The European socialist success

I was talking to a Swede at a Mother's Day event. Everyone has a basic subsistence level of comfort. Innovation is discouraged. Ambition is suppressed. A desire to achieve is treated with drugs. Yet, the minimum standard of living is maintained in a level of comfort that encourages non-competition. Families are socially discouraged. Few form stable permanent relationships. Marriage is at a very low level because it's too much trouble when the union isn't going to last very long anyway.

If this is utopia, it comes right out of HG Wells. We know who the Eloi are. Where are the Morlocks?

From what I understand Sweden doesn't have a very high number of people so they can afford to just take care of everyone like that, there are some people in the US who dream of the US being like that. I wouldn't want to move to Sweden because of the cold alone.

Sweden is going to fall to the muslims anyway. Malmo is a literal hellhole.

Socialist European countries are going to fall like dominoes. Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Spain. They cannot be sustained under socialism.

Sweden took in a large number of Iraqi refugees and Somalis as well, the fabric of that country will change if they don't get it under control.
From what I understand Sweden doesn't have a very high number of people so they can afford to just take care of everyone like that, there are some people in the US who dream of the US being like that. I wouldn't want to move to Sweden because of the cold alone.

Sweden is going to fall to the muslims anyway. Malmo is a literal hellhole.

Socialist European countries are going to fall like dominoes. Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Spain. They cannot be sustained under socialism.

Sweden took in a large number of Iraqi refugees and Somalis as well, the fabric of that country will change if they don't get it under control.

They can't get it under control. It's racist to even think about getting it under control.
Oh is someone upset that America blows?

So what are you waiting for, Trotsky? Pack up and head back to the mother land. Nobody here is gonna miss you, I promise you that.

I love the conservative resposne to the fact that there polciies cause shitty living standards, "just move somewhere better"
how about you get a clue and come back when you're not a retard

:lol: Unlike you, I've actually been outside our borders multiple times. You're just a child.

Sweden is going to fall to the muslims anyway. Malmo is a literal hellhole.

Socialist European countries are going to fall like dominoes. Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Spain. They cannot be sustained under socialism.

Sweden took in a large number of Iraqi refugees and Somalis as well, the fabric of that country will change if they don't get it under control.

They can't get it under control. It's racist to even think about getting it under control.

If it was the other way around and everything was reversed, and Westerners like us and the Swedes had to go to Iraq and Somalia as refugees, we would be placed in refugee camps and not allowed to be citizens, look at the Palestinians in Lebanon as an example, they have been there for decades and they are STILL in refugee camps and not allowed citizenship.
So what are you waiting for, Trotsky? Pack up and head back to the mother land. Nobody here is gonna miss you, I promise you that.

I love the conservative resposne to the fact that there polciies cause shitty living standards, "just move somewhere better"
how about you get a clue and come back when you're not a retard

:lol: Unlike you, I've actually been outside our borders multiple times. You're just a child.


Yes, the OP is a fat spoiled American baby with a full belly and a shit filled pamper.
So what are you waiting for, Trotsky? Pack up and head back to the mother land. Nobody here is gonna miss you, I promise you that.

I love the conservative resposne to the fact that there polciies cause shitty living standards, "just move somewhere better"
how about you get a clue and come back when you're not a retard

Despite your insistence to the contrary, Europe is not 'better', it's different... 'better' is an individual perspective. Having lived in both, I'll take our way over theirs any day.... they have the Nanny State, we have (or are supposed to have) freedom. I prefer freedom. You are welcome to feel differently... but you can't change our country to suit your wants. You need to move somewhere that suits you. Go.... America will survive without you.

So according to you Europe having 36% higher living standards doesn't mean theyare better. It is amazing that you'd rather be poor because "freedom govt socilism"or some shit
European health care sucks.
Long waiting lines,
Long waiting times that are less then Americas
Canada outranks U.S. in healthcare report card | Reuters

cancer survival rate after 5 years, low 47% compared to the U.S at 66%.
Core Health Indicators
OECD Health Data 2011 - Frequently Requested Data
==Academic standards show America has worse healthcare then other countries.
USA compared to government health care. (all statistics are per capita).
Where America is worse.
1) America has 50% more Medical errors.
2) America is worst in preventable deaths. If America was like government health care 200,000 people would be saved a year.
3) America has 2 million more medical bankruptcies compared to 0.
4) America has 26% less doctors.
5) America has 4% less nurses.
6) America has 46% less hospital beds.
7) America saw half the life expectancy change than countries who changed to government health care.
8) Infant mortality rates are 17% higher in America.
9) America has 100% less Psychiatric care beds.
10) America has 20% less people who go to hospitals.
11) America has 26% more years of life lost due to medical reasons.
12) America has 40% more Respiratory deaths
13) US Tuberculosis treatment success is 10% less
14) 50% more infant deaths
15) 30% more asthma deaths
16) 40% more years lost due to medical conditions
17) 100% more diabetes deaths
15) 50% more deaths by children taken to a hospital for a medical reason
What about the Ukraine? I heard their quality of life is off the charts from the numerous Ukranian cab drivers and strippers I have spoken to in New York and Baltimore. :)
No no... you're mistaking background radiation for awesomeness. It gets more awesome as you get near Chernobyl.
European health care sucks.
Long waiting lines,
Long waiting times that are less then Americas
Canada outranks U.S. in healthcare report card | Reuters

