The entire notion of safe spaces and political correctness.

Don't you just fucking hate left wingers, for that?

Is there anyone else to BLAME?


I just want to go about my day without having to encounter views contrary to my own OR views that are an exaggerated version of my own (tree huggers + animal righters).
While I agree no one should scream at someone for eating a hamburger, if an animal rights group wants to set up a table with information, I think they have every right.

You would also be banning Amnesty International, who traditionally do a lot of their important work at universities.

And then there are a lot of actual university topics: history, history of religions, philosophy. Even certain literary trends. Wouldn't all those lectures be banned? What about gender studies?

Again, I haven't set foot in a university in a while, I don't claim to know what this is about.
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"Trigger Warnings" seem harmless to me. From Mac's article :
To me, there seems to be very little reason not to give these warnings. As a professor, it merely requires my including one extra line in a routine email to the class, such as: “A quick heads-up. The reading for this week contains a graphic depiction of sexual assault.” These warnings are not unlike the advisory notices given before films and TV shows; those who want to ignore them can do so without a second thought. The cost to students who don’t need trigger warnings is, I think, equally minimal. It may even help sensitize them to the fact that some of their classmates will find the material hard going. The idea, suggested by Professor Haidt and others, that this considerate and reasonable practice feeds into a “culture of victimhood” seems alarmist, if not completely implausible.

The article says Trigger Warnings began on social media, but they didn't. Teachers have used them for years, before school assemblies that were going to discuss abuse or sexual assault. Before teaching Huck Finn. It's a courtesy, because sure as shooting there will be a couple of students who go into a meltdown about prior sexual abuse after a guest speaker deals with the topic or a few students who don't understand what dialect is, why it is used in fiction, and what was considered common verbiage in 1870.

As the professor above explains, it's a courtesy. Why it is skin off anyone else's nose, I don't understand.
It's no skin off my nose, and therefore not my top priority. And fortunately, we raised our children to be normal, functioning adults who are able to comfortably communicate with those who dare say something with which they don't agree. In other words, strong, confident and independent.

Unfortunately for many kids, though, colleges and other PC zealots are conditioning them to be hyper-sensitive whiners who literally cannot deal with opposing viewpoints. So much so that "trigger warnings" are now issued to protect them against incoming contrary thought; so much so that "safe spaces" are being created so that they can literally, physically hide from contrary thought; so much so that colleges are dis-inviting and refusing to invite voices contrary to theirs to protect their fragile little snowflakes.

College should be a place where young people are actively exposed to all kinds of thought, and definitely thought that is in contrast to theirs. It should be a place where freedom of expression is encouraged and celebrated. It's sad to see that such a potentially valuable growing and learning experience for our young people is being destroyed by adults who claim to "care".

Do we really not want our children to be challenged?
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You have to define the words before you troll for hatred. While the term "political correctness" is relatively understood if often misused, "safe spaces" could be any freaking thing from a Christian run haven from inner city street thugs to a hiding place for illegal criminal aliens.

Read through the OPs posts. He is likely a young kid or an adult who hasn't had much post high school education. He tends to make the kind of vague, unsupported generalizations you hear on talk radio. He is a cut & paste hack, a talking point savant, who almost never supplies data or historical context.

HOWEVER: I love his image of Cartman. Southpark has made some tremendously funny critiques of liberal causes. On this we agree.
Don't you just fucking hate left wingers, for that?

Is there anyone else to BLAME?

And.... "body shaming" or "slut shaming" ...triggering... cultural appropriation... social justice warriors.

They never stop thinking up new things to be outraged over. The thing about it that bothers me most is they somehow think "tolerance" works one way. We're supposed to tolerate everything from them while they are intolerant of virtually everything from us.
Why would you as a conservative not be outraged about those things as well?
"Trigger Warnings" seem harmless to me. From Mac's article :
To me, there seems to be very little reason not to give these warnings. As a professor, it merely requires my including one extra line in a routine email to the class, such as: “A quick heads-up. The reading for this week contains a graphic depiction of sexual assault.” These warnings are not unlike the advisory notices given before films and TV shows; those who want to ignore them can do so without a second thought. The cost to students who don’t need trigger warnings is, I think, equally minimal. It may even help sensitize them to the fact that some of their classmates will find the material hard going. The idea, suggested by Professor Haidt and others, that this considerate and reasonable practice feeds into a “culture of victimhood” seems alarmist, if not completely implausible.

