The evil Chinese communist dictatorship wants war

Different culture, different rules.

Since I started dating my current girlfriend from China, I've been watching a lot of Chinese Media. In many ways, they are more like us that most of you imagine.

In other ways, they are different. For instance, you can be cited for smoking in public. And when I asked her about this, she said, "yes, this is perfectly normal."

Would I want to live there? Not really. But most Chinese are fine with the way things are over there.

No, really. You're do a FANTASTIC job as a spokesperson for Xi and the CCP. I mean that as a compliment. Surely your social credit score is skyrocketing
So we have a bunch of Chinese arguing over what kind of government they should have..
As usual your point of view a way off the mark

According to polls most Taiwanese do not consider themselves chinese

Different culture, different rules.

Since I started dating my current girlfriend from China, I've been watching a lot of Chinese Media. In many ways, they are more like us that most of you imagine.

In other ways, they are different. For instance, you can be cited for smoking in public. And when I asked her about this, she said, "yes, this is perfectly normal."

Would I want to live there? Not really. But most Chinese are fine with the way things are over there.
In fact even your chinese girlfriend doesent want to live in china

But that doesent mean she doesent serve the CCP
Different culture, different rules.

Since I started dating my current girlfriend from China, I've been watching a lot of Chinese Media. In many ways, they are more like us that most of you imagine.

In other ways, they are different. For instance, you can be cited for smoking in public. And when I asked her about this, she said, "yes, this is perfectly normal."

Would I want to live there? Not really. But most Chinese are fine with the way things are over there.

It's complicated. Most Chinese don't relate to liberal democracy. There's no expectation that an individual has the unfettered right to comment on things that the government does or doesn't do, but that's not important to most Chinese people. What's important is getting a job, getting paid, putting food on the table, taking care of your family (especially your parents). As long as the conditions allow the average Chinese person to do these things, Chinese people aren't going to take to the streets to protest things that they feel the CCP could do better.

If the average person awakens to a world in which these basic necessities become difficult, then there's going to be a problem. Chinese people have no problem fighting back when they feel like they've been shat on, as we saw when the Chinese began protesting the lockdowns and the collapse of their centrally-planned real estate Ponzi. ETA: In fact I am convinced that this is the reason the CCP cracked down on HK once and for all. They are not about to allow college kids from HK put "dangerous" ideas inside the heads of people on the mainland.

Xi is a different kind of leader, and not a very good one, IMO. After Mao, the CCP changed their leadership model away from the cult of personality to a more group consensus-based model, and what followed was probably the most prosperous period in Chinese history -- or at least since the Song or Tang Dynasty, going back nearly 1000 years or more. Xi is maybe not quite a Maoist but definitely a departure from Hu and Zemin or even Deng Xiaoping. He wants total power, and he is not the kind of leader who accepts people telling him he's wrong, which he often is.
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I understand enough to know that red china ruled by the CCP is our enemy

Any dumbass knows that China is a competitor or adversary. Next you'll inform us that North Korea is the same.

You're remarkably insightful...for someone so uninformed.
Today, 97% of the population of Taiwan are ethnic Han Chinese. Only 2.28% are indigenous Taiwanese.
As I pointed out previously the people of Taiwan do not consider themselves part of mainland china

They have never been ruled by the communist dictatorship and positively do not want to be
Any dumbass knows that China is a competitor or adversary.
The correct term is enemy

Japan is a competitor but not our enemy

Communist china has much more sinister ambitions
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China has maybe 10% of our nuclear arsenal, but that's still enough to inflict significant destruction. And there's no guarantee that Russia wouldn't come to China's defense in a nuclear confrontation.
China’s defense?

You mean the same way nazi germany leapt to Imperial Japan’s defense after Pearl Harbor?

You seen obsessed with the nuclear option

If anyone lobs nukes first it will be china
As usual your point of view a way off the mark

According to polls most Taiwanese do not consider themselves chinese

Except they are of Han ancestry and they speak Mandarin. By any reasonable definition, they are Chinese. Which is why they call themselves the Republic of China

China’s defense?

You mean the same way nazi germany leapt to Imperial Japan’s defense after Pearl Harbor?

Wow, your ignorance of history abounds. Hitler didn't leap to Japan's defense. The US had already been supporting the British and Soviet war efforts against Germany long before Pearl Harbor.

You seen obsessed with the nuclear option

If anyone lobs nukes first it will be china

How about not escalating it to that point? After the nukes get lobbed, it really doesn't matter who lobbed the first one or why.

Supporting communist china’s territorial aggression is very pro CCP

Well, good thing no one did that. Recognizing legitimate territorial claims is not aggression.

All of them were he said the entire South China Sea belongs to communist china
We claim half the Gulf of Mexico and much of the pacific based on Islands we own. How is that different from what China is doing in something called the South CHINA Sea.
Well, good thing no one did that. Recognizing legitimate territorial claims is not aggression.

We claim half the Gulf of Mexico and much of the pacific based on Islands we own. How is that different from what China is doing in something called the South CHINA Sea.
China does not own the South China Sea anymore than all the other nations bordering the sea own it

China wants exclusive rights they are not entitled to
China does not own the South China Sea anymore than all the other nations bordering the sea own it

China wants exclusive rights they are not entitled to
You’d think you’d learn, but some never do.

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