cancer survival rate after 5 years, low 47% compared to the U.S at 66%.
Core Health Indicators
OECD Health Data 2011 - Frequently Requested Data
==Academic standards show America has worse healthcare then other countries.
USA compared to government health care. (all statistics are per capita).
Where America is worse.
1) America has 50% more Medical errors.
2) America is worst in preventable deaths. If America was like government health care 200,000 people would be saved a year.
3) America has 2 million more medical bankruptcies compared to 0.
4) America has 26% less doctors.
5) America has 4% less nurses.
6) America has 46% less hospital beds.
7) America saw half the life expectancy change than countries who changed to government health care.
8) Infant mortality rates are 17% higher in America.
9) America has 100% less Psychiatric care beds.
10) America has 20% less people who go to hospitals.
11) America has 26% more years of life lost due to medical reasons.
12) America has 40% more Respiratory deaths
13) US Tuberculosis treatment success is 10% less
14) 50% more infant deaths
15) 30% more asthma deaths
16) 40% more years lost due to medical conditions
17) 100% more diabetes deaths
15) 50% more deaths by children taken to a hospital for a medical reason
Huh... just did a search on "Hospitals closing Emergency Rooms in Canada".

So much for the stability and superiority of their system.

Failings of Canadian Health Care Hit Close to Home | Heartlander Magazine

Hospital ER closing in Leader, Sask. - Saskatchewan - CBC News

Ontario News: McGuinty defends closure of Fort Erie hospital emergency room -

Love the first sentence here:

Premier Dalton McGuinty is defending the decision to close the emergency room in Fort Erie, saying the province can't afford to provide every service in every community.

So you go to Canada and rave then. It also belies the trend of Canadians turning Cleveland into their joint replacement mecca.

Soooooo fulla shit. Want help packing your dishes? Anything to get you on your way faster, ingrate.

Oh... BTW, are those figures you showed corrected for Population? After all the US has about 10 times the population of the great white north. I also didn't realize that ending funding for services wasn't the same result as 'going bankrupt' for private firms. Who knew?
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I love the conservative resposne to the fact that there polciies cause shitty living standards, "just move somewhere better"
how about you get a clue and come back when you're not a retard

Despite your insistence to the contrary, Europe is not 'better', it's different... 'better' is an individual perspective. Having lived in both, I'll take our way over theirs any day.... they have the Nanny State, we have (or are supposed to have) freedom. I prefer freedom. You are welcome to feel differently... but you can't change our country to suit your wants. You need to move somewhere that suits you. Go.... America will survive without you.

So according to you Europe having 36% higher living standards doesn't mean theyare better. It is amazing that you'd rather be poor because "freedom govt socilism"or some shit

When I was living in the US my living standard was considerably higher than the one I had enjoyed in Europe. Now I enjoy a high standard of living because of my career. But in reality most people have far greater opportunities in the US than in Europe.
I love the conservative response to the fact that there policies cause shitty living standards, "just move somewhere better"
how about you get a clue and come back when you're not a retard

Despite your insistence to the contrary, Europe is not 'better', it's different... 'better' is an individual perspective. Having lived in both, I'll take our way over theirs any day.... they have the Nanny State, we have (or are supposed to have) freedom. I prefer freedom. You are welcome to feel differently... but you can't change our country to suit your wants. You need to move somewhere that suits you. Go.... America will survive without you.