The article says Trigger Warnings began on social media, but they didn't. Teachers have used them for years, before school assemblies that were going to discuss abuse or sexual assault. Before teaching Huck Finn. It's a courtesy, because sure as shooting there will be a couple of students who go into a meltdown about prior sexual abuse after a guest speaker deals with the topic or a few students who don't understand what dialect is, why it is used in fiction, and what was considered common verbiage in 1870.

As the professor above explains, it's a courtesy. Why it is skin off anyone else's nose, I don't understand.
It's no skin off my nose, and therefore not my top priority. And fortunately, we raised our children to be normal, functioning adults who are able to comfortably communicate with those who dare say something with which they don't agree. In other words, strong, confident and independent.

Unfortunately for many kids, though, colleges and other PC zealots are conditioning them to be hyper-sensitive whiners who literally cannot deal with opposing viewpoints. So much so that "trigger warnings" are now issued to protect them against incoming contrary thought; so much so that "safe spaces" are being created so that they can literally, physically hide from contrary thought; so much so that colleges are dis-inviting and refusing to invite voices contrary to theirs to protect their fragile little snowflakes.

College should be a place where young people are actively exposed to all kinds of thought, and definitely thought that is in contrast to theirs. It should be a place where freedom of expression is encouraged and celebrated. It's sad to see that such a potentially valuable growing and learning experience for our young people is being destroyed by adults who claim to "care".
Okay, Mac, if you say so, I'll believe you. It's been a long time since I was involved in campus life. I do worry a little bit that this might be exaggerated, though, as part of the ongoing onslaught against public education and "liberal" thought generally. That, too, is a fact.
"Trigger Warnings" seem harmless to me. From Mac's article :
To me, there seems to be very little reason not to give these warnings. As a professor, it merely requires my including one extra line in a routine email to the class, such as: “A quick heads-up. The reading for this week contains a graphic depiction of sexual assault.” These warnings are not unlike the advisory notices given before films and TV shows; those who want to ignore them can do so without a second thought. The cost to students who don’t need trigger warnings is, I think, equally minimal. It may even help sensitize them to the fact that some of their classmates will find the material hard going. The idea, suggested by Professor Haidt and others, that this considerate and reasonable practice feeds into a “culture of victimhood” seems alarmist, if not completely implausible.

The article says Trigger Warnings began on social media, but they didn't. Teachers have used them for years, before school assemblies that were going to discuss abuse or sexual assault. Before teaching Huck Finn. It's a courtesy, because sure as shooting there will be a couple of students who go into a meltdown about prior sexual abuse after a guest speaker deals with the topic or a few students who don't understand what dialect is, why it is used in fiction, and what was considered common verbiage in 1870.

As the professor above explains, it's a courtesy. Why it is skin off anyone else's nose, I don't understand.
It's no skin off my nose, and therefore not my top priority. And fortunately, we raised our children to be normal, functioning adults who are able to comfortably communicate with those who dare say something with which they don't agree. In other words, strong, confident and independent.

Unfortunately for many kids, though, colleges and other PC zealots are conditioning them to be hyper-sensitive whiners who literally cannot deal with opposing viewpoints. So much so that "trigger warnings" are now issued to protect them against incoming contrary thought; so much so that "safe spaces" are being created so that they can literally, physically hide from contrary thought; so much so that colleges are dis-inviting and refusing to invite voices contrary to theirs to protect their fragile little snowflakes.

