The Evidence Against Trump

I think the evidence in both the documents case and in the J6 case are overwhelming. And I just do not see a reasonable line of defense in either, except, he was the president and should not be prosecuted. That won't fly in court.

the judge in the J6 treason case isn't fucking around. she has given the flying monkeys that came b4 her ( & suspect other criminals as well ) MORE time than the prosecutors asked for. she was confirmed by the senate 93-0 back in the day. aug 28, she is going to set a trial date for all this to go down. i hope the judge down in F-L-A is taking notes on how not to be up donny's ass when it's her turn to precide down there because asjudge chutkan has said b4 when deciding against quashing the J6 committee's obtaining WH records:

As soon as I read this nonsense "There going to be a lot of evidence" I just turned it off.

You dumbasses were told the same GD thing for years about Russian Collusion and it all turned out to be a hoax.


Jack Smith has 86 witnesses against Trump and none are Democrats.
Let's get some things clear about "election fraud."
  • The President is not precise in his use of words. When he calls something "fraud" he is stating that it is improper or illegal. The distinction between actual fraud and other election improprieties is lost on President Trump. In Trump's mind, the voting rules shenanigans in Pennsylvania were "fraud."
  • The definitive fact about 2020 fraud is this: There was fraud, but probably not enough provable fraud to have determined the outcome of the election. For example, there is no question that some of the Leftist operatives paid for by Zuckerberg filled out ballots for voters in ghettos, nursing homes, and probably homeless encampments. That is fraud. It certainly happened thousands of times but is not provable, and not enough to impact the result of the election.
  • The President was always operating and speaking after having conferred with both attorneys and political advisors. This alone removes his culpability.
  • Politicians routinely lie ("If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor..." and so on), and are never legally prosecuted for it. At the time in question, the Mr. Trump WAS A SITTING PRESIDENT. End of story. The only remedy is impeachment, conviction, and removal from office.
  • Every statement at issue is protected by the First Amendment. Just like Schiff's constant lies about "Russia collusion."

Trump said he was his own advisor.
Neither were the people that the Capital Police let inside......not until the cops started beating the shit out of some of them and murdering them.

it was a massive flood of people trying to enter; too much for the few police present.

"Whether or not people knew that it was not lawful to enter the grounds as they did, many are charged with parading, demonstrating, or picketing -- and that is prohibited, and no intent is required," Merkl said.


"If I leave my door open to my house, you can't bolt in, even though I left the door open," Shakhnevich said. "It's still trespassing ... and making the argument that I impliedly consented to access by leaving my door open is silly."
it was a massive flood of people trying to enter; too much for the few police present.

"Whether or not people knew that it was not lawful to enter the grounds as they did, many are charged with parading, demonstrating, or picketing -- and that is prohibited, and no intent is required," Merkl said.


"If I leave my door open to my house, you can't bolt in, even though I left the door open," Shakhnevich said. "It's still trespassing ... and making the argument that I impliedly consented to access by leaving my door open is silly."
The Capital isn't a private residence, mkay?

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