The evil Chinese communist dictatorship wants war

That comment is straight out of Peking’s lie factory

The US, Taiwan, their allies are not about to attack china

Its china that is spoiling for armed conflict

As for Taiwan bring part of china its not true

The CCP has NEVER had control of Taiwan

If your ideas were followed china would be the dominant power in east asia and every nation in the region would be at XI’s feet
Sorry, but Taiwan claimed dominion of the whole of China for decades, pretending they aren't part of China is disingenuous. The time for that argument passed when Taiwan was not declared an independent state when we recognized the CCP as the official representatives of China. Attempting to change that perception is more like trying to rewrite history and ignore reality.
China will Chew on Taiwan for about 3 weeks then move on japan. All of that will buy us about two months to Arm up and Organize a response force ( Hopefully including Canada ,Australia ,New Zealand ,The UK , South Korea ,...
Sorry, but Taiwan claimed dominion of the whole of China for decades, pretending they aren't part of China is disingenuous. The time for that argument passed when Taiwan was not declared an independent state when we recognized the CCP as the official representatives of China. Attempting to change that perception is more like trying to rewrite history and ignore reality.
If you recall “Taiwan” made no claims to mainland china

The Kuomintang was a dictatorship that occupied Taiwan following the communist victory in the chinese civil war

The native Taiwanese people were never consulted about ruling all of china

Over time the KMT lost its grip on Taiwan due to peaceful western-style democratic reform and now the Taiwanese people are directing their own affairs
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades

The KMT is now on the back bench looking on

Its the Taiwanese for Taiwanese party that holds all the power

Well, for now. Not sure what your point is here. So we have a bunch of Chinese arguing over what kind of government they should have... Um, okay, why is that my problem.

Good points. China loves capitalism for itself but not for its masses.

A bit more complicated than that.

No one said they were.

Still goes to the point that China is very sensitive about their national sovereignty. You really need to read about Chinese history. Make it easy for you, just start with the Opium Wars and work your way up, and you'll see why China gets worked up when we support Muslim Terrorists in Xingjian, or parade the corrupt Dalai Llama around (will that fucker just die already?) or treat the Fulan Gong Cult like it's a legitimate religious movement.

No, the KMT did. So this isn't a national fight, it's a political fight between the CCP and KMT, which the CCP won a long time ago. They'd have taken Taiwan back in the 1950's if we hadn't kept propping it up.

Would they, though?

China's influence in the region is growing because they are providing economic assistance to poor countries like Myanmar and Thailand, not through military aggression. Meanwhile, it's the US that has been sending troops to invade sovereign countries and insert ourselves in other people's conflicts.

China hasn't waged an aggressive war since 1979. And even that was pretty limited, only lasted a few weeks.

Well that clears it right up Mr. CCP mouthpiece!
I know chinese history AND a current events

Which puts me one up on you

China is a bully who thinks the Opium Wars means they are entitled to run roughshod over every other nation in the region

You may read history, but you don't have a good understanding of it.
China will Chew on Taiwan for about 3 weeks then move on japan. All of that will buy us about two months to Arm up and Organize a response force ( Hopefully including Canada ,Australia ,New Zealand ,The UK , South Korea ,...

What do you base that on? Heck, if China was going to make a move on someone, they could make a move on the Koreas. North Korea is a joke and South Korea, not much of a threat.

They won't. China is not Nazi Germany. It's not the USSR.

Heck, it's not even making claims on Outer Mongolia, which historically HAS been part of China

If you recall “Taiwan” made no claims to mainland china

Other than calling itself "The Republic of China", you mean?

Sorry, but Taiwan claimed dominion of the whole of China for decades, pretending they aren't part of China is disingenuous. The time for that argument passed when Taiwan was not declared an independent state when we recognized the CCP as the official representatives of China. Attempting to change that perception is more like trying to rewrite history and ignore reality.

More to the point, China has shown restraint. They'd have had no problem overrunning Hong Kong and Macau after the Communists won. Like the UK or Portugal were in any position to stop them with their collapsing empires. They didn't. They quietly waited for the treaty leases to run out, and still allows them specific amounts of autonomy as "Special Administrative Districts". Other regions like Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, and yes, Xinjiang (where the Uyghurs live) are also Autonomous Zones where the local people have special rights.
You take Xi's side on EVERYTHING: Muslims are terrorists, the Dali Lama is a crook, Taiwan belong to China. Just a coincidence, right?

Works on the assumption that Xi or even the CCP is the problem here.

In an alternative history where the KMT won the Chinese Civil War, they'd make the same claims.

Heck, we take the position that the Muslims (Uyghurs) are terrorists. We even had Uyghurs locked up at Gitmo. Of the 31 people still locked up at Gitmo because we have no idea what to do with them, FIVE of them are Uyghurs from China. We can't turn them over to China, they'll be executed, and we can't find a third country willing to take them that can promise us they'll stay out of trouble.

As for the Dalai Lama, you should probably educate yourself on how awful Tibet was for anyone not in the Lama class.

Before he scammed stupid Hollywood people, he scammed the CIA out of a lot of money.
If you recall “Taiwan” made no claims to mainland china

The Kuomintang was a dictatorship that occupied Taiwan following the communist victory in the chinese civil war

The native Taiwanese people were never consulted about ruling all of china

Their complaint should have been with the Ming Dynasty (Da Ming Chao), who were the ones who took Taiwan from the Dutch. When the Ming were overthrown by the Qing, the Ming remnants ruled Taiwan for a while until the Qing took over. (Sound familiar). Then the Japanese took Taiwan from the Qing in 1895 and returned it to the KMT in 1946.

Today, 97% of the population of Taiwan are ethnic Han Chinese. Only 2.28% are indigenous Taiwanese.

Over time the KMT lost its grip on Taiwan due to peaceful western-style democratic reform and now the Taiwanese people are directing their own affairs
You mean the CHINESE on Taiwan are directing their own affairs. Again, not seeing how this conflict between Chinese is our problem, exactly.
You could be right, but most informed observers think it will be a few more years

If they strike sooner I think (hope?) biden will have a Harry Truman moment and do the right thing

China has maybe 10% of our nuclear arsenal, but that's still enough to inflict significant destruction. And there's no guarantee that Russia wouldn't come to China's defense in a nuclear confrontation.
Works on the assumption that Xi or even the CCP is the problem here.

In an alternative history where the KMT won the Chinese Civil War, they'd make the same claims.

Heck, we take the position that the Muslims (Uyghurs) are terrorists. We even had Uyghurs locked up at Gitmo. Of the 31 people still locked up at Gitmo because we have no idea what to do with them, FIVE of them are Uyghurs from China. We can't turn them over to China, they'll be executed, and we can't find a third country willing to take them that can promise us they'll stay out of trouble.

As for the Dalai Lama, you should probably educate yourself on how awful Tibet was for anyone not in the Lama class.

Before he scammed stupid Hollywood people, he scammed the CIA out of a lot of money.

Your posts make Xi smile!

China has maybe 10% of our nuclear arsenal, but that's still enough to inflict significant destruction. And there's no guarantee that Russia wouldn't come to China's defense in a nuclear confrontation.

Who needs nukes when they control DC?
Your posts make Xi smile!

Different culture, different rules.

Since I started dating my current girlfriend from China, I've been watching a lot of Chinese Media. In many ways, they are more like us that most of you imagine.

In other ways, they are different. For instance, you can be cited for smoking in public. And when I asked her about this, she said, "yes, this is perfectly normal."

Would I want to live there? Not really. But most Chinese are fine with the way things are over there.

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