The EPA Colorado Disaster Excuse:"Oops, We Screwed Up,We'll Fix The Problem&It Wont Happen Again.

well, i look at it this way, what happened in Colorado could of been a little worse if Al Sharpton got hit with a violent diahhreaa attack and crapped in that river.
Holy smokes just ran across this: I wouldn't put anything past this government anymore. Especially under this administration is supported by the RADICAL environmentalist in this country. People better DEMAND answers and people need to FIRED and some Jailed.

Letter to Editor PREDICTED COLORADO EPA SPILL One Week Before Catastrophe=> So EPA Could Secure Superfund Status

Last Wednesday, a small EPA-supervised work crew inspecting the Gold King mine accidentally knocked a hole in a waste pit, releasing at least three million gallons of acidic liquid laden with toxic heavy metals. (ABC)

This letter to editor, posted below, was published in The Silverton Standard and The Miner local newspaper, authored by a retired geologist, one week before EPA mine spill. The letter detailed verbatim, how EPA officials would foul up the Animas River on purpose in order to secure superfund money. It the Gold King mine was declared a superfund site it would essentially kill future development for the mining industry. The Obama EPA is vehemently opposed to mining and development.

The EPA pushed for nearly 25 years, to apply its Superfund program to the Gold King mine. If a leak occurred the EPA would then receive superfund status. That is exactly what happened.

The EPA today admitted they misjudged the pressure in the gold mine before the spill – just as this editorial predicted.

The letter was included in their print edition on July 30, 2015. The spill occurred one week later.

ALL of it and the letter here:
Letter to Editor PREDICTED COLORADO EPA SPILL One Week Before Catastrophe So EPA Could Secure Superfund Status - The Gateway Pundit
My family and other groups camp and fish there many times. It's a beautiful place to visit. And it's sad to see the water turned yellow.
I'm sure this company has their own quality program. Wondering what and how in the world they do not have a program to prevent this kind incident from happening.
Holy smokes just ran across this: I wouldn't put anything past this government anymore. Especially under this administration is supported by the RADICAL environmentalist in this country. People better DEMAND answers and people need to FIRED and some Jailed.

Letter to Editor PREDICTED COLORADO EPA SPILL One Week Before Catastrophe=> So EPA Could Secure Superfund Status

Last Wednesday, a small EPA-supervised work crew inspecting the Gold King mine accidentally knocked a hole in a waste pit, releasing at least three million gallons of acidic liquid laden with toxic heavy metals. (ABC)

This letter to editor, posted below, was published in The Silverton Standard and The Miner local newspaper, authored by a retired geologist, one week before EPA mine spill. The letter detailed verbatim, how EPA officials would foul up the Animas River on purpose in order to secure superfund money. It the Gold King mine was declared a superfund site it would essentially kill future development for the mining industry. The Obama EPA is vehemently opposed to mining and development.

The EPA pushed for nearly 25 years, to apply its Superfund program to the Gold King mine. If a leak occurred the EPA would then receive superfund status. That is exactly what happened.

The EPA today admitted they misjudged the pressure in the gold mine before the spill – just as this editorial predicted.

The letter was included in their print edition on July 30, 2015. The spill occurred one week later.

ALL of it and the letter here:
Letter to Editor PREDICTED COLORADO EPA SPILL One Week Before Catastrophe So EPA Could Secure Superfund Status - The Gateway Pundit

As always. I know it all along that this will come from you. How the fuck Obama got to do with your stupid bullshit. Do you expect administration or anybody to tell you that you have to pull your panty after you urinate? Then blame Obama because you exposed yourself?
I'm pissed over where it happened. That part of the country is some of the most beautiful that there is. The Animas River is also the one where Butch Cassidy and Sundance jumped off of the bridge in that iconic movie. You can see it on the trip between Durango and Silverton.

Not only has (had) some excellent fishing for trout. They say it hasn't killed the fish, but I wonder if those fish are going to be safe to eat considering the amount of pollution in the river.

Sad, actually.
The trout will be filled with lead poisoning when it's all over. Pregnant women will not be able to eat anything out of it for years to come.
i am still waiting for the "Hillary Response".

Don't bother waiting for a Repub response.

They can't fix a damn thing. All they're capable of doing is posing for photo ops, cutting regs and blaming others.

But they will ask you. How come the river is yellow? Then get a rocking chair sit and watch what will happen. Heeeey the river still yellow. LOL.
THIS government has become YOUR MASTERS. they caused this and all they have to do is say: Oops we are so sorry. the people who live near any of that needs to bring a class action LAWSUIT against them. that's the only way we are ever going to be able to HOLD THEM Responsible . if that had been BP and we had a Republican President. the radical left environmentalist/liberals/democrats would be out calling for their HEADS on a platter.