College should be a place where young people are actively exposed to all kinds of thought, and definitely thought that is in contrast to theirs. It should be a place where freedom of expression is encouraged and celebrated. It's sad to see that such a potentially valuable growing and learning experience for our young people is being destroyed by adults who claim to "care".
Okay, Mac, if you say so, I'll believe you. It's been a long time since I was involved in campus life. I do worry a little bit that this might be exaggerated, though, as part of the ongoing onslaught against public education and "liberal" thought generally. That, too, is a fact.
Can't argue with that. I'd also argue that the onslaught you describe is making it easier for colleges and the PC zealots to get away with what they're doing. Anti-intellectualism is going too far, too.
You have to define the words before you troll for hatred. While the term "political correctness" is relatively understood if often misused, "safe spaces" could be any freaking thing from a Christian run haven from inner city street thugs to a hiding place for illegal criminal aliens.
Holy shit
Maybe the phrase "holy shit" instead of an answer gets self centered kids an "A" these days. Who knows?

You are encouraged to read the:
The Decency Wars: The Campaign to Cleanse American Culture

It's about the conservative war against freedom in art and entertainment.

It starts in the 50's when conservatives formed a gestapo like commission to limit the words and images that could be displayed on TV. It forced female actresses to button their blouses higher. It also goes into the Nazi-like furor over flag pins and the conservative mandate for public displays of loyalty.

Republicans don't want to give adults the freedom to choose what sort of art they want to consume. Republicans want to cleanse art of dirty words and anti-Christian imagery. They want our children to be well-socialized drones who recite the pledge of allegiance in collective monotone. They want Big Brother to control all aspects of art, entertainment and public life.

Whenever Republicans talk about political correctness, I must laugh. If the media wasn't so tightly controlled by large corporations who hate the liberal tax & regulatory agenda, than we'd see more stories about which political party truly wants to control what we say.
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Why would you as a conservative not be outraged about those things as well?

Because I'm just not. I learned at an early age that life is not fair and some people are going to call you names and talk shit about you. I've been on these message boards for nearly 20 years and I've been called every name in the book and "shamed" in every way possible... it doesn't bother me because I am secure in who I am.

I didn't get bullied in high school... not because bullies didn't try... but because I simply didn't let it bother me. I had ONE fight... it took one good punch in the nose and no one else messed with me after that. The bully I punched ended up being one of my best friends and that incident ended his bullying days... he never bullied anyone again. We're still friends, I went to his daughter's wedding last month.

It seems to me we have an entire generation (or more) of coddled little pussies who can't handle life, and that troubles me to no end. Grow the fuck up, pull your big girl panties up and get over it!!
"Trigger Warnings" seem harmless to me. From Mac's article :
To me, there seems to be very little reason not to give these warnings. As a professor, it merely requires my including one extra line in a routine email to the class, such as: “A quick heads-up. The reading for this week contains a graphic depiction of sexual assault.” These warnings are not unlike the advisory notices given before films and TV shows; those who want to ignore them can do so without a second thought. The cost to students who don’t need trigger warnings is, I think, equally minimal. It may even help sensitize them to the fact that some of their classmates will find the material hard going. The idea, suggested by Professor Haidt and others, that this considerate and reasonable practice feeds into a “culture of victimhood” seems alarmist, if not completely implausible.

The article says Trigger Warnings began on social media, but they didn't. Teachers have used them for years, before school assemblies that were going to discuss abuse or sexual assault. Before teaching Huck Finn. It's a courtesy, because sure as shooting there will be a couple of students who go into a meltdown about prior sexual abuse after a guest speaker deals with the topic or a few students who don't understand what dialect is, why it is used in fiction, and what was considered common verbiage in 1870.

As the professor above explains, it's a courtesy. Why it is skin off anyone else's nose, I don't understand.
It's no skin off my nose, and therefore not my top priority. And fortunately, we raised our children to be normal, functioning adults who are able to comfortably communicate with those who dare say something with which they don't agree. In other words, strong, confident and independent.

Unfortunately for many kids, though, colleges and other PC zealots are conditioning them to be hyper-sensitive whiners who literally cannot deal with opposing viewpoints. So much so that "trigger warnings" are now issued to protect them against incoming contrary thought; so much so that "safe spaces" are being created so that they can literally, physically hide from contrary thought; so much so that colleges are dis-inviting and refusing to invite voices contrary to theirs to protect their fragile little snowflakes.

