The evil Chinese communist dictatorship wants war

According to the hundreds of Taiwanese people I have known personally (some very personally), they DO consider themselves Chinese but certainly NOT part of the PRC.
For all the hundreds of Taiwanese you claim to have known VERY personally there are thousands according to surveys who not consider themselves subjects of the emperor in Peking

And anyway, since when is geopolitics a form of bedroom talk?
What is your fucking problem?

Just because you hate America does not mean you have to love china

The communists may be an even bigger threat to what you care about and you wouldnt even know it
I know you won’t understand this infamous statement, but it applies to you.

“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.“

Heil Hitler!
It's not bullshit -- I mean Chinese in China.

Elsewhere? Sure you have a point, but we were clearly discussing mainland China.
You are more right than Unkotare is

The communist propaganda machine is all compassing and very successful

Before covid19 the CCP could claim credit for an economy that was raising the living standards of hundreds of millions

But not anymore

Even the most brainwashed mainland chinese are feeling real pain in their wallet, and for some its actual hunger

And they are beginning to hold the central government responsible

But its too few so far to make a big difference or bring down the CCP
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In fact they did, the KMT didn't go to Taiwan for vacation. The hope was that with Western backing the KMT would return to the mainland and defeat the Chinese. You didn't see KMT and Taiwan seek independence for decades, in which they easily could have, prior to our recognition of the CCP. Sorry, but pretending that Taiwan is just some innocent victim here isn't going to fly.
The KMT never represented the people of Taiwan

So what the KMT did or didnt do does not apply to Taiwan today
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I know you won’t understand this infamous statement, but it applies to you.

“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.“

Heil Hitler!
You are correct

Nothing hitler may have said makes sense to me
And if they are not sure of victory they stay home

The best way to keep the peace is through strength
Do we have any strength?

The Chinese look at the Taiwanese and see the next iteration of Uhigers. Our leadership sees nothing, they divine from the clouds.
Do we have any strength?

The Chinese look at the Taiwanese and see the next iteration of Uhigers. Our leadership sees nothing, they divine from the clouds.
Our leadership - even biden - sees a bridge too far for the CCP

We and our allies will stop china from seizing Taiwan
Our leadership - even biden - sees a bridge too far for the CCP

We and our allies will stop china from seizing Taiwan
You might hope so. But as time passes, we become weaker and China stronger. China is positioning its allies and ours are falling away.

Someone, something, is behind Biden and the rancid Democrats. I hope we find out who or what before it is too late.
You might hope so. But as time passes, we become weaker and China stronger.
No we dont

China is growing stronger, but so are the free countries

And china has difficult and expensive internal problems

They know it but are hoping you dont
Actually, they are pulling the same shit we play in the pacific when we claim we have jurisdiction for hundreds of miles around Guam.
se are economic zones or ADIZs, not exclusive zones like China wants to set up. They want to treat the South China Sea the way the US and Canada treat the Great Lakes, or Russia treats the Sea of Azov.
Its not only about chip production

If china takes Taiwan that opens up the entire Pacific

No they don't. Taiwan's not that important w/o chips, and we're already moving production elsewhere. China is going to retake Taiwan and there's fuck all we can do about it over time. What matters is making sure we've removed our supply chain so that when they take it, it has less strategic value. Sucks for Taiwan but that makes us smart.
A lot of silly nonsense here in the comments, but this is a very serious question. The OP headline “The Chinese communist dictatorship wants war” … is utterly false.

Taiwan is not internationally recognized as an independent country, unlike Ukraine. It has no seat in the UN, and the U.S. has accepted for decades the formulation that there is only “One China” that both the Mainland and Taiwan are a part of. Most U.S. leaders (and both party’s Presidents) have actively discouraged all talk of “independence” for Taiwan ever since the U.S. established diplomatic relations with China — until recently.

Increasing U.S. military aid to Taiwan enrages most mainland Chinese nationalists, as does our using sanction threats to force Taiwanese chip manufacturers not to sell high-end chips to China, far and away their largest trading partner.

Of course China has backslided terribly on political reform under XiJinping’s one-man top-down control of the Communist Party, and Taiwanese today more and more see the Mainland as a threat to their democratic freedoms.

On the other hand, few Taiwanese want to see their island bombed or blockaded by China (something the Mainland could accomplish relatively easily). War would be devastating to Taiwan. The KMT just won the Taipei municipal elections. Meanwhile the Biden Administration is racing to move high tech Taiwanese chip companies to the U.S.A. and other safe locations, and encouraging a Ukrainian-like martial spirit in Taiwan.

The Chinese leadership is not wrong to have built islands and bases in the South China Sea … from its own point of view. It knows the U.S. could strangle its oil and other crucial imports in a major confrontation. Controlling this area allows China to prevent oil shipments from the Middle East reaching U.S. allies like South Korea and Japan — should the U.S. ever try to blockade oil shipments from the Persian Gulf to China. This would make the U.S. hesitate to take such a radical step.

Will China “invade” Taiwan? Certainly not soon, and certainly not after seeing the U.S. bring its powerful allies together against Russia in Ukraine. China’s leadership wants a peaceful unification or a return to the previous status quo wherein Taiwan traded equally with China and the West. China, as I have said repeatedly, has ways to apply pressure on Taiwan other than invading, but none have worked well to this point, and “kinetic” pressure like blockading the island or striking ports and airports unless Taiwan agrees to certain terms … is very risky.

A full rupture and end to trade between the West and China is in nobody’s interests, least of all Taiwan’s. But unfortunately, that is where we may be heading, especially if political divisions allow warmongers and demagogues in Congress to get their way.
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