The Evidence Against Trump

I saw it happen....and now I'm going to show you the video so you can refresh your memory. All of the commies in the Democrat party tried to stop the certification of the election.

Ok. There is a few differences. Let’s see how this False Equivalency holds up. First. The members are allowed to challenge if they can do so in writing with one House Member and one Senate Member from that state sign the letter.

All of the demonstrations were gaveled out of order because no Senator signed on.

Secondly. And perhaps most importantly. The Democrats were soundly chastised by the press afterwards.

They were called Never Trumpers and mocked. They were called Childish.

But hey it’s almost the same thing. If you have some sort of Brain Damage.

Was Biden pressured into allowing fake electors cast their own ballots? Was Biden told he could single handed my overturn the certification? He certainly didn’t act like he had that authority did he. Once they motions were struck down he banged the gavel and even turned off the microphones of the objecting members.

One protester in the gallery was escorted out by the Capital Police.

It’s totally the same thing. NOT!
Why don't you try watching the video instead of negging me like a reactionary?
I laughed at you, not red thumbs down you! Or faked news you, not red thumbs down you!

Either of those are less reactionary and 'less negative rep' than the red thumbs down in the way I rate the system! :)

Ok, ok, okay! I'll go watch your video, Mud!
On Jebus Mudwhistle, that Tucker video is such a crock of shit! Yes, people are entering on the other side of the Capitol, at the visitor entrance, but that does not diminish or change what was happening on the other side of the building with the rioters beating up cops, and smashing thru doors and windows.

Btw, where is the damn 40000 hours of video that Tucker has, that BELONGS TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? What the heck....why are y'all hiding the full footage from us?
On Jebus Mudwhistle, that Tucker video is such a crock of shit! Yes, people are entering on the other side of the Capitol, at the visitor entrance, but that does not diminish or change what was happening on the other side of the building with the rioters beating up cops, and smashing thru doors and windows.

Btw, where is the damn 40000 hours of video that Tucker has, that BELONGS TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? What the heck....why are y'all hiding the full footage from us?
Because the CIA and FBI had dozens of agents embedded in the crowd and they don't want their identities revealed.
At least that's the weak excuse they used.

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