The entire notion of safe spaces and political correctness.

One of my guiding principles has always been, the more official rules and regulations, the more complicated it becomes to get things done. Rules are better left unspoken and just lived.

Well, where it is a real problem fundamentally, is with public policy. Whenever we emotively react without much deliberation, just out of knee-jerk emotional need to have change to "improve" something, it ends up being rushed into law and then we see the ramifications and consequences but it's too late to change it.

This is essentially at the core of why I am a Conservative. To me, conservatism is measured and pragmatic thought in dealing with any problem. Rather than emotively reacting and demanding something be done now, I would rather have a conversation about long-term outcomes and make slight changes with caution. To progressives, this often translates to the notion that I don't care... it's not that I don't care, it's that I DO care. I just don't agree with radical change, especially when it's emotionally charged.

Look at the Black Lives Matter movement... There might be some merit to an argument that there are some racist police officers who unfairly target black people. But the emotional charge runs through social media and our knee-jerk reactionary society and before you know it, we have this huge movement of people who sincerely believe all cops are racists who hate blacks and we need to nationalize local law enforcement. We go too far to the extreme too fast and we pay the price in sacrificing our freedoms. When someone speaks out and suggests we keep our heads and slow down... they're hooted down by the emotional hoards who've adopted a radical viewpoint and refuse to hear anything else.
Youve used two examples, one BLM and the other our response to 911. BLM is an extreme progressive movement and I agree, they are way too reactionary. They are using any excuse to justify protest so they can voice their concerns and advance their cause. We saw similar stuff in the civil rights movement and after Rodney king/OJ trials.

Your other example post 911 was under republican leadership and I can't think of many conservatives that opposed the tightening of national security measures nor the Iraq war.

I'm fine with you pointing out mistakes and poor judgement but don't paint this picture that it is solely a liberal issue and conservatives are the only smart rational principled group. Both side are guilty of making emotional reactions and both have shown poor judgement.

It's funny that even liberals agree that it's pretty much only a liberal issue, and a huge one at that. That's because they are in power currently... they have gotten lazy as the racist card has worked so extremely well (before now). Next thing you know gender is a social construct...

This leftist is documenting the craziness every week, in his very popular series "This week in stupid".

Liberals agree it's pretty much a liberal issue?? What are you talking about?
One of my guiding principles has always been, the more official rules and regulations, the more complicated it becomes to get things done. Rules are better left unspoken and just lived.

Well, where it is a real problem fundamentally, is with public policy. Whenever we emotively react without much deliberation, just out of knee-jerk emotional need to have change to "improve" something, it ends up being rushed into law and then we see the ramifications and consequences but it's too late to change it.

This is essentially at the core of why I am a Conservative. To me, conservatism is measured and pragmatic thought in dealing with any problem. Rather than emotively reacting and demanding something be done now, I would rather have a conversation about long-term outcomes and make slight changes with caution. To progressives, this often translates to the notion that I don't care... it's not that I don't care, it's that I DO care. I just don't agree with radical change, especially when it's emotionally charged.

Look at the Black Lives Matter movement... There might be some merit to an argument that there are some racist police officers who unfairly target black people. But the emotional charge runs through social media and our knee-jerk reactionary society and before you know it, we have this huge movement of people who sincerely believe all cops are racists who hate blacks and we need to nationalize local law enforcement. We go too far to the extreme too fast and we pay the price in sacrificing our freedoms. When someone speaks out and suggests we keep our heads and slow down... they're hooted down by the emotional hoards who've adopted a radical viewpoint and refuse to hear anything else.
Youve used two examples, one BLM and the other our response to 911. BLM is an extreme progressive movement and I agree, they are way too reactionary. They are using any excuse to justify protest so they can voice their concerns and advance their cause. We saw similar stuff in the civil rights movement and after Rodney king/OJ trials.

Your other example post 911 was under republican leadership and I can't think of many conservatives that opposed the tightening of national security measures nor the Iraq war.

