The evil Chinese communist dictatorship wants war

They know the dems are losing power and want to strike while Joe Biden is in office and desktop generals are running our military....
You could be right, but most informed observers think it will be a few more years

If they strike sooner I think (hope?) biden will have a Harry Truman moment and do the right thing
You could be right, but most informed observers think it will be a few more years

If they strike sooner I think (hope?) biden will have a Harry Truman moment and do the right thing

The Chinese have suddenly taken an acute interest in more of those Hunter Picasos, offering 100 million per painting.
Joe asks his team to come up with a new distraction while he negotiates how many of Hunters critically acclaimed paintings Xi would need to buy to get Biden to stand down the entire military to a full scale Chinese invasion of the homeland.

Reports have it the negotiations are intense.......but 3 or 4 would probably do it.
America better be ready

The only way to avoid war is to be too strong for china to attack

Or to realize there's no benefit to attacking.

Here's the thing. China is dependent on customers to buy their products and outside countries to provide raw materials. An invasion of Taiwan would instantly put a stop to both. So the economy of China simply can't afford a war that is going to last more than a few weeks.

China would have to mass a million men at the Taiwan straight to facilitate such an invasion, and be prepared for heavy losses. Where is the upside for them?

You could be right, but most informed observers think it will be a few more years

If they strike sooner I think (hope?) biden will have a Harry Truman moment and do the right thing

What is the "right thing", to risk Nuclear War over two factions of Chinese people about what kind of government they had.

We didn't go to nuclear war over disputes between Germans, Vietnamese or Koreans... why would we do it for Chinese?

For the Chinese, this is a matter of national sovereignty. Taiwan is part of China. Has been since the 16th century when the Ming Dynasty (Da Ming Chao) took it from the Dutch and indigenous people. We recognized it as part of China when we took it away from Japan and returned it to China in 1946.

If you understand Chinese history, you'd realize that there's no way they COULD tolerate an independent Taiwan, any more than it could tolerate an independent Hong Kong or an independent Tibet.
A meeting of the full joint chiefs of staff will discuss the American response.
Or to realize there's no benefit to attacking.
That comment is straight out of Peking’s lie factory

The US, Taiwan, their allies are not about to attack china

Its china that is spoiling for armed conflict

As for Taiwan bring part of china its not true

The CCP has NEVER had control of Taiwan

If your ideas were followed china would be the dominant power in east asia and every nation in the region would be at XI’s feet
That comment is straight out of Peking’s lie factory

The US, Taiwan, their allies are not about to attack china

No one said they were.

Still goes to the point that China is very sensitive about their national sovereignty. You really need to read about Chinese history. Make it easy for you, just start with the Opium Wars and work your way up, and you'll see why China gets worked up when we support Muslim Terrorists in Xingjian, or parade the corrupt Dalai Llama around (will that fucker just die already?) or treat the Fulan Gong Cult like it's a legitimate religious movement.

Its china that is spoiling for armed conflict

As for Taiwan bring part of china its not true

The CCP has NEVER had control of Taiwan

No, the KMT did. So this isn't a national fight, it's a political fight between the CCP and KMT, which the CCP won a long time ago. They'd have taken Taiwan back in the 1950's if we hadn't kept propping it up.

If your ideas were followed china would be the dominant power in east asia and every nation in the region would be at XI’s feet
Would they, though?

China's influence in the region is growing because they are providing economic assistance to poor countries like Myanmar and Thailand, not through military aggression. Meanwhile, it's the US that has been sending troops to invade sovereign countries and insert ourselves in other people's conflicts.

