The evil Chinese communist dictatorship wants war

No they don't. Taiwan's not that important w/o chips, and we're already moving production elsewhere. China is going to retake Taiwan and there's fuck all we can do about it over time. What matters is making sure we've removed our supply chain so that when they take it, it has less strategic value. Sucks for Taiwan but that makes us smart.
You couldnt be more wrong

Taiwan is just the next step not the last step
No we dont

China is growing stronger, but so are the free countries

And china has difficult and expensive internal problems

They know it but are hoping you dont
You poor dear. This is what rancid democrat thinking does.
You are more right than Unkotare is

The communist propaganda machine is all compassing and very successful

Before covid19 the CCP could claim credit for an economy that was raising the living standards of hundreds of millions

But not anymore

Even the most brainwashed mainland chinese are feeling real pain in their wallet, and for some its actual hunger

And they are beginning to hold the central government responsible

But its too few so far to make a big difference or bring down the CCP
How the hell would you know? Have you ever even set foot inside China? Ever?
You live in fantasy land if you actually believe China will not successfully annex Taiwan. Not our fight, not our problem.
Yes our fight. Yes our problem. Get some new glasses so you can see beyond the end of your nose.
The US claim is approved by international law

China’s is not

In fact its claims have been rejected in international courts

They dont want to leave nothing for the smaller nations

No fishing rights and no mineral rights

The greedy commies want it all for themselves

Sounds like the same thing we do... China is merely using the same theory we do, claiming some shitty island and then saying all the water around it for hundreds of miles is theirs.
China hasn't waged an aggressive war since 1979. And even that was pretty limited, only lasted a few weeks.
And even this 3 week war can be justified via international (UN) laws, due to Vietnam having embarked onto a racial pogrom regarding Vietnamese citizens of Chinese heritage.
Resulting in a Boot-people II disaster - encompassing nearly 800,000 refugees. And Vietnam having launched a full scale attack onto then China ally Cambodia.

The USA supported China, since this Vietnam-China war was in reality about diminishing Russia's influence onto Indochina. And even resulted in a bonus towards ending Russia-China hostilities.
You are correct

Nothing hitler may have said makes sense to me
You will never learn, my poor little statist dupe.
Sounds like the same thing we do... China is merely using the same theory we do, claiming some shitty island and then saying all the water around it for hundreds of miles is theirs.
No its not

We are not building islands where none existed before, in territorial waters of foreign nations, and claiming the waters around the new islands as US territory
You couldnt be more wrong

Taiwan is just the next step not the last step

Over time, the world is going to be more multi-polar: Asian seas are going to be patrolled and controlled by Asian countries like China, India, Japan, and others. Our role will be to work with allies like Japan to make sure that countries like China don't abuse that power and cut off our trade routes.

I don't necessarily see China taking Taiwan militarily, though I suppose they could. I see Western countries gradually hedging their bets and taking critical infrastructure out of Taiwan, and that's unfortunately going to make Taiwan less important to outside powers. But China would rather influence and corrupt Taiwan economically and politically, similar to how they did with HK. Wear them down and bring them into China's orbit.

Then again, who knows...China could collapse and descend into civil conflict. There's a history of that, too.

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