I'm fine with you pointing out mistakes and poor judgement but don't paint this picture that it is solely a liberal issue and conservatives are the only smart rational principled group. Both side are guilty of making emotional reactions and both have shown poor judgement.

It's funny that even liberals agree that it's pretty much only a liberal issue, and a huge one at that. That's because they are in power currently... they have gotten lazy as the racist card has worked so extremely well (before now). Next thing you know gender is a social construct...

This leftist is documenting the craziness every week, in his very popular series "This week in stupid".

Liberals agree it's pretty much a liberal issue?? What are you talking about?

The channel documents it every week, dude is a liberal.

There are bunch of other liberals documenting the "regressive left" as they call it. The leftists have gone crazy, where have you been? What do you think this election is about?

The craziness is taught in universities as well. It's a mess...
One of my guiding principles has always been, the more official rules and regulations, the more complicated it becomes to get things done. Rules are better left unspoken and just lived.

Well, where it is a real problem fundamentally, is with public policy. Whenever we emotively react without much deliberation, just out of knee-jerk emotional need to have change to "improve" something, it ends up being rushed into law and then we see the ramifications and consequences but it's too late to change it.

This is essentially at the core of why I am a Conservative. To me, conservatism is measured and pragmatic thought in dealing with any problem. Rather than emotively reacting and demanding something be done now, I would rather have a conversation about long-term outcomes and make slight changes with caution. To progressives, this often translates to the notion that I don't care... it's not that I don't care, it's that I DO care. I just don't agree with radical change, especially when it's emotionally charged.

Look at the Black Lives Matter movement... There might be some merit to an argument that there are some racist police officers who unfairly target black people. But the emotional charge runs through social media and our knee-jerk reactionary society and before you know it, we have this huge movement of people who sincerely believe all cops are racists who hate blacks and we need to nationalize local law enforcement. We go too far to the extreme too fast and we pay the price in sacrificing our freedoms. When someone speaks out and suggests we keep our heads and slow down... they're hooted down by the emotional hoards who've adopted a radical viewpoint and refuse to hear anything else.
Youve used two examples, one BLM and the other our response to 911. BLM is an extreme progressive movement and I agree, they are way too reactionary. They are using any excuse to justify protest so they can voice their concerns and advance their cause. We saw similar stuff in the civil rights movement and after Rodney king/OJ trials.

Your other example post 911 was under republican leadership and I can't think of many conservatives that opposed the tightening of national security measures nor the Iraq war.

I'm fine with you pointing out mistakes and poor judgement but don't paint this picture that it is solely a liberal issue and conservatives are the only smart rational principled group. Both side are guilty of making emotional reactions and both have shown poor judgement.

It's funny that even liberals agree that it's pretty much only a liberal issue, and a huge one at that. That's because they are in power currently... they have gotten lazy as the racist card has worked so extremely well (before now). Next thing you know gender is a social construct...

This leftist is documenting the craziness every week, in his very popular series "This week in stupid".

Liberals agree it's pretty much a liberal issue?? What are you talking about?

The channel documents it every week, dude is a liberal.

There are bunch of other liberals documenting the "regressive left" as they call it. The leftists have gone crazy, where have you been? What do you think this election is about?

The craziness is taught in universities as well. It's a mess...

I still have no clue what you are talking about... are you referring to BLM or the bigger issue of emotional reactions that we were talking about. Slow down and try to intelligently articulate you're arguement
Youve used two examples, one BLM and the other our response to 911. BLM is an extreme progressive movement and I agree, they are way too reactionary. They are using any excuse to justify protest so they can voice their concerns and advance their cause. We saw similar stuff in the civil rights movement and after Rodney king/OJ trials.

Your other example post 911 was under republican leadership and I can't think of many conservatives that opposed the tightening of national security measures nor the Iraq war.

I'm fine with you pointing out mistakes and poor judgement but don't paint this picture that it is solely a liberal issue and conservatives are the only smart rational principled group. Both side are guilty of making emotional reactions and both have shown poor judgement.