China hasn't waged an aggressive war since 1979. And even that was pretty limited, only lasted a few weeks.
You really need to read about Chinese history.
I know chinese history AND a current events

Which puts me one up on you

China is a bully who thinks the Opium Wars means they are entitled to run roughshod over every other nation in the region
No, the KMT did. So this isn't a national fight, it's a political fight between the CCP and KMT,

The KMT was voted out of power a decade ago in a free democrat election

25 million Taiwanese are fighting for survival against a ruthless communist dictatorship
, not through military aggression.
Of course china is waging military aggression against its weaker neighbors

Thats what the militarized artificial islands are for and the CCP navy attempting to take control of countries such as the philippines territorial seas
I know chinese history AND a current events

Which puts me one up on you

China is a bully who thinks the Opium Wars means they are entitled to run roughshod over every other nation in the region

Except they aren't doing anything near that. They are expressing their sovereignty over their own territory.

They could have invaded Taiwan any time in the last 70 years. They haven't. They still won't, unless Taiwan decides to try to declare itself an independent country, and then they'd have to.


The KMT was voted out of power a decade ago in a free democrat election

25 million Taiwanese are fighting for survival against a ruthless communist dictatorship

Um, okay. So why is this OUR problem again? If you are asking us to send our young men and women to fight because a bunch of Chinese can't agree on what kind of government they want, you'd better have a good reason.

Of course china is waging military aggression against its weaker neighbors

Thats what the militarized artificial islands are for and the CCP navy attempting to take control of countries such as the philippines territorial seas

Gee, what is that part of the ocean called they are taking control of.

Is it called the "SOUTH CHINA SEA"? Because it's not called the "Philippine Sea", that's actually EAST of the Philippines.

See, this is the South China Sea


This is the Philippine Sea


Happy to clear that up for you, apparently Geography is one of those issues you are stuck on.
Except they aren't doing anything near that. They are expressing their sovereignty over their own territory.
Thats utter nonsense

First you tried to wave the KMT in my face without knowing that the KMT do not rule Taiwan

You should inform yourself better before engaging people who do their homework

China does not own Taiwan and has no right to kill or enslave Taiwanese citizens
Um, okay. So why is this OUR problem again?
Because China wants to control a key checkpoint in asia, the south china sea, where 40% of the world’s trade goods pass through

The free nations of the world including the US want free passage through what are still international waters
Thats utter nonsense

First you tried to wave the KMT in my face without knowing that the KMT do not rule Taiwan

The KMT is still one of the biggest parties in Taiwan.

China does not own Taiwan and has no right to kill or enslave Taiwanese citizens

Actually, according to our own state department, it does. Taiwan is part of China. It is not an independent country.

We do not have an embassy in Taipei, and Taiwan does not have an ambassador in Washington.

Because China wants to control a key checkpoint in asia, the south china sea, where 40% of the world’s trade goods pass through

The free nations of the world including the US want free passage through what are still international waters

Really? Hey, check this out on how the US claims "international waters" for itself.


Compared to what China claims


Using your logic that means Mexico owns the Gulf of Mexico

Naw, look at the above map, we are claiming most of that, too!

Mexico should be pissed.
The KMT is still one of the biggest parties in Taiwan.
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades

The KMT is now on the back bench looking on

Its the Taiwanese for Taiwanese party that holds all the power
Or to realize there's no benefit to attacking.

Here's the thing. China is dependent on customers to buy their products and outside countries to provide raw materials. An invasion of Taiwan would instantly put a stop to both. So the economy of China simply can't afford a war that is going to last more than a few weeks.

China would have to mass a million men at the Taiwan straight to facilitate such an invasion, and be prepared for heavy losses. Where is the upside for them?

What is the "right thing", to risk Nuclear War over two factions of Chinese people about what kind of government they had.

We didn't go to nuclear war over disputes between Germans, Vietnamese or Koreans... why would we do it for Chinese?

For the Chinese, this is a matter of national sovereignty. Taiwan is part of China. Has been since the 16th century when the Ming Dynasty (Da Ming Chao) took it from the Dutch and indigenous people. We recognized it as part of China when we took it away from Japan and returned it to China in 1946.

If you understand Chinese history, you'd realize that there's no way they COULD tolerate an independent Taiwan, any more than it could tolerate an independent Hong Kong or an independent Tibet.
Good points. China loves capitalism for itself but not for its masses.

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