College should be a place where young people are actively exposed to all kinds of thought, and definitely thought that is in contrast to theirs. It should be a place where freedom of expression is encouraged and celebrated. It's sad to see that such a potentially valuable growing and learning experience for our young people is being destroyed by adults who claim to "care".
Okay, Mac, if you say so, I'll believe you. It's been a long time since I was involved in campus life. I do worry a little bit that this might be exaggerated, though, as part of the ongoing onslaught against public education and "liberal" thought generally. That, too, is a fact.
Can't argue with that. I'd also argue that the onslaught you describe is making it easier for colleges and the PC zealots to get away with what they're doing. Anti-intellectualism is going too far, too.
Yeah, there's a pattern there that we are seeing everywhere. A pundit on one of the analysis shows a few days ago calmly and matter of factly stated that the political parties find obstructionist practices work best, so they're going to keep using them. No more compromise; just get a majority and shove through your agenda regardless of what the other side wants.
I shuddered. It's the way of things these days though. Extremes and bloody bludgeoning is all the rage.
Don't you just fucking hate left wingers, for that?

Is there anyone else to BLAME?

Yes, yes and yes.

The moment I heard they were scared of the words "Trump2016", needing to buckle into a safe space upon hearing it... that moment was the moment I knew who my candidate was.
Safe Spaces is just Prog Apartheid.

Fo shizzle.
Why would you as a conservative not be outraged about those things as well?

Because I'm just not. I learned at an early age that life is not fair and some people are going to call you names and talk shit about you. I've been on these message boards for nearly 20 years and I've been called every name in the book and "shamed" in every way possible... it doesn't bother me because I am secure in who I am.

I didn't get bullied in high school... not because bullies didn't try... but because I simply didn't let it bother me. I had ONE fight... it took one good punch in the nose and no one else messed with me after that. The bully I punched ended up being one of my best friends and that incident ended his bullying days... he never bullied anyone again. We're still friends, I went to his daughter's wedding last month.

It seems to me we have an entire generation (or more) of coddled little pussies who can't handle life, and that troubles me to no end. Grow the fuck up, pull your big girl panties up and get over it!!
So your solution to bullying is punching the bully in the nose? That's what you'd teach your kids and what should be promoted in schools?

I agree that our culture is getting soft and overly PC, but I don't see any reason to fight over outrage against social injustice and bullying.
Don't you just fucking hate left wingers, for that?

Is there anyone else to BLAME?


I just want to go about my day without having to encounter views contrary to my own OR views that are an exaggerated version of my own (tree huggers + animal righters).
While I agree no one should scream at someone for eating a hamburger, if an animal rights group wants to set up a table with information, I think they have every right.

You would also be banning Amnesty International, who traditionally do a lot of their important work at universities.

And then there are a lot of actual university topics: history, history of religions, philosophy. Even certain literary trends. Wouldn't all those lectures be banned? What about gender studies?

Again, I haven't set foot in a university in a while, I don't claim to know what this is about.
Conservative/libertarians are banned from Attending most universities in the United States… Fact
Don't you just fucking hate left wingers, for that?

Is there anyone else to BLAME?


I just want to go about my day without having to encounter views contrary to my own OR views that are an exaggerated version of my own (tree huggers + animal righters).
While I agree no one should scream at someone for eating a hamburger, if an animal rights group wants to set up a table with information, I think they have every right.

You would also be banning Amnesty International, who traditionally do a lot of their important work at universities.

And then there are a lot of actual university topics: history, history of religions, philosophy. Even certain literary trends. Wouldn't all those lectures be banned? What about gender studies?

Again, I haven't set foot in a university in a while, I don't claim to know what this is about.
Conservative/libertarians are banned from Attending most universities in the United States… Fact
Any facts backing them up at all? I just helped a bunch of students apply for college this summer, and not a single one of them had to answer the question of what their political affiliation was. So I'm curious where you get this.
Republicans don't want to give adults the freedom to choose what sort of art they want to consume. Republicans want to cleanse art of dirty words and anti-Christian imagery. They want our children to be well-socialized drones who recite the pledge of allegiance in collective monotone. They want Big Brother to control all aspects of art, entertainment and public life.