Well I was just trying to give an illustration of my point about overreaction. I'm not making a political point about left or right. This isn't a republican/democrat thing, it's a societal thing.

I will say this... I was an outspoken opponent of TSA and Homeland Security. I felt they were emotional overreach and we should have adhered to conservative principles and taken things more slowly with pragmatic approach. But GWB was not a Constitutional Conservative and people like John McCain and others just had to push for radical changes and knee-jerk government solutions.

I supported the Iraq war but not because of 9/11 or the war on terror. I thought Saddam Hussein was a danger to stability in the ME and a tyrant ruler who needed taking out. But my support was predicated on the condition that we would see the job through and complete the action... we didn't. We collectively turned on the whole thing and abandoned our objective and in hindsight, it was a bad idea. Had we stuck with it and remained a presence there, we wouldn't be dealing with ISIS now and we'd be in a better position to deal with Iran.
Well, where it is a real problem fundamentally, is with public policy. Whenever we emotively react without much deliberation, just out of knee-jerk emotional need to have change to "improve" something, it ends up being rushed into law and then we see the ramifications and consequences but it's too late to change it.

This is essentially at the core of why I am a Conservative. To me, conservatism is measured and pragmatic thought in dealing with any problem. Rather than emotively reacting and demanding something be done now, I would rather have a conversation about long-term outcomes and make slight changes with caution. To progressives, this often translates to the notion that I don't care... it's not that I don't care, it's that I DO care. I just don't agree with radical change, especially when it's emotionally charged.

Look at the Black Lives Matter movement... There might be some merit to an argument that there are some racist police officers who unfairly target black people. But the emotional charge runs through social media and our knee-jerk reactionary society and before you know it, we have this huge movement of people who sincerely believe all cops are racists who hate blacks and we need to nationalize local law enforcement. We go too far to the extreme too fast and we pay the price in sacrificing our freedoms. When someone speaks out and suggests we keep our heads and slow down... they're hooted down by the emotional hoards who've adopted a radical viewpoint and refuse to hear anything else.
Youve used two examples, one BLM and the other our response to 911. BLM is an extreme progressive movement and I agree, they are way too reactionary. They are using any excuse to justify protest so they can voice their concerns and advance their cause. We saw similar stuff in the civil rights movement and after Rodney king/OJ trials.

Your other example post 911 was under republican leadership and I can't think of many conservatives that opposed the tightening of national security measures nor the Iraq war.

I'm fine with you pointing out mistakes and poor judgement but don't paint this picture that it is solely a liberal issue and conservatives are the only smart rational principled group. Both side are guilty of making emotional reactions and both have shown poor judgement.

It's funny that even liberals agree that it's pretty much only a liberal issue, and a huge one at that. That's because they are in power currently... they have gotten lazy as the racist card has worked so extremely well (before now). Next thing you know gender is a social construct...

This leftist is documenting the craziness every week, in his very popular series "This week in stupid".

Liberals agree it's pretty much a liberal issue?? What are you talking about?

The channel documents it every week, dude is a liberal.

There are bunch of other liberals documenting the "regressive left" as they call it. The leftists have gone crazy, where have you been? What do you think this election is about?

The craziness is taught in universities as well. It's a mess...

I still have no clue what you are talking about... are you referring to BLM or the bigger issue of emotional reactions that we were talking about. Slow down and try to intelligently articulate you're arguement

I am talking about the regressive left. All of it...
Youve used two examples, one BLM and the other our response to 911. BLM is an extreme progressive movement and I agree, they are way too reactionary. They are using any excuse to justify protest so they can voice their concerns and advance their cause. We saw similar stuff in the civil rights movement and after Rodney king/OJ trials.

Your other example post 911 was under republican leadership and I can't think of many conservatives that opposed the tightening of national security measures nor the Iraq war.