Your stupidity is far worse than people expected. Careful you might step on your excrement.
Do you expect GOPs to do anything when they are not doing anything now?
I know you or most everyone here watch the GOP debate last Thursday.
Ted Cruz mentioned a bill against sanctuary cities but his own party blocked it. That is just one example how fucked up the republicans are.
I'm pissed over where it happened. That part of the country is some of the most beautiful that there is. The Animas River is also the one where Butch Cassidy and Sundance jumped off of the bridge in that iconic movie. You can see it on the trip between Durango and Silverton.

Not only has (had) some excellent fishing for trout. They say it hasn't killed the fish, but I wonder if those fish are going to be safe to eat considering the amount of pollution in the river.

Sad, actually.
The trout will be filled with lead poisoning when it's all over. Pregnant women will not be able to eat anything out of it for years to come.
i am still waiting for the "Hillary Response".

Don't bother waiting for a Repub response.

They can't fix a damn thing. All they're capable of doing is posing for photo ops, cutting regs and blaming others.

But they will ask you. How come the river is yellow? Then get a rocking chair sit and watch what will happen. Heeeey the river still yellow. LOL.
god, if only something like this happened in San Fransisco. I wonder who Pelosi would of blamed..
If the mining company had caused the spill the EPA Nazi's would have fined them into bankruptcy. I predict not a single EPA employee will get fired.
I'm pissed over where it happened. That part of the country is some of the most beautiful that there is. The Animas River is also the one where Butch Cassidy and Sundance jumped off of the bridge in that iconic movie. You can see it on the trip between Durango and Silverton.

Not only has (had) some excellent fishing for trout. They say it hasn't killed the fish, but I wonder if those fish are going to be safe to eat considering the amount of pollution in the river.

Sad, actually.
The trout will be filled with lead poisoning when it's all over. Pregnant women will not be able to eat anything out of it for years to come.
i am still waiting for the "Hillary Response".

Don't bother waiting for a Repub response.

They can't fix a damn thing. All they're capable of doing is posing for photo ops, cutting regs and blaming others.

But they will ask you. How come the river is yellow? Then get a rocking chair sit and watch what will happen. Heeeey the river still yellow. LOL.
god, if only something like this happened in San Fransisco. I wonder who Pelosi would of blamed..

The trout will be filled with lead poisoning when it's all over. Pregnant women will not be able to eat anything out of it for years to come.
i am still waiting for the "Hillary Response".

Don't bother waiting for a Repub response.

They can't fix a damn thing. All they're capable of doing is posing for photo ops, cutting regs and blaming others.

But they will ask you. How come the river is yellow? Then get a rocking chair sit and watch what will happen. Heeeey the river still yellow. LOL.
god, if only something like this happened in San Fransisco. I wonder who Pelosi would of blamed..

well either Bush or Gerry Ford
I think they'd have to dredge the entire course of the river, from where the spill entered the water, perhaps all the way to the ocean.
That's an exceedingly expensive proposition.
I believe it's a safe bet, the EPA isn't going to do that.
So that body of water may be contaminated for generations to come.

Problem is:
Spill PCB's or some other toxic compound, and given enough time, it may break down into constituent chemicals that aren't as toxic.
But the toxins in this case are elements. They can't break down, without a thermonuclear reaction.
Lead, Cadmium, etc., they'll be toxic long past the time god dies of old age.
well? what is taking Hillary so long to respond to this "Democrat Causes Crisis"?????
:eusa_think::sad: Anyone surprised when they heard that excuse? Typical Democrat Excuse every time they screw up. Like with Solyndra, Health-Care,Stimulus,Jobs Council,The Deficit,Stagnant Job Market, Making sure Iran Cant Make Nuclear Bombs, etc. etc.!!!
Oh, and it wont happen again? Really? anyone buying that?:poke:

Whose mess were they trying to clean up?
good grief.

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Updated: 5:16 p.m. on Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The EPA is trying to cheat Navajo Indians by getting them to sign away their rights to future claims from the agency’s Gold King Mine disaster, tribal officials charged Wednesday, adding more to the administration’s public relations problems over the spill that threatens critical Southwest waterways.

EPA officials were going door-to-door asking Navajo, some of whom don’t speak English as their primary language, to sign a form that offers to pay damages incurred so far from the spill, but waiving the right to come back and ask for more if their costs escalate or if they discover bigger problems, Navajo President Russell Begaye told The Washington Times.

“It is underhanded. They’re just trying to protect their pocketbook,” Mr. Begaye said in a telephone interview.

Mr. Begaye has already promised a lawsuit on behalf of the Navajo Nation, and said he suspects the EPA is trying to buy off as many Navajo as possible now to head off a bigger settlement later.

ALL of here
Indians say EPA trying to swindle them in mine spill - Washington Times

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