..knowing that whoever got stuck with the solution would have folks like you and your ilk..baying at their heels. Had it been Trump, the words would be the same...just the roles reversed~
That’s terribly short sighted and partisan. What would you say if this happened on Don’s watch?
Well, let's hear from "Don" as you call him....

From an interview with Miranda Divine from the NY Post:

"I asked Trump Sunday about the plan his administration had to get out of Afghanistan —which ultimately was obstructed by the same US generals who gave Biden a green light.

“We were going to not let people get slaughtered,” Trump said flatly.
“I wanted to get out. But you have to get out safely and you have to get out with respect …

“We had all sorts of conditions … All civilians were going to come out before the military. Everyone should have been out before they took our military out …

“I was going to close this ridiculous embassy they spent a billion dollars on and move everybody out …

“I was going to blow up every military base [before we left]. I was going to take out every single piece of equipment. I said, ‘I don’t want anything left [apart from] leave each soldier a gun …’

“Plus, I had a relationship with the Taliban where they knew they weren’t allowed to do this. They understood they were going to get hit very hard … What I had was conversations with the [Taliban] leadership where I said, ‘If you do anything,’ we were going to hit them like they haven’t been hit before.”

Trump said the Taliban “no longer has fear or respect for America …

“It’s a terrible, terrible black eye for this country.

“We’re a laughingstock. The whole world can’t believe it.

“And there was no reason for it.”

Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who began negotiating with the Taliban in February 2020 to lay down conditions for a US withdrawal, has corroborated Trump’s version of events.

Pompeo was in the room when Trump warned the Taliban’s senior negotiator, Mullah Baradar, that if a single American was hurt or threatened, the entire wrath of American power would rain down on them. "

Biden did none of this...

He Took out troops before civilians.

He abandon arms, vechicles and ammo.

And these scenes reminisant of 1975 Siagon is what he said would never happen just weeks ago...Well, it is, and it is happening because of his own feckless, weak leadership...

People are going to be slaughtered, and it's Biden's fault.
Ridiculous! This is OUR failure..all of us. Every thinking being in this country knew this was coming years ago..and yet...they played kick-the-can..knowing that whoever got stuck with the solution would have folks like you and your ilk..baying at their heels. Had it been Trump, the words would be the same...just the roles reversed~
Not like this we didn't....Sure we all wanted out of Afghanistan, but to cut and run like cowards? Maybe that's ok for you, but those that were killed, injured, and maimed, it's not.

This a absolutely a black eye for America, and the way it was conducted is amatuerish, and cowardly...
Funny that all the conservatives who turned into a Hippy Drum Circle last year when Trump Sold Out the Kurds are suddenly all war hawks when Biden decides that Afghanistan isn't worth another 20 years of war.
You're wrong, idiot.
I wonder if we could fill the board with Afghanistan threads?
Just trying to keep up with the MSM. It’s front page news all over CNN and MSNBC

You’re still making threads about Russian collusion and tax returns.

The sad thing is you people aren’t trolls. You genuinely believe Trump deserves all the blame. You people aren’t trolls, you’re actually degenerate morons. Really sad that there are people this dumb

CNN is less deranged than you folks
Listening to Biden's remarks now. Or whomever's remarks he's reading.

Overall, I can't disagree with what is being said. Pretty much reflects my view.

Will they stick to it?

Will see.

Placing that aside, the fact that Americans who are concerned with a broken system here at home are being labeled extremests for expressing these concerns via modernized means of communication is quite another discussion completely, however.
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But Bug out Joe voted to go there in the first place

Now all those people left behind will be killed, if they are lucky

I heard the Taliban is first hunting for all the 15 year old girls, if ya know what I mean.

And why is that any of our problem.

Let's take an analogy. Let's say you have a friend. Your friend is a terrible substance abuser. You spend a whole bunch of money getting him in and out of rehab, but he keeps relapsing. You leave him alone for an afternoon, and he gets into a three day binge where he ends up in jail.

How much good money to do you throw after bad.

Afghanistan is a great example of the Sunk Cost Fallacy... you keep throwing good money after bad.

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