The entire United States Senate disagrees with Trump on Russia

Neocons have embedded themselves in the corridors of power. They claim to be interested in spreading ‘democracy’, but the reality is that the neocon movement is all about money and profits.

How much longer will the citizens of the world put up with a situation in which warmongers with ties to the military-industrial complex are allowed to stoke up international tensions? The next time you read or hear someone issue stark warnings about the ‘Russian threat’ just follow the money trail.

Follow the money trail for source of 'Russian threat' paranoia
When you get neocon poofs like Graham and the moonbats on the same team, grab your asses.

Your entire power structure is on the same team son. Awaken.

Libs and Rs. Yeah same team. They all hate Trump.
Graham: Trump disagrees with the entire US Senate on Russia

and of course the right wing cult members who live on this board...

Trump is not worried about Russia, Little Man. Trump is busy creating jobs.

Yes, yes, the 1%er will bring the little people jobs.

You do know your 'Hopey Changey Messiah' is a '1%er' too, don't ya. Hitlery is too.

Not mine thanks, but yes, that's what I'm saying, they ARE all the same. See how that works?
Neocons have embedded themselves in the corridors of power. They claim to be interested in spreading ‘democracy’, but the reality is that the neocon movement is all about money and profits.

How much longer will the citizens of the world put up with a situation in which warmongers with ties to the military-industrial complex are allowed to stoke up international tensions? The next time you read or hear someone issue stark warnings about the ‘Russian threat’ just follow the money trail.

Follow the money trail for source of 'Russian threat' paranoia
When you get neocon poofs like Graham and the moonbats on the same team, grab your asses.

Your entire power structure is on the same team son. Awaken.

Libs and Rs. Yeah same team. They all hate Trump.

Trump is just as much a part of it as anyone you want to bring up, Goldman Sachs continuity is utterly bipartisan, just like the bailouts.
Ha, figures. Graham and McCain. Two of the most despised Republicans. But the Democrats just love em. Useful idiots. God i can't wait till the last corrupt Establishment hacks like Graham and McCain are gone. It'll be a glorious day for the Party.
Ha, figures. Graham and McCain. Two of the most despised Republicans. But the Democrats just love em. Useful idiots. God i can't wait till the last corrupt Establishment hacks like Graham and McCain are gone. It'll be a glorious day for the Party.

They're interchangeable, the system will vomit up more and the people will swallow it as they always do.
Do liberals ever tire of being wrong? It appears the more they're wrong the more they're emotionally vested. The more emotionally vested the more shit they pull out of their butts, only to be wrong again.
Ha, figures. Graham and McCain. Two of the most despised Republicans. But the Democrats just love em. Useful idiots. God i can't wait till the last corrupt Establishment hacks like Graham and McCain are gone. It'll be a glorious day for the Party.

They're interchangeable, the system will vomit up more and the people will swallow it as they always do.

I can't believe those two corrupt buffoons still have jobs. They're leeches. They just won't let go. I don't get how they keep getting elected. It's so perplexing.
Graham: Trump disagrees with the entire US Senate on Russia

and of course the right wing cult members who live on this board...
lindsay Graham? Lindsay Graham?


fk his whiny white ass.
Ha, figures. Graham and McCain. Two of the most despised Republicans. But the Democrats just love em. Useful idiots. God i can't wait till the last corrupt Establishment hacks like Graham and McCain are gone. It'll be a glorious day for the Party.

They're interchangeable, the system will vomit up more and the people will swallow it as they always do.

I can't believe those two corrupt buffoons still have jobs. They're leeches. They just won't let go. I don't get how they keep getting elected. It's so perplexing.

The american electorate has the illusion of choice, not much else in that arena. Concentrated corporate wealth and power decides ultimately.
What is the point of this? Trump questioned the agreement.. so fucking what?
It's Yahoo, so it's fake news.

Any 'report' claiming the entire US Senate disagrees with Trump, is Fake News. So yeah, i would advise folks be very skeptical of this one.

So you didn't watch the video? There is ample evidence that Putin helped Trump get elected. The real question of whether Trump colluded with his will be answered when the FULL investigation is complete. I am surprised Trump didn't name Putin his Secretary of State. They are practically brothers.
Graham: Trump disagrees with the entire US Senate on Russia

and of course the right wing cult members who live on this board...

Trump is not worried about Russia, Little Man. Trump is busy creating jobs.

Yes, yes, the 1%er will bring the little people jobs.
so you don't want the little people to have jobs? thought so.

I don't believe anyone in your political system minds much either way, they've insulated themselves very nicely. The we're-a- bringin'-the-jobs-back illusion is just that, watch. The societal trend line is a half century old and nothing's changed. Your economic system is going to go tits up again.
What is the point of this? Trump questioned the agreement.. so fucking what?
It's Yahoo, so it's fake news.

Any 'report' claiming the entire US Senate disagrees with Trump, is Fake News. So yeah, i would advise folks be very skeptical of this one.

So you didn't watch the video? There is ample evidence that Putin helped Trump get elected. The real question of whether Trump colluded with his will be answered when the FULL investigation is complete. I am surprised Trump didn't name Putin his Secretary of State. They are practically brothers.
can't won't play. hmmmmm. how convenient. what is the supposed evidence anyway you refer to here.
What is the point of this? Trump questioned the agreement.. so fucking what?
It's Yahoo, so it's fake news.

Any 'report' claiming the entire US Senate disagrees with Trump, is Fake News. So yeah, i would advise folks be very skeptical of this one.

So you didn't watch the video? There is ample evidence that Putin helped Trump get elected. The real question of whether Trump colluded with his will be answered when the FULL investigation is complete. I am surprised Trump didn't name Putin his Secretary of State. They are practically brothers.

Ha, y'all already concocting 'Impeachment' angles, ay? Sorry, not gonna happen. And honestly, if Putin did help keep Hitlery out, we all owe him an incredible debt of gratitude. 4-8yrs of Hitlery? No thanks.
Graham: Trump disagrees with the entire US Senate on Russia

and of course the right wing cult members who live on this board...

Trump is not worried about Russia, Little Man. Trump is busy creating jobs.

Yes, yes, the 1%er will bring the little people jobs.

Almost daily he has some company or other promising to either stay in country or build a new plant. Panosonic and Telsa just today.

At what taxpayer cost?

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