The Evidence Against Trump

It is not a conspiracy. You are spouting the conspiracy from the people that let this happen. Fraud happened and it will be proven eventually.

Ok. Two years of investigation by the Republican run Secretary of State’s office in Georgia. How much more investigation do you want? What would you believe?

In Arizona the investigators (I suppose we could stretch the definition to include the fools) wanted to go door to door and ask every single person who they voted for.

The believers even tried to do that.

You guys are crazier than the Flat Earthers. You just won’t accept any proof.
oh, and No cop beat a peaceful protester who was inside and had entered peacefully, why lie?
I beg to differ.
They released videos last month showing cops attacking peaceful Trump supporters in the Capital rotunda. Some of them were seen being dragged off by cops and arrested.

Last week they released videos of cops trying to resuscitate Rosanne Boyland (DOA) who was last year shown on video being beaten unconscious by Capital police on Jan 6th. They first tried to claim she died of a drug overdose, then later claimed she was crushed by Trump supporters. Clearly videos showed her being kicked and beaten with nightsticks by uniformed police.

I think there was a lot of idiots that went into the Capital and they got involved in fights with the cops....but how can you blame Trump for a fight that the cops started from the beginning? We also know now that there were dozens of CIA and FBI agents in the crowd, and some, if not all, were encouraging people to go into the Capital. You cannot say for sure that a FBI agent was a Trump supporter just because he was wearing a red hat or some other silly patriotic clothing.

Fact police officers died on Jan 6th. NONE.
One died later from an unrelated medial condition and several other's committed suicide.
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Stop being willfully ignorant and read the indictment – it will explain to you why you’re ridiculous and wrong.
Stop being a sheeple and stop claiming that an indictment is 100% the truth or the same as a conviction.

Here's the definition of an indictment:

Indictment - A formal accusation of wrongdoing

No indictment is worth the paper it's printed on if it was written by a prosecutor with questionable integrity.
Ok. Two years of investigation by the Republican run Secretary of State’s office in Georgia. How much more investigation do you want? What would you believe?

In Arizona the investigators (I suppose we could stretch the definition to include the fools) wanted to go door to door and ask every single person who they voted for.

The believers even tried to do that.

You guys are crazier than the Flat Earthers. You just won’t accept any proof.
It's easier to bribe a state or local official than it is to bribe a Senator or a President. It doesn't really matter which political party you belong to when you get down to lower levels of government.
Our city council in Clarksville is filled with Republicans, and they're about as corrupt as you can get. People who think they're better than the mayor and the people of the city, and are all too willing to take a bribe from somebody to make themselves rich. The reason they ran for office is because they want power and the wealth that goes with it.
It's easier to bribe a state or local official than it is to bribe a Senator or a President. It doesn't really matter which political party you belong to when you get down to lower levels of government.
Our city council in Clarksville is filled with Republicans, and they're about as corrupt as you can get. People who think they're better than the mayor and the people of the city, and are all too willing to take a bribe from somebody to make themselves rich. The reason they ran for office is because they want power and the wealth that goes with it.

So why should people vote Republican again? Something about how the Left is awful and such?
No.....we have this strange habit of beating you leftists over the head with logic and the truth.
That's what offends you so much.
Cowards resort to fallacies, deflections, and lies – the thread is about evidence against Trump.

Having nothing of merit or substance in response to Trump’s treason and crimes, conservative cowards try to deflect from the topic.
So why should people vote Republican again? Something about how the Left is awful and such?
The point should be don't vote for the party.
Research your candidate and don't settle for some POS.
I've voted for Democrats in the past, but I won't do it anymore because in almost every case I've discovered they're lying to us.
This has always been the best tool Democrats had against the GOP, exposing dishonest Republicans.
They know that GOP voters don't vote for someone after they find out they're dishonest or corrupt. This is why Mike Pence is radioactive.
He didn't have to send the electors back to the states to ruin his reputation. What he did was act like he was the President after Jan 6th by holding meetings that Trump should have been conducting. It only makes it worse when he stabbed Trump in the back repeatedly. And he signed his political death sentence when he said the other day on Tucker Carlson's show that America was not his concern.
The point should be don't vote for the party.
Research your candidate and don't settle for some POS.
I've voted for Democrats in the past, but I won't do it anymore because in almost every case I've discovered they're lying to us.
This has always been the best tool Democrats had against the GOP, exposing dishonest Republicans.
They know that GOP voters don't vote for someone after they find out they're dishonest or corrupt. This is why Mike Pence is radioactive.
He didn't have to send the electors back to the states to ruin his reputation. What he did was act like he was the President after Jan 6th by holding meetings that Trump should have been conducting. It only makes it worse when he stabbed Trump in the back repeatedly. And he signed his political death sentence when he said the other day on Tucker Carlson's show that America was not his concern.

Ok. Let me make sure I understand this. The Republicans whom you say are Corrupt and take bribes. They believe they are better than everyone else. These Republicans are still better choices because the Democrats are lying and saying the Republicans are corrupt.

That is one hell of a contortion you have going on.

Then you say Pence is awful because he wouldn’t violate the Constitution and send the Electors back to the state. Something he had no authority to do. If that wasn’t awful enough. He wouldn’t lie about it later. So his career in politics is over because he isn’t corrupt.

I’m sure this all makes sense somewhere. But unfortunately for you, this is Earth.
Cowards resort to fallacies, deflections, and lies – the thread is about evidence against Trump.

Having nothing of merit or substance in response to Trump’s treason and crimes, conservative cowards try to deflect from the topic.
You say Trump committed treason but the fact remains that even in this latest indictment Jack Smith isn't charging him with treason, which he could if he had a shred of evidence of it, but he doesn't.
Instead he's charging him with thought crimes and other such nonsense. He even tries to remove Trump's 1st Amendment rights in this indictment:

Count 1. Conspiracy to defraud government - Trump says that he was cheated....and that he actually won. Jack Smith is criminalizing contesting an election result

Count 2. Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding- Trump gave a speech and Jack Smith blames the riot that Nancy Pelosi caused at the Capital on Trump

Count 3. (Obstruction of and Attempt to obstruct an official proceeding) - Just a repeat of count 2

Count 4. Conspiracy against rights- WTF??? You try to explain what Jack Smith is getting at here. He claims that contesting a fraudulant election isn't a right and should be punishable by a prison sentence. So if Trump wanted to get Pence to send the election back to the states to hash it out, then this is a crime according to this ridiculous charge. Who cares that Pence had the legal right to do exactly that, but chose not to. So where is the crime? Answer: There is no crime.

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