This is just total and absolute BULLSHIT!

While there may be SOME Social Conservatives who object to profanities and vulgarities creeping into our societal culture, most true Conservatives are all about individual liberty. The LAST thing we want is for government to be in control of what we say, think or do. THAT is what the liberal left are all about... controlling our lives in every respect.

I have a great appreciation for art. Even when the art makes a political statement I disagree with! Some of my conservative friends are shocked by this... they don't understand how I can embrace things like the radical anti-establishment music of the 60s and such... I find it emotionally courageous and it appeals to me on an artistic level. The greatest artists have always challenged convention, bucked the establishment, resented the status quot, rebelled against authority. Even if I disagree with the message, I can appreciate the art and the passion behind the art.
Don't you just fucking hate left wingers, for that?

Is there anyone else to BLAME?


I just want to go about my day without having to encounter views contrary to my own OR views that are an exaggerated version of my own (tree huggers + animal righters).
While I agree no one should scream at someone for eating a hamburger, if an animal rights group wants to set up a table with information, I think they have every right.

You would also be banning Amnesty International, who traditionally do a lot of their important work at universities.

And then there are a lot of actual university topics: history, history of religions, philosophy. Even certain literary trends. Wouldn't all those lectures be banned? What about gender studies?

Again, I haven't set foot in a university in a while, I don't claim to know what this is about.
Conservative/libertarians are banned from Attending most universities in the United States… Fact
Any facts backing them up at all? I just helped a bunch of students apply for college this summer, and not a single one of them had to answer the question of what their political affiliation was. So I'm curious where you get this.
Like i said Most are ran out of "higher education" because they don't agree with pussy whipped political correctness.
The Most intolerant people on the planet are progressives with one exception Muslims… Fact
So your solution to bullying is punching the bully in the nose? That's what you'd teach your kids and what should be promoted in schools?

I agree that our culture is getting soft and overly PC, but I don't see any reason to fight over outrage against social injustice and bullying.

Not what I said. My solution to bullying, and what I taught all my children, was to ignore it. If you don't feed the drama, the drama goes away. You simply don't allow the bully to get what they are seeking. You don't go run and tattle.... you don't run your mouth... just ignore it.

Now... the ONE fight that I alluded to was a situation where the bully was interested in a physical confrontation. I tried ignoring it for a while and he continued to escalate his intimidation until one day when he physically pushed me. I broke his nose and that was that.

He was publicly humiliated by this... for weeks he had to wear this big white nose bandage and explain how someone who had never been in any kind of fight before had broken his nose. But that experience humbled him and he never bullied anyone again to my knowledge.
Don't you just fucking hate left wingers, for that?

Is there anyone else to BLAME?


I just want to go about my day without having to encounter views contrary to my own OR views that are an exaggerated version of my own (tree huggers + animal righters).
While I agree no one should scream at someone for eating a hamburger, if an animal rights group wants to set up a table with information, I think they have every right.

You would also be banning Amnesty International, who traditionally do a lot of their important work at universities.

And then there are a lot of actual university topics: history, history of religions, philosophy. Even certain literary trends. Wouldn't all those lectures be banned? What about gender studies?

Again, I haven't set foot in a university in a while, I don't claim to know what this is about.
Conservative/libertarians are banned from Attending most universities in the United States… Fact
Any facts backing them up at all? I just helped a bunch of students apply for college this summer, and not a single one of them had to answer the question of what their political affiliation was. So I'm curious where you get this.
Like i said Most are ran out of "higher education" because they don't agree with pussy whipped political correctness.
The Most intolerant people on the planet are progressives with one exception Muslims… Fact
Just because you write "fact" after all your bullshit, doesn't make it true. Try providing legitimate sources to back up your points if you want to be taken seriously

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