I'm fine with you pointing out mistakes and poor judgement but don't paint this picture that it is solely a liberal issue and conservatives are the only smart rational principled group. Both side are guilty of making emotional reactions and both have shown poor judgement.

It's funny that even liberals agree that it's pretty much only a liberal issue, and a huge one at that. That's because they are in power currently... they have gotten lazy as the racist card has worked so extremely well (before now). Next thing you know gender is a social construct...

This leftist is documenting the craziness every week, in his very popular series "This week in stupid".

Liberals agree it's pretty much a liberal issue?? What are you talking about?

The channel documents it every week, dude is a liberal.

There are bunch of other liberals documenting the "regressive left" as they call it. The leftists have gone crazy, where have you been? What do you think this election is about?

The craziness is taught in universities as well. It's a mess...

I still have no clue what you are talking about... are you referring to BLM or the bigger issue of emotional reactions that we were talking about. Slow down and try to intelligently articulate you're arguement

I am talking about the regressive left. All of it...

Whatever man, keep rambling from your soapbox, nobody cares
It's funny that even liberals agree that it's pretty much only a liberal issue, and a huge one at that. That's because they are in power currently... they have gotten lazy as the racist card has worked so extremely well (before now). Next thing you know gender is a social construct...

This leftist is documenting the craziness every week, in his very popular series "This week in stupid".

Liberals agree it's pretty much a liberal issue?? What are you talking about?

The channel documents it every week, dude is a liberal.

There are bunch of other liberals documenting the "regressive left" as they call it. The leftists have gone crazy, where have you been? What do you think this election is about?

The craziness is taught in universities as well. It's a mess...

I still have no clue what you are talking about... are you referring to BLM or the bigger issue of emotional reactions that we were talking about. Slow down and try to intelligently articulate you're arguement

I am talking about the regressive left. All of it...

Whatever man, keep rambling from your soapbox, nobody cares

You cared enough to ask a question about it just one response ago. Funny how things change...
Liberals agree it's pretty much a liberal issue?? What are you talking about?

The channel documents it every week, dude is a liberal.

There are bunch of other liberals documenting the "regressive left" as they call it. The leftists have gone crazy, where have you been? What do you think this election is about?

The craziness is taught in universities as well. It's a mess...
I still have no clue what you are talking about... are you referring to BLM or the bigger issue of emotional reactions that we were talking about. Slow down and try to intelligently articulate you're arguement

I am talking about the regressive left. All of it...
Whatever man, keep rambling from your soapbox, nobody cares

You cared enough to ask a question about it just one response ago. Funny how things change...
I was trying to engage in a real conversation but you seem to be full of partisan rhetoric, hence my last response.
Youve used two examples, one BLM and the other our response to 911. BLM is an extreme progressive movement and I agree, they are way too reactionary. They are using any excuse to justify protest so they can voice their concerns and advance their cause. We saw similar stuff in the civil rights movement and after Rodney king/OJ trials.

Your other example post 911 was under republican leadership and I can't think of many conservatives that opposed the tightening of national security measures nor the Iraq war.

I'm fine with you pointing out mistakes and poor judgement but don't paint this picture that it is solely a liberal issue and conservatives are the only smart rational principled group. Both side are guilty of making emotional reactions and both have shown poor judgement.

Wrong again, it is entirely a libturd issue. The "Patriot Act" was a reactionary statist response to 9/11. Just because a republicrat administration was in charge doesn't mean it isn't another inefficient waste of resources or a gross violation of the constitution.

If conservatives had been in charge rather than that regressive sociopath Wilson, we would have stayed out of WW1 and sold weapons to everyone. There wouldn't have been a UN and there probably would have been a hell of a lot less problems if the Germans took Moscow in 1918.

However we've had our foreign policy run by progressives who seek world government, and have thus put ourselves in positions where people are pissed at what we've done.

So what do bed wetters do? Side with the enemy anytime a republicrat is in charge.

Don't give anyone that "both sides do it, I'm above it" bullshit. You're just another pinko statist who won't admit it.


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