So according to you Europe having 36% higher living standards doesn't mean they are better. It is amazing that you'd rather be poor because "freedom govt socialism"or some shit

It's amazing that you think that without government entitlements means that you you will remain poor.
You would rather have basic comfort rather than the ability to Achieve and become better.
That you would want a mundane and very boring existence.
No one in America, should want to have no innovation, no ambition, no desire to achieve and when you do the gov. drugs you, to keep you from your dreams and desires to have a better life, no competition and always being discouraged.
That is opposite of what America is.
People move here to get away from that idea of basic comfort. They come here with no money or maybe 20.00 in their pockets and they can become what they want to be. They can use their skills to have a better life here and even to become rich.
So according to you Europe having 36% higher living standards doesn't mean they are better. It is amazing that you'd rather be poor because "freedom govt socialism"or some shit

It's amazing that you think that without government entitlements means that you you will remain poor.
You would rather have basic comfort rather than the ability to Achieve and become better.
That you would want a mundane and very boring existence.
No one in America, should want to have no innovation, no ambition, no desire to achieve and when you do the gov. drugs you, to keep you from your dreams and desires to have a better life, no competition and always being discouraged.
That is opposite of what America is.
People move here to get away from that idea of basic comfort. They come here with no money or maybe 20.00 in their pockets and they can become what they want to be. They can use their skills to have a better life here and even to become rich.

Robert A. Heinlein described people like starcraftzzz perfectly.

"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."
Despite your insistence to the contrary, Europe is not 'better', it's different... 'better' is an individual perspective. Having lived in both, I'll take our way over theirs any day.... they have the Nanny State, we have (or are supposed to have) freedom. I prefer freedom. You are welcome to feel differently... but you can't change our country to suit your wants. You need to move somewhere that suits you. Go.... America will survive without you.

So according to you Europe having 36% higher living standards doesn't mean theyare better. It is amazing that you'd rather be poor because "freedom govt socilism"or some shit

When I was living in the US my living standard was considerably higher than the one I had enjoyed in Europe. Now I enjoy a high standard of living because of my career. But in reality most people have far greater opportunities in the US than in Europe.

Nope you're wrong.
United States has the 2nd lowest economic mobility scores. Denmark and other countries have more than 60% more mobility.
Ezra Klein
U.S. falls behind Europe in Economic Mobility between Classes
Ezra Klein
Despite your insistence to the contrary, Europe is not 'better', it's different... 'better' is an individual perspective. Having lived in both, I'll take our way over theirs any day.... they have the Nanny State, we have (or are supposed to have) freedom. I prefer freedom. You are welcome to feel differently... but you can't change our country to suit your wants. You need to move somewhere that suits you. Go.... America will survive without you.

So according to you Europe having 36% higher living standards doesn't mean they are better. It is amazing that you'd rather be poor because "freedom govt socialism"or some shit

It's amazing that you think that without government entitlements means that you you will remain poor.
You find it amazing that if we remove programs that lift people out of poverty they will be in poverty. Do you also find it amazing that things fall when you throw them upwards?

You would rather have basic comfort rather than the ability to Achieve and become better.
I see so according to you wanting to have living standards be 36% higher means I dont want to make things better...
That you would want a mundane and very boring existence.
I see so you oppose having high living standards because people poor isn't boring... Sorry but I'm not so pathetic that I need to struggle to buy food in order to find something in life to be exciting

No one in America, should want to have no innovation, no ambition, no desire to achieve and when you do the gov. drugs you, to keep you from your dreams and desires to have a better life, no competition and always being discouraged.
Why do you think that having a better life and higher living standards some how makes it hard to follow your dreams? Are you really so dumb that you think having more money makes it harder to do what you want to do?
That is opposite of what America is.
People move here to get away from that idea of basic comfort. They come here with no money or maybe 20.00 in their pockets and they can become what they want to be. They can use their skills to have a better life here and even to become rich.
More people in Europe who start out poor end up making it rich by using their skills then in America. So thx for proving that you are clueless
So according to you Europe having 36% higher living standards doesn't mean theyare better. It is amazing that you'd rather be poor because "freedom govt socilism"or some shit

When I was living in the US my living standard was considerably higher than the one I had enjoyed in Europe. Now I enjoy a high standard of living because of my career. But in reality most people have far greater opportunities in the US than in Europe.

Nope you're wrong.
United States has the 2nd lowest economic mobility scores. Denmark and other countries have more than 60% more mobility.
Ezra Klein
U.S. falls behind Europe in Economic Mobility between Classes
Ezra Klein

Capitalism celebrates winners and socialism celebrates losers. Thats the diffrence.
If you give people a rise in the standard of living by 36%, then the theshhold level of poverty will be 36% higher, you won't have really lifted anyone out of poverty. The poor in the United States are wildly weathy and have a standard of living approaching 200% of most of the world. Yet look at how poor they are to liberals. Indoor plumbing, air conditioning, their own car, color television, at least one game console. If the poor in the US are really poor, then it is obvious that the notion of poor needs a reality check.
Why is it that Liberals always feel that the Europeans are better then we are.
They have better everything they feel and want this country to be so much like them.
Just another reason we need to stop liberals here....

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